
SD: Padres, Machado finalize 10-yr, $300M pact
WAS: Report: White Sox won't bid on Bryce Harper
CIN: Lorenzen to pitch and play CF this spring
NYM: Jed Lowrie undergoing MRI on sore left knee
HOU: Twins have talked deal with Marwin Gonzalez
WAS: Phils 'confident' they will sign Bryce Harper
NYM: Mets, Syndergaard haven't talked extension
WAS: Trea Turner to attempt 75-80 stolen bases?
BOS: Ryan Brasier (toe) back in Red Sox camp
WAS: Rendon won't put deadline on extension talks

Attached: whitesoxpuppet.png (292x406, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


sorry lad I'd use this but the autistic weirdo that makes early threads beat you too it. This is why I don't like him doing that, because you eventually start thread wars where people are making them at earlier and earlier post times. Just let the child make the threads


it feels a little dry in here needs some more posters

This is /mlb/

Attached: pYrSMup.jpg (740x750, 75K)

>who's dont get manny
>who's dont get bryce
>who's wait 1 year
>who's get Arenado
>who's rebuild is complete

Sox are better in free agency when in full stealth mode.

Keep this one alive, we can use it for the next thread


>tripfag fag

Wait for it...



>Phils 'confident' they walk away from Bryce Harper
Fixed that for you user and to remind Philthy fans they will not get Trout either way as hes becoming a based Yankee boy in two years.

lillies aren't getting him cap this

Attached: Screenshot_20190222-163914.png (2048x1407, 618K)

He tried to beat up their pitcher though

he named his dog boystown

Makes sense, there are tons of homos there.

Attached: Screenshot_20190222-163948.png (1486x2048, 1.81M)

Giants let him go.
He's with the Mariners now

Wait for what?

San Fran is the perfect fit for a poofer like Harper

How broken in the head do you have to be to love that literally gay city?

most gays do

Bauie to the daddies!

San fran is gay makes sense for harper

cubs fan here!!!

Attached: cubsbear.gif (320x348, 133K)

>be Jeff Sullivan
>be second-most worshiped SBN blog runner demigod
>abandon your fans to write for Fangraphs
>abandon Fangraphs and even your team to work for another team

next career steps:
>abandon baseball to work for NFL
>abandon NFL to become founder of an anti-sports coalition


are the royals ever going to be good again? I miss going to playoff games

Just hop on the Chadres bandwagon famalam. Root for Hosmer until the Royos finally begin to compete again.

Need based heims #blessed royals bro

Stop masturbating first.

#Blessed Hosmer?

Fuck the gay area. Went there for a business trip 3 years ago. Never a-fucking-gain.

He probably hates it now.

Actually it's still as gay now as it was then.

Speaking for all Cleveland sports fans, can we just fast-forward to September?

Mayfield is the future GOAT

Watching another losedians playoff choke?


Attached: tommyjohnhamster.jpg (700x368, 28K)


Drags vs Baystars

Swallos vs Tigers

Giants vs Rakuten

Lions vs Marines

this site have other stream options but those are the ones that dont asked to disable adblock

lmao a team is called the swallows kek

you arent the first one that does this joke lol


Aw man, I got fooled by a fake clever guy.....

do you mean gayconsin?

Attached: 21D0F703-E47C-41E5-8A12-29B31C24DD04.jpg (396x396, 24K)

Did the regular season start?

no. pre-season games (is like spring training but with some games played in regular season home stadium)

This week they are still playing in spring training stadiums but is more like an goodbye game to Okinawa/Miyasaki

tyb abg

no probs

>san gayscisco

I dont follow npb too closely, is there anyone else from there that is an ohtani like player that plays both ways

Active? no, its something rare to be honest

so rare that they give an expression samurai for players like this "Two Swords"

Damn, I thought it might be more common there. I wish there were more players like him but who knows maybe he inspires some young japanese kids to focus on both hitting and pitching

>maybe he inspires some young japanese kids to focus on both hitting and pitching

maybe some will come,specially when there is an moviment to preserve the arm of pitchers, its not incommon pitchers play over 100 by game

I've heard they throw more in Japan at younger ages. When I was in hs I actually threw two games in a row my freshman year and it wasnt uncommon I threw on my own and eventually I had an accident with my arm and lost like 10mph the next year. I have no idea how people in Japan end up doing it without fucking up their arms

its "samurai spirt" and lot of massage

next month spring koshien will happen (we will have an thread here as always) and you will see how much pitchers they throw

How many koshiens are there

*leads the chadres to a wc berth in your path*

Attached: maCHADo.jpg (900x675, 137K)


>not San Fagcisco

La creatura

Yikes manny get your girl a new face with that contract

well there is two
Spring (aka Senbatsu) Koshien - Like march madness the teams are chooosed by an comitee that choosed based on performance in regional tournamnets (that happens during fall)

Summer Koshien (aka National) is the main event, you need win the qualy to be there, and every game can be your last (since the tournament is win-or miss and the falls are pratically an new season, the last year players stop playing after summer koshien qualies leaving thier spot to second-year players get ready for the following year, so you will see lot players crying so desesperatly, some even had to be taken out of the field beacuse they dont wanted go to dressing rooms, they just wanted be there an last time)

the nickname Koshien comes from fact that the game happens on Koshien Stadium (when high school tournaments arent happen, Koshien is home of Hanshin Tigers)

shes cute...

>5 /mlb/ threads right now

Attached: 1550684725944.jpg (640x626, 187K)

blame the astro fans...

blame the cub fans...

blame the padres fans...

blame the gaysconsin fans...

>the perfect jersey doesn't exis-

Attached: caminiti.jpg (400x427, 37K)

Wasn't us Rockies fans.

Attached: Stare.jpg (1915x1067, 275K)

Attached: TREVOR-HOFFMAN-San-Diego-Padres-1998.jpg (340x400, 30K)

Attached: 1998.padres.jpg (641x569, 80K)

Anything but the old brown/orange/yellow Padres uniforms is trash. Stop posting.

literally wrong the 98 uniforms are god tier you simp

Attached: padres.jpg (600x467, 85K)

andujar lol

>Jew York Cuckees

Attached: 10063.jpg (782x800, 41K)

>red cucks

imagine giving up a three run shot your first appearance of the spring lmao

chadres baseball in an hour brehs....

are these live right now? can't see shit

>alright baseball is BACK
>turn on game, see lineups
welp, maybe next time

shit of course they aren't live, twas hours ago. too bad. thanks for sharin tho

Is there anyplace I can watch the Cubs game and not listen? MLB TV only has the radio I guess?

yeah that is correct. people forget every year that only a handful of spring training games are broadcast on television.

Why would you name your team after soaking your meat in herbs and lemon juice?

>let the record show that I never wanted Machado or Harper
why do sox fans take pride in like being bad and supporting a bad baseball team?

mlb still offer 'free game of the day' to watch? i know it is spring training but just curious if it still is a thing during regular season


posting in the real thread...
....umm no sweaty.


Based real thread putting the seeth on autistros


trade Florial nao

I'm thinking the Mest are back.


Attached: kid-nat.jpg (300x300, 21K)


Attached: dumpster.jpg (628x448, 41K)

>the absolute state of the New York Yankees

Attached: evil koji.png (485x458, 333K)

The pitch clock is for homosexuals

Over 2 months ago I said I didn't want that bum with his shit attitude on the White Sox. I still stand by it, and when he maybe gives SD 3 years of high end baseball and they're still paying him when he's moved teams twice since...I'll be just as right.

Attached: screen-shot-2018-10-29-at-1-06-50-am.png (576x338, 307K)

really digging these Mariners spring training unis. Wish they had a cheaper version on sale online.

Attached: Zaku Mariner.jpg (248x499, 28K)

If anyone wants to do a Yea Forums fantasy league here’s the link to the h2h categories league that I posted in the other thread. Another user had already started a point league if that’s more your style. Combine the excitement of baseball with the thrill of spreadsheets.

Attached: CBA166B3-F460-47FC-AB2F-41FE888D5E92.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>Trumpet guy is back at Mariners spring training


eloy 0-1 with a strikeout today


Will the White Sox ever catch a break?

>Housperger Autistros


Attached: Mariners #1 fans.jpg (640x480, 216K)

Astros Win ! Astros Win !



Now he's 0-2
Time to commit suicide

The Dodgers will win the 2019 World Series in 4 games and _______ will be the World Series MVP.

God, the Cleveland's C on uniforms is such an eyesore. Go back to the original logo.

desu, Cleveland Spiders was always a cooler mascot.

Eloy Jimenez is a bust?

Daddies No !

The White Sox aren't allowed to have anything nice?

>bobby wahl

No backsies broors lelel

Attached: tumblr_o424oflNdF1ubkwoeo2_500.gif (500x280, 1.37M)


>inb4 Eloy and Luis Robert are both busts

He's handily been the MVP of every one since the travesty of the Royals made him get involved

stop making fun of the white sox

cubbies are winning!

Just wait for San Diego to be awful and everyone will jump on the one Padres fan.

>delusional who sox fans think this

the padres are your daddies, whos fans





Enjoy finishing third in the West

based daddies on fire today!!!

thirds a bit generous

third in the west could be good enough for a wc spot ya pinhead....which we will be getting...


It’s hard to be worse than the Giants and the dbacks suck too. The padre can enjoy third fit a couple years until they’re forced to slash payroll again

Maybe. The dodgers and Rockies will be in the playoffs so you’ll be battling a bunch of pretty good central teams for that one spot

White Sox - Padres broship!

*makes /mlb/ seethe in your path*

Attached: based-daddies.jpg (445x333, 35K)

Nobody in these threads talks about good teams

Fuck the sox

cuckholdships are not broships

Eddy Alvarez infield single

Fuck you frontrunner. We don't tolerate bandwagoners around these parts.

It’s just funny watching padre “fans” come out of the woodwork, like you don’t know your history of “winning the offseason” and then having a fire sale a season or two later.

Chadres bros ride solo....Sorry not sorry.

Attached: flutie7.jpg (2325x1400, 295K)

Hey at least they didn't trade for Big Game James Shields this time




/mlb/ fantasy baseball league DRAFT 8PM PST March 16TH

Hey, that was a great trade. It won them the offseason.

Even though he isn't the one being a loudmouth?

/mlb/ isn't fair.


one of the worse parts of anonymity is that it is easy to falseflag.

James Shields isn't on the white sox anymore
stop mentioning him

Let's Go Yea Forumsstros!

Attached: Chika.jpg (604x337, 203K)

Well, well, well.
Look who can crawling to the REAL thread.

I'm in both threads you sperg


Now THAT'S autism.

I think they're back.

Attached: Cubs-652x840.jpg (652x840, 87K)

>dad fans

no, autism is when two little boys struck with 'tism engage in thread wars spanning 3 days

White Sox are gonna be 0-2 after one day lol

Cubs win!
Cubs win!

Attached: 1528342818422.gif (360x310, 313K)

sigh.......you guys get all the luck.....


sigh... gah... gurg... gackt...

This is ourgugeous!

thank god i'm not a whos fan

Politely, fuck you Reinsdorf, Williams, Hahn and whoever else is responsible for this atrocious roster. Make this team watchable. Hell, I'd settle for a 80 win season, but that surely isn't going to happen.


The White Sox initial leaked offer to Manny is what got the Padres involved. Then Manny consulted Yonder Alonso & Jon Jay, two dudes Chicago brought in to woo him there, and they both raved about San Diego instead. The amount of own goals here by Chicago...it's incredible.

I love gackt

Can you really blame them?????

t-that was close
gg whos

Attached: 1514563021047.gif (350x464, 301K)

Fuck you

lewd and rude

You're going to ruin our reputation as the all time bros on Yea Forums!
Our gamethreads are what I like to call the "no bully" zone.

The Marlins will be your 2019 world series champs

Attached: superfan 2 .jpg (242x323, 100K)

Complete regime change is needed. If Jimenez busts then MLB needs to step in and do something

You mean your 2019 tankb owl champs
Enjoy that #1 pick in the draft

because there's no one there to do any bullying

not him but I audibly kek'd out loud. well said dude. savage.

Whos more like who are you

Is it that laughable to think Eloy will be a bust?

meant for also
>no vlad today

Attached: 1546271842663.jpg (750x731, 57K)

>be houston
>lose to whos

user...that's the whole...point........um...duh?! holy herp derp batman!

and now we own you sit down


will the philies get harper

>losing in the world series to the white sox
>b-but we won in spring training
>be houston


>be white sox
>have a shit FO
in the long run i think the astros won

>be houston
>take long term approach to seven game series
>still lose

enjoy your 60 win season honey cakes

you got me there right in the feels. I'll enjoy every second of it

Attached: stros-.png (534x626, 50K)

why are you tripping? failed normal fag NFL faggot

shut the fuck up, fairweather trip piece of shit cancer. go away

Not even a (you) from me
no also GO ASTROS

failed normie nfl faggot fairweather


>be houston
>become loseton

>be houston
>make losers seethe

>be an attention seeking creep

Why do they make themselves seethe?

they were born seething and couldn't handle that WE are winning

kershaw is throwing less than 100 innings isn’t he

So what are whos fans going to do? Boycott games?

my guess would be 150. they have so much depth at SP no sense in wearing him down

>whos fans


Attached: astros16.png (633x616, 468K)

>not even worth a (You) from me
oh god, this zoomer faggot who started watching baseball last year isnt giving me attention, what ever am I to do!?

That literally won't do anything.

Attached: CfNODGYVIAEokjY.jpg (600x1067, 66K)

make a post like this


Attached: 3959993.jpg (1440x740, 259K)

harper to philthy


He's going to the Chadres isn't he bros

they're walking away empty handed. They gave up. Harper doesn't want to play for that shitty smelly city


definitely the Phillies seem like they're giving up. Giants won't offer long term

Tribe purged nearly everyone over 30 because A) they aren't worth the money and B) they aren't gonna win the WS anyway. Welcome (back) to the era of Super Teams and scrubs.

Go Browns

>the chadres are forming a superteam while the poo stank stankees are paying 400 billion dollars for jacolmeme smellsbury

Harper turned down two $300 million contracts thanks to agent Boras. He is not worth any contract longer than 6 years.


Mayfield is going to be a future Brady isn't he?

Inspector Godgers here....this is psychotic... fucking psychotic. These shitposters are truly something else and need to be exposed soon.

Join the discord!

Yours Truly,

Inspector Godgers

Attached: Aaron-Rodgers-3.jpg (1200x628, 250K)

hi please go back to nfl

no, they'll win enough to make the playoffs. won't go far in October. By then, football will be in full Baker mode and no one will care.

he reminds me of Favre, which is just fine.

Attached: high-fiving-astros-bros-winning-meme-4chan.jpg (781x916, 165K)



Attached: we_laugh_at_you.jpg (534x401, 33K)

The comfy offseason banter has given way to losedians and losetros casuals here for their single yearly post, one per year every year from 2017 to 2019 (not inclusive)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-23 RageGenerator Rage Comics - Generator.png (1487x703, 192K)

Yea Forumsstros !

audibly kek'd at this. well said, sir, well said.

very good meme sir! I will save it and share it with my fellow astros fans!

For me, it's the 2019 World Series Champion Los Angeles Dodgers.

Attached: Suzy_Dodgers.jpg (530x772, 64K)

based bauer to the daddies! yay!

Attached: baueroutage.jpg (1000x667, 212K)

just ONE more month til regular season

>daddies interested in keuchel
hes not terrible and would be an obvious upgrade but next seasons batch of fa pitchers is fucking stacked, no need to pay top dollar for him...



>be houston

>be houston
>make all the other shitty teams seethe and have to COPE

Just exposed you in the discord.

Have a nice day and enjoy the exposure!

Attached: an athiest.jpg (680x510, 56K)

have a good day and enjoy watching us win

Based Inspector Godgers laying down the law

someones jealous of houst/a/n's superiority :D

For me, it's Nexen Heroes.

Attached: nexen.jpg (1080x1006, 139K)


imagine living in a spic and nigger infested hellhole like pooston texass nevermind the terrible weather and traffic. couldnt he me!

nice cheer leaders
i like heroes more but there is no cheer leader sexy than this one from Doosan

Attached: doosanbears_new1-20181021-133122-001-resize.jpg (850x1110, 89K)

>living in a spic and nigger infested hellhole like pooston texass

Houston is literally the most diverse city in the US.

thats not a good thing champ...

one nigger is a nigger too many...

Just got my opening day tickets lads


spring training is top comfy lads I cant believe we made it

Just snagged my opening week tix lads for maximum comfy

Just think of the comfy levels in store for us when spring and the regular season begin lads

be sure to bring tissues for the incoming nosebleed

What's with "sources say"?
Can't you just track the plane's id number?

Crack of the bat in springtime? Just call me the comfy lad

Me + springtime + blaseball over left

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

you're ugly

Piss my ass loser

I guess its set to private so you can't track it.
Here is the tail number if anyone can do more than me.

Attached: phillies jet.jpg (1200x675, 95K)

We all knew it was going to happen since Klentak wasn't there with Middleton.

Uh, you don’t get to bring Harper


daily reminder that bryce harper was the 46th best position player in baseball in 2018
congratulations phillies, have fun

>congratulations phillies
Not so fast
That's the Chadres music

this. He had like 1 good season he's incredibly overrated. Anyone who locks him up on an expensive contract is fucked

Chadres don't want that bum, we got MaCHADo and will spend big on Bauer, Sale, and Cole next year...

Machado meanwhile was 9th best last year. Padres got the actual elite player

M8 they’re not paying for 2018 Harper. His 5 year average is second probably only to Trout.

You are getting him and you are going to like it!

Harpie to Chadres!

Rather have a white man than a lazy spic.


Rather have a white man than a lazy spic.

hey man i'm racist too but maCHADo is simply better than Larper...facts are facts bro, its actually absurd that harper is gonna get paid more.

lmao more like 17th to trout hahhahahaha


I hope he does. Wipe the greasy smile off of Machado.


this guy gets it

The Phillies are paying 300 gorillion dollars for Bryce Harper lol

maCHADo is more handsome and a better dresser than harper if we're 100% honest...

Jesus christ........

dude where's my ring lol

what a fucking meme this guy is.

And he still goes to Padres/Giants for half that price

150 million is a fair price, 300 gorilliion is stupid money retard level, but the phillies already said they were going to be stupid this offseason

If he cares about winning like he says he won’t go to the Giants. They have s bloated payroll and no prospects. It’s going to be a few years before they can rebuild

Any chance my White Sox snag Harper?

That'd be weird

Phillies ain't gonna win shit either lol

Ew gross, go away retard

Fuck off

out! OUT!

They’re in a much better position than the giants and Harper might actually hit in their park. It’ll be funny to see the Phillies saddled with another Ryan Howard albatross contract too

NPB open pre-season games stars around 1 hour (11pm ET)

Softbank vs. Orix

DeNAvs. Hiroshima

Chunichi vs. Hanshin

Yakult vs. Rakuten

Giant vs. Nippon Ham

Attached: japan_npb-baseball_2018-location-map_with-titles-list_r_.gif (5337x2897, 1.48M)

What's the hold up? It's not like anyone else is bidding on him.

>Scott Boras

>tokyo has 5 teams
Im glad that shit didnt happen with new york

Right, but they either matched/topped the Machado offer or matched/topped the Stanton contract or they've gone as close to either as they are going to. It's obvious no one else is bidding.

Imagine your city being so terrible that even 350 million dollars wouldn't get you to move there...

its not tokyo, toyko itself has only 2

but the metropolitan reason also have they own teams

an exemple of it is NJ/NY/Long Island area

Just for “muh biggest contract ever” I see them at 10 years, $330 million

Granted, a lot of that will be incentives

How do you watch npd games?

stanton's contract doesnt get considered because
1) its an extension
2) the length was much longer

this isnt baseball......

Post baseball or shove it up yer ass

Let me fix that.

Song that describes the Who's consternation.
In anime form.

Attached: 1543273115810.jpg (1506x1446, 464K)

what's wrong with you lol


Big fan!
My favorite song is Vanilla. What's yours?

And this is a song that describes the Dads after the Machado signing

Attached: 1537646252285.jpg (480x360, 46K)

wow this song is so fun!

Attached: giphy.gif (500x271, 276K)

oh you can die now asshole

I wanna see some petty as fuck price is right shit like he gets Machados deal plus one dollar


Attached: giphy.gif (331x200, 620K)

do you think Harper gets announced tonight or one more night of this bullshit?

to where user? don't you dare say the phillies...

why wont Harper just sign a 1yr/$40M deal and try again next winter?

glad that you asked beacuse

JapGints (CL) vs. Nippon Ham Fighters (PL) - interleague

Seibu vs Lotte (Pacific League)

DeNA vs. Hiroshima Carp (Central League)

>>>Drags vs. Hanshin Tigers (Ce League Duel)

>Yakult Swallows (CL) vs. Rakuten (PL) - InterLeague


This site has more streams for those matches but i put the link to the games that has better signal and work better with adblock

also there is some matches in youtube but NPB can cut the stream multi game so be careful

Attached: 1200px-NPB_logo.svg.png (1200x1045, 76K)

Based Canada coming in hot droppnig a steaming hot load of shit

why hasn't harper had another 2015 esque season? whats the excuse? if hes this generational talent then he needs to produce at that level every year...

Reminder that Bryce Harper was worse than fucking Max Muncy in every single aspect; homeruns, BA, and SLG, etc.

If he's forced to do a 1 year contract, that puts the Cubs back in the running.

Don’t the Padres have a massive ballpark? Machados power numbers are gonna take a dip

In his defense, his 2017 was great and he did lead the league in walks and hit 30 homers in his down 2018. Norm Cash was a guy who had an other worldly year and then was just a really good hitter for the rest of his career.

Thank you!

Why do the marlins keep trading their good players away?

If Big Sexy can do it.


Look who the pitcher is false flagger kun

no probs i hope you enjoy and end up choosing an team to cheer




draft is 8PM/11PM PST/EST :)

on March 16th*

Inspector Godgers reporting

welcome :)

lol that league image

It isn’t as a pitcher friendly park as it was, but it still isn’t a hitters park

Are the "unwritten rules" intentionally excluding younger underprivileged players?


scuba dooba doo!

Attached: 1550615789025.webm (960x540, 2.06M)

fuck you asshole

Attached: 1526300104346.jpg (1150x647, 198K)


Alonso is gonna cuck McDominic Smith from 1B

Scuba Dooba Doo!

Attached: 1528724353054.webm (1280x720, 979K)

>whos get Anthony Rendon
>whos get Paul Goldschmit
>whos bring back Sale
>whos get any of Mike Fish/Betts/Springer
>whos get Real Mullato
>whos get Simmons
>whos get WS ring

Its all part of Kenny Williams plan, San Diego and Philly. You've just entered his magical realm.

Attached: 1515940108179.png (461x469, 273K)

It used to be a pitcher-friendly park but I think they corrected that a few years back.

You think you're a hot shot I can't wait to bring you down a level, punk.

Petco park was adjusted in 2013 and is now a slightly hitter favouring park

Why do the Rockies literally own my Diamondbacks? They have our fucking number

Attached: 1470682743330.jpg (601x601, 65K)

Based bauer

He said that stupid shit about St Louis. H literally posts it for the virtual likes to feed his ego

Why do AL pennant winners literally own my dodgers? They have our fucking number

Attached: 1533456471329.png (439x466, 217K)

>the dodgers wont win a world series for another 50 years
just kill me

choking is dodger team philosophy, they would find a way to lose the world series against a college team

It's the low angle faggot maybe if you didn't waste your life jacking off to porn you'd be able to think 2 more seconds before you post

Based NatsBro, great start to ST, this year is looking up for us!

Attached: BasedScherzer.jpg (1600x900, 104K)


reminder to reuse this thread when the time comes...

The Chadres are your new owners...so get used to it simp...



not enough baseball talk today bruhs...sigh...i miss chadres...

Is he autistic?


>3 /mlb/ threads
Are we officially at a state of civil war?

we are at the whims of autistic powertripping dorks


Attached: 4432w5.png (312x107, 3K)


we /hoc/ now

It hurts lad

chadres baseball in an hour and a half....get hyped bruhs...

how can anyone in the NL compete with the Padres?

babby poster >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>autistic attention whore thread creators

just use the already created threads and we wouldn't have this problem...

I made this thread but I wasn't the one spamming it. I was just going to let it die since everyone moved on to the other thread and it was made first

We should only use threads that have /mlb/ for the title. Let the autistic general babies fight it out.

Problem solved.

What is the best pitch in baseball, and why is it the curveball?

Attached: Kershaw strikeout.webm (948x510, 787K)

Attached: knucklecurve.webm (1280x720, 741K)

Attached: Verlander.webm (600x400, 1.48M)

The changeup

Attached: giphy.gif (250x200, 463K)

Based trouty

Yeah, changeups are pretty nice too. Other than the slider, I don't think any pitch is better at making elite batters look like idiots.

Attached: hendricks change.webm (1280x720, 1.2M)

It's kind of amazing that Cleveland has arguably 3 of the top 10 pitchers in the AL, if not MLB as a whole, yet they're not even considered WS contenders. Is their bullpen that shit or are Houston//NY/Boston just that good?

Attached: Kluber Curve or Slider or Whatever You Call It.webm (1256x704, 898K)

>kershit injured

literal god

Attached: GOD.gif (564x314, 2.06M)

Bullpen is shit
Offense is pretty shit
But best starting pitchers in all of baseball

I'm surprised you guys (assuming you're a Cleveland fan) didn't try to beef up the bullpen or the offense this season. The Indians are like $100 million below the luxury tax and there were some top-tier relievers available (Robertson and Ottavino specifically). Not to mention Harper and Machado, although I can understand why a mid-market team wouldn't want to take that $300 million gamble.

Or, given that Bauer has been a complete tool shitting on the entire organization and insisting he's better than the team's ace, why not try to offload him for some talented offensive players? I think the Yankees would have happily parted with Andujar and some prospects for him.

Attached: god tier slider.webm (1280x720, 735K)

While Kershaw probably has the most beautiful classic 12-6, Nola had the most effective curveball last year. Beautiful in its own right

Attached: Nola_curve.webm (952x524, 452K)

>50 HR Season

Ryan Howard belongs in the hall of fame

Attached: Untitled.png (609x225, 15K)

What's the original?

Attached: the-talk-white-americans-african-americans-mos-18689059.png (500x409, 114K)

once this thread hits the limit migrate over here brehs...

Only oldfags will get this upvote XD

who /Neon Deion, WSGS, Mauer, SOLER/ here?


No doubt about it, Nola's curveball is shockingly effective even if it doesn't have that pretty rainbow action that we associate with guys like Kershaw and Zito. The NL East is going to be so much fun from a pitching PoV this season. 5 Cy Young candidates on 3 teams.

yup plus 4 teams actually competing for the playoffs, I don't think any other division in baseball has that, maybe the NL Central if you count the Reds.


>shellshocked chiraq logic

>goes to the bullpen in your path

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i heard red socks humiliated the yankees already with a GRAND SALM from rising star michael chavis

>Butthurt Autistro detected

No, we're sticking to /mlb/




For me, it's whatever team this is

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Doosan Bears

I've been following Bregman on youtube for a while now, and I have a couple questions:
1. Why does Bregman title all his youtube videos "Alex Bregman does this"
2. Is he a Jew? He kind of looks like a Jew


yeah hes a j

I was wondering why he reminded me of all the rich pricks I played travel ball with in Weston

>reminder that we celebrated when they were the first to 10,000 in all of professional sports

Attached: 63B88615-9FEF-46C9-B147-5A7531C037EA.jpg (184x232, 18K)

Why do you think Based Bauer hates this scumbag so much...He knows how truly bad he is...

Attached: trevor-bauer-lead-image.jpg (1600x969, 945K)

i was at that game, it was hilarious

I had a commemorative parking lot tee shirt but all the screen printing wore off.

Attached: 6D9404B6-970E-40AB-86FF-B5DA0E1C6438.jpg (750x953, 475K)

>all games that have a tv broadcast are blowouts now

Attached: 1550014542951.png (656x688, 587K)



Attached: 535543.jpg (2048x1536, 434K)

holy based!

>Cubs haven't even started talks for extending contracts for Hendrick and Baez

Attached: Untitled 2.webm (452x392, 2.3M)

>it was 5-0

Attached: 1459819910941.jpg (341x500, 126K)

Yoan Monchado lol

Jon Jaychado lol

$300 million southwest of here, about 2000 miles Yonder lol

Attached: Screenshot_20190224-145710~2.png (611x342, 25K)

>Machado 2-3 with a homer and double
>Tatis Jr. 2-2 with a triple and walk



>Bumshit head hunted Bote
Looks like he's still buttblasted over his meme magic getting BTFO in 2016

Attached: 1476152442002.webm (1052x588, 1.41M)

You can only respond this post if your team is


>who sux are already in last place

it's only spring training asshole

It's never to early to tank.

t. butthurt whos fags

aren't they calling up robert and jimenez this year? They could be someone competitive if their pitching is even a bit better than it was last year.


Red Sox have found the answer in the bullpen.
Colton Brewer has a 27K/9 and 0.00 ERA.

kek lol

Attached: 1540110773210.png (1440x1779, 1.54M)

Doyers checking in.

Attached: Dodgers awoo in n out.jpg (931x830, 157K)

I'm ready for another regular season domination and a postseason failure.

migrate here brehs...in 40 posts.

>rushing Jimenez
Not even the who are that stupid, are they?

are you retarded? he's been ready for half a year



They weren't even that dominant last season lad, but it was fun knowing that every regular season game until game 163 counted.

Yeah uh
Yeah HERES a song for my non-/mlb/ bros
/mlb/ owns you uh
your sport sold to the Jew uh
good ole baseball uh
pood on your sport uh
baseball be wit da rhymes and the jabs
while football has crime and the crabs
O' the fresh smell of maple wood uh
Causes the non-/mlb/er to sell their souls uh
baseball always be reppin sport
While your sport is dressin for court!

No, we're making another /mlb/ thread,
you can use that for your 'general'.

Attached: 16e.jpg (903x960, 52K)

I want both of you thread splitting retards to kys asap
Drink bleach unironically




Attached: ASTROS_da_BEST.jpg (1003x1024, 78K)

i h8 the asstros...

Everyone give suggestions on what the next OP should be about.

A reminder that Tyler Chatwood outptiched Madison Bumgardener today.


>Madison 'ERA 54' Bumgardener

reuse the two other threads man...


jannies ban this poster and anyone who makes another /mlb/ when there are 3 in the catalog without reaching the bump limit

>Backseat modding

ban these IPs jannies

Absolutely seething and doesn't know how things work here.

lads last year there was a website someone shared to get baseball gear, it was like nice vintage stuff and japanese stuff, please share if you know what I'm talking about ty ty

How do things work you? You and some other pathetic fuck act like children over the course of a week because someone is taking away the one little bit of """power""" you have? How are you not embarrassed

It's only his third spring training, which after I type it is really no excuse at all.

Ebbets, my man

>act like children
>How are you not embarrassed
Oh the ironing

thank you. are you happy with the purchases you have made with them?

Don't like that I'm holding a mirror to you? Its annoying that we have had this going on for multiple days no and what is more annoying is that you can't just give it up.

I've only ever browsed their site but their reputation is as a top flight operation.

Not everyone is your nemesis bogeyman, grow up. Your vigilante efforts against the other threadsperg are neither welcome nor necessary. You make things worse.

LOL grow up AKA I don't like it when someone points out that I've been acting like a petulant child for days on end

All you had to do was say you're incapable, something everyone already knows.


Attached: cut (1).jpg (1500x4000, 2.1M)

just literally saying "no you"

Well, you shouldn't.

NEW THREAD in a few fun posts

My thought is that I still remember and hum the "Jerry Dipoto made another trade" ditty to this day

Did any of those trades work?

>Only with a team for an hour
How does that feel?

NEW THREAD in a couple posts!

/mlb/ will dominate Yea Forums!

dont forget about this one!

The other two existing threads:

These are inferior threads.

this....post in these first and let the spam threads die...

Get your shit together, /mlb/.

>new / next
now quit splitting the general


based ball