What went wrong?

what went wrong?

Attached: 800E02F1-7B99-4FE9-937A-B6E69BBE48F4.jpg (320x320, 26K)

even the Mona Lisa is falling apart

For me it's Fear Inoculum,
the perfect 10/10

Nothing. Go away Anthony.

RYM trannies and fantanodrones

no passion
no hunger
stale, tried and true snooze album


Absolutely nothing. Go choke on a turd piece, Fantano

Adam is really the only one who dropped the ball. I know he never was the best guitarist, and he does have a couple of cool moments on the record, but fuck his riffs are so uninspired on 90 percent of this thing.
Justin and Danny kill it as usual though.

Nothing. It's a mediocre soft rock drone fest just like all their other albums.

their other albums were good though

it sounds like a bunch of ideas Adam Jones recorded on Garageband with a Scarlett 2i2, sent to Maynard to sing some shitty vocals about spirituality and everything being one over it to see how it'd sound, and then it somehow ended up as a finished album

I aint no Fandingo

you were born retarded
weird choice of pic though

Nothing, they were always garbage. The whole album could've been Chocolate Chip Trip looped for an hour and it would've still been better than the overall slogfest it turned out to be

>single drops and sucks
>CD leaks and sucks
>album gets full release with the precious interludes everyone was betting on and still sucks
Internet critics rightfully dumping on it doesn't take away from the fact that it sucked and people knew that from the get go

13 Years behind the evolution of prog, metal and music in general.

Absolutely nothing went wron, it's an amazing album and it's whole theme fits its presence as the 7th album of their long career from start to finish and vice versa.

>single drops and it's based
>CD leaks and it's based
>album gets full release with the precious interludes everyone was betting on and still based
Internet critics rightfully praising it doesn't take away from the fact that it's based and people knew that from the get go


I've liked some garbage music but I've never been stupid enough to like Tool. Thank fuck

>likes garbage music
>doesn't like Tool
A classic case of "having shit taste"

honestly I feel genuinely bad for any old (started 15+ years ago) rock band trying to put out new albums in the last couple of years
the market/new fans/hunger/setting/timing just aren't there
just make the best EP, not LP, that you can and try real hard to incorporate some current elements into it, then tour off of the older material for the people who haven't forgotten real music
nothin much else they can do

That doesn't apply to Tool at all because of the rabid fanbase. The album was gonna be acclaimed and a commercial success even if it sucked, and Tool never stopped filling arenas.