Ladies and gentlemen, r/soccer
Ladies and gentlemen, r/soccer
Based American female bommer blowing the minds of plebittors
reddit zoomers updoot post in hopes of getting gf
Yea Forums boomers laugh at them then wonder why they cannot get gf
man why the fuck couldn't i have been born back when women knew their place in this world.
Forced meme cock suckers
>reddit brings up insanely leftwing politics in everything
>Yea Forums brings up insanely rightwing politics in everything
I just wanna talk about sports, bros...
Piss off, piss off with this shit you zoomer twats
Take your reddit, facebook, twitter and all this absolute shite screenshots and shove them up your arse. No one gives a toss, this is Yea Forums, threads like this should be nuked, mods don't do anything right but they'd be good to ban a faggot like you forever from this site. Utter cunts, the lot of you who post shit like this.
then make some friends you fucking loser.
go back in time
I need a Brit to vocaroo this
I unironically never ised reddit for years. On /int/ people started calling American right wingers reddit mutts because of the trump subreddit so I decided to check the site and it was the total opposite of what I expected. It was pretty left wing and you easily find left wing shit on the main page. Also the Americans are all self haters for some reason.
based bingo bongo
t. seething kind stranger
true post
you did good today, bong.
Looks like average MlelS banter to me
based and Britpilled
>Not hating women
>Not knowing women hate women
Impeccable post
They never have known thier place. They were just more docile.
If I had to guess they get political threads like we do. Instead of anti black it is pro women.
love women desu
reddit is literally the bizzaro Yea Forums. why do you think calling things "reddit as fuck" has been a meme here for years?
is reddit bizzaro Yea Forums, or is Yea Forums bizzaro reddit?
this is why bongs are the best posters on this board
If someone British could vocaroo this, would be great.
former inter player collovati said he gets sick when he hears women talking football tactics, his wife agrees. The comments in OP are in response to that
I'm tempted to try to do that in my best Brit accent
just use your native one