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Other urls found in this thread:

I love TWICE!

looks like a fish but she draws weird surrealism stuff

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finna give jisoo a forwney face if they don't feed our girl rosie

twice more like yikes
how can chimpwon even compete?

SBS MTV The Show
6:00-7:30 PM KST

K-Tigers Zero
Rocket Punch
Jung Dong Ha
Ji Dongguk
ChoA & Way

Attached: EFM6APoUwAAy5P-.jpg (2048x1374, 398K)

can't wait for everhoes to beat incelcatcher

taking xanax and watching movies all day with jennie



am i misremembering or was there not a video of the making of Breaking Out? the thumbnail had feet

i want to fall asleep holding a cute idol in my arms

>ip location: bottom of a porta potty at a crowded festival

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Attached: Our girl Romsae.webm (1920x1080, 2.54M)

it's a vagina

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our girls

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Fan Manager Witchfu today

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arin and gahyeon taking turns sitting on my face

you missed the best member

yeah looks like a vagina mixed with the twice logo
that is an obvious clitoris

devil > deja vu > adios

this, wanna see some rosé donk

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what the fuck is wrong with chaeyoung

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not word

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her face

not a thing

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why do people think it's ok that they're ugly?

deja vu > devil >>> adios

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valid opinion as long as adios is last

Its her way of telling the world "I'm a lesbian and I finna want sum pussy, young or old, black or white, gimme gimme gimme!"

Attached: D4CpqTiUEAIl3jR.jpg (800x535, 88K)

CLC deserves another win. I don't give a fuck about nugus like Dreamcatcher.
how did dreamcatcher not get attacked by roasties for cultural appropriation

Rosie :)

Attached: Rosie60.jpg (736x1104, 127K)

>12m youtube views
>#5 on melon
>the jihyo incident

is this the end of twice?

ugly monolids + huge face = very unfortunate combo

they might if anyone knew about them

Attached: 6dea4822ac72a5116fbd7406ef7e9b90.jpg (1924x2564, 917K)

they did, there are tons of 'aboriginals' on twitter attacking them

they did but they're too small time for it to cause much attention

name a better looking group

i'll wait...

They don't do anything else to piss them off so they didn't pretend to care about it.

Attached: 1568534777440.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)


we actually all hate Uglyz for these reasons
boring/similar comebacks
started the worthless The Show first win meme
cringe fans and posters
SEA casino
and individually
ugliest idol in the game with proportions of a toddler
Burger head
Ugly vocalist meme member
Chimp slut who bothers Korea
Lesbian rapist
Whore mankae who has shown her vulva to everyone
they legit lost a vocal performance competition to Twice right after debut and it was Tzuyu, Chae, Jihyo, and Nayeon which was certainly the low of their career


gotta change the hani folder name to Ahn Hee Yeon now

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They're not. They're all solid 6's and 7's.

Attached: 1558826461626.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

I thought you were talking about BP for a minute there

>that fucking drama is still cock blocking the top 5
I think Korea just hates kpop in general right now


Any normal people?

blackpink, dreamcatcher, oh my girl, loona, fromis, izone

Attached: 1568178551449.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

You came to the wrong place


just us shartman

>Burger head
that freak makes me laugh every time

maybe the most based and cohesive list of reasons to hate these whores I have seen posted here

Attached: 1562954416925.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

except the one time they made dong wear "dreadlocks" as a punishment in a game and HFE had to issue a public apology

just me, describe me your butthole pls


















oh i forgot about that lol

only fromis and izone are better looking

Attached: 1547727146343.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

never knew japanese women could age this fast

the fuckables

how do we remove over sensitive americans from kpop?


jithoo is holding BP back

I just discovered KARD. Other groups like this? I like it.

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I'm feeling lazy today
kpop for this feel?

Gfriend, also FUCK Twice

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How is this interesting in the slightest

They're all holding my girl Rosie back honestly but Lisa can join her sometimes because their Nat King Cole cover was cute :)

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even pink looks better than bleached blonde

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the same crowd that rejects western beauty standards and ideals flock to kpop for something different (its actually worse in most areas) and also weebs

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result of being overworked


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can this be a seulgi thread?

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>ywn have a flexy felix bf to do this on command

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>Are you a dog person or a cat person?
I am a neet person

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la creatura...

lisa is the best singer of blackpink and frankly that's tragic in itself

Every thread can be your waifu's thread if you spam hard enough

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2ne1 or blackpink?

fuck me, mina is way too pretty.

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daniel you son of a bitch

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>trying to think of "mature" and "elegant" GGs to compare with TWICES new concept
>all of them are 5 or less, and or straight solo artists.

Why did JYP Take the fun away from Twice?

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May I have some gahyeon feet?

When will BP stop holding BP back?

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2NE1, no question

shame about the face

Oogie (Joestar) up

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why does chewy look 35 all of a sudden?

he kinda cute tho

we can't, ceo nims have to be smart enough to don't give a shit about twitter faggottry

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when will YG just crash and burn so Jennie, Rose, and Lisa can move to JYP and Jisoo can fuck off permanently

I just want her to be disappointed in me


I want to be NEET again and listen to kpop all day

Attached: ContentEdibleBass.webm (660x1174, 1.08M)

i thought chewy hitting the wall was a meme

wow those anonymous fans mog them pretty hard

When Heejin was visibly disgusted by that homo on After School Club...

she has some bigass stompers, glad i'm not a footcuck

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they dont though, ChenLe from NCT dream was rocking rows AND a blue bandana tied around his head for most of the Boom promotions

our queen heej would never be disgusted by us

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How much money do you figure SEA actually brings in for a group as a percentage?

I thought for sure I wouldn't like her with other hair colors but she still looks fantastic.

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I'M ONLY SAVING ROSIE! jay why pee...

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what kind of faggot looks at the face with an ass that good

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Enough that it's worth it

depends on the group. low IQ groups like twice attract a lot of SEAs

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She was pretty disgusted dude, JinSoul and Chuu seemed over the moon though

saerom's sweaty lower back crease

Attached: EarnestAggressiveBison.webm (660x1174, 572K)

>an ass that good

it should have been Rocket Punch first win

Attached: EFNA74CVUAA6U48.jpg (2048x1536, 481K)

almost nothing
Adsense gives less money for views from SEA so the only thing they actually do doesn't help

Money wise? Think of it this way, groups want to make it big in Korea, Japan, America, even China. Not a single group has ever tried or wanted to be big in SEA beyond yt view farming

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Based anonymous fans

i love the girl on the left so much...

I bet that list is relatively the same for every single group on spotify


by far the most attractive girl posted in this thread

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kek, you fags just can't stop seething

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let me handle the antis

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>Feel Special

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Attached: Rocket_Punch_(7).jpg (1600x2400, 2.07M)

me as the inflatable tube

tzuyu looks like fucking umji

>sorn is hot now
never thought id see the day

based sharkman

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I just went through like twenty groups and it is.

They're perfect to me

the holy grail...

All she had to do was become white.

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do any kpop idols give handjobs at fansign events?

apologize to yumji

Attached: EE-EeiCUwAAzOqj.jpg (720x960, 163K)

only in mexico

never saw a pic of predebut sorn dbh

Attached: sorn 897689.jpg (1200x1920, 780K)

just Rocket Punch

blackpink does if you don't mind lisa's man hands

nayeon has always been the best twice and now it's finally beyond dispute


Is Rainbow the only good song in the new twice album?

Love Foolish is the best by far.

love foolish was pretty good

Attached: DhkwozWV4AAWeQe.jpg (500x780, 65K)

where the fuck are her shoes?

I want her to smash my face in

am I the only one who heard "praise love" on Love Foolish?

>not trick it
awful taste

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Attached: gahjiushower.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

Momo looks ugly now, fuck JYP for ruining her hair
the hime look was perfect

2ne1 is ugly so BP, and if you actually listen to k-pop you're probably a fag anyway.

based buddy

I never thought I'd say this but, If you told me that i could either hear the new Itzy comeback, or the new twice comeback tomorrow, i would 100% be more interested in what Itzy released than Twice with another status quo dance concept

she looked more mature than a lot of idols when she debuted at 15(?), which meant she'd look even more so after puberty finished.
same shit's going to happen to wony. at 20, she'll be 6'1 with a jay leno chin.

>put the only one who can dance in the far right where you can barely see her for more than 2s

what were they thinking?

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blackpink is prettier but i'd rather listen to 2ne1 and their performances are much better.

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where did everything go wrong to tzuyu

they can't handle the mo

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blackpink obviously
people are only saying 2ne1 because they are jealous of blackpink

For me, it's Twice

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She's not actually part of the group anymore man. Just let it go.

based 200 iq scholar

Attached: Saerom behind.webm (710x1080, 2.96M)

please crush my head with those thighs

Attached: 64.jpg (1000x1350, 204K)


why cant jihyo dance now?

how in the fuck can you have any interest in itzy? in a single year theyve released two of the worst kpop songs of all time

wasn't worth the budget editing out the baby belly there
that's actually why feel special sucks. all the money that would have gone into buying an S-tier song went into the CGI budget. such a shame.

Attached: tumblr_pyajh20rq11qk12q0o1_1280.jpg (1183x1920, 329K)

unlike yeonwoo maybe she actually does have anxiety problems


probably morning sickness. everyone in twice seems to be getting pregnant these days. i wonder who's next.

at first i was sympathetic to Mina because I'm also anxious as fuck, but this is bullshit now
she can come back for the MV but doesnt do anything else? sounds more like she's lazy and want to quit but cant just fuck off at once because of contractual obligations and is trying to get JYP to fire her instead so she can cash some sweet checks

im throwing up

Attached: EFNIdi8X4AAZgBp.jpg (1366x2048, 625K)

Klonopin withdrawal

the wall has not been kind to her

someone make some jihyo webms

give this girl a salad

Attached: 1569247722534.png (960x961, 1.12M)

>t-this time for real guys, not like when we were saying for months she wasn't going to be in the comeback

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busters makes me feel good

It was at the showcase. Why would she go for that if she wasn't going to perform on stage?

is that really contradictory? depending on the cause of the anxiety, being on a film set might not be a problematic situation. it wouldn't matter, for example, if the cause were some mentally ill dude threatening to abduct and rape you.

Cute Filipina

they are saying 2NE1 because they are hoping to get an reaction out of you know who but it looks like that faggot went to bed so nobody's playing kindergarten with them

That's so fucking hot

hope she goes back to black/dark brown hair soon, though she still looks hot.

don't be mean to blinks

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You keep talking, I'll keep walking

you're thinking of red velvet

Roastiest line of 2019

we need a dreamcatcher yoga stream

jisoo being funny again

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Tell me bros how can you be so blinded by jealousy to think that twice isn't the best looking groups. That's just facts.
>inb4 izone
they just have the underage members, minju and sakura going for them, all the other are uggos or average at best.
Fromis is nuggu so i legit cannot judge but c mon

nude yoga

the best looking group is actually [insert my waifu's group]

what does Autocut_ mean?


Just keep on dreaming

sleeping all day with jennie

Attached: be3o201fdao31.jpg (1080x1080, 109K)

Because I post the same 10 uggo crops over and over again.

Look at that crippling anxiety

Attached: anxiety.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

actual moron

same, she looks like a week old deli ham

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pretty sure wony is done growing. she'll get a little fatter and that's it

that's when you have intense social anxiety so you cut your own hair at home

Attached: D6m0hsiWkAcoBLJ.jpg (800x1200, 104K)

she was on medication here

need to lick

they look no better or worse than the average kpop group

she isn't lazy

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mina is unbelievably selfish

you don't know how mental illness works do you?

feast sights etc.

she's going to be 6'1 and after kpop she'll begin a poorly paying second career in the woman's NBA

really, I just decided to check their vlive channel to catch up to stuff, but there's like 50 "autocut_" this and that videos
what the fuck are those? do I watch them or do I skip these?

those braids look problematic

Attached: twice 77w9.jpg (806x806, 92K)

because i'm not a blind jyp cultist

she's our lazy cutie

Attached: tumblr_py6yu5fUQa1qk12q0o1_1280.jpg (1280x1919, 390K)

The worst part about having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don't

gamer jisoo
the candy crush people actually gave her free stuff

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Attached: yukisushi.webm (1920x1080, 2.8M)

my nigga JYP

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so this is why she has no talent, all play, no train

they watch vids waiting for the worst frames to post here, that's the kind of losers you're talking about

Attached: twice 7.jpg (1080x714, 157K)

she's literally one of the most talented

so one girl is a half-time idol and the other is not only dating, but refuses to dance?

twice is finished

a single scandal involving tzuyu and they're never gonna recover now

link one (1) video of her doing anything talented
nobody can be this cute

>twice is finished
lmao, imagine believing this

so the best you could present was her making meaningless conversation with a clothes point is proven

>twice can't sing liv-

their whole shtick is being the relatable girls next door, they aren't that pretty by idol standards

vroom vroom

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honk honk

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jennie is the best member of blackpink

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no i just wanted you to watch that
here she is singing stay like an angel

>want to go to a twice concert but my bias will probably too pregnant to perform

>girl next door
>drives a maserati

maybe if you're a saudi oil heir living in some posh neighborhood in london

Almost everyone did that in gen3 though, it's all about the deformed womanlet meta these days

they only do that because they want you retards to quit posting though

wtf jisoo is actually a sweet girl, i feel so confused now, must hate her cause i hate cucklos guts but this is so wholesome. i hate you fuckin cucklo

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wony hasn't grown an inch in 12 months, not even 1cm

she's the sweetest girl ever and what did i even do don't call me that

idiot, don't false flag jisoobro by linking a vid of her singing off key

Attached: cublmao.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

>they aren't that pretty by idol standards
Mina and Tzuyu are more attractive than any other idol right now

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getting rich later doesn't change the concept they were picked for

damn that's tragic

Attached: chewy pocari.webm (800x686, 1.03M)

this photo is cursed as shit

you are deaf she's singing it perfectly

the type of car they drive doesn't change the fact that I have prettier girls next door
inb4 denial

Attached: Joe Yuri.webm (564x448, 733K)

nayeon is one of the most vile creatures I've ever laid eyes on
fuck you twiceshitters

where the fuck are her pants?

my freakin wife

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naky is one of the most vile creatures I've ever laid eyes on
fuck you flovers

looks like a department store hayoung

>looks the same but with different hair
i don't get it

not evem the sluganti turboautist can stop the guys that like seulgi and rv, what makes them believe that people who like one of the top groups should stop posting about them in a fucking kpop general?

you sound like a bigger cucklo than he is if it's that easy to manipulate your opinion

>relatable girls next door
Yeah right. Maybe you prefer other idols, but twice members are still extremely good looking compared to the general population. You could spend weeks in seoul or tokio without seeing a girl as good looking as them.

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and does anyone understand the last part? her candy crush friends are taking her hearts? does she mean the characters in game or actual people taking it
i hope nobody is tricking her and taking her ingame stuff

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fuck you

she looks like a clown

BP. let's be real, 2NE1 looked nasty. that and I only liked one 2NE1 song

sounds like she's talking to her fellow players

even his posts aren't as brain damage inducing as some of the shit you sexually frustrated retards post Tbh

shut up virgin

so someone has been stealing her stuff? we need to hunt these thieves down

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just name a better looking group on average with as many members or at least +5 members. You can't. For me Twice will go down in history as the prettiest gg in history, thanks for coming to my tedtalk.

you didn't answered the question


can't handle the truth
post that shitty poem about momo again you fucking retard

keep seething about twice for another 100s of threads


Jeongyeon has and always will be best girl of TWICE. Fuck all of you niggers

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