So what's the Yea Forums verdict on disturbed?

So what's the Yea Forums verdict on disturbed?

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Saw them in the early 2000's with drowning pool. My first time crowdsurfing.
I now lie and tell people I never liked them even though I was very excited to see them at the time. Feels shitty.

overhyped cringe

ugh, fuck all these 'nu-metal is bad' drones.
Disturbed were meh at the most, but Decadence is a great track

Underrated to another degree, much like slipknot, they fell victim to the "it's accessible metal from the 2000s so it's nu-metal meme" so people hate on it even though the riffs are more disgusting than 99% of metal.

They had some okay hits back in the day but are mostly just garbage riding on normies liking their cover songs.

>Underrated to another degree
There's nothing underrated about them

Yes there is, just because a band is popular doesn't mean they're not underrated, you're just too much of a pleb to understand how good they are. That's what makes a popular band underrated, when even the people who like them are too stupid to fully understand why they're so great. Look at five finger death punch, I guarantee you there are people who enjoy them more for their pop elements than anything, they're still underrated because no one really appreciates the riffs.

awful cover art and awful music

No, they're trash in every possible category and you're a colossal faggot for defending them

pretty terrible. trying too hard to be edgy and musically uninspired.

>nu-metal bad

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The only reason Down With The Sickness isn't the worst nu metal song is because that Come My Lady song exists

disturbed isn't bad because they're nu-metal. they're not even nu-metal. they're part of whatever off-shoot hard rock genre that stuff like 5 finger death punch is a part of. disturbed is bad because all their songs sound the same and their lyrics sound like they're ripped straight out of a 12 year old's diary.

>unironically caring about lyrics
Is there a more obvious pleb flag than this?

Hey look we know you’re autistic and failed the English comprehension part of the SAT but you don’t have to take it out on others user

>defending Disturbed because they're popular with normies
What a retarded hill to choose to die on

>disturbed isn't bad because they're nu-metal. they're not even nu-metal. they're part of whatever off-shoot hard rock genre that stuff like 5 finger death punch is a part of.
You must be young.

Disturbed is second wave nu-metal, and FFDP was made by a guy who was in a failed nu-metal band called Motograter. FFDP is basically the spawn of later Disturbed meets generic melodic metalcore/"new wave of american heavy metal" aka really bad Pantera influenced groove metal shit and half thrash

In any case, Disturbed is good at what they do...what they do is not innovative, but I've seen them live multiple times and can't say I had a bad time, at this point they make catchy radio metal....started as pretty much very typical nu-metal with a gimmick of monkey noises and evolved into more of a melodic thing, most of their songs sound similar and uninspired, but they do it well for whatever that is worth, it's the Michael Bay/Marvel Cinematic Universe of metal, just turn your brain off and enjoy the now well known cliches they're now known for. Really, people who love them and think they're the best band in the world are no worse than people who think they're the worst thing in the world, they're neither, they're like literally the definition of a middle of the road band....catchy songs, but not too impressive or innovative musically

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The most generic-sounding normie metal band. At least the other normie metal bands have a semi-unique sound, but with disturbed, literally nothing about them stands out, they just play generic-sounding riffs over generic-sounding vocals with generic-sounding lyrics.

how is that even nu metal though
it's just a RHCP sample
are there even guitars

Crazy Town were fucking awful, they were nu-metal and they were horrible at even that
"Butterfly" was a hit because it sounded like none of their other music, which sounded like this

with that art they should just be a Hinder or Buckcherry cover band.

They probably predate Hinder

good write-up user

give that pic some camo cargo shorts, generic band t-shirt from walmart, and put them in a chrysler neon.. that's exactly what the average person looked like who listened to disturbed when they were relevant

>"thEy'Re uNDeRaTed bEcAusE noT eVerY oNe LiKEs ThEM"
>"ThEiR RifFS aRe GoOd"
Seriously fuck off. Theres nothing you can say to make them less shitty. Disturbed and FFDP are the Gen X/Zoomer versions (respectfully) of Slayer and Metallica. Garbage, garbage, garbage and garbage.

>camo cargo shorts

did you forget us, user?

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Nu metal discussions are always convoluted because it was a fusion had stuff that was "just" nu metal but then bands who leaned more to rap metal or industrial metal or post grunge or w/e

>Slayer and Metallica. Garbage, garbage, garbage and garbage.
You're a major retard and definitely not a metal fan if you think that. Also repeating "garbage garbage garbage" is very gay.

they're based but not red pilled

Okay, for one, I'm and Motograter was not "failed". It did great but had complications. It was near nu-metalcore expirimental-shit to anyone who isn't into the main genre(s?) already. But with that said, if you like em, you love em. Their new work, oh man its bad. After that band, the vocalist of Motograter went on to make music in Ghost Machine which was an industrial band. They made two albums. One was lost to the sands of time, the other is on Spotify. It's some pretty nice stuff compared to Motograter or FFDP. Hell, compared to FFDP, anything is better. It kind of amazes me that the vocalist of FFDP also did Motograter and Ghost Machine. What, with the faux-metalcore garbage that he's releasing today. He is the only vocalist in metal to write consistently worse overtime and still gain in popularity. Well, theres also James Hetfield.

Disturbed only had one good album and it was their debut. It was their only nu-metal album complete with rap, and today it is literal garbage if you're a metalhead. The rest of their stuff is so average and mediocre compared to the rest of metal. Sometimes if I dare, I listen to about half a Disturbed album, get bored and stop listening. It's not the worst, but it isn't the best.

How have so many of you listened to this band so much, holy shit, it takes like six months of being into Metal to find out about Slayer and Celtic Frost and leave all this stupid bullshit behind forever

You had a good post going then you ruined it by being a faggot

Please tell me how Metallica isn't garbage? Slayer? I see niggers appropriating their shirts every day. James Hetfield needs to stop writing music. Slayer has always served as an entry point to thrash metal for Gen X'ers. Not because they're good but because they're popular.

Metallica and Slayer are boomer tier dad rock. Hell, even boomers like prog metal more than that shit. Because its more interesting and isn't the same recycled 35-45 year old riff bullshit we've heard forever. Name a more recycled genre than Thrash Metal you can't. Nu-Metal and Metalcore doesn't even come close (and I don't even like either that much). They had their time but they died. Meanwhile the thrash boomers constantly jerk each other off about how good thrash is. No one cares. Hell, Death metal recycles less than Thrash.


Go take your autism pill because I'm not reading all this garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage

Why is everything so controversial, why can't things just be comfy

Idk user,
Kill em all is pretty good. I think you were the guy defending FFDP and disturbed, which is weird if you're gonna imply that kill em all is garbage, garbage, garbage

decadence is a rager

>It kind of amazes me that the vocalist of FFDP also did Motograter and Ghost Machine. What, with the faux-metalcore garbage that he's releasing today. He is the only vocalist in metal to write consistently worse overtime and still gain in popularity.
Trends change, Motograter went nowhere...first album in '03 when nu-metal was still selling like hotcaked, had no hits. Didn't help that they had hardcore competition from the likes of Slipknot, Mushroomhead, and Mudvayne.
>Disturbed only had one good album and it was their debut. It was their only nu-metal album complete with rap, and today it is literal garbage if you're a metalhead.
I'm a big metalhead, to be honest my favorite Disturbed album is "Believe", everything detractors say about them is mostly true but what they ignore is that they write catchy songs, it's easy to see why they're popular with people who "can't into" metal fully.

>Please tell me how Metallica isn't garbage? Slayer?
Metallia's first four albums are all time classics and they have multiple landmark albums under their belt for metal, period, and Slayer was good all through the 80's
>I see niggers appropriating their shirts every day
So? I'm more embarrassed about the epidemic of hipsters in thick rimmed glasses wearing Burzum shirts and liking "blackgaze". At least we know people who buy Metallica shirts at Walmart are just ignorant, better than posers trying to present themselves as metal when they are anything but.
>Metallica and Slayer are boomer tier dad rock. Hell, even boomers like prog metal more than that shit
And you've lost me, what a stupid thing to say. I can't take the opinion on metal seriously of anyone who unironically says "dadrock" or "boomer", there is no way in fucking hell you're a knowledgable metalhead. If you don't like Judas Priest, you're not metal, period.

>first album I ever bought with my own money was Disturbed's Indestructible
>the other was AC/DC's Black Ice
Glad my taste got better.

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First CDs I asked to be bought for me were Metallica's The Black Album, ...and Justice for All and Dark Side of the Moon.
...true story.
As for first CD I bought with my own money? Oh god, I can't even remember. I do remember trading some vidya geymes at a now-closed FYE for some of the pricier Metallica albums/sets.

I guess they're in the buttrock category. I like some of their stuff but I'd be embarrassed to play them around people. I do non-ironically really like the album in the OP, though, and have ever since it was released.

They are what got me into metal in 7th grade