Attached: 7be659f862a985777e6950f689cd3d5a_1.jpg (2160x2161, 887K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: so much winning.png (852x593, 69K)

post our freakin girls

Wow, Choa looks beautiful here

Attached: 10269011_1632949843640793_850515453_n.jpg (480x480, 28K)

we wanted a seulgi thread

Post the attractive one

Attached: EFFxplDU8AADrZD.jpg (2730x4096, 1.4M)

Rosie :)

Attached: 0f3RAhL.jpg (1364x2048, 165K)

here you go

Attached: S_invincible-1175286481394401281-20190921_015147-img1.jpg (1999x3000, 930K)

Attached: DrjY3axV4AEqVj4-orig.jpg (1449x879, 184K)

Choa looking amazing

Attached: 5007bd1c175fc0d8e3f1b03bec84d1a1--jimin-kpop.jpg (736x1104, 116K)

>this desperate to look like a white person

Attached: 1365994242971.jpg (601x601, 156K)

how do they do it

Here you go

Attached: EEk4v1DUwAArsPD[1].jpg (1182x960, 196K)

i miss choa

Attached: 901b5beacc902bd79f536806a28f99a6--korean-idols-jimin.jpg (736x1104, 89K)

choa and a sandwich.jpg

how much longer until I feel special

Attached: AE2E43704.jpg (1000x1500, 241K)

this is now a choa thread, certain posters are NOT invited

Attached: 1544502749402.jpg (1000x1500, 357K)

They are still fined 6 million for not paying taxes. But it is not tax evasion.

Jakkuman simkunghae~

Attached: 1458886911611.jpg (3000x2000, 3.82M)


Attached: now .jpg (640x640, 50K)

these n.flying songs were great thanks again


Attached: 1458886801140.gif (353x480, 1.99M)

Attached: 1567352597212.jpg (750x938, 61K)

>some dude bullied my waifu at a hi touch
How do I hire a hitman?

Attached: 454010578713835_6963906218796842008_n.jpg (1080x1350, 238K)

bang chan
chingle chomble

Attached: 1544483208772.jpg (736x1104, 104K)

Press C to pay Choaspects...

Attached: 1458886717626.jpg (1500x1000, 1.01M)

Attached: ch.jpg (500x750, 58K)

Attached: funnywalkrin.webm (1176x1000, 2.95M)

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Attached: Park.Choa.600.56426.jpg (540x960, 86K)

Post Choa's feet

ethereal Choa

Attached: c17be33d42f54161c694909dc777f4ac--korean-idols-kpop-girls.jpg (736x1308, 120K)

make it rain gurl make it rain

Attached: QBJdbQl.jpg (1000x1500, 126K)

stop choa..


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Attached: lel.png (443x428, 436K)

Attached: G1jiUUU.jpg (1000x1500, 1.01M)

idols who look like they stink


that yerin baek album needs some major credits like damn. she fucking us

Attached: choass.webm (400x688, 1.65M)


Attached: sweaty joy.webm (762x800, 2.95M)

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i've got the feast in my sights

Attached: 1563280775245.png (353x785, 213K)

is this supposed to be big by kpop standards? these korean girls have no ass whatsoever

ok those choas are going to another level now

Why do Koreans love that puffiness under the eyes?

STOP posting some irrelevant has been. It's Twice's day.

Man... witnessing the holy trinity that was Mini Skirt, Like a Cat and Short Hair was a blessing

Attached: 1519980999603.jpg (1366x2048, 297K)

Attached: file.jpg (1200x800, 120K)

can we just post some Dubus instead

Attached: dubu.jpg (750x937, 95K)

you stop

Attached: 1564257181070.jpg (3712x5568, 2.94M)

yo this album fucking bangs its like listening to burial for the first time again

this is NOT choa

Attached: 1458886525157.jpg (1200x1798, 1.29M)

You're right
Brb, I'mma Dublast real quick

hard carry hey

Attached: s4JUKyd.jpg (1000x1500, 249K)

pabo, every idol smells divine except cub

Attached: 10dab6c73ba8397068765c001f7571dd--korean-idols-korean-music.jpg (736x1104, 120K)

not as much as in your pic

Attached: 1558250409532.gif (350x367, 2.21M)

very resilient
based maknae lookin out

cute daughterwife

>irrelevant has been
>It's Twice's day.

still not Choa :/

Attached: ChoA_1498148235_Screen_Shot_2017-06-22_at_12.16.48_PM.png (635x851, 611K)

which album

Why would you say that about our Cub?

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yikes... that's like the anti-Choa on steroids :(

Attached: tumblr_mne7tug7h01rced2yo6_1280.jpg (1217x912, 258K)

Any good kpop asmr?
No gaypop faggotry

i'm sorry man, but it's just the truth. honest to god, i went to a twice fanmeet and they gave everyone who shook her hand a hazmat suit for their safety. that's how bad the halitosis was.

Lisa is a man

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literally the ugliest shit

post Hwasa's thighs

good, no

>tfw handmogged by lisa

i wish there was more

Attached: 초아.jpg (1200x800, 114K)

When's feel special dropping in euro time?

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8utc maybe

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wow, she's so beautiful, any more pics?

Attached: 1558786380708.jpg (1200x810, 98K)

Best one I've heard
You're a tasteful chad


Attached: choa_excuse_me_MV.webm (1920x1080, 2.71M)

she's actually a thot

Attached: 1561047614366.jpg (1000x1500, 811K)

i wanna play with her balls


and that's a good thing!

Attached: LHJ_5444_%EB%B3%B5%EC%82%AC.jpg (2000x3000, 811K)

ok now post the seolhyun one

Get away from my waifu i saw her first!!!

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i want to pee on a girl
is this possible in korea

i'm going to claim her womb and her [spoiler]hands[/spoiler]

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its pretty cheap

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Jisuns videos

i used to think bunny is uggo but now i understand her appeal

Attached: 1568777636593.jpg (1371x1920, 193K)

midzychads get in here

Attached: EFIKJItUEAA3r6M.jpg (960x1280, 280K)

Attached: 1517395699434.webm (889x500, 342K)

>hearing story about Choa and Way being super embarrassed by their stage outfits talking to AOA's Choa in her sexy black outfit

Attached: t4TNnUq.jpg (500x745, 246K)

don't fall for it. she's been tailor made to look good specifically from that one angle and no others

What the fuck?!
What did they do to best girl's hair

Attached: YujinBlue.gif (270x480, 2.64M)

Can we get a non potato version?

she's angel from any angle

Attached: sGXxhBMBSYo.jpg (1024x1024, 70K)

Yeah nah faggot

Attached: 1541864586638.gif (361x591, 3.01M)

minju pulled off pink so she thought she could do blue
Best I can do

would feed that bunny with my carrot


looks like park bom without eye shadow


apologise to park bom

Attached: 1549952021931.jpg (266x298, 26K)

Attached: sua car.jpg (2048x2048, 914K)

This isn't much better but the source looks like it was deleted

*pig noises*

hey hey hey

Attached: EFIKOoOVUAAVlMw.jpg (960x1280, 254K)

This is gonna be a weird comeback
Good song, kpg stop sleeping on Ruann

imagine if IZ*ONE come back with a Pristin produced song

any sharkman in


Attached: elfolivreblog-1089990398381080576-20190128_155536-img2.jpg (1200x799, 119K)

First win hwaiting

Attached: EFE6KH7VAAAp6GX[1].jpg (922x1396, 143K)


It is so blue it hurts my eyes
It is not a good look

please sit on my face

get in line

hell yeah

Attached: EFIKJItVUAA1eD8.jpg (960x1280, 258K)

Had to zoom to make sure she didn't have her finger up her nose

just us shartman

Kpop ended for me with Choa leaving
I'm just here for the memes and silly fanwars

it's not even funny

Cute and pretty

Attached: 85067D19-F308-480E-9638-CA96A17F9734.jpg (1200x1800, 496K)

Attached: Haggy 88.webm (1920x1080, 287K)

shartman is no laughing matter. shartman is the most powerful kpg faction of all time
cute shart

Not for yoo

Attached: EFE6KH-UEAAInwg[1].jpg (1080x1616, 174K)

we need a full set of lewd saida, im talking jpop levels of lewd

icy is a damn good song but that was probably one of the worst kpop eps i've ever heard

her smile gives me life...

now that's a fit


Attached: received_916903098665657.jpg (1440x1568, 67K)

Post some visuals please

Attached: Luda 5.jpg (3072x4096, 795K)

why does Dreamcatcher get a free win but fromis can't

post some sexy hyolyn

she looks delicious

it's not fair fromisbros

cherry is a banger though

here you go


Attached: 99D3424D5D42834106.jpg (1200x1800, 502K)

you just did!

Attached: 190919 벌레보고 도망가는 우주소녀 루다 직캠 'My Type' 4K WJSN LUDA fancam (930x800, 2.91M)

Attached: 1561847926897.jpg (1364x2048, 304K)

Attached: EFFxplDU8AADrZD[1].jpg (2730x4096, 1.4M)

For me it's the one in a billion wonderkid, the most breathtaking visual, the musically gifted and talented angel Jang "Little Wony" Wonyoung

Attached: EFEDbl_XUAAvreW.jpg (882x1024, 122K)

the same degenerates that say this shit also spend far too much on merchandise

based as fuck. i wish i had the balls to say that to cub.

delusions of a cracker ass cracker

Source please.

Disgusting behaviour saying that to such a pure girl. If he did that to a twice or bp fanmeet then it would be based

thank you for posting my wife

she only cried cause he was ugly


Attached: 1564985245007.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

>So why is Japan activities so superior again
It was a gook though who flew to JP though

based and blackpilled

Gotta stay back at work, won't make it back home in time for the MV release...
just f*ck my sh*t it up bros

go to the bathroom with your phone when the mv is about to drop

can't wait to shit on twice comeback with my kpg bros


What? They won with deja vu?

everyone is going to be eating dahyun's ass when it drops tho



Name this hominid

Attached: 1569124837832.png (1000x460, 525K)

Tomorrow's lineup looks like this

SBS MTV The Show
6:00-7:30 PM KST

Jung Dong Ha
Choa & Way (Crayonpop)
Yoo Jae Pil
Rocket Punch
Ji Dongguk
K-Tigers Zero

who else could possibly win

they look likely to win 'the show' tomorrow. competition is very light

that's homo comedianensis


what time is twice?

Attached: 218eb7cf7a8af5e3b1aa9a09a0addc1c_11189852496.jpg (4032x3024, 1.21M)

why not waifu jiho?

saturday with the upset

Attached: dies_saturni-1144230567023505408-20190627_090640-img4.jpg (2400x1600, 256K)

Laboum can't win shit without their sajaegi

It's not guaranteed

It was a janny that said it right?

A little over an hour

also HAHA

Lmao why did that guy tear up his pics?

Damn I didn't know choa and way would actually promote

jihyo dating

Attached: fd50e50a63d5bbd4078c326994ca174d_11189852748.jpg (4032x3024, 1001K)

Well between dreamcatcher, CLC and everglow
The latter have scored any wins with devil and adiós?

nope, and they are tail end of promos
the only thing of note is Everglow still having decent MV views

imagine thinking such a milkcow could ever be pure

i really wouldn't mind if dreamcatcher started using ads dbh

First win tomorrow Yirenbros

Check for the stats

it's going to be a landfill full of twice merch when a a popular member like nayeon or sana are revealed to be dating

And here I thought no one cares about her. Must also be his first groupm

does eunbi or jihyo have better milkers

Hiichans new hair color is so kawaii


Everglow is going stronger than I thought, they could actually steal this

Well it's a fairly decent song and MV, adiós I mean
I'm rooting for dreamcatcher on this one though, even over clc

Attached: 1569099559615.webm (600x700, 2.8M)

are eunbi's even real?

>CLC - Devil
>Physical - 0

Is there a way to check how many views on deja vu are kr and intl?

they didn't release a physical

You do realize it was a digital single right?

It's literally impossible for anyone but Dreamcatcher to win

Attached: The-Show2.jpg (540x540, 20K)

disgusting shart

obviously not

>so bad the company didn't even bother with physical
oof oof

Attached: 1558280157347.webm (518x1000, 1.63M)

Attached: fuck omg.png (1084x648, 50K)

Even fucking CLC has a show win. It's our time everbros we were unlucky with the timing the last few weeks but now it's our time

is omg botting views or dreamcatcher likes?

I won't believe it until it actually happens

Eh I can see bullshit being pulled with the votes and expert score. I do think they'll win though

why not both?

Fucking galaxy brain move to bot likes on Youtube

it's not really botting, a lot of agencies these days just buys youtube ads for their mv that end up counting as views. dreamcatcher probably can't afford it

gonna need more evidence to judge

Girls who get fake boobs love showing them off. See Bomi and Hyunah. Eunbi seems really really shy about her boobs.

dreamcatcher would never cheat

I would never give The Show the benefit of the doubt after WJSN's chinese fanbase figured out that the only way WJSN could have lost to NCT was if they were given like -500/1500 on expert votes which is just impossible

i wish i was a qt white girl so i could get with cub

Why is Chungha trending?

>really shy about her boobs

Attached: 1567101329759.webm (608x959, 1.76M)

mv views shouldn't even count. what a fucking stupid botted metric. if it does then companies should have to disclose their revenue.

the former

Attached: ads.jpg (1020x549, 33K)

gahyeon holding a snack in her mouth while doing yoga. typical

Attached: 25gnesrjiao31.png (1077x1078, 1.66M)

DC won the prevote for this coming show and they blew CLC out with the Live vote during No/PIRI promotions. I fully expect DC to win live vote easily again since it's the first week of win-elligble promotions. They would still win with 0% of the expert vote

im looking at her feet

Speaking of chungha

nice feet

wow, first they claim to be better than park bom sunbaenim, then they insult lovelyz, then this. when will these shameless hoes be stopped?

See non-performance outfits.
She doesn't get a choice when it comes to performance outfits.

>TWICE Mina will not be participating in new album activities

Real feet idols

Attached: EFHEx5KUEAIQXza[1].jpg (1280x1920, 252K)

lazy bitch better sort her shit out

lol but also source?

bait and switch

tell her to remove fillers

JYP Entertainment shares official notice that TWICE MINA will not be participating in upcoming promotional activities for "Feel Special"

In addition, due to Jihyo's current condition, she will be unable to dance on stage today and will performed seated

man, Jihyo is so sore she can't even stand? what a whore

did KD break Jihyo's pelvis?

>due to Jihyo's current condition
that mad lad kang daniel knocked her up


Attached: 1540521437916.jpg (2048x1536, 516K)

for me, it's ot7

i have a webm somewhere of sua yeeting her shoes off at 30 seconds in but can't find it atm. it's my favorite part of it


twice are ugly on the outside and on the inside

yes. he made jihyo throw away all the fan gifts from his cuck fans. she hurt her pelvis lifting up thirty pounds of unread fan letters with bad posture.


Attached: 1543200550304.png (900x1350, 2.22M)

she started poking her face


10 10 8 9 10 whore 4 7

Looks like Mina will pull a Ch*a soon.

rip mina



Well this comeback's off to a great start!

i really want to shove something up her

>JYP says Jihyo has a sore neck from rehearsals today. She went to the hospital as well and it doesn’t seem like she will be able to perform the choreo on stage, so they’ll set up a chair for her and she will sit during the performance
>Sore neck
What the fuck has KD been doing to her?

mina has too much guilt from being a dateslut she cant face the public


Attached: 09833394-98C1-4042-9304-7A7D9A11EA7C.jpg (1200x900, 211K)

looks worse than usual

He fucked her so hard she can't dance no mo

what a clusterfuck

i don't think that's how collagen injections work. your body just naturally absorbs them, so if you just stopped getting them over a year they'd be gone.

Twice finito, i called it. I told you guys that a member would leave 2half of the year

All that deepthroating takes its toll

Attached: 1544356536791.jpg (600x549, 37K)

they're falling apart

>mina shows up at the Halloween fanmeet as a ghost


Are we going to hate Mina for leaving like we hate Jessica?

they tried piledriver position

what happened to sana's finger?

Attached: 1541362323893.jpg (1000x1356, 210K)

So is it true that jyp has been forcing twice to work too hard and thats also why a lot of solo artists are leaving because of?

Attached: original.jpg (3486x1932, 2.24M)

maybe if dreamcatcher gets their first win dong will stay

Attached: 19960326com-1109364060611440640-20190323_035937-img4.jpg (2048x1365, 352K)

>like we hate Jessica
lmao she was the victim
mina did this to herself

>Make Mina the centerpiece for the group shot
>She is not participating

it's a shame you can't just hate yourself for being cucks.

nah the solo artists have big heads and think they deserve more

I got to go, but here's my "It's shit" in advance for when the new Twice MV comes out.

chewy's thighs OMO

This is the hottest they have been and its all falling apart, whhhhhyyyy


Attached: S_invincible-1176005500120363008-20190923_012855-img2.jpg (2000x3000, 501K)

dubu's thighs though

Tzuy looks like on drugs wtf? She on aderall?


Attached: 1561575022305.jpg (560x591, 37K)

is that weird? mine are the same way naturally

Mina always had weak mentality. You have to be cutthroat to be an idol, but Mina was too much of a normie. Momo is kinda dense but just loves to dance and doesn't know how to do anything else. Sana is extremely ambitious and thrives on attention. Mina has none of that.

double jointed. Momo's arm is like that too

momo shouting out vampire

Twice is not even 5 years old yet and a member is already leaving. Embarrasing.

cub has a new tattoo

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they both have nice thighs. we're lucky to be alive to experience them

Attached: IMG_20190923_081608.jpg (2000x1333, 247K)

my neck...
my back...

Attached: 1568579907570.jpg (658x972, 101K)

lick my

Attached: 1560313826835.jpg (2731x4096, 1.08M)

They're already burned out through overwork

I hope Nayeon goes and beats the absolute shit out of Mina desu, shes had 3 months off, time to get her fat ass back to work

cupcakke made fun of her name and dancing skills or something

My girls, my ex, my hoes that I left...

Attached: 1552564567131.jpg (2048x1536, 1.01M)

KD's 3 inches did this...

Attached: cangetit.jpg (2010x2736, 1.21M)

this. if you're an idol you get up there and fucking perform, no matter what stupid shit you're going through wahhhhhh
mina is a pussy


nice tits slut

i like to pretend what it would be like if my nako joined fromis after izone disbands. all the midgets in one group.

Attached: 1hf8nwmao5k31.jpg (768x768, 92K)

cute daughterwife

this is just sad

The memes just write themselves

and imagine Mina is watching it in bed

Attached: vietnam.jpg (1974x2796, 968K)

it's all media play



we want a seulgi thread

then do it lazy faggots


Nako could be a top visual if she was less chunky

make it a slug thread

what an unprofessional piece of shit. haha
idol careers don't even last that long, you can't just control yourself for a few years?
i hope this shit collapses for them just like wonder girls and they have no way to pay for all they bought on credit. because there's absolutely no way that these pathetic girls with no self control are spending conservatively.

Fuck off. Short stack Nako is best Nako.