>Called Crystal Palace
>Play in an decrepit old shit ass stadium instead of an actual crystal palace.
Called Crystal Palace
Other urls found in this thread:
>called Manchester United
>there are 2 teams in Manchester, they aren't united
>Called your mom
>Pay her to have sex with me
>Don't play for Everton FC
>Called El Salvador
>Don't save anyone
>Called El Salvador
>instead Honduras picked up but I couldn't tell the difference
>Called Canada
>asked me if I wanted a bowl of noodles and dog meat
>Called El Salvador
>Saves nothing
>a crystal palace burned down
fucking state of that country
>Called American
>Needs to go back
>called El Salvador, english translation "The Saviour"
>forces 1st world countries to come rescue them, turns them into saviours
>your sister
>also called your mother
>paris saint GERMAIN
>is french
>called El Salvador
>the phone line was disconnected because they couldn't pay their bills
>your abuela
>also called my side piece
>called El Salvador
>punchline about being poor LOL
>Flamengo youths
>Actually Botafogo
>called young boys
>actually young men
>called Yea Forums
>actually called 4channel
>Sheffield Wednesday
>Most games on Saturday
>Is French
>Has niggers on the roster
>Called el Salvador
>Neighbor picked up
>Is American
>Doesn’t understand how empire works
>called Liverpool
>no pool of livers in sight
>called Real Madrid
>all the fans are fake
>Called Canadian
>Is actually a Chinaman
>called Real Salt Lake
>is in Deseret
>Has a job as a janitor
>Does it for free
>called America
>had to pay a 15% tip on top of the long distance charge
that's crazy talk, there's no way someone would clean up literal human shit for absolutely no pay whatsoever.
>called the Queen's Park Rangers
>are actually professional football players
80% posts ITT, specially op's, get posted at least once a week
Fuck this website, it's like we get a completely new lot of users every 3 or 4 days. Either that, or you are a bunch of autists who giggle at the same "jokes" day after day
>calls them Malvinas
>actually the Falkland Islands
>He's a regular on a Laosian Jai alai forum
get a load of this fag
>called argentina (latin for silver)
>always gets second place
huh they got that right
argent means "silver colour" or just "white"
argentina is literally "the land of the white"
silver and white are two different things.
>has male sex organ
>never uses it
in some cultures. we think "brown" and "white" are different too
>called america
White guys pay for sex, black men get sex.
>Called Crystal Palace
>Everyone there is Crystal meth addicted
Seems fitting
>calls is sneeds seed and feed
>formerly chucks fuck and suck
>called Red Bull Leipzig
>Is actually Rasenballsport Leipzig
Y do ppl do this
that was your moms policy growing up
>Called Tottenham Hotspur
>Wearing spurs of any temperature is illegal in football
>Called OGC Nice
>The image of a man on his side masturbating is not nice at all
More like Brightoff amirite?
>called Grasshopper
>only humans are part of the team
excuse me???? raysis and sexes much???
did you just fucking call utah deseret? get out
>called United States
>one state is in Canada's side
>called Drinkwater
>actually drink water
Based and redpilled
United are not actually in Manchester either
The original 'United' clubs were all formed through mergers, Newton Heath literally rebranded to Manchester United for marketing purposes as it sounded spiffy. Soulless.
Crystal Palace is so named due to the Great Exhibition in 1851
Read about it, its really fascinating. Also makes you depressed to think how optimistic the world was, and now its filled with ugly evil brown people.
>is american
>pretends to hate america to fit in with yuropoors that hate him
>chelsea fc
actually in fulham broadway
>Wolverhampton wanderers
>they actually don't think that much
that's more of a comment really
Big fucking yikes americlap, big yikes
Got em
>their kit is orange and they prefer playing on a dry surface
just because they have no money, doesn't mean that they are rapists you racist spic
>called Los Angeles Lakers
>no notable lakes in Los Angeles
>posts reddit frog
>is on Yea Forums
>called sage
The brown people paid for such things, no?
>Silverlake isn’t prominent
Keep being lame
checks out
>Called Mexico.
>There are almost no Mexicas descendents
>called Arsenal
>greatest manager is called Arsene
Thats the one thing i always loved about that club as a non-fan. It just felt so right
>called Antonio Negro
>actually isn't of Argentinian descent