Field Hockey discussion in here.
Upcoming games:
Arg vs Ger
Field Hockey discussion in here.
Upcoming games:
Arg vs Ger
This isn't it cheif
i reckon this gets unjustly autosaged/deleted within 15 minutes
Looking forward to some well structured debate with no interference in this thread.
really excited to see Mariah Williams' comeback
not following what do you mean?
picking Argentina here
Had club trials last night. Went pretty well.
grass>watered turf>>>artificial turf>>>>>>>indoor surfaces
nice m8
Based /fhoc/ up there with /crug/ if I'm honest
Are field hockey girls good for shagging?
last olympics there was one on the Dutch women's team. Forget her name
No they're all thick and muscular but the bear fat kind
t. Sister was all state
any /net/ers in here?
here mate
sad to hear about Tayla Honey's ACL
Natural grass is actually shit though. Watered is best.
Very sad indeed
Going servo you lads need anything
no, volley girls are
theyre thicc and perfect for facesitting
Gib Liedewij Welten gf NOW
>he doesn't use Gryphon exclusively
>tfw no blonde STICCCCC hockey gf