Other urls found in this thread:
>asking an underage board if they've had sex
go back to redit
I am doing science user
I've turned down dozens of ugly girls.
>the most miserable, bitter boards haven't had sex
Define sex
Sexual Intercourse of any form with another human being
Define sexual intercourse
Heterosexual intercourse involving penetration of the vagina by the penis : COITUS
post an example, it's not clear enough
This is literally how they act on reddit faggot.
>knowing how reddit acts
Go back.
22 y.o. virgin, may have the chance to lose it this weekend. music for this feel??
Look at all ants of mu coming together when they read VIRGINITY in caps lock.
instructions not clear, dick stuck in a fan. Post more....for research purposes
>ahahahahahahaha me project to feel superior on le interwebs das funnay xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I hope you die screaming in pain, alone
>ahahahahahahahahaha me be edgy on le interwebs to conpensate for the fact that I got BTFO and are now a seething mess das funnay xDDDDDD
STFU you still got cum on your upper lip
looking bad out here for Yea Forums with 51% virgins, i expected better honestly
>ahahahahahahahahahaha me say gay things to others because I fear I might be gay and so I have to accuse others of being gay so that I can throw the scent off myself das funnay xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
lol that exchange was funny, I'm gonna go now, thanks for the attention friendanon
>ahahahahahahahaha me make copout from situation because me cannot handle the pressure of the situatuon me got meself into das funnay xDDDDDDDDDD
Not him, but stop seething, racist asshole
>ahahahahahahaha me make blind accusations of racism on le interwebs das funnay xDDDDDDDDDDD
I knew Yea Forums was normalfag city these days but come ON
>ihihihi I use greenno texxtto to prove I'm edgeeyyyy
>ahahahahaahahahahahaha me try to copy what other person do because I have le no recourse and maybe it will get me out of the mess I got myself in das funnay xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
>I have not had sex
>56 votes
literally how is it possible to be over 18 and not have sex?
Ebic, simbly ebic.
Shut up or I'll shit in your mouth and then fart and piss on your eyes, BEWARE!
>ahahahahhahahahahahahah me resort to being edgy because le copycat plan didn't work das funnay xDDDDDDDDD
/fit/ is ok sometimes if you work out
Sex isn't even legal under 18 retard
t. Non american
Sorry for your lack of freedom bruh
Follow me to your mom's room.
whoa whoa whoa there slow down
>trips wasted
Europe is more permissive regarding AoC than the USA generally
Keep jerking off and never touch a woman's body, you are superior I'm sure of that. Just die and free the people around from your presence.
>dubs wasted
The age of consent in most of the US is 16.
You can close the poll OP, all of us have had sex with your mom.
>ahahahahahahahahaha me project my angry seething incelness onto others because I don't know anymore ways to be edgy or copy le other things so I need to pretend to not be le incel das funnay xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
self control
Album of color
btfo after btfo, what a fuckin legend
Bump because I saw anime
>tfw lost virginity to escort but managed to get a gf
We broke up but at least I know there's at least one girl who liked me enough to have sex with me for free
how do you guys get past the rancid stench/taste of pussy?
/fit/ is actually pretty hilarious compared to Yea Forums, even if for the wrong reasons
I like the smell of sweat and clean pussy isn't rancid smelling
Who is she
This is one of the youngest boards demographic wise, it makes sense a lot of people here haven't.
they're not all like that, user
the fact that /r9k/ is only 66% is retarded
by not being gay
Stop eating out girls from Tinder, they just got fucked by someone else like half an hour ago
>Shut in
>Socially awkward
>Bad hygiene
>Autism (both the Yea Forums kind and the actual kind)
>Being constantly rejected for shallow shit like not having a car or a good job
I could go on but that covers it for the most part
The only woman I've had sex with was an escort (and then had sex with her on five more occasions) so I'm just going to say that counts.
Friendly reminder that it's impossible to be an incel when it costs just a few dollars to lose your virginity in a worst case scenario.
wait does having gay sex not count as losing your virginity?
asking for friend
how are we going to exterminate virgins
niggas be lying on a strawpoll
I don't believe it