>head man
sabres are donezo but here I am
go sabres!
sabres are making me want to unironically die. so it's a normal season really.
watch >us lose
>point napping through team meetings
and a hey hey hey
>ywn go to Top Golf with a 10/10 russian qt
For me, it’s Kseniya actually
How do I get a Russian model hockey wife?
>another .900 goalie
5-2 incoming
Got a six figure offer today lads. Ready a good night.
Leave the basement.
Go ppg+ in the 'chel for 3 years or so
What do you do?
janitor on 4channel
Human capital consultant.
We have basements, not all of the state is a swamp.
So like these guys?
Am I weird for thinking she's not that hot? Not that it matters, love is love. And what the fuck is Kuch doing wearing a White Sox hat when he plays for Tampa?
I think Russians wear sports stuff for popular teams or stuff that looks good. Either they only knew about a few of the big time teams when they were growing up or just think the logo looks good with their track suits
>tfw seven minutes without a goal
enjoy the sabres one decent period, boys. it'll be gone by the third
how we looking lads
Pointer should have had one or two. >we getting some looks
Sort of. Just much better dressed and with a nice office.
They need some traffic in front of the net man. Hutton is getting clean looks at everything.
>someone gave Point a fucking clock
>Double minor
God damnit
don't worry the sabres pp is god awful
He was late to a team meeting so he was benched in the last game.
Missed a team meeting got scratched last game. Known for taking 5+ hour naps
*skies another AAA chance*
nuthin personnel, it’s not the playoffs yet
>I'm commander shepard and this is my favorite alternate jersey in the league
He's smart enough to know when to score. Don't you know he went to Harvard?
Breh we gotta score one of these chances
Ok Pierre
ahahah fucking florida, I love you
I need pants like that
florida has a bunch of buffalo transplants down there.
is chara injured?
pretty sure the chant was Bolts not Buffalo.
are you deaf? BOLTS has one syllable and BUFFALO has three. just listen for it next (if) >we score again.
Are you? Jesus christ
why are you getting defensive? buffalo scored and there are sabres fans in the stands, so they got a chant going. not like fucking tampa florida is selling out a hockey game.
>175+ game sellout streak
ok seething retard
Oy, dude. We have like a three year sell out streak and it was a lets go bolts chant. We score alot and the crowd wanted an equalizer. There arent enough sabers fans there to be heard that much
>Not selling out
My dude they've sold out almost 200 games in a row
>the sellout meme
>salty northerners have to pull this "muh winter sport" bullshit every time
>most of the league gets btfo by sunbelt teams (Vegas, San Jose, Tampa)
you guys gonna be okay? sorry for my mistake jesus
More okay than Buffalo's playoff chances
it's ok bro
wooooooo go sharks
yea don't remind me
Reminder to keep the thread comfy :)
The Lightning are the only thing Tampa has so they get real defensive.
Stralman looks like he smokes like a chimney
As opposed to all the great things Buffalo has to offer like drive through liquor stores.
he loks like a human condom
san jose is the only real team in florida
We will be taking EK off your hands soon fren
shits fucked bros.
hey we have old pink too
I feel like the 100th point is coming soon
I would be shocked if he doesn't pick it up tonight.
Its over. Blow the team up. >we're sellers
Bolts looking kind of sloppy out there lads.
Serg is gonna be the 7th D man during the playoffs isn't he?
if the sabres were better at making the most of their opportunities it'd be like 3-0 by now.
Point 100. What a fucking pass from TyJo.
There it is lads.
Beauty of a pass
Can't remember the last time I saw Kuch celebrate with that much emotion.
>triple digit points
I'd be pretty happy, too
I think most of that was because they finally got a goal. He is a little robotic with his scoring, I think he doesn't want to jinx himself but I like watching Ovi score because he always shits his pants with joy.
>lightning pp
Was that off the post or did Hutton fucking get across to stop Kuch?
Sounded like post
Yeah. Can't believe Kuch missed that one.
This god damn troll post
What's the best sub that Publix sells?
tender but the Havana bold is really good too
The chicken cordon bleu is pretty good
>Kuch is under six feet
Damn, I had no idea. Lanklets btfo.
I'll sound basic for this but, Italian
Another god damn post.
Man Hutton has been stellar tonight.
yes. he has been.
>Lightning PP
>Lightning PP
Kuch bb no plz be okay
god damn it
RIP kuch
Time for a celery shortie lads.
How many post is that? 6?
Holy fuck that no call on Eichel taking out Gourde
Alright fight someone. They hurt kuch and just committed like three penalties in a row
>Lightning soon to be PP
a penalty for playing defense
lmao wtf are these "tripping" penalties
Eh partial makeup for the obvious missed interference by Eichel
It was a weak call but so was the one on Cernek and the miss call on Eichel for interfering Gourde. It's only fair.
yeah agreed it was an equalizer. hate them but it is what it is
Weak fucking call on Cernak but holy shit Point fucking going for it.
>The two biggest twinks go after each other
Wasn't expecting that one
My boy Point going in for it. Good shit.
>Skinner latched onto Point dragging him to the ice
>Point gets a holding penalty
That is a fucking weak
how the fuck is that a penalty too? they were holding each other????
these refs will be the first to go
>get arm held
>serve 2 minutes for "holding"
skinner has such a mouth on him, point gets pissy
>eat shit
>2 minute PP for "eating shit"
I smell OT
Wth has buffalo been doing since >we last played? This is the strongest opponent >we've dealt with in a while
Normally I would say Tampa plays down to the competition but Buffalo has been solid tonight.
To OT we go lads.
Tiny Johnson has a hole in his stick.
Oh man Kuch is fucking fired up.
What is this awful fucking music
Stupid to get pulled in OT though.
We might be in for a long shootout here.
holy christ, buffalo plays such a slow and boring overtime. absolute pussies
Based Stammer. Off to a good start.
buffalo has streaky play. they look like the worst team in the league some nights, and then some periods are kino for them.
That fucking post tonight. God damn.
Kuch with the last word.
gg bolts
Kuch and Stammer cleaning fucking house. GG