what does Yea Forums think of Laura Les from 100 gecs?
Imo shes pretty cute and talented
what does Yea Forums think of Laura Les from 100 gecs?
Imo shes pretty cute and talented
that shit is awful
Not this shit again
if they were a Star Wars character they'd be Hon Solo
if they were a famous film composer they'd be Hons Zimmer
if they were having a great day things would be honky dory
based not this shit again poster
>that shoulder
>those arms
>that hand
>that fucking face
He's not even trying. Let his hair grow long and is wearing woman's clothes.
she rules. listen to her solo stuff from before gecs too. its pretty incredible
good producer for sure
>pretty cute
end your life
she's based
Huh, so if I shave and grow out my hair I can get people to call me a girl?
i think that man is a good musician. i like his work
I get it hee hee hee :-D
if you feel more comfortable being labeled as a girl id happily do so user. its as simple as that
Is it suicidal yet?
have you listened to her early music? its much more introspective in dealing with gender dysforia, social anxiety and depression