Why did he do it?

Why did he do it?

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Probably because his band became a meme

He fell victim to a condition called "Lifesuck" in which your life sucks all day everyday forever

Score too low on RYM

I have no idea, but he's a bitch for leaving his whole family behind killing himself. He had reasons to live, and at that point >muh depression should be something you fight through for the well being of your family.

cause he was john podestas son

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It's unfortunate that you weren't there to tell him to simply man up and not be depressed anymore. He could still be alive today.

He broke the habit

All of linkin park lyrics make sense now . When I was listening to them I thought they were just meme lyrics .
He took his own life because of depression related reasons .
Depression its such a fucked up "disorder" only 30% respond to medications .

what habit?

He was really sad after Chris Cornell died

Fuck off zoomer .

zoomers love linkin park

That's not how depression works, I'm just saying he had reasons to stay, he had kids and a wife he left behind. Who gives a fuck if they're all financially secure for the rest of their lives, those kids need their dad and his wife needs her husband. I have serious issues with it, and if I had a family of my own (probably won't) but if I did I'd try my hardest to get through the problems. Yeah, some times "help" doesn't help, and the meds don't always work or are a miracle pill. Sometimes you just actually have to man up to somethings in life, and there's nothing wrong with that. I've been suicidal before, and attempted, but I stayed, I regret what I tried and I'm still here. He could have done the same.

I believe user was referring to the habit of living.

Brave to take the moral highground for being untalented at killing yourself

OMG you fucking losers . Linkin Park have a song called "breaking the habit" .its a joke , user said he broke the habit . Listen to the song FFS .


>I'm just saying he had reasons to stay, he had kids and a wife
That's not how depression works

Or because it was a stupid, and cowardly decision to make. I look back on it and feel like a dumbass. Chester had a lot to stay here for and he took a shitty way out. I guess I'm just more angry at him leaving his family behind and not pushing through it and trying and having something to stay for .
in short
>dude hangs himself, abandons his family, band members, and career because of >muh depression when a lot of people deal with it more or less and still try
>l-let me hang myself guys, not like this will fuck up my kids and wife
It's selfish, it's cowardly and will hurt more people than you know.

>youre depressed
>lol might as well do it, fuck my kids and wife XD

You still did it, I bet if Chester survived he wwould regret it too. We don't know what was going through his head, he did it at the day of Chris Cornell's birthday and reports say he's been drinking and was left alone, Chester publicly said how he can't be alone, his wife shouldn't have left him alone on this specific day.

I was referring to user’s response to why Chester killed himself. I am aware of the meaning of “Breaking the Habit”.

>I'm a shitty husband, my children will be better off me, everyone hates my band, everyone hates me, I hate me, I hate it all too
Depression literally makes you delusional and for some it just gets worse and worse.
Think about all the things that happened leading up to his death, it was the worst elements possible all falling on top of his head, he also was in an aargument with his wife if memory recalls.

White people like to off themselves.

What fucking elements? He had millions of dollars. He had 6 fucking kids. A fucking million people loved his music. Just another weak ass loser who iced himself like a pathetic retard.

I've already explained to you I have issues with depression. I've been professionally diagnosed with clinical depression. I get it, I'm not going to argue further. I'm just saying he had valid reasons to stay. Fuck.

I miss Chris Cornell.

>death of friend
>failure of his record, both by fans and critics
>Getting boo'd on stage by his fans for playing the new songs
>supposed argument with his wife
>Something else happened to him which he said was "something that shouldn't happen to anyone" this was never released
>Depression seemingly getting worse, he spoke about it more and more interviews
>implying kids have to make you happy

me too. he had a really great voice.

some people with mental illness can not control their actions, literal chemical imbalances that inhibit their ability to perceive reality properly and it’s consequences. it’s like getting mad at someone who died of blood cancer.

Ok, then it was totally justified then. You got us, great job user

He was giga chad in the 90's

he heard his music

to copy chris cornell

>you gotta stay alive for ur kids and wife
Fuck that, it's your own life

Tim's death got to me MUCH more. Then his doc came out and understanding why and how he was surrounded by toxic people just looking to make money off him when he clearly had enough was just awful.

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Pretty obvious he was killed by pedos

Guess his depression was worse than yours.

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you're not supposed to just medicate it. you can't fool yourself. i've seen so many people who have every rational reason of their own making to be depressed but instead of making real changes they just use jewpills to bolster their complacency

I still think he's a selfish cunt for killing himself and leaving his wife and 6 kids behind.

John Podesta was the father that raped him as a kid. He had him murdered because he started looking like his dear daddy.

>instead of making real changes
Seeing how apathy, lack of motivation is a major symptom of depression, it's really hard, it rrequires shit ton of will power most people just don't have

I remember reading he was molested as a child.

He was. And the one who did it was molested as well apparently so he wasn't jailed

that's sort of what i mean, people using medication to sink deeper into that apathy in a sense instead of getting to the root of things
i mean don't get me wrong if the pill stops you from killing yourself then by all means but plenty of people just use it to force themselves to be okay with not changing anything instead of using it to steel themselves to make real changes and then getting off it

Oh my fucking god retards, mental illness isn't real. People are hurt, traumatized, are affected by things in their life, whatever. It's a scam.

>random user on an anonymous message board figured out mental illness, it's not a thing

sure some people are pussies, but your brain is an organ like any other and it can go wrong and turn on you, it's not that complicated

>hybrid theory drops while i'm in highschool
new and edgy. most people listen to it. i thoroughly enjoy it. massive influence on mymusical taste
>grow up
realize it's cringe
>kills himself
maybe the lyrics we're so cringe after all


I'm not judging people. What i'm saying is that there's nothing wrong with people's brain, if good things happen to you, you feel happy; if bad things happen to you, you get hurt, to put it simply. Meds should support you, but many people are told that that the problem is their brain and that the meds will fix it and that's fucked up. Idk, i can't argue for shit, but u get where im coming from?

>mental illness isn't real.
If you had someone with schizophrenia in your family your view would probably be different.

bro i had schizophrenia, it's bullshit. it's trauma, drug use, isolation, false beliefs, all at once, eventually you heal from this.

>What i'm saying is that there's nothing wrong with people's brain
There is something wrong with yours.
Ok retard, you didn't

wow. I've never actually heard this opinion before. I can confirm that you're a retard which is an actual mental illness.

you sound schizophrenic, par for the course eh?

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Why did who do what? Who is that?

My grandfather was a paranoid schizophrenic...he heard voices and tore the house apart looking for people who weren't there. My father is bipolar with psychotic features; when I was 16 he told me that Jesus wanted him to go protect the solar system and I needed to stay and protect the earth. Both ended up having decent lives because they were lucky enough to respond to medication and they stayed on it. The fact you just so nonchalantly state mental illness is the same as trauma that you heal from with time and work is not only stupid, it's fucking dangerous. Fuck you.

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>death of friend
Part of life
>failure of his record, both by fans and critics
He should’ve made better music
>Getting boo'd on stage by his fans for playing the new songs
He should’ve played better music
>supposed argument with his wife
It’s part of life

not everyone has the skitz just go away, some people are lucky enough but not all

incredible voice. fuck depression

It's hard no to have my eyes burned by the ugliness of brown and black skin

He face himself for what hes done

didn't he talk about being abused as a child? Chester confirmed for being assassinated

what did bono do this time?

you actually just don't understand how depression works lol

Crawling came out like 20 years ago why did he wait so long?

Yes. He was probably killed for knowing too much about pedo stuff. Same with his best friend Chris Cornell. By pure "coincidence" Chester died on Chris's birthday. Both died of "suicide" by hanging themselves in unlikely and unconventional ways. imowired.com/cornell-and-bennington-suicides-podest-and-a-pedo-ring/

Not him, but no, you people making depression out to be this mythical curse that just instantly takes away any semblance of self-control have no idea how depression works.

Antony Fantano killed him like he killed Lil Peep and xxxTentacion