Yea Forums will defend this
Yea Forums will defend this
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virginity is the new punk.
get used to it, virginless normies.
>attain coitus
sex is gross and smelly and sometimes disturbing
why even do it
How else are you going to consumate your marriage?
based gay man
No, I can't defend this. 42% is way too high.
>falling for the state's meme
do NOT start glamorizing virginity. This is literally the entire point of inflicting no gf on us all, to make us submit to the fate of extinction and replacement. Virginity fetishism= nihilism
stop putting pussy on a pedestal. Imagine letting women control you.
THIS. The purpose of women is to ensure the survival of the white race.
>virginity is the new punk.
>get used to it, virginless normies.
>I have not had sex
>29 votes
literally how is it possible to be over 18 and not have sex?
Sex isn't even legal under 18 user
t. Non american
Sorry for your lack of freedom bruh
I'm very shy and any time I meet someone I connect with, life gets in the way (one girl goes to a different college, one moved away etc)
punk isn't a synonym for contrarian
I can somewhat understand not having sex if you’re 18 or younger. Maybe you’re a late bloomer. Maybe you just haven’t capitalized on opportunities yet. But how the fuck are there people on this board who are old enough to drink and still haven’t had sex?
Those aren’t good excuses. It’s ridiculously easy to have sex so long as you’re not a standards cel. Just download tinder already and set something up
im younger than 21 but if I had to guess, maybe people can be content with things other than what the crowd deems the norm. personally I find personal activities like gardening, reading, and exercise to be more enticing than chasing women.
swap gardening and reading out for gaming and posting and you're closer to explaining it
Again that’s not a good excuse. I don’t spend any time “chasing” women and I have hobbies too. Normies are usually more interesting and productive than virgins. If you spend some time socializing (which is a natural human need, not what the crowd sees as the norm) then you’ll have opportunities to have sex. Don’t let yourself off the hook, you’re capable of living the life you want to and still meeting your sexual urges.
But user, what's the point in living if you aren't trying to become a better person than you were yesterday? Even if you remain a virgin for the rest of your life, you'll be content with knowing you did something the majority of the sex-having world hasn't done, help the world.
extremely bluepilled, go read some schopenhauer and whatever you do DO NOT HAVE SEX
There should be far more virgins.
I guarantee you if everyone on this board spent just ONE month limiting themselves to one hour of internet a day, cleaned up a little, and went out here and there/downloaded tinder, half of you would get laid in that time. It’s not as hard as you guys make it seem.
The way you word it makes it seem like socializing is a surefire way to get some sex. Sure if you go to a bar, then you'll probably get a one night stand. However not everyone is into ultimately meaningless intimacy. And not everyone is willing to put in the effort to get to know a girl long enough to eventually start dating her. Especially when girls can friendzone dudes easily nowadays because of social media making it easy for them to blow them off with one text. Societal pressure from their friends can make your odds sway easily from one side to another. Dating is a numbers game, and some people just don't wanna put up with the odds.
What’s wrong with one night stands though? It’s not meaningless intimacy. It meets a primal need and you don’t have to totally cut off contact from the girl either. I’ve hooked up with girls off tinder and I’m still in contact and friendly with most of them. You don’t need a relationship to get to know people and have fun.
I never had sex, do you have a problem with that?
gay sex is even grosser and smellier and is always disturbing