Who was the better grunge band?
Alice in Chains vs. Nirvana
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Alice in chains easily
just listen to this youtube.com
Screaming Trees
funny AiC really didnt break into the mainstream conciousness until unplugged. their dirt album was well loved before that but not nearly as much as nevermind or pearl jam's ten. it was not until many years later that AiC eclipsed pearl jam. kurt's death solidified nirvana since he went out after a good album and didnt release 20 yeasr of dog shit like pearl jam
Alice in Chains IMO. Staley sang his ass off even in later years despite his condition.
Peak Layne right here
Alice in Chains easily, I don't hate nirvana, but Alice is so much better.
How so?
Why yes I made better music than Nirvana. How could you tell?
AiC easily
I think starting to smoke crack and losing his teeth caused more damage to his voice than heroin desu. You can hear from the few gigs they did in 1996 that his voice definitely was not the same but goddamn if he still doesnt sing like there's no tomorrow.
AiC ballads are really good. Dirt is a masterpiece. All the rest is between not bad and average desu.
Do any of you faggots know any grunge bands other than the big 5? Fucking embarassing.
Name 3
>knowing any more grunge than what is forced into my brain via osmosis
i can listen to one of AC albums, dirt.
Nirvana's all trash, so i take the dirt.
God this band was so homo
honestly, I don't and I'd really like to know more. grunge is really cool
Cringe desu
Noizegarden, Alien Boys, Crimeny.
You want to be spoon fed more, faggot?
How about posting 3 more that are actually good?
Alice easy
alien boys lol plz stop
Crimeny is the best grunge band that youve ever listened to, assuning youve listened to them
I think the pussy ass alt style of Love Battery is more your speed, boy.
I think both nailed it.
They both do the heavy and then they both do this sort of sound:
The two used as dynamics is essentially grunge to me.
I know my local precursor scene yes.
What are their best songs then so I can listen to them faggot?
Crimeny is really cool, and while I thought Noizegarden's attempt was honorable it sounded pretty awful desu. Checking out Alien Boys now.
Alice in Chains was the best band of the 90s.
You're going to trash music youve never listened to? I dont know which group youre refering to, but Crimeny only has one record. Listen to it and quite being a child.
Forgot this one. They didn't always play as slow as the first linked one.
Listen to more music
Just heard it. It's shit
What gets me the most is how they started in glam, then somehow turned into what they became. Obviously that may have started by following a trend, but it turned into something a hell of a lot deeper than a trend. It became more of a statement of that period in time.
Yoir uneducated opinion is meaningless.
I was only kidding friend. They sound pretty good. I liked Evolution and Peat. They sound VERY similar to Alice in Chains. Same vocalist?
Crimeny are from Texas, Alien Boys are from Germany and Noizegarden are from Japan, so none of them are grunge, retard.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
heres your (y'all)
The big four are Soundgarden, AIC, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, who's the fifth one supposed to be? Melvins? Screaming Trees? Mother Love Bone? Mudhoney? Temple of the Dog? Tad? Green River? Gruntruck? Skin Yard? FEEdbACK? Wellwater Conspiracy?
The big 4 are AiC, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam and STP because Nirvana is a pop band.
I know youre just pretending to be retarded, but Fukui wasnt a jazz musician because he wasnt a nigger?
nirvana. AiC is macho hurrr duurr music
>navy seal pasta in 2018+1
wew you gonna rickroll me next?
Can someone translate this from Retard to English for me, please?
>sings about drug addiction, actual pain, heartache, and real life issues
>hurr durr macho
STP aren't a fucking grunge band
>on 4chin
>cant read retard
never gonna make it
Fukui was a jazz musician from japan. I know you arent very smart, but you're posting in a music forum.
Niether were Nirvana.
>Sunshine is a grunge song
>Meat Plow isnt
Holy mother of kek
reminder that grunge was an aussie invention and america has never done anything of value outside of blues and jazz
Nah, our grunge is different to seattles.
Theirs is less ... like mad max.
Grunge isn't a music genre. You know how I know? Almost all of the grunge bands all play different styles of rock music. "grunge" simply describes an era of underground rock music in Seattle Washington form the mid 80s to the mid 90s. Eat one thousand dicks.
See This is supposed to be a music forum and most people here can't speak about even popular american music on even a basic level.
oh no im addicted to drugs. what a tragic problem I have that I totally brought on myself. life is so unfair.
Hows that music degree coming along? Have you gotten your gpa above 2.0 yet?
I graduated cum laude, dipshit
regardless its not hurr durr macho you fucking retard
Why are you guys fighting? Stop it!
I bet you did. ;-)
huuurrrr here come the roosduurrrrrrrrr
Nirvana was a punk band. Alice was a metal band but they are both grunge eh ?
You may be autistic if you think this.
imagine unironically thinking AIC was anywhere near as good as Nirvana in any possible universe
Grunge isn't even a genre
>AiC is macho hurrr duurr music
you put that so eloquently and it's the truth
I like em both honestly. Aic is what I think of when I hear the word 'grunge'. They're dirty, dark and the vocals can sometimes be hauntingly beautiful. Nirvana is like punk but at the same time something else I can't quite put my finger on. They're what I think of when I want angsty music.
The jury's out on this one for me.
AiC had two extremely talented singers and an amazing guitar player
Nirvana had an awful guitar player and an awful singer, both of which named Kirk Cobain
AiC for me
AIC by far
Pearl Jam is better than both of em'
Imagine thinking Nirvana is good by any metric with which good bands are judged
Yes, they were. Now go fuck yourself you little zoomer shit
Alice In Chains were just lowkey metalheads using the gay alternative scene to get famous, so they are better.
i'd say the same with soundgarden, both were much heavier and better than nirvana and pearl jam and all the other grunge imitators, STP were somewhere in the middle and pretty bad ass at times
Was Layne Stanley the Lil Peep of the 90s?
Plenty of bands started in glam, Pantera comes to mind, seems like the glam train was full force right until it died instantly.
The last good glam release was Skid Row's Slave to the Grind in 1991, where as Alice in Chains released Sap in 1992.
Wonder what killed glam off so fast?
>Wonder what killed glam off so fast?
Nevermind, Black Album, and Use Your Illusion all came out in 91 and killed gay glam shit
Yeah I mean I like Soundgarden music as well, but the guys were snobby douchebags like most of that scene, the guys in Alice In Chains seemed legit cool and never were embarrassed about being friends with metal bands or tried to hide their metal side
>Nevermind, Black Album, and Use Your Illusion all came out in 91 and killed gay glam shit
>Likes Nirvana and the Black Album, the sellout Metallica
>Calls glam gay
Shout At The Devil is better than The Black Album, the start of Countryallica.
>Wonder what killed glam off so fast?
To be fair, glam reigned as a huge thing for an entire decade....grunge died halfway into the 90's when nu-metal and pop punk took over. Glam lasted longer than grunge as far as being the most popular and money making form of rock music.
Jerry was the brains behind AiC, and Layne recorded enough material to leave a meaningful legacy behind. Lil Peep's best work was still ahead of him, and he was in charge of himself. He would have been in Post Malone's position at the top right now if he was still alive.
>both much heavier than Nirvana
>Lil Peep's best work was still ahead of him, and he was in charge of himself. He would have been in Post Malone's position at the top right now if he was still alive.
>Nirvana is a pop band.
every other band on that list hasn't made a song as hardcore as Tourette's or Milk It
Lil Peep is the modern Ian Curtis to be honest.
Shifted the sound of music but died before the second album could drop.
It's pop just heavily distorted and with screaming, and that's not the sound they're known for anyway.
Nirvana's songwriting style was basically just power pop with a filter of aggression and depression.
Nirvana were the better ""Grunge™"" band, but AIC were the better band.
this guy gets it
Dirt was an easy 10. The best Nirvana ever did was Incesticide and it's only like a 6.
>implying Chains wasn't Jerry's brainchild
Layne was still leagues more talented than Kirk.
by what metric? kurt was obviously a better pop songwriter. if layne could have written smells like teen spirit or in bloom he would have.
Mudhoney. Melvins. Screaming Trees.
Nearly every grunge band that wasn't a direct ripoff of nirvana was better than nirvana.
>by what metric? kurt was obviously a better pop songwriter. if layne could have written smells like teen spirit or in bloom he would have.
Layne was a better singer, that's how...Nirvana fanboys can fool themselves into thinking Kurt was a gifted vocalist, but anyone can do what he did, and even on guitar. He may have had a knack for writing catchy pop melodies but similar things have been done by better bands like Cheap Trick, who had a hard edge at times but wrote pop style songs and actually had talent as musicians.
Though I'll say this much too, I think I do get the appeal of appreciating someone who doesn't have technical chops per se during a time where everyone was trying to be a shredder and many of the popular singers could wail high notes, that is really kind of irrelevant today where absolutely no popular artist has any talent and talented artists are shoved to the sidelines if acknowledged at all.
while i respect the merit of what AiC did, theres a certain bro factor to what they did that lays too heavy on classic rock stylings that I just find tacky. the production also just feels a bit lifeless to me.
kurt wrote more interesting chord progressions and melodies imo. even though nirvana wasn’t the greatest band as far as musicianship is concerned (if even barely passable midtier) their music still holds a lot more imagination and color to me that AiC just doesn’t scratch.
I also can’t really stand the singing inflection everybody in that era delivered. it just sounds like hillbilly axl rose to me. kurt leaned into it but it didnt seem as forced. plus i dont like AiC lyrics bc theyre so on the nose... id rather kurts contradicting nonsense
>grunge bands
Not him, because Grunge is rather soft for me, but Paranoid Earthling are a Sri Lankan Grunge band who get little coverage.
It's okay. Nothing really special at all.
Nirvana is the only non poser band out of the big four.
AIC are trend hoppers. Layne was in a glam metal band before Alice. Nothing authentic about them.
>not posers
Kurt stole more music than any other grunge band
they never *really* stopped being glam though. look at the video for we die young. there wasn't any particular contrived style jump, they just sort of got grittier as they progressed in a relatively organic way, with things like layne's girlfriend dying and so on. it wasn't like some post-teen spirit oh shit the kids are wearing flannel now kind of thing.
>thinking Layne was the voice of the band in any way but the most literal
Grunge is a fake genre
>Stole more music
Ok Kid
Stay mad. Kurt had zero musical ideas, he just had a decent record collection.
No one ever metions Failure.
That's because Failure aren't a grunge band you nitwit