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Other urls found in this thread:

we wanted a seulgi thread

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>imagine itzy singing

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Is there a video of the reporter asking jihyo about kang Daniel? I need a good laugh.

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Besides Saerom who is a confirmed pervert who watches porn at night which other Fromis are guaranteed perverts? High degree of certainty that Hayoung and Seoyeon are total perverts.

I assume all of the Jline in Izone are perverts and so are Yena, Yuri, Hyewon and Yujin.

of course if they sold everything they have and married someone with decent amount of money they could have a poorfag life but i doubt they would and JYP probably takes most of it

Oh yeah now these bitches care about CLC. Where were they during all CLC's comebacks.

Why can’t male Jpop groups be as flawless as the ones in Korea?

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i only care about Seunghee are her thicc thighs

the albums retail for 20 to 25 usd, im assuming the lowest possible value for argument's sake
i dont know how large twice's management team is, but i've seen at least 10 unique faces in their team, so again assuming the lowest possible number
>arbitrary %
actually twice haven't renewed their contracts yet so it's actually 50%
so instead of 4.2m, each member has made 3m at the least from music sales alone

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is kookie’s hair naturally wavy?

>Big 3 group
>liable to go to a ton of award and year end shows
>being willing to comeback in December when at least 50% of music shows get cancelled or pre-empted
Yeah no January at the earliest.

lol yeah their only way to surive is to sell everything they have

i mean you must pretty delusional to think that the bigger girl group even existed in korea isnt set for life already

Who’s the best rapper rapper in the KPOP game and why is it RM?

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that is literally an arbitrary percent

although there are a few fixed faces, twice gain/lose managers all the time. its more like a regular job that you get hired for and doesnt come with profit sharing.

what kind of porn does romsae like?

jpop don’t have western producers making their music for them

that' some creepypasta shit i thought her face on the mv looked weird


>No retailer's cut
>No distributor's cut
>No recording costs
>No CD fabrication costs
>No songwriters and producers cut
>No mv making cost

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that's not jhope

rm raps like he has a speech impediment
j-hope >>>

they're set because they will marry a rich man, you're delusional if you think an idol can live with around 3 millions net worth being so young


that is literally bullshit with zero sources

zico, gdragon, top, bobby and ilhoon all exist

>becoming a jyp manager to ogle at momo's momos

wtf is "rapper rapper"?

breakthrough or love foolish?

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if the rumors are true, be a manger and you can even date momo

love foolish obviously


snsd sold less than twice and all of them are millionaires on a company that is known to pay as little as possible

groups make money out of concerts and merch only and considering that twice is already above them since i dont know 2017? do the math
only a delusional would think that they arent milionaires LOL

Rap Mongrel is not that bad but the truth is most krappers suck dick. They can release good songs from time to time though.

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Evilrin is already very pretty, why she got do the take-picture-with-uggo-to-make-myself-look-better thing? I guess she really is evil....

what rumors?

Album profits are minimal at best. Packaged CDs are razor thin margins, especially moreso when you consider all the extra stuff korean albums are distributed with and how cheap they are sold for.

Im not saying Twice aren't well off, but little to none of that is coming from packaged album sales

>snsd sold less than twice
snsd have 96 million + career sales, zoomer

Looks like it broke sorry guys

dig in

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evilrin and yeri

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depends, breakthrough KR or JP?

that’s only because anyone who does rap who isn’t black are cringe

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isn't it weird how keklo's never around when the brown chewy bot is posting?

>do the math
>has no way of knowing any actual numbers


he also thinks the management gets a cut of revenues instead of having fixed salaries
you really can't make this shit up

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post irene's defined nasolabial folds

more like notice how izone isnt getting posted

love that cheeky kid yeri

>blackpink shitter trying to saleshit

Why are Once math shitters so fucking stupid?

didn't rapmon literally self teach himself english so he could sound like a black rapper

does her father approve of gyuri's lewd behavior

not even sure if i can find a picture that suits you more

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izone and twice are friends though

sit the fuck down

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he learned english through watching the show friends, lol

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Momo goes out late night with her male manger

you unironically think snsd have less career sales than twice lmao

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reminder that we are only 2 months away from twice's next full length japanese album

2019 Asia Artist Awards Lineup

Super Junior
Red Velvet
Stray Kids

i remember some ancient interview from like 2014 where he said he was interested in learning english so he could sound like the rappers he listens to or something like that

well he is off the mark because he learned English by watching friends so now he sounds like a retard

>50% of gross
Lol no that not how music royalties work at all.

Pretty much everyone gets a percentage based upon the actual profits from record sales which are revenues - production costs - promotion costs - management costs. I don't know if K-agency accounting is as creative as western entertainment company account but unless you get a percentage of gross which you will never get in a rookie contract your percentage is based upon profit sharing. Also you need to remember that record companies aren't charging retailers or wholesalers the retail price. Generally retailers are getting stuff at something like a 25-50% discount then doing a markup to cover their costs and make a profit. So if you go off of something like a $12.50 wholesale price subtract out the other costs give the artist 10-20% of the profits (which would be a freakishly large percentage) and then divide by 9 it doesn't add up to that much.

Based upon the western model most of the money twice members make are probably on appearance fees, CFs and touring. Record sale royalties are nice but nobody gets rich off them anymore (BTS type sales might be the exception).

you are literally being an idiot if you think that they SOLD 96 millions

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not a fan of cringe rap

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2019 MAMA will be held on December 4 at the Nagoya Dome, Japan

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do twice wax their pits? how are they always so nice looking?

this wealth discussion is pointless anyway since they just will marry a rich man

fuck i forgot about that


you realize that album streams of a certain number are equivalent to a physical album sale, correct?

>#saveCLC 32.3k tweets
Imagine if any of them actually bought CLC's albums.

>wall goblin

Does that idiot really think SNSD sold 96 million fucking albums. Fucking LOL.

Why have you posted DT instead of VJ then?

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>you realize that album streams of a certain number are equivalent to a physical album sale, correct?

I thought Zico was cancelled

no shit user thank you for knowning how the internet works and how this number is inflated to infinity and beyond

Uncensored Lesbian JAVs

I'm gonna be pissed if fromis_9 doesn't get invited
Japan is their home turf since they debuted there in 2017 and their company already forgot about them
Mnet didn't even tweet about them breaking 10 million views with Fun

twice had a comeback recently, why is nobody talking about them?

busan thighs

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>fiber optic trees
>extensive cgi
one of the best sets this year. that must've been a pain to create.

Probably the same guy claiming I am the best sold 20 million the other day


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hes innocent...he just needs to be a boy...and release the seolhyun tapes....

>album sales are sold at a loss

so cute

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Other groups are more interesting

cute henlo

That would make it not feel special duh

>copying avatar is the best

sold digital downloads? i wouldn't doubt it. it was a huge song.

>Fancy first 24 hours: 42.1M views
>Feel Special first 17 hours: 11.7M views

>Still thinking the kpop industry is about the music
What's your excuse?

sorry i've been doing it to saida all day

Also, here is the Income devision at JYP

JYP Contract years: 7

Physical sales: Company (50), Artist (50)

Physical sales renewed: Company (50), Artist (50)

Events: Company (60), Artist (40)

Overseas promotions: Company (50), Artist (50)

Im a music chad

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what did she mean by this?

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>clcshitters crying about saving clc
>the only way to actually 'save' them is by buying albums
>they dont do this
what's their end game here?

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My waifu is actually here for the music

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cant pay for views anymore

>Zero (0) sources

Everything about kpop that is not the music itself may as well not even exist to me

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sea monkeys don't have any money

she really looks like a fish

Basedeon says GIDLE have something special for AAA. She wants to work with Zico... I can feel the outrage already.

I'd feel better about liking Fromis_9 if the fans weren't just a bunch of cumbrain faggots

i guess she liked those fries...
would have been hilarious if they went to chik fil a


Twitter campaigns are free especially if they just operate off of perceived injustice. Honestly while CLC don't get as much assistance as I would like them to get they aren't getting completely dungeoned by Cube either. Wish they'd do a better job of pushing Elkie, Yujin and maybe Bean though. Yeeun actually stays really busy.

Attached: yujin-devil2.webm (1380x1920, 1.89M)

Some of them don't actually like them. They are just mad at g-idle.

they do, but not for girl groups. got7 has a stadium concert in thailand.

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she's been studying korean so hard

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I don't think these people are actually CLC fans.

that was an EXOtranny

i still need to watch that, what am i into?

they only have money for boy bands

You definitely can it just doesn't contribute to 1st 24hr records anymore. But nobody other than Blinks and Army give a shit about that anymore.

no blackpink and no bts who freakin cares

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oi say they need to push sunghee too

well maybe she should've joined RV then...

clc will die just like c-real

>Yeeun actually stays really busy.

doing what?

Hosting the show

yeeun mcs for music shows and has her own radio show

it was 3,8M (back then when downloads were dirt-cheap)

that isnt a source

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girl groups need to drop a full english album

Even if those percentages are correct and they aren't that would be percentage of profits not gross. Nobody would get 50% of gross ever.

nobody cares except the fans of the 2 biggest groups in kpop

>they don't even travel by private plane to SEA
>they have enough money for all their life

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that's once a week.

you mean that youtube thing? come on.

post sappy joy

>7 hours left
>less than 12M
its fking flop
even JYP stopped buying ads LMAO

2. [+64, -7] JYP changed it to Company (30) and Artist (70)

Yeeun is busy with me

Is it really Cube's fault CLC doesn't sell

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Oncelets, please stop making complete asses of yourselves
This isn't funny anymore

well maybe SM should have recruited her then...
but pretty sure she's happy right now besides the grueling YG delays

what brought this on, are clc disbanding or something?

[Hanteo] Top 5 Girlgroups albums' highest 1st day sales in 2019:

1. Blackpink #KillThisLove: 78,275 copies
2. Twice #FeelSpecial: 61,066 copies
3. Red Velvet #TheReVeFestivalDay1: 45,080
4. Twice #Signal: 42,444 copies
5. Twice #FancyYou: 41,720 copies

that literally has no source on where they get their numbers for those distributions percentages

fucking hell

>even JYP stopped buying ads LMAO

i was about to say this. looks like he's given up on twice and pushing itzy.

>a random comment is a reliable source

BP are the only major group with enough English speakers that don't just butcher the annunciation and even then they are still stuck with Jithoo. Granted you don't have to be fluent in English to sing in English but even some good Kpop vocalists really struggle when they sing 100% English cover songs.

I hope she's smarter than sally

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Rosie :)

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loves them

jisoo's english has been improving and her broken english is a charm so it's good and bad at the same time that she's improving

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remove everything except for the high heels

twiceshitters, ladies and gentlemen

clc are a legitimately good group who deserve to do well

They are literally the only ones that can actually still fight for the 24hr records and even then it's not certain that Army or Blinks would be able to consistently break 75m views first day which appears to be the new threshold.

this just proves that none of this sources is reliable

well just ask Twice members how much money they have then retards

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holy shit is this twitter or reddit? i don't come here to listen to losers argue about meaningless bullshit, i come to lewd datesluts and find blastable webms

Attached: pinky feeling it.webm (606x1080, 1.66M)

looks like %% is still SOTY

Attached: Cute Eung Eung.webm (1000x562, 2.43M)

clc is shit

burning money for private planes when they can just fly business instead is pointless
having enough money for life doesn't mean you can afford to manage it like a moron


>twice showcase uploaded
seeya fags

thought this was babysoul from the thumbnail


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>dreamcatcher does this move in their new choreo
omo brb

nobody cares about twice anymore loser


>clc are a legitimately good group who deserve to do well
clc are legitimately one of the few groups that has multiple title track worthy songs on a single album

i actually wanted to prove that they have a really small share

Cube is promoting gidle and twitter hates them.

the victory of the Indonesian people

waiting for your return as a disease


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after living with the other 3 for years and being thrown in front of english speaking audiences during the tour, jisoo is unironically pretty decent at english now

Evilrin, beware. She will forcefully extract your protein


if it's in korean it must be true

post yfw loona only has one great song post-debut (Curiosity)

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Same, thoroughly disappointed

>blastable webms

i gotcha senpai

Attached: jackson 24.webm (1280x720, 1.57M)

>AKMU >>> TWICE in charts
proof me wrong

heat and satellite

You didn't like stylish? That's the only post debut loona song that I liked.

Loona hasn't debuted yet moroni. They're still eligible for ROTY 2020

Unfortunately they went with the concept of they have no concept too long and then went with a purepop follow up to Hobgoblin so they are roughly were a group in their second year should be but they are way further into their contract. But the slutty ladypop concept seems to be working for them.

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not enough visible pits. total fail of a golden opportunity to put his hands behind his head and flex nutz

Attached: saturday yuki knows what we like.webm (1920x1080, 1.9M)

Eat shit faggot :)

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every person has spamblockword moroni
do you know?


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Oogie all night long

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No eng subs yet for the non ping ling speakers

Attached: eunbi melons.webm (814x1080, 2.28M)

nothing will be as good as dinosaur

Just the cowards

very based

the war...

The Perfect Ted Velvet

>not learning korean for your waifu

Attached: ahn eugene sneer.webm (454x454, 96K)

how about you niggers just stop speculating about money instead? why do you even care?

I really like stylish and colors

the eve...


wish she would show them off more

If my waifu is Mina should i learn korean or japanese

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>Learning a language just because of some shitty genre of music
I really hope none of you do this

THE EVE mentioned

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Max & Match...

I learned Japanese because of anime, music, and increased access to soaplands and brothels.

should have focused on the pit part

Like there's anything else to talk about


Eunbi would probably be infinitely more popular with Wizones if she wore low cut blouses and showed a lot of cleavage all the time. If they aren't going to rate her for being cute she might as well accentuate her assets. It's not like Izone is purepop. it seems like she's self conscious and wants to play up the poor man's Irene role though

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10 7 7.5 9.5 8 7 10 10

>another mediocre song hyped up by delusional exotrannies
fuck off

did dreamcatcher win yet?

That makes no sense

Didn't Twice have a comeback

learning a new language can always be useful
might as well get something from all the time i spend on this anyway

I wish more girl groups would be brave enough to cover the Eve. Granted Love Shot is also pretty suggestive but The Eve is still GOAT.

even new VIXX song >> eve

>it's all about the money
yeah enjoy watching your favorite group break down before your eyes because the cult master milked them down to the last shekel

10 6 4 9 8 5 10 10

lol no

so dead in here without yejibros

definitely blackpink
as in the entire blackpink discography

>no n
is it really worth it

Extremely based

everyones doing love shot because it's more recent, but any exo song is based since their discography is goat

i need that wuju cover of the eve so fucking much fuck

wtf did kai really have dreadlocks?

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uhh bros? give my eggman a 10

We talked all day abour that already, specially the seething antis
I meant that theres no other interesting topic going on here

What the fuck does posting KPOP models have to do with music?

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for me song starts from 2:50

Attached: based.webm (720x720, 568K)

eggs ===> O O O O 0 0 Oㅇㅇ

why is henlo poster ignoring my henlos?

Jennie loves the black excellence
Why do you think she had to run to America after breaking up with Kai? No Korean man can satisfy her now

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can you put jisoo on the shirt

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>jihyo posting saida pics on ig
what did she mean by this?

we've talked about this shit song all day
what do you think about it fellow Yea Forumstant?

honghyuk vixx subunit please

he was under fire from the cultural appropriation police on twitter
now they're on basedeon's ass


>posting the shitty title track instead of the banger sidetracks
for what purpose?
>the stroking motion yves does while covering the eve

Very ethnic hip

bp for salaryman

You mean
or maybe an actual HQ version?

most groups will never have more than one subunit, vixx already filled their quota with that chocolate song

Good night protect my hime-sama while im asleep

EXO's discography is fucking trash compared to Bigbang and Shinee, even BTS and NCT have more good songs

Our target is 50M and 2M likes in the first 24 hours. Let’s do it for our girls!!

she ships them just like me


>EXO's discography is fucking trash compared to Bigbang and Shinee, even BTS and NCT have more good songs
lol just lol

word simon says is so good my ears still haven’t stopped bleeding

probably because you're annoying faggot

Oh I have no qualms about her interest in Kai, I just didn't know he had this hair before. Post more this is amusing

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simon says is good though

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amazing but true a 2nd gen group has SOTY in 2019

why are you lying?

search "kokobop Kai" or kai dreads on google
he's literally a lightskin

Nice bait mate

just watch the MV, its a banger

you need pills bro

simon says is shit as well

Apink since I'm So Sick have been legit spectacular.


Attached: jackson 19.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)


>listening to UtaPri

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where my blinks at