GOAT confirmed


>GOAT confirmed

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Is incest an sport?

If so, who is the GOAT?

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I know Alabama are strong contenders but from England I'd put forward Norfolk.

I saw Brazilians/Mexicans somewhere on Yea Forums freely admitting that it's very normal to bang your cousins over there

I wouldn't say normal, I mean, cousins are likely partners for sexual initiation. I'm this sense you could say that no one really cares. As for get married to cousins and stuff like that, people think it's a little weird but no one is really afraid of deformed babies.

>ywn move in exhile to brazil and procreate an incestuous family with curuminha

ay bruhh what's her @??????????????

Feels bad

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Tbh people pretty much only banged their cousins for like 100,000 years

Technically the effects of inbreeding don't apply to cousins, only with your parents/siblings/children I'm pretty sure

This is not attractive. Can't wait for the thicc meme to end and petite qts to come back into vogue.

>inb4 Mediterraneans and Latinos call this normal and were up tight

>yfw this is a dying breed

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Why are people freaking out. This is a Brazilian thing, like fucking trannies.

No wonder traps are becoming popular.

She looks deformed
Like she stood up from her wheelchair after a couple of years

All memes aside this made me sick

I don't get it

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Can you even satisfy a grill like that if you don't have an 8" x 6" dick brehs...

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Fritzl is up there

wtf, people pressing D to pay respect IRL?

Not true, the paki population here has massive problems because of it, they nearly all marry their cousins


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t. dicklet

Stop stealing the Dutch poster’s gimmick you fat cunt

Well if it's very rampant I'm sure it'll eventually become a genetic problem, but generally I'd assume it's not a huge issue

I bang my older cousin every time I visit Mexico

>identifying individual posters on Yea Forums
maybe reddit is more your speed?



post pics nigger