

Attached: Dz9lDAUXcAAO3rl.jpg (505x229, 17K)

Let's revisit this in the semi-finals, eh Pierre?

>monaco 4th in their CL group
>Bordeaux out in EL groups
>Marseille out in EL groups


Is that when the El Plastico derby of PSG/City takes place?

>in the fucking relegation zone since the start of the season

Will Ligue 1 eventually become the biggest league in the world?

What with all the great players they can produce and all the West Africans bandwagoning it?

Where were you when the french era began?

>sala dies
>farmers league suddenly becomes good

Ligue 1 is the best

>Getting beaten by fucking Rennes
>At home

Imagine winning 3-3 away and losing 3-1 at home

Seriously speaking, is Bundes in danger of losing their place to Leeg Uhn?

La liga
French league

more like serie A

La liga
Serie a
EFL Championship
Liga nos
Coventry Alliance Sunday league
Chinese Super league
Ligue 1

>2 years ago Monaco was in the CL semifinals

*sell all their players*


we would have a laugh before that celebrating the loss of evry anglo club in european competitions.


lol it is so funny because he put french league behind chinese one, haha good one bong.


>bragging about a draw at home against a barca who keeps losing or being dominated in the away games of the KO stage since years

lmao lyonfags


no, there is no mistake in football, the market value of a league reflects its level

la liga weakness

reminder that >we would have won with fékir

i hope fekir doesnt play at camp nou so you forever have a shit excuse

Monaco is a cash grabbing organisation selling overhyped players to EPL and Leliga pigeons.
PSG got their only legit good player

based ligue 1

Attached: ligue1.png (900x900, 221K)

come on now they had great players, bernard silva, mendy(if he wasnt always injured), fabinho

Just sayin' Mbop is the only one really providing

>a shit excuse
>implying the whole world didn't see that Memephis couldn't fill in as the 10

Attached: Marseille-1-3-Apollon-Limassol-Full-Highlight-Video-–-Uefa-Europa-League-20182019.jpg (884x472, 39K)


Fabinho and B.Silva have been great this season

>2nd in EPLel struggles to win against 14th in BL

Based Rennes will dab on the EPLEL too

Kimpembe shouldn't have been on the pitch after 60 mins, do you agree?

And considering that p$g has spent a small nation's GDP to build their squad, you'd think they should be capable of putting up a fight in the CL too. Lyon will eventually fall, and Sevilla are fucking shit

Schalke scored from 2 penalties. 0-3 would have been completely fair to City's performance