Is Mr. Brightside the pinnacle of music?

Is Mr. Brightside the pinnacle of music?
I seriously don't know anyone who doesn't love this song.

Like, not even joking, there are parties that can be dead, but put this song on, and everyone goes apeshit. What is it about this song that is so perfect?

Attached: BUT SHE'S TOUCHING HIS CHEST NOW.jpg (654x372, 56K)

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literally a mediocre song. nothing that good about it. i dont really like it an dthe only people i know who do are retard white people with shite music taste

This song is fucking trash and always was. Popular doesn't mean good cause most people are fucking retarded.


>dude look at me i'm so contrarian
This shit is why you have no friends.

Fuck off tryhard, it's catchy,relateable,and has easy to memorize lyrics. The same reason "Somebody you used to know" was such a big hit.

Not knowing anyone who doesn’t like this song doesn’t mean it’s good it means it’s bland enough to appeal to the common denominator

This desu

Yeah, and I'm sure you and your tastes are so above the common denominator.

I unironically (sometimes) play Hot Fuss at the record store I manage and there's not a single time that song comes on where someone's not singing along to it. Same with anything by Weezer. People like that shit.


Why would anyone listen to a cuck song?

everyone gets cucked at some point if they like it or not

I would be pissed if I went to record store and they were playing overplayed radio trash

People like it because it's a romantic song.

That's a very rare thing nowadays

Like yes it's about sex, but the whole thing has a romantic/sophisticated layer over it. If it didn't the song would be



jenny was a friend of mine is their best song and even that is a ripoff of the smiths (i think the bassline was lifted from bigmouth right?)

Holy shit that's where it's from how did i never notice this, big mouth is easily one of my favorite smiths songs

>white people
Oh no, anything but them

The chorus is legendary and something about the way hes singing just makes it.

That song is shit lol

issa masterpiece dawg


Attached: 1565448722313.jpg (742x745, 74K)

god, i hate this song.

kill yourself

i will, if have to listen to this again

>singer is locked in a cage, watching a man fuck his woman
It's cuck shit and anyone who likes it is a cuck too

Really glad you don't go outside, then.

it’s simply catchy. the reason popular music nowadays doesn’t need to push the envelope is because the industry’s found a sound design philosophy that appeals to most people. this song is an example of that - you don’t need complex, revolutionary elements in your song to make it good, you only really need simple but catchy elements in it. the riffs aren’t too repetitive, the lyrics are pretty well written, the mastering is pretty good as well. there’s nothing wrong with liking simple songs because they’re at the center of music’s evolution anyway, people who are in denial about liking the song are cringe 13 year olds who still feel the need to label themselves as “different” based on the music they listen to to substitute their shallow personality and lack of individual opinion. obviously there will be people who just don’t like it and that’s fine, but exceptions don’t disprove the rule - and in this case the song is liked by a majority of people

similarly to that song, i actually find this song to be exactly the same in terms of catchiness, maybe you’ll like it OP!

There is something surprisingly timeless about this song. It still sounds contemporary now, and I think it would also fit perfectly into the pop landscape going as far back as 1981 or so.

He looks like Matt Damon's and Ben Affleck's lovechild.

t. missed the point of the song

I love the song but I dont think its the best song ever.

its one of the only songs that ive listened to a billion times for a billion years and still enjoy it every time i listen to it. literally never gets old somehow

>Is Mr. Brightside the pinnacle of music?
Is Mr. Brightside the pinnacle of POP music?
Maybe, if “pinnacle” meant a song that everyone knows and enjoys, that the melody and lyrics are easy to learn, that is playable in social setting, that seems to already be culturally relevant (classic)

This song only got popular because non-whites use it to make fun of white people on twitter

Attached: jose-abitchua-white-people-when-mr-brightside-starts-playing-at-29448603.png (500x630, 138K)

It's the pinnacle of gay maybe
no straight man fucking listens to The Killers

Whats the point?

Never heard it.