Anyone else DRASTICALLY disagreeing with him all of a sudden?

Anyone else DRASTICALLY disagreeing with him all of a sudden?

This thread isn't for usual anti fantano posters, Ive always been a fan, and even when I disagree with his review I get it,

But this fucking week, Alex g getting a 5/10 and him naming a song which made best track of the week, his least liked off the album makes zero sense and seems like its intentionally trying to antagonize people,

Then him giving ameer red flannel purely based on the politics behind it all and his bias for brockhampton, that vid wasn't even a review

And dont get me started on giving a generic trash pop album 9/10, Im 99% sure he received money to give it a good score, he spent most the video stating how he knows the album aint good,

Like what the fuck is his problem at the moment?

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Fuck off and stop posting Fantano retard

He gave Tool a 4/10 and Lil pump a 7. He can go burn his dumbass in hell for eternity

Caring what he thinks
His brain has regressed to that of a zoomer stuck in a middle aged man's body.

"This thread isnt for the usual anti fantano posters"

Please read the OP before shitposting

He has 0 credibility and will NEVER be a credible music critic, him deleting the 8/10 Deathspell Omega review demonstrated he has zero integrity, fuck him

Yeah I noticed he just seems to only rate artist based on how popular they are. Tyler the creators recent album has the same issues as cherry bomb and wolf did that fantabo hates, but all of a sudden he likes those issues. And everyone who watches him seems to just like what’s ever popular so they can feel like they are apart of a community with out having an opinion and they get their option from him

The ameer vann ep was trash though

Fuck off and stop posting Fantano retard
Please read that sentence over and over again before posting on Yea Forums again

Please read the original post or I will be forced to report your flamming and lack of contribution

You grew older and realized music taste is purely subjective. Most of old Yea Forums would laugh at melon back when he'd shill his videos here. Good for him that he tricked a sizeable following of zoomers into believing he's the authority on anything.

A real chicken and egg we got here

He's always been like this. Be thankful he gave that trash a 5.

>M83 - Hurry Up, We're Dreaming 4/10
>Slowdive - Slowdive 4/10
>Lil Ugly Mane - Oblivion Access 5/10
>Shabazz Palaces - Lese Majesty 5/10
>Arcade Fire - Reflektor 5/10
>Beach House - Thank Your Lucky Stars 5/10
>Bon Iver - 22, A, Million 5/10
>Arca - Arca 5/10
>Sufjan Stevens - Age of Adz 6/10
>LCD Soundsystem - American Dream

I started to read it, then I noticed it was about Fantano. Fuck off and stop posting Fantano retard

>all of a sudden
>at the moment

Hey OP, I can tell by your file name that you've posted about fantano at least three times in the past few days. Are you alright?

nice underage containment thread

They both deserve less

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Started with his Vein review for me.

>he gave a band with previous high quality releases a negative score for their worst album while he gave a positive score to someone who brought a new fresh sound and catchy songs based on the merits of their respective genre
>booohoooo :((((( im a sad boomer now why you do this to me fandongo

His sharp turn after Fader fucked him up shows he's a phony who's more concerned with making money and how people perceive him far above genuine music discussion, I don't know why anybody listens to him at all.

fantano has HIV btw


I recently watched this older video and couldn’t believe how much of a hypocrite he is and that he really doesn’t have his own opinions he just spouts whatever is popular in his political circle
Fuck people who get offended right Fantano? What are your thoughts on this 4 years later huh?
But you didn’t like Tyler’s music back then right? Everything up to Scum Fuck Flower Boy sucked right? What happened to Tyler in that period? You trashed Cherry Bomb when it’s basically the predecessor of Igor and Flower Boy. You like on these albums what you didn’t on Cherry Bomb. Is it possible that Tyler revealed a certain information around Flower Boy? You wouldn’t base your scores on things like that wouldn’t you Anthony?

>who's more concerned with making money and how people perceive him
that's what you get for being at the whim of youtube advertising money

>Shabazz Palaces - Lese Majesty 5/10

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I lost all respect for him when he started defending Shillie Eyelash.

He also defended Clairo.

Funny, because he used to shit on both and call them out as plants.

it's shitposting to say opinions on Yea Forums now? by that logic, fantano shitposts every day.
Look, faggot. Despite what usual anti-fantano people say, they watch his fucking reviews or at least come into this thread to trash talk him so they give him attention regardless. Alex G deserved that 5/10 and anybody who had heard all of the singles could have told you that the whole of the album wasn't going to be nearly as good as the best singles given. Fantano has given some great albums shit scores before and has had my fav songs on an album in the least fav category. Everybody already knows the faggot is giving every major female pop artist good reviews recently (Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, Lizzo, and now Charli XCX). AND, that new Ameer Vann EP was really underwhelming. If there is indeed a followup full length album coming on the 27th from him, perhaps it will make up for it and change my personal opinion on it. The beats were incredibly bland and not really special outside of Glock, which was only good because of the sample. It is very very obvious he went in with a bias if you watched his video about the announcement of the EP. Literally all of that being said, it's his fucking opinion. He can go into a review being biased, being paid, whatever. He can literally do whatever the fuck he wants because it's his platform, it's his opinion, it's his brand. Whiny little faggots like you only add fuel to the flame when you make up entire threads acting like literally ANYBODY on Yea Forums has ever once stated they like the fucking guy. What were you expecting? Obviously nobody is going to disagree that he's being a moron recently, because everyone here thinks he's a moron all the time.

Not gonna lie, the DSO shit was pretty hypocritical of him. Him saying that he didn't want to promote an artist who has ties to neo-nazi groups but also supports and has supported artists caught up in equally biased political ideologies before. Even then, he's stated before that bad people can make good music and someone's ideas and political beliefs shouldn't affect the way you actually perceive and enjoy the music itself unless the music has any of those ideas/beliefs/politics. In fact, he probably just brought more attention to DSO by taking his review down. Most of his reviews don't break 20-40k views first week unless they're major releases like Kanye West and Tool.

When did this happen?

Fantanos career is based on shitposting

>and even when I disagree with his review I get it
You get what? This is what I've actually hated the most from fantano. His reviews are way to much decentralized. It seems like there are different people doing the review, instead of the same person. His ratings are all over the place, and they hold no ground compared to other ratings he gave before. That makes absolutely no sense to me, and i can't connect with him at all.

God, even neanderthals weren't this fucking stupid.

I sometimes think he doesn't even listen to the albums he reviews. I would love to have a talk with him.

>implying there are any credible music critics

Zoomer here, I've never really cared for his reviews but I like his "Let's Argue/Agree" vids and other content on the second channel. He doesn't try to be snarky and authoritative over there, just having genuine dialogue with other music fans and sharing his raw thoughts. Much more in line with what he should be doing

This is the most have sex post I've ever read, but i actually don't want something as idiotic as you to reproduce on this earth.

Watching all his reviews, I barely disagree with him. I explore all the music he reviewed, so no I don't have this problem as often. And what if his opinion was accurate? Will you simply and drastically increase your level of butthurt?

Not entirely right, but the OP is in urgent need of an anti-butthurt course.

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Heh, i remember when bait posts used to be good, this is just pathetic.

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Hmm his reviews are helpful tho. I feel the majority of his reviews at least try to be as constructive and objective as possible. And frankly, without him, a multitude of amazing artists wouldn't have their well-deserved chance. Personally, he helped me discover a sizeable amount of the music world, which was an enriching experience, and still is.
Ok dood

you aren't triggering anyone kid, i genuinely feel pity

why did he delete it

Lets be real the main problem with Fantano is that he has concede authorship of reviews to the public. He'll sarcastically quip that fans should just write his reviews but ultimately that's what has happened. If he wasn't self-moderating he wouldn't have deleted the Deathspell Omega review, or Thatistheplan. It's why he mocked political music pre fader but then remarks "how important it is in the age of Trump", sounding like an RLM parody. It's like the Dave Chappelle thing, no one can admit to enjoying it because there are a million wokescolds ready to tear you up for laughing at a tranny joke. He positions himself as independent but the reality is that he has a thousand masters ready to crack the whip if he expresses the wrong opinion or enjoys the wrong content.

>but I like his "Let's Argue/Agree" vids
when he speaks on anything other than music he consistently makes consistently stupid statements. how can anyone stand him?

From now on I'll call him Samthony Hydetano

that's an awfully autistic way of saying "Fader changed him"

>literal soiboi caricature who 'reviews' nigger rap and 80iq pop by the same standards and the same 0-10 scale as actual music
this pretty much

It's so absurd that you think that anbody cares cuz nobody cares

>he gave a band with impossibly high standards a negative score while he gave a positive review to some retard who ''innovated'' by making mainstream rap slightly more dumb than it already was

>says he doesn't like generic, bland pop music
>gives Billie Eilish a fucking 8/10

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His let's agree/argue vids are all about music man...

Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking Fantano threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this bald fat faggot on this board I don’t give a shit about what good album he rated poorly or what bad album he rated highly he’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why fantano be dumb bald man not rate album how I rate album” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about him just stop fucking posting him he’s not a musician and his videos aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it he’s a moron you’re the moron for posting him whether you like him or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if theneedledrop were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized he was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting him stop posting about how you like and support him and stop posting about how you dislike or hate him just stop making threads about this shit

alex g and ameer vann were his first based reviews in a while actually






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I thought it was a funny edit