>my favorite albumof all time is All My Heroes Are Cornballs by JPEGMAFIA
What type of person do you imagine?
My favorite albumof all time is All My Heroes Are Cornballs by JPEGMAFIA
Literally nobody
someone whose favourite album of all time is All My Heroes Are Cornballs by JPEGMAFIA
A racist with a receding hairline, probably
not a black person thats for sure
If I take off the durag, will he die?
Gay white zoomer
this might sound like I'm memeing, but I genuinely think this is the Trout Mask Replica of hip-hop.
literally fuck off
it's so weird to see shit like this as a black fan
a liar, both to themselves and others
It's because white turns from a compliment to an insult when you're talking about hip hop.
People on Twitter
I thought it was pretty good. Not as good as veteran or black Ben Carson.
White, introvert, narcissistic, thinks they have a high IQ when they really dont, hasn't had sex in over a year
>Music For Edgy White Guys, The Album
i imagine jpegmafia
I hate you and you're the problem with modern music
why is his stare so creepy
glad the dude's getting therapy. that's like my crazyass middle school stare
man fuck middle school
more crackers than a logic concert
Black kids in Baltimore grew up with lead paint in the home. Lead poisoning causes serious brain damage if left untreated.
Why do they all have basketball jerseys on? Isn't that kind of weird?
quality b8 m8
Its a stock photo with him edited in but the point still stands
I can see what you're getting at, but the comparison doesn't add up when you take certain things into account. I'm pretty sure Peggy did the majority of work on the album from mixing, to instrumentals, to the writing process, only really bringing on other artists for vocal and occasional instrumental features. Beefheart forced his musicians to do exactly what he said, even if what he said didn't make musical sense, the most famous example being off of Frownland where he wrote several different riffs for the intro in which they were all in different time signatures, and often different instruments would play in different key signatures as well, however Beefheart was unaware of why what he was writing was musically illiterate. Beefheart had the creativity and vision, while his musicians did all the work to make TMR work in practice. I love a lot of Beefheart's work, but it tends to stem from a misunderstanding at best and ignorance at worst of actual music creation. Both albums do use genre melding to their advantage, but I would argue that Peggy uses it more cohesively and in a completely different manner.
he looks like he would die if an average man punched him, but all he talks about is pussies talking shit on the internet and not doing anything when they see him.
t. coping peggy
I would see shit from Lil B being more comparable to Trout Mask than this.
lel, that's an actually interesting take.
Whites think their the only race that can like anything slightly weird. Even the leftist ones think like this.
you loser
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pic related
Onions. Lots of onions.
a self hating white liberal or a hapa uncle tom
Crackers, just like JPEG
The guy is clearly wearing contacts to cover up his albino white guy eyes