Name a more boring team in Europe.
Name a more boring team in Europe
I can't, the club has been utterly soulless since the takeover, with the sole exception of the 2012 CL run. I can never be bothered to watch their matches because I just don't care about them, same with City.
Also they are the best example of petulant players with far too much power, much moreso than the manager, which is quickly becoming a cancer upon football. Literally even worse for that than Yanited are. It doesn't help that Sarri is actually incompetent of course, but my point stands.
me on the right
don't reply to me
@91044455 ok but I agree with you
@91044455 ok but I agree with you
Arsenal obviously, the only thing entertaining about them is roadman TV wiv wobbie & Co.
Mouchester United. And no coaching spastically didn’t make up for their soul crushingly boring play
Not boring, it's always fun to see them lose