Players you want to have a life ending injury

Players you want to have a life ending injury

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this is a rude thread

t. Hunter Strickland


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That's a clown post, bro.

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>life ending injury

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t. Bauer Boy
Us Harper Heads will keep dabbing on your life. Stay mad.

I unironically want him to die

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Any Padres player

He'll be paid $350M and still hit .240. What a bum.

What did the Padres ever do to you my guy? They’re all just sad.

where's my ring?


t. dave roberts

>batting average
*chuckles* oh user...

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Wonder what would be more funny if the Phillies land Harper, or botch the deal and miss out on him?

I'm of the believe that right now the Phillies have offered the most money for Harper and therefore will eventually sign him, and now its only a matter of how much they are going to out-bid themselves.

would be crazy if nobody signs him

He would just go back to the Walgreens team if that's the case.

Don't @ me white boy. Bryce is a one trick pony who doesn't hustle and you faggots only like him because you can identify with him, not because he's a good player. The Padres will still be shit with him and bum ass Machado lmao

you're right.. I'm sorry...

the based reds will sign him

>living in cincinnati

not life ending, just career ending. He's so fucking boring to watch and he's a fucking robot off the field.

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funny how baseball players don't give a damn about ring chasing. it's almost as if the world series is a joke