Michael Owen was once considered the best footballer on the planet
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Prime Owen was absolutely one of the best players in the world, he just had an awful drop-off with the injuries he suffered. Can't help thinking Mbappe's going to go the same way, they're very similar players.
Some Real Madrid fans consider his Ball of Gold award should have gone to Raúl instead, they unironically think Owen was not a deserving winner.
owen was a more reliable finisher but mbappé is better overall. the english always get confused by speed and think it's the sole quality a player needs and will dictate their ability in every aspect, and owen was 99% speed. mbappé might be 95% speed but at least has a few other things going on
Michael Owen winning it made the award irrelevant forever.
I can't decide if he's a Faggot or Based for doing that. Probably Based, fuck ballon d'shit.
>english anything
>best anything
Worse than Shevchenko
Worse than Raúl
Worse than Vieri
Worse than Del Piero
Owen was the reason the Balon d'Or became a joke in the early 2000s
he won 0 relevant titles with his team
Was it worse than Modrić winning it
>few other things going on
Whenever someone praises something but doesn't actually describe why it's good, it's shit 99% of the time. You had no confidence to tell him what are the other good things going on for mbappe.
>Insult celebrity
>Get insulted back
>"Oh my God. I can't believe you've done this!"
Why are normies like this?
Much worse. Modrić was one of the most important players in the squad that won the CL and even took >Croatia to a world cup final.
Before Messi/CR7, BdO was still a shitshow. Even Nedvěd won it.
michael owen is based and #1 in my heart always
>Alan Shearer
>Michael Owen
>Wayne Rooney
>Harry Kane
Who will the next English GOAT be?
Danny Drinkwater
Steven Sipliquid
reddit pls
Reginald Sissynanny
Were soon going to beat you in the obesity awards.
Ben Woodburn.
Although he chose Wales.
We just got it back from the Mexicans.
of course he was, only zoomers would believe he wasn't a top player in his prime
Raheem Sturling
Mohammed N'Bongo-Smith
Owen has more PL medals than slippy g. That was the sweetest thing