What's so great about Remain in Light?

What's so great about Remain in Light?
(not trying to be an ass, just having a hard time "getting" it and it's not clicking)
Also, general Remain in Light discussion thread.

Attached: talking heads_remain in light.jpg (600x600, 96K)

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im sorry OP its just one of those albums that either clicks or it doesnt.

i semi-blind (i knew who talking heads were obvi but not the album) bought it on vinyl back in like 07 and it clicked instantly, the polyrhythms on born under punches, the danciness of the great curve and houses in motion, the standout cryptic lyrics of seen and not seen, and listening wind is literally about a terrorist lol. its been in my top 10 since then.

did you listen to the other talking heads albums?

what is there not to get? white post-punk musicians made an afrobeat pop album. pleb.

Very dancey and groovey. Honestly, if you listen to the African music he was taking from, you can see exactly where this album comes from. The melodies are so similar and the structure is exactly the same.

What makes it great is his (David Byrne's) influence. Maybe try listening to hi-life or Nigerian rock. The more stuff I could connect to the album the better.

I think it got popular just bc it was in movies and it stuck with people.

Listen to the Angelique Kidjo cover album. I think it's much more straightforward and I honestly like what she did a little more.

byrne's corny ass singing over pale imitations of afrobeat makes for lousy music. the B Side is actually amazing

It's just fun, dude

It was the opposite for me, I knew it was a 10/10 within the first 30 seconds of born under punches

>tfw will never listen to remain in light for the first time again

I'm with this user here . Born Under Punches instantly hooked me, I've loved the album, and that song in particular, ever since. I don't know if there is anything to 'get', just listen to all the different shit going on in the song, it's pretty good.

I admit I have not.

This has always been my gripe with it. To me it sounds like white dudes doing funk, badly.

Interesting, thanks for this. I'll give her cover album a listen

holy shit same. i remember listening to born under punches for the first time on a bus and feeling the urge to groove to it, it was so good in every way

listen to the other TH albums, they're all good. I started with RiL but I got more into it after listening to their previous stuff. Still not my favorite TH album though

I like every track except The Overload. FUCK the overload
Haven't heard the bonus tracks on the deluxe edition, are they any good?


I feel like it's because it's the first time people really listened to ~funk~ music or any kind of music that's more focused on rhythmn. Already in this thread people are like, wow this is my first time hearing this, or anything like it, when it's been around for so long.

The point of her making the album was that, as an African living in Europe and growing up there, the talking heads were her first exposure to the music from her own country.

Not like it's a bad thing, and I think David Byrne has spent the latter part of his career trying to right this wrong of how he got his fame off of artists and music that never saw the light of day (but how much of that is genuine, I can't say).

Right Start is a pretty neat early version of One in a Lifetime but they're fairly unfinished, definitely nothing as good as Two Note Swivel from Speaking in Tongues deluxe

OP here and other than Once in a Lifetime, The Overload is my favorite track. I hear people who like RiL tend to not like The Overload, and I'm the complete opposite. Weird.




it’s just shitty raps over throwaway earth wind & fire instrumentals

If you don't think Born Under Punches is a masterpiece by AT LEAST the third listen then you're a robot.

