What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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nothing m8

unwillingness to critique any music. ever

Being run by entirely unremarkable upper middle class white kids in a country with no actual culture

Triple J hold a monopoly over the music scene in Australia. All music that is released in and outside of the country, besides top40 stuff, gets filtered through Triple J's selection process and is judged whether or not it suits their brand and fits their agenda. Triple J's brand and target audience is young, left leaning, happy, fun, trendy kids. Their agenda is to influence and maintain control over what music the Australian youth consume and deem relevant. They're quite literally king-makers here.

The problem is for any aspiring musicians here that don't fit the Triple J mould, they get no exposure. Also international acts get no air time, aren't talked about, so no one knows who they are and they usually won't come out here and tour.

We need an alternative music source in this country. Someone who has the balls to broadcast the ugly shit, the weird shit and the politically incorrect shit because the scene here is that fucking bland and stale it's pathetic.

Burger here
What really impressed me in the Australian music scene was the rise of stuff like Kirin J Callinan, Alex Cameron, The Chats
This super funny, clearly subversive and forward-thinking stuff that's still accessible, they were proof that you don't need this god machine shit like Triple J dictating who listens to what
Let the kids be weird

women, dykes, gays, afl fans, abos, women, transsexuals, Asian-Australians, cucks, new age surfer cucks, too many drugs, too little beer, good vibes, victorians, 0.1% “abos”, backpackers, Newtowners, tradies not being brutally bullied by old drunk cunts for listening to it, like a version, the micro sleep inducing dr. Karl, zanrobe clothing, etc. etc. what went wrong? take your fucking pick.

Despite claiming that they are a champion for independent Australian music Triple J completely ignored The Chats for the first year they were going viral and selling out shows internationally in favour of pushing complete dog shit industry plant punk crap like fucking Skeggs or Hockey Dad.
The fact they didn't pick up on playing The Chats despite millions of youtube hits and tours internationally until they were signed onto Universal earlier this year is proof Triple J has lost the plot completely

Richard "Hello Fellow Kids" Kingsmill exclusively pushes industry plants.

Is G Flip the most obvious industry plant in the history of Triple J? With her and Tones & I it's not like they're even hiding it anymore

Triple J still gets rated right? I think they just play vapid shit that sells well. I want to believe that they have some stakes in festivals down here so they only play marketable, safe artists instead of playing some cutting edge shit that might alienate some mongs trying to listen to skeggs.

Plus it seems like the radio presenters didnt listen to triple J prior to getting the job

Soon it'll be nothing but dykes, abo's and The Wombats

What's the current cutting edge in the Straya music scene?

Unironically it’s Polynesian rap

Tropical Fuck Storm

>Plus it seems like the radio presenters didnt listen to triple J prior to getting the job
I hate how they all act like every song is a gift from the gods. Do they get fired if they act normally?

I would argue that Nina Las Vegas' record label has some exciting artists, although it currently feels like a PC music clone, it has potential.

and obviously Kirin J Callinan and Alex Cameron. I think Cameron has toured America and Europe twice before touring Australia which is crazy considering how Australian his music is, its criminal how little his fan base is here

God I wish Lewis Mckirdy monotoness was back on lunch

I don't know if there is one in terms of nation wide, everything interesting is kept to local scenes
Last band to really proper impress me live I saw was Pious Faults, they're a noise art rock punk band from Brisbane


The influences in these two are far clearer, but I also really like the stuff Low Life and The Shifters are doing


Anything Flightless Records
Eric knows how to pick artists well

She got picked up by pitchfork first and triple J just hyped her up after

Callinan and Cameron are both sorta rich kids and/or have family in the industry who once propped up enough tried to ditch to LA.
I used to think Kirin J Callinan was better of the two, but now I think I would more readily support Cameron if I really had to choose. At least Cameron isn't copping out with this weak tongue in cheek machoism parody rock as much.

Flightless are good but Anti Fade is the best Melbourne label going at the moment

Except for Amyl and the Sniffers who are shit

Nah, Kirin and Alex got lucked out by Big Enough becoming a meme
They used the trajectory wisely and broke through the Triple J filter

Mercy Arms and Seekae were already mildly successful Australian bands who were propped up by Triple J even before they started their solo careers, they didn't just "luck out" at Big Enough going viral

Melbourne grindcore


Abso fucking lutely not lol

I remember Kirin being a part of Mark Ronson's like a version before his big meme tune. so triple J is aware of his career, they just dont give a shit

years before then Kirin was the guitarist of some awful indie band in the 2000s called Mercy Arms who were the darlings of the Sydney music scene, he's a well connected rich kid

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I mean sure, but this was like 2015, he already had a dope album out

>the politically incorrect shit

sounds like ur an alt right nerd making alt right nerd music. no one likes it bc it's bad not bc you're too edgy and not pc. some of the biggest bands in the country are overt rapists. agree with everything else tho.

Oh yeah Embracism is good, but its lack of Triple J coverage had more to do with the fact Kirin wasn't trying to get an Australian audience, he had already done that with his prior band and been regurgitated and spat out by the Triple J hype machine

weird how skeggs makes decent music at best yet their live sets are insanely good

here in perth theres a tonne of great local stuff that gets played on RTR FM, alongside international artists. they also have programs dedicated to ambient, noise, classic psychedelia, modern psychedelia, etc. just a shame most of the local acts they play dont normally get many listens outside of perth because the australian music scene and the people in it are garbage

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the perth scene is actually good but it's because it's so isolated from everything else that's going on and is only a thousand or so people

"ur ur ur"
Dude, you're like 20 something years old or something and you're trying to write like some "cool" 16 year old on tumblr, give it the fuck up, it's sad.

>doesn’t listen to double j

Too bad everyone looks at Perth as Tame Impala City

all of these

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maybe back in the 90s but now we have the internet. you can get everything off utube and soundclown these days.

dead kelly? king parrot?

pond, empire of the sun, snowman etc..

Triple J deleted that off youtube when they unpersoned Kirin after he flashed his dick

>The Chats
trendy cunts who act like bogans. listen to X instead cunt.

Jesus Christ Aussies are prudes

Maybe thats why it's outcasts are such potent shitposters

what could you possibly have against Amyl?

the average Australian couldn't care less. it was only when some obese tranny complained that the mainstream media caved

yeah nah cunt my name is flubbabubbawubbajubbanoongar will always be my jam in Perth

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Now there's a top sheila

methy with ethy feat. Tyson Vachie

why is Perth the superior city?

Well compared to the Perth in Tasmania, we don't engage in incestial relationships

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mom stole my darts

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but the average Australian blindly follows the mainstream media...

Can we agree that Australia has been the highlight of the 2010s?
Not one single country came close to Australia's output

feel like pure shit just want pre-gfc vibes back

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ultimate rich kid dressed as working class posuers

The worst thing thats happened in the past 10 years is the shilling of that extremely crappy 80s synth band act - Client liasion. They are totally god awful shit but always gets attention & radio airplay because Tom Tilley, one of the triplej newsreaders, plays bass guitar in the band. This is a government public broadcast service ffs, not some privately owned plaything.