
>heute Abend
SJS @ PIT, 7 pm
PHI @ MTL, 7:30
LAK @ NSH, 8 pm (7 pm Central)
STL @ DAL, 8:30 (7:30 Central)
NYI @ EDM, 9 pm (7 pm Mountain)
ARZ @ VAN, 10 pm (7 pm Pacific)

Attached: pure German precision.webm (960x600, 2.96M)

Other urls found in this thread:


all ice same


A-at least we still got a medal

>canadian goaltending



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It's nice they're doing a tribute to elias pettersson.

go good guy pens

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*ahem* no, yinzer

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>anachronistic visor
>no detail on the glove
God damn that was made a long time ago.

when you could have it all, but you're a simple man

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Attached: SheaWeberShootsThroughTheNet.webm (1920x1080, 2.82M)

>retarded fucking sunbelter with a wife bigger than >his team's fanbase posts a schedule in inconsistent timezones to appeal to retards from calihomoia to (((DC))) and down to Tejas because he couldn't handle the bants when he got called out trying to reformat the schedule to look more like a pie
Absolute city-state of this try hard loser

Literally me except without the video games or leaving the house

Canes, Kitties, qts:

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Repost incase you missed it.
Ready to ironically lose to the caps.

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incoming hatty

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wow what are you babbling about?

I did miss it, thank you for reposting

>Pain, does not exist in this Eishalle, does it?
>Fear, does not exist in this Eishalle, does it?
>Defeat, does not exist in this Eishalle, does it?
>What do we teach in this Eishalle?
>And what way is that?

>he thinks I'm Bracket
No idea where you got this idea.

think it's a kraut, many european ISP shows as american flag.



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Seething just for the sake of seething tbhon

oh no no

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atta boy

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Got it m8, keep on with the good fight. Don’t give these sunbelt scum an inch.

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lel, what the fuck is going on at the Leafs-Capsds game?


my brother is going to the oilers game tonight, i'm quite jealous

seething and obsessed

Vielleicht habe ich nur Deutsch gelernt.

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Looks like we’re gonna have ourselves a meme game

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Jealous that he gets to throw his jersey on the ice instead of you?

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right in time for stan lee cup finals

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Nice frenly pass to the head of Williams

>you miss 1% of the shots you take
>-dwayne bretzky

Right on the tape.

sometimes forget crosby exists desu

definitely feels like the league isn't memeing him so hard anymore

you think you’re gonna beat the knights, flames, and jets yah?

this panthers-canes game is just depressing to look at, just relocate them already

> I only shoot and score then you score then will come
- the great one

just a good exciting game

hey friend, is there a gamethread?

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He misses Fleury.
Trade to vegas when?

How come every trade suggested for the Leafs by talking heads now is "let's dump this expensive player 1 for 1 for a cheaper, more skilled player"

Crosby - 25 goals 48 assists
Malkin - 18 goals 44 assists
>135 points between the 2 of them

Monahan - 29 goals 38 assists
Gaudreau - 30 goals 49 assists
>146 points between the 2 of them

Attached: flames smuk.jpg (425x441, 139K)

I’m not your friend, pal

>no Stone, Dzingel or Duchene

why the fuck am I watching this

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I have first hand experience getting a mini puck right on with a slapshot, no helmet.

crosby and malkin are old now, monahan and gaudreau are at the peak of their careers and are only barely ahead


also Malkin is a dumb nigger

how could it get any worse

>crosby and malkin are old now
they won back to back cups 2 years ago when they were older than Johnny and Monny are right now

how much longer until baldthews gets to todd reirdens level?

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Monafag and goodblow will never threepeat. Take that to the bank

lmao @ the absolute state of this organization

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>If the owners wanted to, they could move the kitties to QC BEFORE the Seattle team begins in 2021
What do you think about that?

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kane's first fucking breakaway goal all year. christ

At least your 1st round pick will be a high one.

Oh god penguins what are you doing?


>moves in your direction

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>bill coughs up another shg
he will be gone over the summer

Fuck it, I'm joining the rest of my family and cheering for the Habs


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I think that they must really not have any confidence in the Canadian dollar.

Move the SNES instead

neither did Crosby and Malkin
3peat means 3 in a row

lmao jumbo

gary is just going to keep places like houston and quebec as "threat cities" so any team who doesnt want to invest in a new stadium or pay its players properly in the future can be coerced into following garys demands.
hes playing 8d chess.

Just farted lads

>trade bait sitting out
The state of this league.

just showing em how he tapes his stick

Imagine the smell

I didn't say they did you utter fucking idiot. I didn't even mention them

patrick nolan

I have Aho on my pool. Can someone explain why didn't he get an assist on the 1st goal? Florida never had the puck.

>filnavnet på norsk

you are if I say so, buddy

kek, is it true Duchbane was traded? I don't remember if Turris is still on the Sens

more lewd debbies pls


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>nigger lover
Into the trash she goes

hate playing snes normally but this is just mean and no fun

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I figured you were the user I was talking with denying me a (you) because I proved him wrong with stats, no need to get so mad

hva mente han med dette?

>man drama

ment for

When you want your Debbies to lose sometimes, and Sens are the best to lose to...

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Duchene is was traded for Turris, and now he'll be traded again....probably to Nashville

stay scared m8s

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>to hot for Ewe

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hertl 4 goals inc?


Thanks, Boston

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Her fucking a sheep would be better desu

jeg er mong

Claiming Squishface

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you mean Turris?


the Sens are a pretty standard win, just like the Canes and Avalanche were the past three years

lmao mild fans thought the tank was on

finna see some shork cock stroking tonight lads

curling is on

Duchene will be traded

Bizzaro Debbie would eat your ass and then devour your penis
Evolve or vacate from /hoc/, commie

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Hail, Squishface, Devourer of Sealab

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business idea: curling but with pucks

hope the pens kong out so >we can unleash haley

>mfw its time to play the oilels again

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for me, it's horseradish, the best condiment

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looks like they will

As above(Our Draft Standing) So is Below(our season standing) Woah got statue capthas

1 Nigger fuckers dont get my cock
2 some dumb blonde bitch can't handle my cock

GREAT comment
I feel ya buddy, I like to mixed in to everything

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Buisness idea: Nuke the sunbelt and start anew

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>mcmeme-less soilers
will laugh and laugh if the islels managed to lose


What games should I be streaming 3 at a time

horse meat is good for you, nutritious and delicious. Dig into some horse.

It's called shuffleboard and as far as bar "sports" go it's one of the better ones


>Oh someone please touch my lonely cock
Got it; not interested, but they're always Grinder

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>mcmeme-less soilers
what happened?

My ex-step cousins buddies dad actually founded helluva good dip AMA

Where to find horse meat in the US? I always have to settle for Bison whenever I go down there

Flu again

I like wasabi, but it’s nowhere as versatile. Been waking up to bloody noses all week, and a dab of wasabi mixed into a spoonful of horseradish let’s me get a really good blow in the shower, clean up that caked blood right out of my nostrils.

I really should buy a humidifier.

>bulju STILL hurt
who hurt him :(

thank him for me, shit is cash

>trade first round pick for duchene
>trade duchene less than a year later
>no first round pick
>no duchene

time for bulju to step up I guess

>mad because he's a cuck
See I can change words and spew bullshit too

Myers Superfoods carries it.


melnyk seems way more erratic than katz. katz just wants his 80s boys club. melnyk is more like lmao wtf are you doing.

fugg, i may start doing this. thanks for the tip lad

>hit off the nob of desmith
heh heh

>All these players getting "hurt" or "sick" at the deadline

>t. hurtl

Attached: Florida_Box_Turtle_Digon3_re-edited.jpg (2800x2100, 768K)

one of those hurricane punks

the flames wont be elite until they get some finnish players

>mcdavid gets traded
that would finally make up for the lack of action this deadline

they got better once they got rid of all their finniggers. rmyt.

What would be the funniest team to trade mcdavid to?

>interim GM trades away McDavid
holy shit imagine the butthurt

Wait, >we did? When, which period?

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somewhere equally awful and in the canadian media
like ottawa


evander kane is my nigga btw

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Pittsburgh or Chicago for the pure distilled ass pain


what a terrible period. could be reading a book or something productive with my time.

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How old is that one Buffalo announcer? Sounds like someones grandfather

flames obvs

Praying to Jesus, kek, and all that is holy that this happens

"This move is retroactive to when Puljujarvi last played on Feb. 15, which means the oft-scrutinized winger is ineligible to play Tuesday and Thursday, but could return Saturday against the visiting Ducks. Meanwhile, the 20-year-old has gone nine games without recording a point, and for the season, has just four goals and five assists in 46 games."
oilers played the hurricanes on the 15th, i didnt watch the game

delete this right hecking now

flames for the mass collective suicide of edmonton that's long overdue

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I don't know how Buffalo fans can stand listening to that voice


That would be so devilish. I want it to happen.

Kings, just like Gretzky before him

The Oilers have literally no other moves that they can make.

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Have they been in finals after Kipper huh HUH?!

melnyk isnt going to pay somebody 12.5 mill per season. melnyk is probably so cheap he uses 1ply toilet paper.

The two biggest advantages that hockey has over other sports are: unlimited on-the-fly substitutions, and fighting. How bout we create hybrid sports that improve the boring mainstream sports we have?
Sockey - Just like soccer except for, you guessed it, unlimited on-the-fly substitutions, and fighting!
basket-hockey - Exactly like basketball but it has, dingdingding, unlimited on-the-fly substitutions, and fighting!
foot-hockey - like football, but it has, well you see the point.
Any sport can be great if you simply add: Unlimited on-the-fly substitutions, and fighting!

don't say that, I like Edmonton

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Mcdavid for Duchene and Dzingel
Who says no?


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Welcome to NHL Carter Hart.

melnyk doesnt want to pay duchene like 8mill. hes not going to want to pay mcdavid 12.5mill/season

>He's not going AYWHERE
enjoy McDavid, Edmonton, seriously
Cause he's yours, lump or whatever

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what do you mean on-the-fly substitutions? I don't watch other sports

Drinking Watching Debbies

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Praise Him

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I have the strength of a bear, with the strength of a million bears!

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in other sports you can't just leave the field in the middle of live play, in basket ball you check in at the scorers table, in soccer you have to check in and they hold up that sign, in football the clock can be running but you have to wait until play is stopped; hockey's the only sport where you can just leave and have a fresh guy come on while play is ongoing

>some thought he had a chance at the calder

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>imagine comparing two hall of famers with 3 cups with two unestablished nobodies who haven't won a thing
Flames fans have become sunbelters from all the chinooks

for me, it’s lurking Sens twitter and reading the fan depression

Marduk is the false god.
Praise Absu
Praise Tiamat
Watching Kitties vs Relocanes

For Rizzle Muh BizzleNizzle

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>no one within 20 feet of ovie
What the fuck idiots

>American "talent"
Not even remotely on my radar

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do they bitch about tierny and demelo?

>losing early
>start gooing
Stay classy bracelet chuckers

for me, it's mingus dew

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Ahem, We all know who rules over us.

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Who is Gabriel?

>ITT: we post cold weather/non-Sun Belt cities with NHL teams

I'll start: Las Vegas

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debbies over indulging a bit, don't ya think?

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who told you about the five jew bankers?

That's not >our name.

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was a shit ton of snow up in summerlin today

>I'm gonna _____ him in the ____!

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Will Philthy ever have a good goalie?

How the fuck was that interference?

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I could take Ovechkin

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yes and then they will trade him away.

Oral or anal?

Looks like hail

We could really use some of that global warming!

no, no, no it's snow.


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those houses are hideous

Hmmm... I don't believe you

That's what happens when you're basically Mexico

Why isnt Talbert in net for the Flyers? Like hes not even dressed, why did they trade for him?

because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk

As a Debbies fan I'm doing the same

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interesting, I had no idea that was exclusive to hockey

Sims auto roof tool

all of san jose is hideous lad

the flames window is opening, the pens window is closing. a new era is upon us.

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>Yeah, baby... you like that...

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it changes everything, the guys are always fresh

yesss jumbo

the top team in the western conference all year isn't on your radar? might want to get your radar fixed bud

honestly i didn't think he had that in him


GreekBro You SonnuvaBitch

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no lefs

new era
same mediocrity

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he's back la

I can tell you're a sunbelt at heart because you still think regular season matters

Ever since some time yesterday afternoon Greece has been absolutely BASED

I need a referee merchant for the laffs game.

its not really him, it can't be. Has to be someone else with a greasy flag


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>laffs crowd completely silent
Look who is scared now OH NONONO

>kane breakaway and misses the net
ahh, that's more like it

I've always held him with high esteem..

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>eclipsed by the geriatric ruins
>s-s-stay scared m8

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Perhaps he’s finally finished puberty

>said the Cupless Canadian about the current Stan Lee Champs

Me on the right

dubs for bulju

feel bad for him 2bh. flyoers came out looking like shit. he seems to have the composure to bounce back.

Attached: flyers cute taryn hatcher.jpg (606x931, 77K)

I don't take offense to that coming from a canucks fan, your team isn't even making the playoffs

What a coincidence, me on left

It’s always worth a chuckle when fans of an inferior canadian team criticize the leafs

excuse me, but I don't watch many laffs games. When does the scary part start?

At that time I was still childish enough to try to make the madness of their doctrine clear to them; in my little circle I talked my tongue sore and my throat hoarse, thinking I would inevitably succeed in convincing them how ruinous their Marxist madness was; but what I accomplished was often the opposite. It seemed as though their increased understanding of the destructive effects of Social Democratic theories and their results only reinforced their determination.
The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.
I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.
Gradually I began to hate them.

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jumbo showing why he's one of the goats tonite

Deadline week is the comfiest week

we just gonna pretend like this didn’t happen?

>"this is our best year to win the cup"
>barely even better than rebuilding habs

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After they mate

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Comfy is just a code word for boring DESU

leafs fans are just upset because the media told them they were going to finish 1st in the league and they aren't even 1st in their division. The only 1st the leafs will enjoy is another 1st round exit

I swear to God

I will find You


how did people see the puck when there was no hdtv?

they'd watch the players

I’m not upset

>tfw Carolina - Florida game has Finnish Olympic team's top-2 centers
no face

glow puck

>not on my radar
they should be
>reg season is meaningless
ok bud whatever you say

>to young to remember Laser Pucks

By not being american.

>tfw have watched hockey on a good 'ole 500kg tube tv

What’s the trades my man


still waiting for real trades

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Americans have been pathologic losers since Vietnam
Gaudreau will choke

It makes sense that the pucks were black before everyone had color TV's but it's 2016 we should seriousle be able to aford to color the rubber by now lol seriously it's so hard to wathc hockey on TV XD

you follow the play and watch the players, you couldn't really get a clear view of the puck until you saw the replay
good commentators were a lot more important back then

deadline gonna be real spicy this year

Dzingel duchene stone all on the move in the next 3 days

but the ice is white knucklehead

you get an eye upgrade after your first year of peewee





Like I give a fuck

this is just how hockey should be watched desu.

Because he's fucking garbage lmao

Coming down the QEII right now to punch your head in dumb flims fan

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

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Fucking reeks in here now

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Bunch of fucking niggers if I must say so.

me, but replace Marxist with neonazism and Jew with rightwinger

The puck should be more sleek and compact, brought to you by Apple, and clear, it’s practically the 20s




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>10 million shekels? what do you need 5 million shekels for? Why are you worth 1 million shekels?

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No please don’t start the /pol/ war again

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>burns gives the puck to crosby
>goodrow runs over jones while crosby has said puck
can't help but to shork

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Is it worth even drinking watching these debbies.

im from georgia

which team is mine the knights the preds or the jets?


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friendly reminder that nothing can stop this man

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Synagogue of Satan

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Why the fuck are we still paying for ladd?

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Basé Gally



It’s not just worth it, it’s necessary

Fuck off we're full

I never thought Gallagher never had a hat trick before.


that could make an excellent pre-chorus

preds make the most sense geographically

Bob McKenzie: Sens are looking for 4 pieces in a trade involving Stone, could be as high as 2 first round picks and 2 very good prospects

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jets because they are the thrashers
only darkies and sodomites like the predittors


Manly Trips....


He had quite a few 2 goal games. I'm glad he can check that off his career list

>*guitar twang*
Nope, still hate lage

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in honor of your trips, thread theme

relocanes, if you can pony up a few grand

Not worth desu
And how many contenders have 2 first round picks?

Trips of Man, and Paddy O'Papist is as close as a kinsman I got down there on sealab.

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Bèliveau magic lads. Based.

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Stone has never had a 65 point season before, he's 27 years old
he's a 20 goal scorer mid pack forward.
I feel bad for whatever team overpays him

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more insight

I have been to Atlanta Knights games as a youngin

No, you guy are going to Connecticut

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hope >my team stays away from whatever busts snes are trying to ship out

literal faggot from the UFC (undercover faggot championship)

Yes, but is he Cell Key material?

>two (2) first rounders and two (2) prospects
>for stone
if chia were still around, maybe...

Yet somebody will overpay for him. And they wont win or they'll win but he'll have 4 assists through the playoffs and then they'll regret it in 6 years

For me its building a team through every round of drafting and low value depth trades

>winnipeg jets are winning 4 Stanley Cups and anime is real

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Guise, I have to admit, I kinda like watching late night Sunbelt games
>muh secret shame

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do you like khinkali and shashlik?


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Duchene’s going to the sharks for 2 first rounders I’ll tell ya that right now

Like the Jets, they used to be the Atlanta Thrashers, but moved the team to Winnipeg
Given the options you laid out - vegas, trashvile, winnipeg - winnipeg is the least gay


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do the sharks even have any first rounders left to trade?

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I don't know, is he a defensive forward? I don't watch Senators games. I'm just looking at his point totals and I'm unimpressed. If Bob McKenzie is right about what the Sens want for him, it seems like a ridiculous overpayment


>four sixes
was this post suppose to be sarcastic?

EK9 for Duchene

thats what my heart says. it just feels odd.

it would be like if i grew up a flames fan and then supported them

Until 2022 they have 0 1st round picks and 1 2nd round pick

they also have a massive cap crunch next year

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i still want to know how he got that scar

the only good forward on the sens roster is Brady Tkachuk and they are keeping him
Panarin is the only good forward available at the deadline

gotta win one while joe still has knees


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>3rd period
>still haven't put 43774524753644386 goals past scneids

joe thornton wouldnt even be in the NHL top 200 tbqh

Caps-Leafs go to overtime, that's my estimation

bulju is available too

now that was a system

Go Caps

I think I should be ready for this

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Joe Thornton should just shut his mouth

just cheer for the preds

what is life like in ottawa? seems boring

that guy is a meme

>/hoc/ is fucking for real tonight
You muh dawgs...

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It is. It's all government employee nerds


based Matthews doing his thing again

is he the next Crosby?

Ottawa is nice. Not too busy like toronto, not too small like hamilton or something. I wouldn't visit ottawa, but living here is nice.

shut up you syrup slurping canadian


>southern ontario
gross lad

Tavares is helping the Leafs in the "scorer who also has body skills and can carry a physical game" department

post pic of your view outside

I'm scared, m8s
>ssssshhhhh!! they'll hear you!!


are bosses bad in Canada? For example, do they try to exploit you and cut corners for a profit makingyou stress for a buck? What am I asking right?

also, Wilson replied

S S M 8



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Preds m8 literally that simple


>stay scared m8

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wtf is that penalty

another loss incoming for the toronto shitty leafs

that Josi is so hot right now

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would you smash?

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I don't think bosses are bad in that sense in terms of Canada as a region. There will always be places in North America where they work you extremely hard for not much pay, but its your choice to work there. Like when people start out at big 4 accounting firms. But I don't think bosses here would ever exploit you, definitely not commonly

I think that niggers STINK

I'm going to watch my first game of hockey tomorrow with my friends, they plan to explain the game to me but what should I know going in? Keep in mind, this is the Flyers/Penguins game. I'm also seeing a girl who's a Blackhawks fan, is there anything I should know there?

>gary doesn't want a hertl hatty,
b-but why?

let's do this

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fuck off we're full


So true

>flyers pens
Apply yourself next time

any curling on lads?

you’re right

>but its your choice to work there

eh..come on now

Hell year fren we’d have a nice long life together

Nigga damn I'm SORRY I mean Saturday. It's been a long week.

Post bunda. Answer is still yes.

Also canes

she cute

being a laffs fan is suffering, why was i born into this?

What I mean by that is:
>Choose to work a 60 hr work week at a "prestigious" firm in hopes to move up
>Choose to work in a more relaxed environment (like government, lots of ottawa people work in government) where you are paid a good, steady amount. But it isn't seen as prestigious or lucrative.


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you put the puck in the net, and the team that does it more times in 60 minutes wins
there I taught you everything you need to know

it's punishment for your hubris

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Her eyes are misaligned

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karma for leafs fans being insufferable

I'm talking about labour jobs, retail, tourist, food business stuff like that.

Well the pens got shit on

doesn't matter. you wont be able to see shit in a stadium

We were born in the darkness, moulded by the darkness

Just watch the game and ask if something seem out of place
>like You, yah nooby wipe

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Its gonna be one of those games isnt it....

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I would say majority of employers would not fuck you over. Maybe a few bad seeds here and there, but no overwhelming trends to speak of. People are nice.


*are getting shit on

Leaf detractors are far more insufferable than their fans to be honest

I left a government job because every time I showed up I wanted to blow my fucking brains out. I'd just drink coffee and gamble online whenever I went into the office. Unbearable environment, coworkers, citizens. Everything is fucking bullshit

never @ me again you fucking retard

hey /hoc/ fuck you lol /cric/ rules

I can't recommend North America for job hunting, Grecian
It's a hotbed of terrorist activity as of late

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It's not quite the 'Canes, but here's Manon in a Checkers jersey.

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This laffs crowd is dead

>dealing with immigrants and white trash
>400 people doing the work of 100
Can't really blame you

leafs fans have a false sense of superiority over all other hockey fans

suck my dubs

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good to hear. Because I don't see myself working a comfortable job. It would be like winning the lottery. And I doubt it's seen as non prestigious. I actually tend to doubt you a little bit. Bosses, unfortunately, are like that everywhere in the world, otherwise they wouldn't make money.

you left a job because of boredom? are you trolling us right now?

you're saying this because you don't want me to come over. Don't worry, I won't.

>you left a job because of boredom? are you trolling us right now?

i see nothing wrong in this.

No we don’t, this is just some strange insecurity concocted by fans of other teams, perhaps in an attempt to come together to rival the sheer size of the leafs’ fan base

Not like this....

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in north america, when you quit a job, you can just get a new one.
unless you're some kind of liberal arts major or something



Bulju is gong back to the Condors, guise
>it just wasn't meant to be

No, you should definitively visit

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you import all your fans from india

and the streets are paved with gold?

Why are we pretending like grease has any skills that would land him a job that isn't fast food or retail

hes getting ready

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>getting shut down by holtshit



I and many others come from generations of leafs fans
My father was a leafs fan and his father before him

>cabana boy
His true calling

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me neither, but what's better? A job that stresses you out or ajob where you can just be and do comfortably and is within both your abilities and ease?

You nailed it

love to see the leafs lose

*rattles in the distance*

how'd a whole family of faggots pump you out?

Hating the city of Edmonton, the Coilers, and Canada's oil industry is a great honor for me and makes me walk with my head high

Nice reffing

Because people who have actual aspirations want a job that will challenge them and grow their skills.

Not @'ing you anymore retard

oh hey, it's the leaf that lets holtby live in his head rent-free
that's real decent of you


Sorry guys /hoc/ isnt the most autistic board

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yeah everybody wants that, but in the short term?

A simple joke from a simple man


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I really did...

>Grecian, pound it

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found a picture of you holding your head high

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I was taking off from the office to go to interviews. id just tell them I was "going out to take care of things." I look back on my time in government as a colossal waste and feel nothing but maybe pity for the city I worked in (I didn't even live there) for paying me to do nothing

end of thread reminder that horseradish is the best condiment

enjoy your gay little song you're still losing in regulation

wow friend that's a little rude for 4channel

We heard you
report back to Trump HQ, lambykins

Wood deke, dangle and manhandle

a job that stresses you out helps you grow a job that bores you makes you atrophy



Why do you bring us such visual horrors, Bracket?

Crosby is a suckerpunching degenerate and belongs to cross

To help you sleep at night and remain free of ignorance.



reminder: with finns you win

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Where all the fans in Dallas?

for me, it's the las vegas thunder

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How buttblasted can the Penguins possibly get? at least half the team should get suspensions for that shameful display of garbage cheap shots in the final 10 mins of play. jesus, just take the fucking L and admit that the Canes are gonna take your wild card spot already you little amish faggots.

kessel really thought slashing a guy in the head in this day and age was going to be okay? and whoever that scrub ass faggot was taht crosschecked Hertl in the back after the whistle actually complained he got a penalty? come on now

took a big dump today lads.

He is too pure for this league