This guy really made your favorite albums?

This guy really made your favorite albums?

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Yeah, pretty much, based Dan.

what a fucking emotionally dishonest faggot larping as a "nihilist"


How did he lose the fucking masters

I don't know about albums, but this guy sure knows about maximizing online leads. A+ Highly recommended.

he looks like a cheeky sod i went to school with

well yes, ofcourse! :)

The only based onions boy un my book

He exploits and profits off the suffering of doomers. Kinda based desu.

What does this mean? I am confused

He looks like he sells insurance.

probably one of the only musicians that isn't up his own arse about muh artistry and bullshit. just makes music when feeling down and not wanting to let out the negative emotions onto his wife and child. absolutely based dan

that's a legend
even if mastering engineer is using analog gear he'll still keeps masters for some time

he literally does

Well he's not depressed anymore

>gets married and has two kids
oh what a sell out, he isn’t wasting away in his bedroom like me!

he should sell life insurance

isn't he a web developer lol

based dan


No joke, I'm a web developer and look like this guy

just trolling, I'm actually in business intelligence

literally who?

i love have a nice life but i still can't believe dan looks like... that. he looks like a nerd.

lol same but i dont look like this guy
are you a react man

>experiences the deepest states of human suffering, likely caused at least partially due to genetic circumstances
>breeds not only once, but TWICE
I cannot stand this world.

The guy behind deathconsciousness

>are you a react man
Let's just put it this way: Aphex Twin is literally my favourite musician.

awh fuck really? that's a shame, I love that album.

What's the shame?

He lost the masters of Deathconsciousness. The only backup he could find were some shitty transcoded mp3s he emailed to his mom

kek that's hilarious

the hard drive died. he says it in the story.

Is that why it sounds like that?

Audrey. You don't want to feel like you feel when you're asleep.

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No, that's because it was recorded through a webcam microphone

People on Yea Forums are only triggered by Dan looking like he does because 75% of the people on this board look like Dan