How do i find a bf that looks like this?

how do i find a bf that looks like this?

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travel back in time to norway in the 90s

if i did that maybe i could have saved him from prison with my love

he was always going to murder euronymous it was his destiny as decreed by odin

date me? lol

I honestly look like that. I was even told by a random stranger in a bar once which really surprised me. I was wearing a metal shirt though, so I suppose he assumed I would know who Varg was.

post pics

I'll bite

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hey you're actually pretty cute

find good looking whites and turn them onto good music, its easier to do it with men than women because women suck ass at self-awareness
but theres enough metalheads or at least long-haired hipsters (but i assume you want a metalhead since you masturbate to varg)

shit band
don't raise youre eyebrows or else youre gonna have steve buscemi eyes and hair loss
otherwise decent looking but welcome ultra hair loss in 5 years if you dont stop eyebrow raising

post snap

what do you mean by eyebrow raising
and you have onions taste dude

what's your zodiac sign

Who still has snap? The fuck? I hope you don’t try to pull chicks with that dead app bro.

I mean this bathorytard
Listen to deathspell omega

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virgo lol
it's low investment for sending a pic to someone
I do already and you're insane. I wasn't even raising my brow in that picture lmao

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You don't honestly believe that, do you?

This is madness and pseudoscience

You dont have to raise your eyebrows in that pic nigger
You dont honestly believe hair loss is genetical?
Sparta!! XDDDD
Pseudoscience is homosexuality being considered on par with hetero whilst pedophilia is still paraphilia, when homophilia should still be that

how do you have clear skin?

how do i stop raising my eyebrows so much

Just break the habit faggot
And you also have to massage your scalp so it isnt hard anymore
GO to that link on pic related and find out for yourself whether its pseudoscience or reality

oh my mistake, you clearly are a medical doctor and not some idiotic teenager on the internet

you're still cooked though
pigs' blood

no really how do you have clear skin

Whatever go bald if you want to if you're not already and trying to compensate
I stopped my hairloss at 19 and have the same hairline with 22, no loss whatsoever, no change in diet also, just the eyebrow shit and scalp massage

if you have pizzaface the only thing that can save you is either a radical, eliminatory diet change or accutane. Both suck. I did that and now use an embarrassing amount of skin products, when I care enough to.

Cool man, I'm sure your super hot gf compliments you on your wonderful hairline every day.
I'm sure you have a great job based on how much you know about science and how non-confrontational you are.

just kidding I know your life is shit and you deserve it because you yourself are shit.

Metaphysical ad hominemunomicunemus much?
I dropped the biggest hair loss redpill on your ass, you're just trying to compensate god knows what for
Am I supposed to tell you about my sex life right now? When did I say my hairline is 10/10 chad-esque? You're boring

My life is alright and so are my ambitions, trying to redpill losers on Yea Forums isn't my task, it's a byproduct of my internet boredom whenever I can allow myself to

How is your sex life?

that pale flesh is really doing it for me

You're spreading misinformation garbage you probably found on Yea Forums.
As much as I hate to admit I'm on Yea Forums at this age, I'm in my late 30s. I still have a great head of hair and I'm married with two children.
Seriously that post you made was not based in scientifically verifiable data.

>make thread
>come back an hour later
>find people arguing about hairlines
i jst wanted to find a varg bf

you look like that oblivion youtuber

This isnt misinformation, this is a hypothesis based in logic, take from it whatever you want, but it cannot be debunked logically
Great, congratulations, you have a family, you have a head of hair, and how can you debunk this with your life story?
I really want to talk about the metastatis of the financial pharma mafia but you surely wont question the authority of granted chemicals, right?
Why do you think anything concerning hair loss is so expensive when it doesn't touch upon health values? Goddamn, even shrinks are infinitely cheaper
The cancer antidotum was found 200 years ago, anything you consume right now is to propagate cancer minimally, what the fuck is going on anyway?
Whatever, good luck with those children provided it's not a lie by some basement dweller

I know it's hard to interpret tone through text, but I genuinely hope you seek help for whatever mental illness you're suffering from.
These things you're saying are not normal and there are people who can help you have a happier, better-adjusted life.
Seriously, please for your own health and happiness, contact your nearest mental-health facility. I'm rooting for you, user.

Suck some dicks, tranny. Pleaase..
Consume products.... pelassee......

you didn't have to write such long, contrived post to say 'have sex' user

post a pic already then, matchmaker

I guess. He sounds like somebody I knew long ago who ended up killing himself.
Kinda worried me I guess.

you're obviously ugly as fuck since you don't already have one

don't play that card you bitch. your paragraph post was insincere and you're a faggot. get off this website

Looooool innit

handsome fellow. Hope you and femoid OP have cute white babies

You sound like someone who never considered existence skeptical? How is that different in your perspective
Instead of LARPing change your socks or some shit

Not him but okay

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I guarantee your friends are worried about you, if you talk like that to them. I really do understand your hostility but please, seek help. Arguing on the internet is one thing, but we're both anonymous, I have no reason to flex an ego here. I truly recognize things in the way you speak that raise serious red flags. I hope that my posts at the very least plant the seed of doubt in your mind, even if you think I'm trolling or taking the piss or whatever, and some time down the line you'll remember this and at least consider the idea of searching out help for your problems.

Grimy mf lmao

you're replying to the wrong person, and it sounds like you're projecting really hard. It still comes off insincere. You don't go straight from shitting on someone for being crazy to whatever this is. Seriously, stop. If you actually care about that fucking guy why don't you drop a kik or some way for them to actually talk to you? what a fucking asshole

Well you just replied to someone who wasnt me, aka the hair loss conspiracy theorist, so your ability to psychologically assert things about anyone is now invalid, good luck in masturbating on Yea Forums

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fetal alcohol syndrome?

which one
appreciate it brother, wish you luck as well
yeah I hadn't showered for a bit in that pic lol
sick looks but I hope you're not OP haha

it's some geek who used to post here like ten years ago

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are you blushing from all the compliments?

you are most welcome, the facial hair ain't too bad either

he seems cool, I'd probably get along with him.
yeah totally
really? I thought it was kind of shit actually

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