Since they're obviously winning CL again, and with Tsu and Messi slowly getting exposed and all that...

Since they're obviously winning CL again, and with Tsu and Messi slowly getting exposed and all that, is he going to win it again in 2019?

Attached: luka.jpg (1279x720, 111K)

Vinicius will get it if Real wins the CL

UEFA Nations League tournament this summer, if some top notch player involved (e.g., Ronaldo, Kane, De Jong) wins it, the Ball of Gold award can go his way.

Big Shaq's winning it.

Paris will win it ,just watch

no, it's Benzema's turn

I can't think of a less deserving winner in history. This guy is the ultimate luxury signing

>implying it won't be mbappe

shouldnt this have gone to a french player since they won the cup, usually it goes like that


simple as

>but muh passenger in two finals

My money is on Mbappe, depending on how well PSG do in Europe.

For me? It's Benzema or Modric

France is the next powerhouse

look how many fucking amazing young players they have 18-22 year olds

they'll win it again in 2022, France or Brazil

that'd be based but if real madrid do win this ucl (nigh impossible with memechester shitty btfoing everyone not called olympique lyonnais left and right) my money is on benzema or vinícius
or maybe benzema gets the ballon d'or and vinícius that tree they gave to mbappé last year, idk

Attached: ballon d'or luka.jpg (621x475, 88K)

if real wins again (they will), sergio ramos will have the balloon door

I think Sterling will be in with a small chance of winning it if Man City win the CL.

not even the top 3 player in his own club: bernardo, aguero, sane

nice joke

>UEFA Nations League

Literally less relevant than the Charity Shield

Why the fuck would they give it to him and not aguero or the brown

I wonder who could be behind this post

Attached: united kingdom.png (253x556, 59K)

it's true though. rearranging friendlies and calling it a tournament doesn't make it prestigious

It is less prestigious but if my country had 50 years of medal drought I'd want it to win even the lesser tournaments

>le marketing award
who gives a shit

>I can't think of a less deserving winner in history.
Micheal Owen.

Griezmann should have won it if this award was worth a shit in the first place.
Modric wasn't even the best Croatian player and he choked in a couple of decisive moments.

>memechester shitty btfoing everyone
They barely won against Schalke.

You're retarded and possibly homosexual

hopefully. fuck missi and penaldo and their annoying fans

(>)schalke needed penalties to score, weren't it for those penalties they wouldn't have been able to score, and at home
besides, shitty is dominating the fuck out of epl
it's ogre, just give the ucl to poop's club already
this but unironically

Who cares?
It's fucking schalke.