The date is February 5, 2017. The time is 8:00 PM EST. The Patriots are currently getting bootyblasted by the Falcons in the superbowl. Where are you?
The date is February 5, 2017. The time is 8:00 PM EST...
Literally said "it's over" when Brady threw that pick 6, browsed reddit while the game is playing in the background, resumed watching during the halftime show
Gostowski missed the kick at the end of the half and I took off a shoe and slammed it on the ground then took a walk around the block with one shoe. Halfway home i thought to myself, I don't think there gonna come all the way back but I bet they'll make it a game.
I was at Taco Mac with some bros and I was on xanax and percs so I was pretty out of it
Im sitting on the couch with my ex gf and her family, there all packers fans so theyre loving how the pats are losing... I know deep down we can still come back and win.
I believe in Brady.
The pats come back and win in OT and her whole family is pissed off. Im jumping up and down and running around like a lunatic.
Her mom turns to me and says well i hope your happy!
I damn was happy. And was about to plow the fuck out of your daughter downstairs in your basement on your pool table.
doing the dirty bird at a party and having a good time
I was the first person in the party to recognize the classic Falcons chokejob unfolding before our eyes and left the room
Atlantafag here, I was too busy telling my friends not to count Brady out and the Falcons needed to keep scoring.
how's being a failure working out for you?
t. faggot
atlantafag here, I was rubbing my hands while going into the half saying “I think we got this” then the klonopins kicked in and everything is kind of a blur. Everyone was saying I was bummed out near crying
The only Patriots fan in a room putting up with all kinds of abuse. The next two hours were some of the best of my life.
smoking bong with my mate after the falcons had gone up 28-3. Figured I'd take a 10 minute break from watching then stomach the end. When I came back the Hightower strip sack had already happened and I didn't leave the TV until the end.
Shitposting here and feeling down because the atlanta was winning.
Tried to do something else to ignore the game but something in my mind told me to watch it thru
>mfw Yea Forums during the end of the game
>mfw i have no face
At my cousins house yelling at his nigger kids and telling his drunk friends to not rile up the patriots.
Playing Torchlight 2 and keeping a loose eye on the game until the tide started to turn.
Sky tower in Worcester, Ma
Left the super bowl party I was at because I was within an inch of punching people in the face. Came home, rejoined the game right around the 5 minute mark in the 3rd. Sat on my couch alone and watched the most epic comeback in football history. Could it have been more glorious around those same people? Possibly. But it was also very glorious alone. Not even mad.
Was at my friends house, I went home and went to bed after halftime because I was really tired and thought the Patriots had no chance, I was so pissed when I woke up the next morning.
>Could I have been less autistic around those same people? Possibly. But it was also very glorious alone. Not even mad.
Was sleeping. Next day became patriots fan when I found libtards went suicide mode when they found that T called it.
On here started a 200 reply thread about what part of Atlanta are you lads from
Kept watching all the way cause I'm not a pussy faggot. Didn't think they'd come back but I don't turn off my team.
I remember
t. poor, braindead loser
I often wonder what sp was like that night. Anybody have screencaps?
I was in a hot tub with my wife, on a cruise ship watching on a big screen under the stars. Comfiest memory I have honestly.
I was in Boston. The bar was dead silent, heads in hands and stuff when they were down by 3 touchdowns.
Not watching it because I'm a Saints fan, but as soon as I noticed the Pats were coming back I flipped it on to watch the Failcunts get BTFO.
Literally at a bar in Atlantic City hoping the Pats would come back and win and that next year the eagles would be the bird team to beat the Pats
i was getting shit faced at a pats SB party
God this night was glorious
Exactly fucking this. Who dat.
Out with my mates, we caught it in a local pub and went mental when they did the comeback.
Sitting on the sofa with my Filipino now-ex-girlfriend thinking about how depressing the end of Brady's career was going to be. When they started coming back we just sat there not wanting to jinx anything and finally when they won we were yelling and jumping around.
In hindsight I should have called a bookie and put my life savings on the Patriots when they were down 3-28.
I'm a xehawks fan so I was impartial, but my bro was a big pats fan so he was pretty upset and sometime in the 3rd quarter he said "fuck this I'm taking that acid" that he had bought the day before in the hopes he could go to planet zorgon and forget about football. I took him to McDonalds and had to order his food for him cuz he was too zonked out. The TVs there were playing the game and I said "dude I think the pats might be coming back". He was like "what the fuck is going on where am I". He still to this day doesn't believe he watched a 25 point comeback in the owl tripping nuts on acid in a fast food restaurant
I was in Quebec City for the Winter Carnival. I watched a quarter of the game in a local bar, to see what football commentary sounded like in French (which is hilarious). Then I went about the rest of my evening.
Around 2 in the morning, I got curious and turned on Centre du Sport and, holy shit, they actually pulled it off in OT.
Then I went back to bed.
Getting a handjob in Florida