Why we don't get to see this kind of stuff in american sports?

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The ones in MLS are gay.

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Would require too much physicial exertion

They do different kind of stuff. Marching bands, kiss cams and flossing.


They tried to do it, and even then Americans couldn't help but turn it into free advertising for their corporate overlords

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And people wonder why we’re the laughingstock of world soccer.

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good fucking god

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for me it's the bald fat dybala

because it's gay


Yeah but, what about the NFL, NBA, MLB or NHL?

If >we could organize this well, we'd have a representative democracy.

this one is, by FAR, worse than the gay flags.

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MLS fans:
Onions latte
Nintendo switch
Vote left
Open mouth smile
Blacked is their go to pron

Fucking Disgusting

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Dortmund's was stolen from, I think, Milan.

do Americans even have fan associations/fan clubs?
not necessarily ultras, just local gathering places for sport fans of a particular team
that is usually where these things originate

for our 4 main leagues,there are sports-themed bars in every teams city
but that's just guys hanging out, there's no ultras group or anything like that

We do, but they’re essentially t-shirt clubs that give you a bumper sticker for joining.

Not really. Sports watching is a casual thing you don't need to prepare for. Just get off of work and head to the stadium.

They are so fat that there would be gaps between the pieces.

MLS is a single-entity league and they want a safe bland 'family-friendly' product that won't rock the boat for investors using it as a safe choice for portfolio diversification. Christ help you if you bring smokes or flares with you to a game and elaborate tifo might block the view for mom and the kids sitting in the back.


The MLS fanbase is broken down like: 50% soccer moms and dads taking their young kids to the game, 40% basedboy SJWs "NEVER DRUMPF LOVE IS LOVE" fags, and 10% weed lmao libertarian types.

Ah, I was speaking more to why tifo in MLS is so much more lame than in other leagues. Don't know if there's really any cut and dry answer why for other sports, it's just never been ingrained into fan culture here. Particularly for the likes of american football fan preparation is geared more towards stuff like tailgating than setting up tifo.

American sports culture is different from Europeans. Nothing wrong with that. Tailgating is fun as fuck.

This. The MLS just needs to let the fans make it their own instead of forcing itself to copycat Euro soccer culture by naming every team City Name FC or City Name United and all these terrible pandering tifos.

Fuck off I've seen countless European tifos with anime and tv shows shit

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>this fucking Salvadoran subhuman and his obsession with America
Fuck off already

PSG are a big gay marketing gimmick too

Not even close to the level of passion for the sport as supporters

no culture

Atlanta is the closest to anything remotely with Europe-level fandom, and they're only two years old as a club.

College sports is really the only thing we have that has deep levels of commitment, hundred+ year of traditions, history, regalia, etc.

They're just as cringe as any MLS club. Large attendance doesn't mean non-plastic.

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How do you measure passion
American movie
Fucking lol. Ultras culture is a relatively new thing. Most American fans sports culture is older than ultras including that gay ass defense chant

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based baitposter

European ultras are cringe too. Go listen to itlaian ultras songs. They are so fucking cheesy.

tifo and pyros are pleb tier support. waste of money, adds very little.


fatty in front is packing some MILK


>Hundred year of of traditions, history
mega Kek

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>the Chick-fil-A Kickoff Game

You're seriously over estimating how old the big name clubs in the CL are. Most big name public American universities were founded before them, and have longer running athletics tradition.

The Champions League presented by:
Real non-plastic tournament you got there.


>against modern football

>Pay for tickets ofr a sporting event
>sit behind a fucking blanket

this shit just retarded

>their corporate overlords

all sports are bussines i dont understand why people say futbol is any different to american sports when you have team vodafone vs qatar airways

are you 12?

it was an obvious mocking of soccer teams having corporate logos plastered across the kits

How did soccer become liberal/progressive in America?

Everywhere else it's hardcore nationalist.

Because futbol is simulaneously a third world and European thing, so amerimutts are trying to merge the worst of european progressivism and Latino Barra Brava culture to make it as authentic as they can, ending with such atrocities as pic related.

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Liberals here are all about wanting to be more European. Everyone else doesn't give a shit about Europe. Therefore the liberals tend to be the only ones who care about soccer because they see it as an enlightened European sport.

There's some good shit in MLS from time to time.

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Still from a Hollywood corporation, thus an ad

Because hipster millennials gravitated to soccer since it's the 'obscure' sport in NA

>How did soccer become liberal/progressive in America?
>Everywhere else it's hardcore nationalist.

No it is not you retard

What ever do you mean

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one bataclan wasn't enough

Yes it is, not every club though obviously. You have very progressive ultras like Dortmund and then you have literal fascist ultras like Lazio

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what's funny about that? my college's football team would be one of the oldest clubs in the world.

Should be the other way around, stupid mutts. Conservatives should want to be more European, not fucking liberals.

feel like footy teams at their core are either very nationalist or very communist at least in europe


Looks pretty shitty and gay compared to the ones in OP.

>putting up a shitty banner so you can not see the game

Euro pools everyone

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Really, you think so?

I mean, it is very tiny and it looks very boring, it doesnt strike fear or imposes respect to your rival like the others.

The joke is that the banners are switched up, and the dumbass fans spelled nonsense with them instead of "DAWG POUND", the nickname for the fan section of the Cleveland Browns
Sorry I had to spell it out

Amerisports are frenchises, not clubs. This makes a huge difference

I chuckled

Thats doopin mental


USA did nothing wrong.

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>When a European club asks about signing you

Latin American and European countries have had a history of success during times of political unrest in their respective countries. Argentine 78, the dominance of Brazil, fallout from a huge earthquake in Chile in 1960, and so on.
The US didn't have any real sort of national protest until the 60s and most sports were basically background noise, both domestically and internationally. The first popular Superbowl (III) was at the tail end of the hippie generation. The MLB had some famous players along the way, but it was wholly a domestic pass time. The NFL was most popular amongst the coldest of cities; not exactly the best environment for festive crowds. The NBA was in its infancy.

I'd say the bottom one is very problematic

Is it true that MLS fans can't give a crud?

We've got one
We've got two
We've got two more puffs than you

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I like, and most importantly agree with the brainman's message.

that was based though

I miss Fossa Dei Leoni.

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good thing Europe is dying
no more guilt shaming finally

What a surprise

That’s pretty cool actually but kinda the stuff i expect to happen in Mexico given their insane obsession with DB.


>Everywhere else it's hardcore nationalist.
That's a lie, there's plenty of socialism around football

no idea what you're talking about bro

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>americans don't care about soc-

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>not playing sabaton
they deserve another 1944

All american sports fan are customers

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This is from the home match olympiakos played against ac milan. the sickest one i've seen in a while.

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>you now realize Atlanta is one of the most pozzed cities in the country

>blocks your path

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Why is soccer so shit and boring?

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I didn't know there were white people in NY

what's the point of showing that when playing against a team from fucking kazakhstan


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Every major city will have a specific bar for each team in the big 4, usually city specific, AKA a Chicago bar that only plays Cubs/Blackhawks/Bears/Bulls games

I can't speak for the other shit MLS teams but Atlanta United has four sanctioned fan groups with their own flavor and style, and the tifos are pretty solid

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Can someone explain to a burger how this isn't just fans jacking themselves off to how self-important they feel and not really about "supporting their club"?

At least in south america it actually is about the fans and not the club but american fans are 10x stupider and cringe because they wanna feel cool like the ones from yurop an south america. American ones dont have a real origin, which however retarded ours are, they do have one.

We're huge weebs, anime is love and life here.

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Been given a one year ban for smoke bombs LOLL and know a few other buddies who are banned 4 life.... fuck


lmao fookin brainless lemmings, they are not human


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Literally all of the GOAT rappers are front ATL

And now a based football team

Sign me up


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Never heard of either of these things desu

*blocks your path*

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Cruds the lot of you

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Legia reminds

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