/mlb/ general - BAD OMENS edition

SD: Padres, Machado finalize 10-yr, $300M pact
WAS: Report: White Sox won't bid on Bryce Harper
CIN: Lorenzen to pitch and play CF this spring
NYM: Jed Lowrie undergoing MRI on sore left knee
HOU: Twins have talked deal with Marwin Gonzalez
WAS: Phils 'confident' they will sign Bryce Harper
NYM: Mets, Syndergaard haven't talked extension
WAS: Trea Turner to attempt 75-80 stolen bases?
BOS: Ryan Brasier (toe) back in Red Sox camp
WAS: Rendon won't put deadline on extension talks

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Other urls found in this thread:


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happy milk guy

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Barves wins the eries. Manfred was copying the scripts at the kinkos I work at

top kek! good to see there's still some oldfags that roam there's parts. savage.


Marlins will be your 2019 world series champs

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Someone get this asshole out of here PRONTO

This pecker's got me angry enough to chew nails and spit rivets

waiting for Bovada to release more mlb futures

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imagine seeing all these posts and not understanding how Yea Forums works.

Anyway, hope we get some full games tomorrow, go Dads

1st for winstros also

put the bases in the bag

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is there a chadres version of this pepe if so post it pls if not make one pls (talking to you green gay poster).

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>SD: Padres, Machado finalize 10-yr, $300M pact
When the fuck did SD get deep pockets?

This. Fuck your autistic threads

>not cubes

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which is still better than uh

>This pecker's got me angry enough to chew nails and spit rivets
Is this a peckerpost?


real baseball tomorrow, user!!

Someone make a new one of these:

the virgin doyers

The CHADres

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>everyone i don't like is the same astroposter


reminder that audible keks are supposed to spread joy, not seething

when you hear one you're supposed to smile because a fellow user enjoyed a post so much that you could actually hear him

kek'd at this post good sir, yet, also, so, wholesome :)

t. housperger aspectrum

>t. autistro

How some we never get autistic savants with cool baseball facts
We get this faggot who posts a fucking cartoon train

i posted it cuz I'm from Houston, but I did not make this thread.

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Not everyone is going to win the autism lottery

Here's a fact: Memes are more creative than facts

what if it's a meme, AND a fact

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Facts are for losers


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....you will lose to the based daddies.

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Chaddies takeover!

so how long before the team gets moved to LA?


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>La Dods vs La Dads
one for the ages

The Dodgers have won the NL West 6 years in a row. Last year Arizona collapsed and Colorado choked harder than Sasha Grey doing her job. Colorado rolled over and died against the Dodgers at Doyer stadium.

And now San Diego thinks THEY can upset the Doyers and win the division? Bitch please every Dodgers Padres game in San Diego is an L.A home game. The Dodgers own the Padres franchise, always have always will. A no hustle player like Manny Machimpo is not gonna change it.

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nah I don't think anybody expects the Padres to compete for the NL West this season. 2020 though, look out.

When the Daddies get Based Bauer its game over.


If the daddies sign harper for 300+million will it be the most money spent by a team in free agency in one offseason?

They’ll have their chance after this season. He literally said that he won’t be with Cleveland and he knows it (monetary). However, he’s also living up to the bet with a high school friend that he will only sign 1 year deals his whole career. He said something to the effect of “I want to create change. People may not like it, I don’t care though. People don’t like change.”

Just let it sink in for a moment that the Sox are in the third biggest city in the US and have the second lowest payroll heading into next season. And they're scared to open the checkbooks for a future hall of fame stud in his prime.

I'm fucking done following this team till Jerry finally dies and the team is sold to someone who wants to win and not penny pinch.

I legit don't have much pain over the Tatis trade. Of course it sucks to lose a top prospect, but he came out of nowhere. It was a calculated move and sometimes shit happens. Machado on the other hand was essentially promised to us for the last 8 months and this is such a failure that I'm not sure the FO realizes how much they've kicked this fanbase in the balls.

They’re gearing up to sign all those prospects ready to make the jump. I’m speculating that they’re doing that to be an 8-10 year contender, or at least try to be.

cubs fan here

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white sox ten year contender
pengwings pengwings


James Shields
Manny Machado


these posts are quite frankly, an outrage.

I don’t feel like Reckerposting though

59th for The Washington Baseball Eagles

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60th for San Francisco Zaidis

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You, my fren, are crazzzzy


Is there an /mlb/ fantasy league? I couldn't find a thread. I've never played, but have been a fan for decades and have always been too late. I need more league wide exposure. Help /mlb/.

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>cubs fan here
Well hello there.

Which player is your #1 fantasy?

join us

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Based Centralship core bros standing thin and thick

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Yes I made a yahoo fantasy league, just have to finish it. haven't posted the link yet. I know there are a handful of people here that would play, I'm planning on having the draft on one of the weekends before the Mariners Oakland series.

Oh nice. I'll be watching for it. Are you in the pacific time zone? that's where I am and typically check after 7 PST.

This girl is my fantasy

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Based Chadres

I am not but I figured to have it on a Saturday around 8ish PST

literally who

audibly kek'd

Right on.

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yup keep an eye out for the link I'll probably post it here at some point over the weekend


FACT: there was a player named Jack Glasscock

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and he was manly enough to not need a glove when fielding.


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I'm scared for my cubbies, bros.

same. are you more worried about hitting or pitching?

Harper btfo. He’s gonna take 4/170

very interesting post

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not him but fellow /cusb/bro I worry about pitching. I think darvish has the yips and is gonna shit the bed again

I'm more worried about hitting. I actually think the pitching will be near the top of the league as it was last year. I'm more worried about guys like Happ, Almora, Schwarber, Willie, and KB.

I’m worried about Bryant too, that shoulder needs to get it together already
I think heyward was a mistake and I hope he and russel get traded to make room for trout next year. If fatty mo in left could ever get his shit together, a power hitting schwarbs and trout with almora would be p good.

Won't happen. The contract between the city and Padres ownership obligated them to continue making investments into Petco Park to keep it within the top 5 parks from the standard of quantifiable amenities offered to consumers. As such, there won't ever be a need for a "new" stadium. I wish it was called the Spanos Clause.

Yeah Heyward was a mistake but I mean as a fan and the cubs as a team you've kind of known that for 3 season now, so anything you get from him is gravy. lol at the trout trade, what are you talking about. is this some falseflag? The Cubs aren't trading for Trout.

Regardless of Trout trade idiocy or not, KB and Yu are the two players that will make or break the Cubs this year, but really just KB. The Hamels deal was insurance for Yu, so if he goes down again they should be able to weather it.

In all actuality, this will be the Cubs last year of contending with their current core of players. It's been kind of sad to watch guys slowly leave, so I'm gonna try and enjoy this one last go with them.

bauer to the cubbie!

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sorry the news just broke....bauer to the daddie!



Chadres takeover!

Top kek! I wish! I audibly kek'd out loud

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ausibly kek's at this

Bryce Harper to the Philies 325/10 tomorrow. Please remember to (You) this post when it happens.

Chadres will match and Harper won't want to live in FILTHYdelphia

these baby talkers are really getting on my nerves

damn, that is clever I just now get it. I'll admit, I audibly kek'd when it finally clicked. Well done sir, well done.

These assholes got me mad as a wet hen

Im so mad! D:


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Based, Chadpilled and audibly w00ted

w00t w00t!

Good sire I remember this from the days gone by. One thousand internets to you good sir. Audibuly reminisced at this post...

Say it loud
I kek'd and I'm proud
say it loud!!!
I kek'd and I'm proud!!!

this place is a nuthouse!


u mad?

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based brewie! we love brewie!


brewies are taking the pis out of the genny

wew laddie!! brewie in diapie!! cute brewie lady in diapie!! we likey!!

omigosh ~_~

omigosh brewies in diabies?

why lady wear diapy!? we likey! we likey!!


I'm going back to Fangraphies where they respect me.

How much how much?


Jam this up your ass and still all you've got is turds

this is just nuts...

holy friggin based brewie!

Oh I hope this doesnn't awaken something inside of me...

This is gonna be a no from me

>diaper fetish
I didn't know I was on /trash/


can we all agree to stop with the baby posts when it gets closer to opening day? I challenge you all to think of some new creative memes by then

Opening day is slated for asscheek memes only

pls don't post this again i beg you

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Santa Maria....


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>dodgers have the best odds in the NL to win the pennant, but lower odds than the Cubs or Cards to win the WS

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replace larper with maCHADo and this is...perfect

I forgot who won, heh. Was it the Assletics?

>expecting zoomers to showcase creativity
user I...

Thank you for this, fellow diaperfag Brew Crew member.

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Harpie to Chadres!


>tfw your team might never be good again till the owner dies.


>Harper to the Padres
Fixed that for you ya Philthy mutt

315 million and he got it wrong as it was the Padres who signed him not the Phillies

someone edit this where the Phillies are the dirty bum Wojak and the Braves/Mets are the pepe priest?

anyone have the one meme were the philly gets punched in the face by a nats dad with his daughter?

Bryce to SD: 10 Years/$315M? Saw something on Twitter saying it was a done deal but it got removed fast. Padres management behind this?
You must have saw the same thing I did.

is this real? are we laughing at philly tomorrow?

We were going to laugh at them anyway if they did or didn't sign Harper anyway. Of course not sure which would be more funnier.

I hate being a Dodgers fan why are we so shit!!!!

lmao nigga. grow some fuckin balls. us dodgers fans have heart and soul. something ya gotta show my nigga. we out here representin big city of LA cant disappoing homeboy best. fuck the haters nigga lmao why u even care bout them we dodger strong see us in blue all day bruh all day

we dodger strong got pride an we bleed dodger blue lmao yall team fans probably seethin n shit like for real lmao gotta have that los angy attitude bruh we representin koufax n crew we representin long history we out here representin the city we bleed for la nigga we bleed for our team n hurt we all one bruh we all one

nigga if u aint from la dont even talk to me like lmao yall sum fuckin lames lmao b2b pennants and its gonna get better nigga bleed la bleed dodger blue yall can take whatever backwoods azz team yall follow and hang yoselves lmaooo


Thanks bro. I wish we had Dee Gordon back.

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If be more funny if they dont get him since November most thought they would get both he and Machado with that stupid money comment holding up as well as the Eagles Dream team did.


lmao nigga... nigga please dat panzy azz additude of yo's u can't be from la lmao we out hea bleadin dodgie blue nigga we aint no cucks hear in cali bro SOCALL REPRESENT!!!!!!!!

Mexicans aren't allowed to say the n-word.

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Based bauie to the soxie woxie! Go soxie!

Hello there Eternal Royals Poster

>that picture
wew lad that’s good bait

interesting perspective, cosmo

>I think heyward was a mistake and I hope he and russel get traded
Heyward is owed $106M. He's not tradeable.

yikes! so this is what white supremacy looks like? I hope he was banned from that stadium for life.

phils here. better take something. it's getting ridiculous. they have to be offering close to 10/300. with no competing offers the phils will just sit until he caves


t. someone who's never actual been in the city


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>wake up
>reinsdorf not dead yet

Good morning lads!
Hearing from inside sources that today is the day Harper signs with SD for 315/10yrs. Are you all ready?

take your dialator with you, Sheryl

too bad Mexico isn’t allowed to have universities. Maybe someday white people will let them study their own history

yay daddies

But my University didn't even offer a white history class

Based Chadres


wtf why are there so many threads?

Well /mlb/ I got banned for posting and standing up for my deepest beliefs. I'll be missing spring training now and who knows what else so goodbye all.

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What did you get banned for?


Don't fuck with the trucker gang unless you want the wheels.

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So you ban evaded to post this?


when is harper signing?

/mlbigc/ if anyone is interested

Morning boys.
Not gonna lie, I'm a little hungover from last night. I'm shooting to close the week out strong, but my attention is pointed to Peoria this morning, with a second night of celebration planned for this evening.

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>my team's first st game is broadcasted on Saturday but I have work
I want to be a baseball neet

next year apparently

Time to watch some BASEBALL, user!!

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MaCHADo press conference in 10 minutes bruhs....i'm hype.

Watching or listening, kiddo?

Holy Christ, look at AJ's face guys.

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Sorry, Walgreen fans.


It's okay. I've moved on too.

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we arent getting bruce lads

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...sigh gah


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Based dads

How funny is it going to be when SD spends 650 million dollars on two players and still suck?

/nfl/ here nice trash sport you guys got here

Found the seething whos fan

imagine being a phillies fan

>stupid money

if the daddies get harpie then they just need to get based bauer so they can have the ultimate seethe trio.

>dicks herpes


It is entirely possible, but I hope it isn't the case.

if getting harper doesn't stop the daddies from getting two elite pitchers over these next two offseasons then i'm cool with the move.

it'll take 400 million+ to get him to philly. if he gets two offers in the 300 million range from san diego and philadelphia he's gonna pick san diego. phillies aint looking so good to land him right now


filthy faithful!!!!! :>]

Harper doesn't want to live in a shithole like Philly, no amount of money is worth that

who /twins/ here? I only cheer for teams that win championships so they're the only MN team I can cheer for

This is going to go as well as the 2015 padres season did
Just need to resign big game james

Seeth filfhy seeth!

sorry phillyphag, you arent getting harper. no money will convince him to go there

t. seething whosfag

Not a lillies fan, thanks for the reply though

Erwin Santana lol

Those grapes were probably sour anyway.

I'm a philly phanatic and if san diego gets harper we're just going to have to teach them a lesson in the playoffs (if they get to the playoffs that is lmfao). Anyone who wants to win and doesn't care about money signs with Philly (see 2017 eagles)

try again, maybe one day you'll get it

Harper and Machado better be able to hit 3 HRs a game each, because the Padres pitching staff is atrocious.

>Implying they're not trading for Based Bauer and signing Kimbrel this season and then signing both Cole & Sale next offseason
Get ready for the Daddies dynasty buddy

Aaron Nola hahaha Jean Segura lol! Fucking faggot. Stay mad.

is anyone here subscribed to baseball america? I want to see their organizational rankings but it's behind a paywall

Presented without comment.

Andrew Mccutchen lol

Fuckin faggots. Don't step up to the Philly unless you wanna get fucking steamrolled

2008 world series champions lol!

It's a pathetic ass meme when you try doing it to a successful franchise

pennsylvania lol

you mad at the daddies lol..

Look at all the salt in the comments.
Are whos fans the saltiest fans in all of sports?

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Throwing on a trip so you fucking idiots don't try to false flag like you always do. Pieces of shit so mad at a team that didn't even make the playoffs you're already laughing even though we didn't even lose out on the harper race. And if we do then fuck him. He isn't wanted for that kind of money. Less than 2 fucking war deserves 300 million? My fucking ass

if the phillies dont get harper they're gonna get 3rd in the division


Shut the fuck up idiot

>be phillies
>one of the oldest franchises (1883!!!!)
>only have TWO (2) world series championships
fucking yikes dude

>old rings count
fucking dumbass

There's that Philadelphia charm I've heard so much about.

I would say the Browns but Mayfield is the future GOAT

I haven't seen this level of mad since the Mariners lost out on Ohtani

I've been coming to /mlb/ since 2013 and the general has never been this bad. What the hell happened and why are you all talking like dumbasses? What the actual fuck is this baby talk? It's like next level autism and it's fucking annoying.

This pic is from my college's baseball game last night. It was 42 degrees but we still had a packed crowd even tho we suck dick in our conference. I love baseball.

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who or what is this "baby talk"?

Its gonna be epic when the dads still suck machado gets butthurt and the trade rumors start

LOL nice cope

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lol the whos are getting BTFO on an almost daily basis now, I kind of feel bad for them...almost

I call him marlose.



epic cope my friend. which loser franchise are you a fan of? doyers, lillies, whos, or stankees?

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It'll get better

>You know what would brighten my day? You deleting your account and Jerry selling the team
They are soooo butthurt lmao

MLB About to start the day
Boston + Seattle vs A´s will be on MLB Network

Philies vs Rays will have free radio broadcast on MLB.com

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Has a group of "people" ever been more ass blasted than shitcongo white sux fans?

Whos fans, I feel so conflicted right now.
I one level I feel like a parent who wants to take care of their hurt child, because their being sad hurts my heart, but on the other, as I'm sitting there holding you in my arms trying to help you feel better, I am stiffling my laughter as the fact that you got hurt getting kicked in the balls before getting laughed at when you fell to the ground and farted.
You're hurting, and I am sorry. I would take the pain away if I could, but a lot of this is hilarious.

I have seriously not seen butthurt like this in a long long time. You could mine salt for days and weeks on end.

>...sigh... woe is me.... we get Santana instead of Machado... woe woe woe ... sigh.... gah... so hard... sigh...

who's your team?

Why do you ask?
I promise you it wouldn't be one that you'd have a lot of historical hostility towards.

Just wondering why you'd feel like a "parent" to whos fans.

post the sigh song version of go cubs go

>shit team overpays meme player who will be traded in 3 years
>Haha you are coping because we are gud now

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Jon Jay lol

I was really just going for an analogy that fit my conflicted sentiments, more than actually feeling like a parent.
Perhaps a long term friend who can help at the same time they bust balls?

just out of curiosity
and also this


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um ahktually

Please ignore brash Dads fans, user. I promise they are just a vocal minority
Until >we win a ring, the majority of us are much more modest, with more humble projections. Getting Manny is exciting, but we've seen how baseless hype typically ends, and while paying that much for a bona fide All Star is a change of pace for the Dads, he and the rest of the squad still need to legitimize his contract, and get better before they can do anything of significance.

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whatever then just don't say.

*raises paw* umm I was told Harper would be announced today

lel, I'm talking about the one some user posted and it went something like
sigh ugh gackt.. sigh ugh gackt... hey chicago etc.

Has the day ended yet? Well has it?

Are the Dodgers gonna have the whitest lineup in all of baseball now that Puig, Kemp and Grandal are gone? I think every starting position player is white and there only black dude is Andrew Toles but he's going through some autism problems right now and not in camp. I mean you have Dave Roberts but he's half moon rune. That just leaves Kenta Maeda and Ryu as the only minorities with any real importance on the team. Bullpen niggers don't count.

>*raises paw*


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>This is NOT fun, sorry.


>I hope you RELOCATE
Would the whos even have a fanbase at this point if it wasn't for the 2005 title?

why is baseball such a wholesome and fun sport?

*raises paw*

c-can soxie pwease habs bwycie wicee? can soxie pwease haves bwyce hawpa and manny macchado?

>please sign some good free agents like Gio Gonzalez

lel, nice trolling kid

The whos fans are officially the saltiest fans in all of sports.

they survived before that for 88 years

my favorite is "Block me you cowards"

But this is the internet age now

*raises paw*

Let's go cubbie

internet was around before 2005

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grrrr I'm a bear *wiggles butt*

when I saw it I shit brix!!!!!!!!

Bearlet you mean.
Please get it right.


gotta love how Ricky still has a job
Ricky's boys don't quit!

>3 playoff appearances and 1 ring
In the past 100 years, this is actually the most successful period
Not even making that up either lol

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What a genius idea. Go rile up fans who hate the owner of the team right now... by asking them to pay opening day ticket money to that owner of the team!

>Matt Jenkins
>Reality is they’re the 10th biggest baseball market and 3rd biggest media market. Getting outbid by a team, say the Padres, is NOT OK. The time is NOW to get organized and show the White Sox we will no longer stand for this. A protest is needed to show the true level of disgust from the fan base before disengagement from the team

>going to twatter and change.org to find White Sox fans to make fun of
What next discord?

I thought rebbit would be the next logical choice

I'm just trying to bait all these people rping as dads fans anyway not the 3 actual fans in this general

You do that, I'm not touching that cancer with a 35 and a half foot pole.

its only one guy calm down

And I get that, user. As long as you know the, and that there is a difference.

Sorry but I'm actually a sane person so I don't have a plebdit account

whoa, calm down hothead

this cucked attitude is not welcome in the daddies fandom. pls go away simp.

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Is Rivers still GOAT?

>it's on


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please donate and share the petition. I don't have a twitter, so for you youngins if you would like to share I wouldn't mind.

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>I don't have a twitter
It's 2019 bruh


anyone got some good MLB twitter recs for the new kid?

sorry... sorry again...

san diego user here, haven't followed baseball since the days of khalil greene and jake peavy. how's 2019 shaping up for us?

Who and who?

kys faggot

fellow SDfags will know

after we trade for based bauer and sign kimbrel we'll make the wildcard game.

bauer to the daddy confirm!! 2018 daddy get bauer! go daddy!!

Hey. It's that rare occasion I don't root for the Red Sox.
Go Huskies.

We still need arms, and sorting out the OF, but Manny talked about helping bring up Tatis Jr like he was brought up, and even said he thinks Tatis has more now than what Manny had when he was at the same point. AJ said they have turned a corner from the phase of gathering talent, and are going to begin to assemble it into a winning product on the field. With all of that said, while games should be a bit more competitive, and entertaining, there is still work to be done, so as long as you aren't going into 2019 expecting a post-season appearance or run, the Dads should be more fun this year than they have been in recent memory.

I just miss those feels back in 05 and 06 when we won the division title, I never had so much fun following baseball.

>yfw the daddies sign bauer, cole, and sale next year.

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hot damn!

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Josh Hader and Trea Turner

Fuck off you tool!

>Former Chimpcago Whos Pitcher Chris Sale goes to the San Diego Daddies
oh no no no hahahahaha

Mets likely gonna move DeGrom or Thor after sucking again
Lots of quality options for my Chadres to get.

Attached: 1417741831287.png (477x600, 40K)

i got this video recommended to me all the time
What is going on with youtube coding? they asks for the same videos over and over

Why would the fan of a Los Angeles team be excited for the Padres to get better?

Attached: LA Chorgers.png (335x255, 34K)

>losing b2b world series

I personally think its responsible and prudent that the White Sox upper management is not hampering their organization with these ridiculous contracts

With the young talent in the White Sox farm system they will be a perennial playoff contender for years to come

You must have me confused with a Doyers fan user, I'm a Chadres fan.
Spiritually we're still the San Diego Chargers.

Attached: 1446705272053.jpg (500x358, 57K)

You mean all the young talent that gets injured every year?

>Spiritually we're still the San Diego Chargers.
And lemme guess, spiritually she is still your girlfriend when she is getting plowed by your bull of a neighbor she moved in with down the street, right?

1st rounder jake Burger - Tore a knee tendon TWICE. Missed whole year, out till July 2019
Kopech - blew out Elbow, out till 2020
Luis Robert - plagued by various minor injuries, played in only 50 games in which his broken hand made it impossible to judge his power.
Dan Dunning - "Elbow Soreness" missed the second half of the year
Zack Burdi - Blew out elbow, missed whole year
Nick Madrigal - didnt miss much after being drafted but also dealt with nagging hand injury entire back half
Alec hansen - shoulder and elbow "Soreness, missed first couple months, came back and was absolutely TERRIBLE
Micker Adolfo - Blew out elbow, was still able to DH only half the year before being shut down.

fuck off, the only thing the nuchargers have in common with the SD chargers is a tendency to choke at the last second

Eloy Jimenez is a generational talent, he'll be the face of baseball within 5 years

If he doesn't get injured again.

>Chimpcago Whos fan obsessed with cucking
yikes how cliche. not surprising considering how much my daddies have cucked you guys.

i noticied an pattern
why everytime MLB puts Seattle with A´s ?

why are whos fans so delusional?

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Attached: heemed.webm (954x512, 764K)

does anyone here play adult league baseball/any form of recreational play?

I play MLB the Show on legend difficulty. Does that count?

Why? Why can't they stop being the absolute butt of every joke? They're getting BTFO on a daily basis.

The dodgers lost back to back world series and now are falseflagging as padres fans.


Do you say the n word?

Which mlb owner needs to get Krafted?

i am trying but life doesnt helps

I smell DISCORD in thise flaseflag!

slimy Red Cucks owner

baseball is here you can stop with it?

>tfw would join but don't want to join alone but have no friends
It's a vicious cycle

Attached: tenor (2).gif (498x268, 545K)

sorry sir...I will stop it...

yeah thats gonna be a BIG YIKES from me bruh


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i was about to post about the evil clock

Who are your fantasy players?

like fantasy leagues or ficctional players?

Literally nothing wrong with this. Fast-paced pitchers like Buerhle are the most entertaining to watch. Seems to be a lost art in modern pitchers.

You can't sit there and tell me that watching fat asses like Pedro Baez scratch their nuts for 30 seconds before throwing a pitch is entertaining.

*raises paw*

can the cubbie pls have based bauie?

>Pedro "30 seconds to pitch" Baez
I forgot how long that dude takes to throw a pitch, perfect poster child for the clock. Wonder if the players will like it tho that will be the big factor.

Who /cactusleague/ here?

*raises paw*

Grapefruit Chad reporting in. Fuck your shitty desert league.

You mean in general or in spring training? In general, they play in the same division so they play 19 games against each other every year. For spring training, MLB is divided up into teams that train in Florida and teams that play in Arizona. Obviously the A's/Mariners train in the same state.

in meant in general

they litteraly will do the tokyo game on opening day


holy fuck lol


can cubbie pwease get based bauie pwease



Bauer outage at da peoria!

1 more day......

....till daddies baseball

Attached: yay.jpg (600x600, 160K)

haha no you daddies can win in 2031

Based Ichiro

manny to daddy!

manny to mommy!

>its the current year
damn good point brb making a twitter page for my /spa/ frens!

laughing stock of the league. just like the bulls

who's winning divisions this year?

>(((reinsdorf))) is the common denominator

baseball isnt over for the day

at 11pm ET the NPB pre-season (also called Open Games) will begin

Yokohama DeNA Baystar vs >Drags
Jap Gints vs Rakuten (Golden) Eagles
^ those two are inter-league games

Tokyo Yakult Swallows vs Hanshin Tigers
^ this one is Central League duel

Attached: Today´s Games.png (1300x365, 366K)

i will post links to people see when before games start

AL East : Yankees
AL Central : Indians
AL West : Astros

NL East : Phillies
NL Central : Brewers
NL West : Dodgers

This guy gets it.

Man, the NL is ass.

as always i will not laugh at the dodgers until the series which they most likely will coast too even if it looks like they won't and then get swept by any of the teams in AL


Attached: chill-eagle.gif (640x480, 169K)

Imagine getting swept by CLEVELAND

No expansion until they either get morons in Tampa or Oakland to foot the bill for their billionaire owners or convince some other city to do it and move them there.

would >cusb even be a thing? Windians posters would never shut up

also hear ye hear ye can we raise a glass for boston JUSTing itself after "winning" against overrated teams

>be houston

Manlet Macucko


>be houston

>be houston
>keep winning as fair as possible

What's the matter, Scooter? Having a rough day?

>gonna hate

Attached: hou-champs.jpg (726x960, 121K)

>be houston
>become winston
>get caught cheating
>lose 4 straight
>become loseaton

>thinking yaks will win the division

Attached: xander-1jpg-b188d412bec2b061.jpg (2048x1679, 375K)




I still haven't seen a valid explanation for this meme. Their run differential last year was -50. Their pitching was completely mediocre and they didn't change their starting rotation at all. Bryce Harper is overrated and their manager is a joke.
Someone explain the meme please.

kek lol wheeze

Jameis Winston?

>becoming a black QB
How horrifying

get that trash ass nigger out of my city we have the better whiter watson
you're right it should be
you're right the better choice is the braves but i didn't have the guts to type out such a name out

the chadres are making the wildcard game and theres nothing you can do about it.

That's cute

Attached: Los-Angeles-Dodgers-ace-Clayton-Kershaw-to-pitch-simulated-game-Monday.jpg (975x650, 76K)

Honestly wouldn't mind seeing but I doubt it will happen this season. Maybe after Tatis and a few pitchers.

>be houston before caught cheating
>be houston after caught cheating

They are probably incapable of making the playoffs until Gore and Paddack are up.


Attached: Thinking_Face_Emoji_large.png (480x480, 101K)

Are you the Houston train poster?

>be houston

no all astros posters aren't the same guy except for these daddy posters
>be houston
>not lose

Bauer Boys
Discord Dudes
ABG Alliance
DG Pissboi Squad
Psycho Gang
Baby Talkies
Woe Bros
Fangraphs Fellowhood
Inspector Godgers Society (patrols /nfl/ as well)


Also forgot:

Eternal Royals Posters (aka the Pothead element of James Shields lol: Pothead)

is gackt/sigh poster big enough yet?

The 3 Banter Gods would BTFO any of these groups

gackt/sigh poster is Discord


Bauer boys are in the house tonight
Bauer boys gonna have a good time

Banter gods...?heh...


Abandoned nokia of the vacant mansion
>banter foddee

Attached: d772f0ab826400b0c78ca1cd3a1f1de5.jpg (900x1400, 97K)

You are also not getting Trout in two years either as the Yankees will have more money than the Phillies do right now and offer 500 million for him.


it makes me wish make an baseball tournament in next off-season

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>Stupid money is the new Dream team
Lets face it, Philllies have has always been that hype and no reward team since 2010 just to fill seats by spouting shit like this only to fall flat on its ass when the actual season starts. Also Yankess get Trout in two years so another decade in the basement Phills go.

I can't wait until Trout is wearing a Yankees uniform

it's a perfect fit

you wish, if he ever leaves angels, he will come home.

Attached: troutsixers.jpg (675x450, 62K)

Well everyone thought the Phillies actually would land both players. Only problem about that it was another team that start with a P to get both players.

Attached: tenor.gif (220x127, 37K)

Which baseball team will win the Owl AND the Eries this year?


The community lost a great member today. You will be missed, Jeff.

Attached: samharris_h.jpg (850x640, 111K)

Yankees will outbid the Phillies 3x over when the time comes. Just hope your catcher request a trade in those two years.

Where does a fan of a historically unsuccessful team, just trying to talk basedball fall in?

Saints for the Owl and Yankees for Eries

Ahem Saints Owl and Yea Forumsstros will win the Eries

Woe Bros

post youre predictions

nats, braves, phillies, mets, marlins
cardinals, brewers (WC1), cubs (WC2), reds, pirates
dodgers, rockies, padres, dbacks, giants

yankees, red sox (WC1), rays (WC2), blue jays, orioles
indians, twins, royals, tigers, white sox
astros, athletics, angels, mariners, rangers

Attached: who.gif (200x150, 415K)

if he leaves angels, it won't be about money for sure. I don't think Angels would let him walk without making like 400-450 million dollars for 10 years.

Attached: trout.jpg (640x359, 45K)


check'd myself

Attached: 1531970574982.jpg (987x795, 375K)

>mel gibson
wrecked himself

>Yankees will outbid the Phillies 3x over when the time comes. Just hope your catcher request a trade in those two years.

lol, in the age of luxury tax the Yankees arent outspending anybody by 3X. George has been dead for 9 years my friend

more or less this. The Dads just dropped $300 million, for fuck's sake, we're all doomed.

>sox/rays ALCS


Red Sox

Nationals def. Cardinals
Yankees def. Astros

Nationals def. Yankees


>lol, in the age of luxury tax the Yankees arent outspending anybody by 3X
How long do you think the luxury tax has been a thing?


Attached: wil-meyers-hair.png (599x614, 486K)

get a haircut you fucking hippie

The Yankees will not spend 3X more than the Phillies for Mike Trout. You can read up on the Luxury Tax and its history on your own time.

not that user, but the yankees have ways of moving money around, they do not actually give any fucks.


Attached: caplol.gif (400x293, 964K)

Mike Trout is going to get anywhere from $350-450m and you're claiming that the Yankees are going to spend 3 times that? C'mon man

new thread pls make it maCHADo and the chadres edition pls

This, and also don't forget Philthy fans have been chugging the blue pills for years. They were so fucking delusional that they seriously thought they were going to get both Harper and Machado, and now they have neither.

The joke among Dads fans is that mother nature has been helping him with that on her own for years now, more than he'd prefer.

Again, how long do you think the luxury tax has been around?

the back half of their rotation is a question mark for sure but I'll take their offense and top 3 SP over any other team in the NL.

They will spend that much considering hes going to be the free agent of the decade, and would be retarded if they actually didn't spend the stupid money they will have by then.

NEW in a few homerposts

>taking the statement literally literally
based retarded aspie

>dumbfuckmutt hung up on semantics
ESL was a mistake


nice playoff history that team has

Reuse the old thread

well it's good to have bants

So is Machado gonna do anything for the padres? I'm a pretty casual fan but I just glanced at the padres roster and saw like one name I recognized and I'm pretty sure he's just a bullpen pitcher


get the fuck out of here with that shit, the new one has news and wasn't made by a newfag

>I just glanced at the padres roster and saw like one name I recognized

502 and NEW



>old thread
>old news
>bumping your own shitty thread from page 10
Kindly kill yourself.


>al wc