>slipping to Manure
kek, never change cuckpool
Slipping to Manure
Ryan Sullivan
Jaxon Mitchell
it will happen won't it
i want it to happen i want to see klopp getting btfo and blaming it on the refs itll be amazing
Luke Taylor
Liverpoop to win.
Dylan Nelson
Jeremiah Hughes
>tfw no chilean gf
how do I cope with this feel
Isaac Reed
too early
Jack Allen
Anthony Evans
Actually excited for this game bros
Christian Roberts
Bentley King
Eli Thompson
i have to work on sunday
Colton Walker
>Desperate Liverpoop fan starting the curse thread this early
Jace King
That sucks.
Jayden Robinson
really running this """meme""" into the ground, arent we
Hudson Nelson
Jacob Baker
A draw means both teams slip
Jace Williams
It's not slipping if you're losing to a better team
Brandon Bennett
Are Martial and JLingz available?
David Hall
*dabs on cuckpool*
Sebastian Taylor
Asher Cook
Nolan Peterson
i dont work lmao
Joshua Adams
Liverpool win 3-2 on two controversial goals. United play poorly and deserve to lose though