/afl/ - AFLX limited edition thread

AFLX is on tonight lads

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Other urls found in this thread:


for me it's Riewoldt>unna>Dangerfield>Fyfle

Fyfes team mega stacked

>Melbourne Vixens mid-courter Tayla Honey will miss the 2019 Super Netball season, with scans confirming she has torn her Achilles tendon.
>Honey, who signed with the Vixens in September, suffered the injury at training on Wednesday night and was expected to undergo surgery on Saturday.
sad stuff

Has anyone got an updated list of the teams

how do we fix AFLX?

>The RAMPAGE team, presented by Pope Garden Products

I still subscribe to the HSun despite my many misgivings because we need to support journalism in this country, and the Sun has a lot of good ones. But old mate Damon is part of the problem.

>Brown Fang

What did he mean by this

Year of da dons lads

>Player boots a goal
>Other teammates from other teams (officially) give chest bumps, high fives, etc so hard they injure the goalkicker before the actual season starts
Calling it now


based aflx

Supercoach league where

Hes got a dead front tooth


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pathetic sport

shouldn't you be jerking off to your m8 shadowboxing?

>fold league
>ban afl outside of victoria
>nuke the city of melbourne
>build containment wall across victorian boarder
>let nature run its course

dont ever reply to me again you cucktorian faggot

seething nrlel dog fucker

AFLX is different from AFL my illiterate nrl friend

its all pozzed mexican shit who fucking cares


the state of boganball retards

why mexican?

south of the boarder


Learn to spell, you spastic fuck.

>south of the boarder
we aren't american mate

Lol at Queenslanders using Mexicans as an insult. They have to explain it every time it's that bad

Fellow "cuck"bournians
How's the Myki mobile thing going? Works alright here but a tad slow and has an annoying error that lasts 5 seconds if not done right

>using Mexicans as an insult
Typical racist NRL fans

I'm from Queensland and I've never heard of the mexican thing tttt

/cric/ ruined everything

dog just farted lads, it stinks

>GWS ruckman Shane Mumford is expected to come under scrutiny from the AFL’s match review panel, following a high hit on Sydney’s George Hewett during a practice match at Blacktown.
>Mumford, who is returning from a year off, has already been suspended from the opening two regular season matches by GWS after footage emerged of the ruckman snorting white powder.
>However, he could be set for a longer stint on the sidelines, with the AFL confirming players can be reported and suspended for incidents that occur in practice matches, and any suspension can’t be served at the same time as his club imposed ban.
fucking kek

what a mad lad

How do dogs know it's a fart and not a poop?


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Finally the rightful king of Yea Forums is back

Based /afl/

Watching the grand final replay on foxfooty lads.

/afl/ supercoach league 983015

/afl/ tipping league 247481

Join up lads

shant be doing the superjew

I hope this will be streamed as my TV isn't working haha.


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missed you user

based Fred

I really hate /cric/ bros.

Glad to be back

Turned to shit past two weeks

>mfw /afl/ is back

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anyone got any tasty memes or screencaps from the Grand Final? I was out drinking like a normie faggot

btw WABA I lost 30kg's recently so that fat redhead you are in love with @ Telstra is finna bouta like my ass

Basedbane tbqh lads.

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*fucks a toddler*

how long until this shit show starts?

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About an hour

half hour i think


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* secretly watches*

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inb4 danger does his hammy and Pendle does his ACL and da dons win da premiers hip

kek did they really call the abo team, team deadly?

>reality cunt on aborted narrative watch

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hello lads
i look forward to introducing the cric memes from the offseason

missed you too m8

so this thing is basically whites vs abos?

Anyone seen the script for this season?

Flyers free money

They call you cricmeme lad.

Fremantle redemption arc


This is the post

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Qrd on aflx? Shorten version?

Good post

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He looks so graceful.

just saw a guy sitting on the kerb with his head in his hands outside the tab

hope it wasnt any of you lads

just having a kip outside the local tab in the gutter, can someone text me when the game starts

What's for dinner lads?

is /afl/ for or against /hoc/?

for, they cool by me. Used to be an absolute meme factory before the janny CUNTS committed cultural vandalism over there like they did the rest of the board.

Chicken katsu sushi and a 375ml Pepsi max

you reckon sebbo will join us this season

Rules one two and three will still apply

pizza on the cards

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kinda miss /cric/ but this will do

Fish n' Chips

Pack of darts and a bottle of Jim Beam.

I miss /cric/ too

The only states that are relevant are tassie, Victoria, and nsw, overall tassie is lovely but a little too backwards in some aspects, nsw country is possibly superior to Victorian country, but outside of the pozzed parts of melbourne, Victoria has it all. The place to be. Love Victoria, simple as

this is the post

Shane is a spastic, don’t be like Shane

that Nathan Buckley rumour is a big yikes from me

what a horney cunt


oh no no no no no

Bond street reds

Im a horrible guy

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>7 STILL reporting on the weather
What the FUCK

this is going to be white hot cringe garbage

This is gonna be some quality viewing.

for me its better than aflw

is the abo team called deadly because abos have a lower life expectancy than white men

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Don't they understand that the act of kicking goals is what fucked up the slow of the game and made it stop start garbage

how many afl lads do you think have been in abby holmes

calling them the child rapists probably wouldn't have gone down very well

was Fyfe wearing a MAGA hat walking in?

fuark look at the big milkers in the chick in the red shirt jiggling

what's this abo shit

blacks vs whites
>sucking abo cock
>garbage war dance
>war dance of jazz chill hop

Must be Victoria, disgusting

Sick beats, lads.

""""war dance"""""

kek no wonder these nuffies are almost extinct

its welcome to country you fucking BIGOT

>be Nathan Buckley
>married to genuine whore
>take boys to cricket to see their favourite player
>whore wife has been screwing this player
Real post btw

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Kek I thought the same, would have made this shit show worth it

wtf where is the white man war dance
sick of this racism lads

Man the abos must have had some fully sick basslines 40,000 years ago while we were still unaware of the concept


she's also addicted to drugs

This is the gayest shit. Fuck, could have done a mini SOO instead of this.

Women are, and always will be, a mistake.

Oh no no no no no no no

why would I need to be welcomed to a country I already own by conquest?

wow who would have thought a woman who married her man for money would be loyal


I'm convinced all women are psychopaths who get off on orchestrating shit like this.

/our year/

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Who ya got, lads?

First injury when

oi connie you here m8

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why is the scoreboard saying HI

>rampage players literally disappearing when their guernsey lines up with the led board

nice testing you fucking retards afl

I don't understand what the fuck is happening in this game.

Right here mate

*unzips pants and flops out massive six inch dick*

*pisses your mouth*

Rampage players look like they disappear/meld into the scoreboard during certain ads at top of screen and it's triggering me.

shan’t be watching any more of this

>Marvel Stadium
kek everytime

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how the fuck does a probable millionaire in jared polec have such a shit haircut
does he even want to smash sloots

This is like watching basketball, ridiculous.

>boos for Gaff and Bronx cheers for the miss

What does the X stand for?

This has all the intensity of the NAB challenge with gameplay and interest level akin to the IR series.

so you can king hit a teenager and be allowed to play in aflx
bit gross 2bh

this is fucking TRASH lol

Yeah, mate.

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>yfw the players get paid 20k for this


Last digit is how many injuries

I've seen some shit in my time, but this tops it all.

glassjaw had it coming


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>random rock climbing wall in the background
love aflx lads

This is the future of football and it's beautiful

I hope one of them is me so I don't have to watch this shit

>A fucking climbing wall erected during the game
This is community carnival tier shit

I would literally rather watch a Neeld era Melbourne vs Richmond match.

>5 mins in
>46 pts

so high scoring lmao so exciting

Sure the yanks are keen to import this.

Anything Dangerfield loses in is fine by me

Lifelong Rampage fan here AMA

Sorry lads but I'm all for th BBL extending if it means we don't have to watch this

why the fuck is there two goal umpires
1 cunt is standing at the back playing with his cock kek

Agreed, they are trying to copy their model anyway and it's failing pitifully

I don't understand where people got the idea that just kicking a lot of goals made for exciting football. Even if it's a close game, teams just scoring endlessly with little defense is pretty fucking boring. It was only exciting when you had superstars of the game taking speccies and kicking freak goals all the game, and we don't have those anymore.

who /dabloos/ here?

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good half lads
very exciting

Taylor walker. 80 IQ lmao

That's David Rodan you're talking about mate. Probably training junior umps

Holy fuck I am so ready for the proper season.

>half time

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Taylor walker has ambient room temperature iq

wish i could watch too and join in the fun haha


Guys am I watching the Mardi gras?

>there are 8 games

>yfw every player on the field is getting paid double the amount of a aflw player for the whole season

You just feel that the bolts need a few supergoals right now dont you

vfl boomers need die off already

probably the only thing I like about this shit.

reddit afl said they deserve equal pay though

They're likely still drawing more money than the women too.

what i would give to have a quick whiff of Eleni Glouftsis's pants after a long hard day of umpiring



Gonna head over to the bigfooty bolts page for the melts

Gill has made the call lads

absolutely GRIM lads
aflx will NOT be awarded the post

>nicknames on players gurneys
lmao took me awhile to work out who the fuck "rusty" was

Danger is such a fucking cockhead. All about him.

>lets have a listen in
>nothing but silence

am going to watch /wog/ desu what a snoozer

I'm not asking for a stream.

But there is there one that exists so I can find it myself?

suddenly feel like a gatorade lads

Marvel stadium, where the X-Men are playing.


the x-men? holy shit is hannah mouncey playing?

I got ya, lad. No worries


Genuinely sweating lads, we were up by so much how can we be letting the Bolts back in the game.

boy i wish tom wills was alive to this display

they're streaming it on facebook

can’t wait for our GATORADE game changer to score a ZOOPER DOOPER

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I thought it was because you saw all the kids in the crowd richo

thanks mate
neets BTFO

AFL players trying to be clowns is the gayest shit.

It's on facebook you mong.

Jack Steele is very handsome

think the bolts just need to regather and take it one game at time after the shock 1st round loss

>gaff ruining the script

>le bomb it from 50m
thought they were trying to make it more exciting

>entire sport is just bomb it 50m
this sure is zooper dooper exciting

why the fuck is Telstra tv on a 30 second delay

Straffo's thoughts on AFLX?

reminds me of aflw
except its bomb it 50m rather than 10m

Pretty sure they just scored more points in half an hour than the women score in an entire season.

Muscular /afl/ with the rapid double ton for a meme game

The women should just play this, they're not built for proper footy.

And there's still another 5 hours to go.

thinking about culturally appropriating “this is the post” from /cric/

Did they tell Dangerfield to start talking?

Thoughts on UberEats lads?

so how about them tiwi island sistergirls?

inferior Navy Nina

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The Bolts suck. Why are they still playing? I thought this was like a gauntlet match in the WWE.

le rock paper scissors instead of coin toss

never used it but it keeps lazy millennials and zoomers poor so I can get behind it

bit of rock paper scissors action

Who will be the first player to do a knee?


all of em to eat ya mum out

is this a west ham game because who the fuck is blowing these bubbles

>poor gaff hes had such a hard time of it lately good to see him out there
Shut the fuck up

who is the skinhead playing for the black team

Not his fault the dockers player couldn't handle the bants.

Pretty sure its powell-pepper pig

Sidebottom is gonna win the 2019 brownlow, cap this

Racist umpires

aflx needs improvement lads
goal should be a small frame with a net to catch the ball
11 v 11
ten outfielders and one goalkeeper per team
no using hands to control ball except for goalkeeper
no behinds, only goals
goals are worth one point
offside rule
then change aflx into a new a-league franchise based in the south east suburbs

I want to deck the bloke who told Dangerfield he was funny

What did they mean by this

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I look forward to Gaff being booed furiously this season, the AFL saying please stop dat and it increasing. Dog cunt deserves every bit of it.

Nah only peemantle fans will care about him

ask Fred


oh no, not boos lmao

Betts has been SHIT since midway 2017. Sick of the constant media hype

imagine the seething about the booing if he was abo

>"the indigenous players were built for this game"
>getting btfo

more like Eddie BUTTS

would be Goodes tier keks all over again

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Legitimately feel sorry for dockers fans.

The redpill is that coons can be athletic and skillful, but are completely bereft of any intelligence or strategic thinking. That's why there are so few abo captains.

fug lads in an effort to speed up the cooling of my beers i have left them in the freezer too long and they are now solid

am enjoying this season’s MCDONALD’S aflx with the new GATORADE game changers kicking ZOOPER DOOPERS and scoring KFC behinds so that the BIG W opposition can take a SAFEWAY kickout to a BENDIGO BANK contest so that a player can take an ING mark and help his team win the PUBLIC TRANSPORT VICTORIA game at MARVEL stadium

Based pede

Chuck em in the micro.

Basedmond going to make up for their shitty end to last year lads.

also friendly reminder that the tiggles broship runs /afl/

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I always forget too, just smash it open and lick it.

Based hodge literally holding down the black man

Explain to me how it's wrong.

silly boy WABA

the ABOsolute state of deadly fc

why are the abos going backwards so much
its like they are trying to do an accurate recreation of their race

>cultural appropriation man following the abos


>Balloon 'artist' supporting the abos
Typical smelbourne leftie cuck

You can actually watch live FTA on the channels websites? That's crazy yo.

Unless they changed it this year it's probably just for special occasions like this, Anzac Day, finals, etc


they SHANT be recovering from this

I hope Gil is somewhere, thoroughly embarrassed by this.

Thought the first game was bad, but this is somehow worse.

Abos aren't captains because they are mostly skinny outside receivers and small forwards, while captains are always either engine room midfielders or KPPs

This is fucking boring lads

*kicks aflw off a primetime friday night slot*
he is laughing mate

>All this AFLX hate
Post your business ideas


>danger try harding

>free kick nigger

>Captains can't be outside receivers or small forwards

>tagging a player in afl x
Honestly just let the coon peg a shot at goals.

business idea: abandon it. send the money to struggling country leagues and teams.

heheh i thought it was going to be a blowout but now in the final minutes its a tight contest who would have thought
so exciting

this is rigged and it's still shit

This whole thing is scripted.

>crowd cheering an abo loss
hmm maybe melbourne isnt as left as i thought

>I bet on this scripted shit

>missed the lot

Funny how this always happens in fuck-around games where it's about 'having fun' more than accomplishing anything.

>they must put some pretty big confidence in you

why are women allowed?

Give me one reason to watch this instead of the Ayy

lads I just did a poo and I think it’s ready to beat these fucking shit teams in aflx

Ok, I'm just gonna say it

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if it's going to be a failure, make sure it's a total failure
>dabs on you from the top of the climbing wall

Didn't say they can't, I said they aren't

there is literally no reason to watch a tournament less interesting than ayy m8
at least ayy has something happen occasionally

state of origin died for this

How scared is the Big Bash League right now? And I don't mean the NRL wives club.

would rather watch AFLW tbqh

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Why are all the captain's micced?
The rules make no sense and it's obvious everyone's playing friendly to avoid injury.
I've got work soon so I won't be sticking around for this shitfest.

literally never met a person who watches ayy
then again i don't associate with wogs

The flyers should dick everyone, but they can't have the boongs lose every game.



Literally green screened

kys with this Reddit shit


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>getting tackled by a ghost

I knew I wasn't crazy

John "Sammy" Newman

The other teams don't stand a ghost of a chance

You guys know this "tournament" is aimed towards 11 year olds, right?

What the fuck

That's their excuse for no one giving a fuck about it.

How do we get to post here?


Fyfe with the sleeve

flyers most attractive team


heard fyfe is a bit of a poof

pop em in the oven for a few minutes lad

Some form of substantiation is required.

i drive a roller on the shire council

Was that a can on the ground?

straffo isnt in his 40s is he lads

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they put aliir on the white team

Abo team hasnt even got the darkest player in the tournament

there's no way, he's over 35

Pretty sure he turned 30 recently, that's what he means by early in my 4th decade.

have more regular season games in place of aflx and pre-season matches.

Business idea: Play state of origin instead of this

List of known gay players.

1. Darcy moore
2. His boyfriend from the saints
3. Rance
4. Fyfe
5. Heeney

Don't ask how I know.

>Forgetting Elliott

Which one is the best root m8?

No one cares about SoO, it will never be played seriously because this is a professional league and no one wants to get injured for nothing.

>no American posters

Yep this is the thread

Silent but Deadly

i miss sebbo

this. people who try and compare states are cringe

Got a feeling it may be a Crows 2018 season for Collingwood this year

cucktorians watching this on friday night whilst it's still only friday day in WA



So does this once and for all prove White superiority over the Abo? 2 games 2 losses for deadly

Jack Martin has been such a disappointment



abo's have no cohesion and are too volatile for anything other than sleeping under a park bench, why do you think there were so many tribes back in the day?

>Rance growing a beard in an attempt to look manly





Just remembered tennis has that Fast 4 in Sydney before the Aus Open and now the AFL is doing this GayFLX preseason. What's with this friendly butchering of sports the past couple of years?

looks like a pretty big crowd

the top level is closed.

zoomers cant spend more than an hour away from fortnite


so abos are only good players when a big strong white man is directing them

Abos btfo by the superior black Aliir Aliir

anyone know why majak isnt playing?

2nd stolen generation when?

guys I'm devastated I paid for a deadly season membership and they've already thrown the season down the shitter probably gonna microwave my membership

>Abos lost twice
So it's not rigged after all huh...

These new neon green ASICS boots are fucking pig disgusting. Why do they always pick the shittiest colourways?

>miss the mid 2000s white boot dominance 2bh

feeling a bit shy


Snot funny

I reckon Adam Goodes would be rolling in his grave watching this

fear for that white woman boundary rider in the deadly bench lads
she might be riding something else in a minute

Black boot is best boot

buna dimineata

Fyfes hat said

>Make Perth OK again

What did she mean by this?

games at marvel not the bolte bridge

Shouldn't you be at work?

Can barely walk still after the an hero attempt.

Yeah, my face

*Honks ethereally*

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lmao at the waning commentary excitement

#perthisok is a meme about being ok with the mediocrity of perth

absolutely love this mem

>tfw had blue and white Puma Kings
absolutely beautiful boots

This is literally the worst shit I ve ever seen

>yfw the game is real and the crowd is green screened

No it's not.

you'll love this too

*Unzips pants*

*flops out massive four inch throbbing cock*

*Zips pants back up*

*Gets dick stuck in zipper*

*Honk honk*

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just realised all the ads are green screened in lmao


*yaaaaawn this is boring*
*fires up fortnite*

eleni nudes when lads
i cant live

*cracks open a can of orange flavoured mother*

*Sssiiiippp* ah, Matthew Primus, now that was an AFL coach

Lol, my dick's four inches too :)

>this shit is so DOA they are talking about state or origin mid broadcast

What's for dinner, lads?

1 more month till afl lads

Leopard print is the official uniform of the loose, DTF slut. This has been scientifically confirmed.

Chicken katsu sushi with a 375ml Pepsi max

any of youse going to road rage sydney or melbourne?

eleni glouftsis's cunny

228gm scotch fillet steak and 4 scrambled eggs with a 375ml no sugar coke

What are you, some kind of fucking chink?

freshies leave


business idea: aflxxx
men vs womens both teams completely nude

Who's the sponsor


Wadonga Shire Council

just like work, none of coons want to be there

just got home lads, what have I missed

epic stuff

for me it's aflwxxx

Abos lost twice, best two teams facing off now.

business idea: darwin kangaroos

how many packs of winnies is Gil on a day

this is the post

Never mind, I'm fucking retarded. Had am aneurysm. Its Rampage vs Deadly now for a (hopeful) 3rd loss

Opposite foot goals or goals kicked over your head should also be worth double

>that placekick
genuinely feels like I've missed out on some wholesome family fun
So is this the GF or match for third?

why do people get so butthurt over this? looks like fun

Business idea: get jack higgins to write for the betoota advocate

reckon he'd just come up with some absolute pearlers, can just see meself knocking back a few tins with the lads and then whack, Higgins nails an article and it sends me and the boys howling like a pack of wolves looking for a shag hahaha absolute great stuff that Jack higgins bloke real raw Aussie comedy

people are unironically like this make me homicidal


this but alex rance

Hope this /cric/ meme leaks into /afl/ tttt


I'll donate to RHMC if this bitch can ask one question without giggling

need a camera on those zoomers mobbing each other for proper entertainment

Reminder that Maynard was blocked

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Who is Gaynard?

Have to let the boongs win one game

imagine losing to a team of boongs, embarrassing

Based Matt Thompson

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who invited /pol/? smells like stale cum and flop sweat in here

based straffo devil trips

I'm gonna say it

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why is there even a rock paper scissors lmao
yeah really matters when end you kick to in a closed stadium

shithouse AAMI ad, now if Reality Check had come up with it they'd have had a winner

Really hope the commentating isn't this inaccurate in the actual season

any sightings lads

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>Crowd of 23,828
Still better than NRlel

Brown security man with the shoulder touch

>last year's aflx threads didn't reach 300
>this year on track to reach 500
AFLX on elite thriving concept watch

what the fuck is with these bubbles lmao

Reckon these bubbles are a bit of an OH&S hazard lads

Cheaper than fire effects

cant think of a more nonce hair cut than cal wards

Getting this badboy to 500 lads.

Rugby League Football

only because of the outrage at this being a shit concept and waste of everyone's fucking time


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I guess Darcy and Brayshaw had their half time line to snort to bring some energy back into this corpse of a display

very nice

This is the post.

kek boomer hodge dabbing all over the zommer bont

which team do you most want to fail this year and why /afl/?

fucking worked by BASED FLYERS


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Bont just dabbed on hodge

Water is wet

based, muh Flyers on dynasty watch. Wonder how Fyfe is going to cope with winning something.

> cric btfo by a yank



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literal brainlets lmao
>le fuck off sebbo
>proceeds to feed him yous

betoota hah


business idea: aflsex

its where majak gets to plow through aflw lists to try and cheer him up

inb4 finals are more exciting and thrilling than last year's

just got here, how shit is it lads?

girlfriend wants to take up aflw lads

it wont be as funny as there is no chance collingwood blows a 5 goal lead

after grog bog post HSP level of shit la

small business idea: AFLHEX

We all know how the story goes..

>underestimating collingshits ability to choke

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not as bad as the in thread """banter"""

that giggling slut was fucking GAGGING

reckon abby holmes is gonna get creamed by a few of the players tonight

government welfare scheme idea: AFLHECS

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which top 8 team falls off a cliff this year lads?

kek people falling for the uni meme

rance is a raging faggot right lads
the whole mormon thing is a front

Business idea: AFLSneed's (Formerly Chuck's)

I hope so, that or his bitch must be worth it.

ELITE and MUSCULAR Yea Forumsdubsposter


how do i get a job as an umpire property steward lads
i want to give these pants a sniff after a long hard game of umpiring

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can't imagine how powerful /afl/ is going to be in the season proper if we can hit 500 for this zoomer trash

>t. moe

tradies... more like GAYdies

Can’t kick, can’t tackle CAN fumble... ah I love my VFL

not enough bum fingering or wife bashing for you mate?

lmao nobody's going to watch that boomer bullshit

Fyfe makes me erect

get back to Apex Legends before I give you the fucking belt again son.

thought the game changer was only for the last 5 minutes

not liking the idea of a 'pride round', but my inner accelerationist whole-heartedly supports it

rigged shit, see you boys when the real shit starts

Nah leaving young chicks to die of overdoeses, rooting teammates wives and war dodging will sustain me!


>aflx season is over for 2019 lads

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kek, Fyfe is livid

fyf'es a top bloke, show's alot of heart


>le Michael Jackson was a paedo XDXDXD
reminder that he was killed because he was about to buy out Sony Music. He was almost out of his contract he would've dropped truthies all over Hollywood. But in their eternal projection they desperately smeared him with their brush.

>have to wait a year for more aflx
feels terrible lads

afl never fit that into a single offseason though


looks like some perspex cutoffs

>taking 10 (ten) years to revive an old pedo narrative that no one cares about any more because reasons
>making heinous accusations against a dead man who cannot defend himself
what did that dude do to piss (((them))) off so much?

Haha you’ve got else do ya? Typical zombie wastestater. Enjoy AFLX a true jumping the shark moment if ever there was one.

yeah leave richo alone

good to know i wasn't the only one to feel really annoyed about it. They're basically through a long dead guys belongings and milking his corpse. Just leave the guy alone for once.

he dropped a pile of redpills


>kick me
>kike me
he knew, I can't remember which celeb woman it was but she said the only person she ever trusted her kids around was Michael Jackson. Never got a chance to grow up with the rigorous training his father put him through so he stayed child like. The fact they are STILL slandering him to this day instead of letting his memory die is telling.

His best song, IMO

I mean it's all but confirmed Bob Marley was knocked off by CIA. Lennon's death is super suss too. It's not like this is a one off. No compunction about knocking off the biggest stars on the planet if they go off script and start preaching a people first philosophy.

Chris Cornell was murdered too btw because he was about to go public about the Haiti child abduction pedo ring

there's that but there's also the obvious of wanting to keep rights to songs to make more shekels. Music industry kikery is worse that Hollywood. Behind every multi-millionaire black rapper is a billionaire kike.

>/afl/ on most redpilled general watch

heard that, but I'll need more than Crazy Days & Nights blind items. The red sleeping gown sash as the garotte keeps on popping up though.

yeah touched on that, I think after the world tour he was on his own. He was looking at Disney levels of power over popular culture with the music catalogue he owned.

habbening agein

Came for the AFL X bashing, stayed for the redpills. Good night lads.

What? Herald Scum is killing journalism in this country.

Polly Farmer was captain-coach of Geelong and Vice Captain of the team of the century.

last for IGGS