Other urls found in this thread:
hell be fine
cool, and nice
OP gimme some music for that feel?
Death scares the fuck out of me and I don't know how to cope with it
cannibal corpse hammer smashed face
>I don’t know how to cope with it
Reading Mitchell Heisman’s suicide note really helped me in that regard
I honestly prefer gore over naked thots
Is he gonna make it bros?
Meditation is unoronically great for becoming more at peace with the flow of life, even if you treat from a completely secular perspective. 20 minutes a day of centering on your breathing. do it faget
do you think he's gonna be okay???
what happened here genuinely i'm confused
literally who
Terror management theory
Wow lots of goregrind albums in this thread I haven't heard of
Thanks guys
What about it
>puck is a pretty lady!
>Fuck revolutions and shit! If you hate authority you should just kill yourself
Wow great plan fuckhead
nihilistic Yea Forums thread?
wha t the heck is this even
Imagine pretending to be this dense for attention on a Sri Lankan apple picking forum
Oh but when I say the n word I get a 3 day ban
>Sri Lankan apple picking forum
this joke gets funnier every time :)
The mods are asleep, I've been reporting for 2 hours and nothing happens
The jannies are fucking useless
I mean I would kind of buy it if there was actually music for this feel. Very low effort
I didn’t ask
is this kirk cocaine?
which of these are real
fucking mods