Bow to Miroslav

Bow to Miroslav.

Attached: 2006-Miroslav-Klose-5-goals-crop_3066581.jpg?20140114160923.jpg (768x432, 110K)

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he has such a german name

Good one

his parents are slavicised germans

Literally who? Nah, I'm just kidding with ya

t. Roman Neustädter

stalin wasnt even russian lmao

>be a one-trick pony
>that one trick is scoring goals in the World Cup

Based and Diemannshaftpilled


fuck off

My uncle who shares the same name as Klose also moved to germany couple years ago.

Attached: klose5eva.webm (648x340, 2.67M)

last of the great poachers along with Toni


Fair play legend, we need more like him

The sodomizer of Saudi Arabia
The cannibal of Cameroon

Thanks for respecting him. Yea Forums really is based.

Podolski >>>>>>> Klose

Fucking hell, he is so based
>first 6 goals are all headers
>iconic celebrations
>breaks the world cup goal-scoring record against Brazil, dethroning their hero Ronaldo
>Germany have never lost when he's scored
>actually a genuinely likeable guy

t. Polish patriot

>most of his WC goals are headers
>can't score in any relevant final he took part


top lad

Tap-in merchant

Good thing there's Brave 'Arry Kane with his penalties against Costa Rica.

>savager of saudi arabia
>crusher of cameroon

He scored in any game against any team. Pig american

Attached: 1548176052094.jpg (720x461, 33K)

goat world cup striker, and its not even klose

Attached: 1550198525410.png (1787x1746, 286K)

The game that made him legendary for me was when he didn't even score

I mean, at least he can deliver on the world's biggest stage

>he doesnt rate camerun

Overrated cunt

you know he carried Lazio, right?

Fatnaldo scored one fewer total goals in one less tournament

should have scored one more than