Is ban evading a sport?
Is ban evading a sport?
Is a obesity a athlete?
This is a profoundly awful thread.
explain this thread friends
In Mexico, Germany, Austria the law recognizes that it is basic human nature to escape and hence the act of escaping itself is not a crime, although you may be punished for any other crime that you commit during your escape.
Example 1 –
Break a window and jump out of it. This one was easy – you damaged property on the course of escape.
Example 2 –
Jump out of an open window and escape. Your crime? Stealing prison clothes, unless you jumped out naked.
As a practical matter, it is nearly impossible to escape without committing a crime and even if you do, you may loose any earned good conduct credits if you are caught again.
It's legal and practiced in a few different countries the main thing to know about fhe sport is most everything is a ridiculous penslty
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
this is why moot hated Australians basically
Australian living in america janitor who has a hard on for banning Aussies and controlling /cric/ has outed himself as a janitor multiple times. Bans anyone questioning him and rules /cric/ with an iron fist.
Janitors can't ban anyone, retard.
*kicks your faggot dogs to death in front of you*
Take your own advice mate. You're trying to hang your hat on some assertion that a time range between earliest and latest posts equates to a solid block of full-time posting that prevents one from doing anything else. The fact that you can even claim to know my "typical" posting hours is hilariously obsessive. A true testament to my living rent free in your pea-size skull cavity.
I get it. You can't comprehend that a guy of my age and in my profession could enjoy fucking around on here talking about cricket. Fact of the matter is the law isn't glamorous or uniform as the "true crime" TV shows your mum watches make it out to be. A lot of us don't go to court more than once every few months. A lot of us make our money doing transactional work, like real estate closings.
I mean, fuck me, let's even assume my activity schedule is what you assert it to be. So what? You've got an assertion followed by a conclusion with no explanation to connect the two. Law often isn't a 9-5 job. It certainly isn't in my case.
And again, what the fuck does any of that have to do with me being or not being a lawyer? Do you not know what a lawyer is?
based retard
happy friday lads
early knockoff from work
See, this is the level of obsessed you're on lad. You've picked out a "random selection" of 14 posts from this thread. Exactly one of those 14 was me. You're literally at the "every american flag is sebbo" level of your obsession right now, and frankly I genuinely believe you'll soon be on the "everyone who disagrees with me is sebbo" level of obsession (which you'll justify with the existence of VPNs).
I mean, just try to think about what you're doing right now, even from your own perspective. You're spending hours posting about, and getting banned over, a fat American that doesn't understand your sport. What would your mother say if she could see how much time and effort you're putting into this? What would your older brother say if he could see how much time and effort you're putting into this? What would your friends say if they could see how much time and effort you're putting into this?
This seems like a fairly major abuse of powers don't you think?
Oh Jesus Christ
A month ban? For a single image?
poor richo
Any jannys want to chime in on why you allow this blatant harassment?
email/irc mods and get him taken care of if this is true at alley
think some anons have mate.
i'll speak on behalf of the jannies
Yea Forums janitorial duties is all we have in our fat virgin neet lives, its the only responsibility we will ever have, saging threads and banning users is the only power we will ever have.
we also fuck our pets, because no women would even look in our direction.
we don't wash much either
This thread - autosaged: This thread - deleted:
This thread - deleted:
And that's today alone, from one person. Two of those sports are being played live internationally today as well. Multiple complaints and jack shit from the mods.
This kiwi is based. I declare him the new emperor of /cric/ moving forward
Have to hand it to aussies, you're easily the most autistic bunch of fuckers I've seen on Yea Forums and have been since 2010
/cric/ must be an absolute cesspool and I've literally never clicked that general and probably never will, but every time I have the misfortune of scrolling past it, it's just namefags and tripfags fighting with each other
fuck off, australia is based
cant be that bad mate
we've been rated #1 general on Yea Forums 5 years straight on Yea Forums magazine.
I think you'll find /cric/ runs Yea Forums
Where does sebbo live in America? If he's within an hour and a half drive of me I'll go kick his ass for my /cric/bros compliments of /hoc/
he's a lawyer in tucson
Oh that's the other end of the country
Pls put the poor doggo out of its misery
Thanks m8 appreciate it.
cala a boca viadinho
yeah no doubt, during aussie hours I'm sure it absolutely does. Respect
redpill me on the differences between jannys and mods
I have, they won't do anything
reckon we've got some competition from /net/ this year
What was the reply?
you don't get one afaik, just submitted some feedback
so who this enigmatic cric personality called blabla? quite an intriguing fellow, isn't he, lads
BASED BSAGODs ruling over the WSAs
It has come for attention
is that tensnake?
>this thread has been pruned or deleted in 3.... 2.... 1....
>Another fat fuck no life janny belonging to one forced general
Oh gee
/cric/ is /hoc/ bitch
/hoc/ runs this shit
i think jannies can delete posts but mods actually ban
Wouldn't call it a sport when it is as easy as turning your mobile data on and off
>You do it >for free.
based jannies
Janny can make ban requests. They can’t directly ban people. They do the bitch work for the mods and admins.
Seeing a few rule violations there.
>using discord
>you do it for free
kek based
/hoc/ absolutely seething
He is an American janny
JANNY ON Yea Forums
>You do it for free
*deletes your thread when there is multiple international games on*
Fucking Jannies need to be put in place
and poo needs to start going in the loo lmao
amazing how he has every iteration of this wiped from the archives
Was this supposed to be funny?
maybe we should make some new ones
That's a big YIKES from me.
bit going on here
>Australian living in america janitor who has a hard on for banning Aussies
sounds based and redpilled
Fuck off twain, you seething little shitstain.
I'll fuck you up, meet me irl fag
Gypsy rat
enjoy your ban
Why does this shithole need jannies anyway? All jannies should be taken out and shot. Also tripfags.
fat fuck & known raper of dogs that bans any post in /cric/ that he doesn't like
I'm a professional ban evader mate. One of the best in the business. Bans mean nothing to me but excitement. So go ahead Gypsy rat, make my day.
appreciate the thought mate
I'm giving you a chance to apologize
What is going on here
Australia lost a war to some birds. Ha!
Respond to this post with a big hearty Ha! or else Australia will win the next bird war.