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Other urls found in this thread:

we wanted a slug thread

who is this boy?

>KCon Thailand lineup finalized
>fromis_9 nowhere to be found
the fuck is this shit, are they seriously trying to Pristin them again

Attached: ED230-ZUcAAq7uR.jpg (596x900, 96K)

can kard chill and release an actual banger instead of a 2010's dissonance mess

Attached: kard-bm.jpg (800x1200, 133K)

our freakin girls



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Post utterly unattractive girls
Pic related is hideous, according to Koreans

Attached: jrpbisknnog11.jpg (1125x1500, 179K)

for me, it's twice

No. You may miss something interesting.

Cute face and huge tits? No thanks as a straight male I'm not interested in such things.

given how hard keklo is going to be going into overdrive to counter anyone actually discussing a Twice comeback, yea. It's best to just comeback Wednesday even
i wonder what rosie almost exposed that they were so worried i think we only saw jisoo's knees

if they announced blackpink it would be the biggest kcon ever

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we wanted a seulgi thread

Attached: somsom.jpg (500x857, 59K)

we wanted a skank yves thread

I thought military men were prohibited from smoking weed during their shift?

nice feet, ladies

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any yejibros in

don't call me that and i will also talk about it when it comes out i like all these girls

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Rosie :) :) :)

Attached: ECT8DwPVAAEI8lG.jpg (768x1024, 85K)

shame about their faces

only us shartmen

Somi looks washed up nowadays, body banging tho.

They still exist? I always admired their courage to pull through with this mixed gender thing.

nice rack

I’ve left kpg for extended periods of time. It feels great

umji's the only one holding it together, for now at least

Attached: jyp.webm (720x720, 568K)

remember when jisoo tried to ruin jennie's feet

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"2019 has been a weak year."
- The Pleb

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not gonna lie, I'm not a twice fan but I can't help but be excited for feel special, the teasers set my expectations so fucking high

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she could have been in itzy

Attached: 1567586878812.webm (1246x1080, 2.74M)

vintage somi best somi

Soty is getting closer and closer, im ready bois.

Somi is what happens when god cooks up a human and accidentally drops the whole 'sexy'.jar in the pot.

Attached: somi pink tiddays.jpg (860x1376, 158K)

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yeah sure cuckie

Blackface? Looks like JYP is getting cancelled.

Are those blackfaces? lmao

But we'd miss you.

Attached: dubu_cum.jpg (515x561, 61K)

tell me more about this man

OH NO NO NO don't let twitter find this

it's basically a boy group at this point, i don't see them touching anything 'cute' with a ten foot pole

Attached: EEgsc2CUYAEWwIO.jpg (1600x2400, 400K)

what's up with that filename bud

i miss nayoung. IOI was really superior in every way over izone weren’t they

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[Gaon] Best selling Rookie Girlgroups (debuted in 2018-2019) as of July 2019:

1. Fromis_9: 139,899 (4 albums)
2. Loona: 100,554 (2 albums)
3. Itzy: 77,109 (1 album)
4. (G)i-dle: 68,654 (2 albums)

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this guy could run for prime minister of canada

haein trying to revitalize laboum single-handedly

Attached: [Simply K-Pop] LABOUM HAEIN 'Firework' (라붐 해인 직캠)_ Ep.380-PRg38WbK9BY-[02.31.2 (760x1420, 2.07M)

She's not what men what according to kroasties lmao

you virgins never heard of a push up bra?

has no one photoshopped this yet? come on

I say this a lot, IOI was a tidal wave for the industry and IZONE is just one ripple of that wave

IOI at their peak were everywhere and at the very top and IZONE has never even come close

oh no no fellow midzys

>i wonder what rosie almost exposed that they were so worried
Probably a bag of weed or something.

>Oogie that looks perfect for our next comeback

Attached: dOCF6kJ.jpg (1536x2048, 1.01M)

>we will never get another finkl kara or rainbow because lee hoyeon died.
you can tell satan exists because jyp is still alive.

So why didn't she just wait to be in Itzy?

fromis rise

people underrate fromis way too much

Attached: 1568425589121.jpg (1280x2048, 871K)

Absolutely disgusting

Attached: jjjcdCzMicdsdsvdsp6JWQAAkPHd.jpg (1200x1920, 236K)

double-handedly it seems

Itzy was too slutty

Attached: [K-Fancam] 라붐 해인 'Firework(불꽃놀이)' 직캠 (LABOUM HAE IN) l @MusicBank 1909 (716x1324, 2.73M)


Attached: 197309F3-67FF-4027-BF00-273C78613730.jpg (640x960, 90K)

that would be cute
and jisoo doesn't smoke it because she loves trees and doesn't want to burn any plants
but that would never happen because they are good girls

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KD making Jihyo feel so good the night before the comeback.

everyone knows fromis are hot as fuck, thats why roasties seethe over them in these threads

absolute banger

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nice feet, bitch

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kevin durant?

You seem to care too much about k-roasties opinion

Fromis are criminals

>trying to replace the most awesome titty monster in kpop of all time.
good luck to her.




Yeah, kimchi dumplings for my girl

Nobody know for sure, but it appears JYP kicked her for some reason. (he made some unspecific remarks around the time) but some say she left out of her own decision. Either way it's a tragedy. Just imagine Ryujin, Yeji and Somi in one group...

Attached: Somi asshole.jpg (714x886, 100K)

Fromis and Izone need to be behind bars. I demand justice. Send them to the slammer.

god freaking damn it... fromis_9 is just too good to be true! ?

twice is shit

LF thicc girl like kang mina

Did they ever find those two girls from Cherry Bullet

flopmis is shit

The cutest monolid alien.

oh no give me back my 60 cents.

Somi thought she was too good to be in a group and probably wanted to have some edgy image instead of the watered down teen crush that Itzy is. Dumb bitch deserves to flop.


Attached: .webm (1920x1080, 278K)

pretty sure it's her dad living vicariously through her



Just imagine Sana, Tzuyu, Mina, Momo and Somi in one group...

Twice would cement its position even more as the prettiest group of all time

>mfw watching any kpop music video
Song for this feel?

Attached: 1546466062696.jpg (580x548, 34K)


bigbang - loser

Somi would have mogged everyone except Mina desu
I'm being serious

the smell, imagine

she basically has no patience

Yeonhee thighs

Attached: WickedScornfulGrassspidermobile.webm (640x880, 1.89M)

My god... look how the upper part of her thigh bulges out at the hip... she's so juicy she's about to burst.

Somi aint all that and shes cringy af, doesn't belong in my perfect itzy and twice, im glad Yuna replaced her.

>Oogie that looks perfect for our new comeback!

Attached: ajMugx6.png (1080x1080, 1.01M)

>take a break from kpg for 3 months
>come back and there’s something called “shartmen”
what the fuck happened?

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She must have really fucked up. Itzy always seemed, to me, to be JYP's next attempt at breaking into the western market and considering Somi speaks fluent english she fits the group's concept really well.

>400 level seats at SSA for IZ*ONE
Why even bother at that point?

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im about to burst... all over your face you queer

chewy is the only one lookin prime

I don't think he can mount her with that torn Achilles.

Attached: Sua eyebrows.webm (1280x720, 541K)

They didn't even sell out did they? LOL

just because you're being serious doesn't mean you're being smart

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we are in the bad times

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Attached: suasiygrope2.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

there she is

dubus part is perfect

they all look great

delete this now

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this guy needs to get cast for something

somi will be successful if she does titfuck POV

She was 100% kicked out due to character issues. I have no doubt.

>Somi speaks fluent english she fits the group's concept really well.
Exactly my thoughts. They could have played super strong off her mixed heritage into the whole 'dalla dalla' and being different concept. Really sad.

Attached: somi 7854675.jpg (1080x1350, 125K)

you must have been productive. i waste so much time here

it's the dubushitter's new gimmick

remember that kid at school that thought he was funny but was only annoying?

Attached: 1565480371747.webm (578x1080, 2.81M)

Somi is already hitting the wall pretty quickly. Those white genes are a ticking time bomb.

you do know that ssa is an arena the size of most stadiums right? only twice and gaypops sell out that. because only jroasties are interested in kpop.

same energy

I want to nible those while i touch my omo stick.

selling 250k and not being able to sell 18k is a bad look, though right

i don't see it

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They sold out of their initial batch at 200 but they decided to open up 400 and try to fill as much as they can. Pretty much impossible to sell out considering a) not a major 46/48 group b)it's on a fucking Wednesday

Adios would have been a good song if it wasn't for the drop.

just did it to dubu's luscious white legs

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Looks like izone is getting exposed once again


This, basic white girl can gtfo

Basically the equivalent of that retard in school who picked up his own shit with a stick and wrote his name in big letter on the toilet wall.

imagine being the knock-off dara lmao

Attached: 190330_박봄_롯데백화점_잠실_팬싸인회_2.jpg (1463x1950, 3.17M)

definitely the best nugu MV of 2019
not sure if it's the best nugu song

jisoo is more famous than all 4 of them combined

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same but i pasted not ugly faces on them first

>Would you stay awake until 4AM for me comeback, user?

Attached: 1569029973879.jpg (1500x2250, 465K)

>MyMusic Taste will be shipping all their preorders of 'Raid of Dream' by the end of tomorrow and assures customers that all sales will be reflected in the 1st week HANTEO sales
neat, i know some people here are waiting for their albums from mmt

Attached: DCinMyDREAM-1175540890904870912-20190921_184243-img4.jpg (1600x1067, 238K)

i think you made a mistake my friend, neither of these are pinky promise


I’d like to nominate this nugu:

>implying you wouldn't want to taste her fully erect nips and hear her exhale as you caress them with your tongue

Attached: Somi titty dance.webm (496x912, 2.5M)

pretty sure there was more than 18k seats available. that's less than half of ssa capacity. and no it's not really.

holy shit it's almost here

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imagine buying a korean car
korea can have the music, japan keeps the cars

go away sana i have work in the morning


like the other guy said somi is prettier than any twice. mina and her are on the same level but mina is a dateslut who probably won't even be around for the next comeback

>Adios would have been a good song if it wasn't for the drop.
Deja Vu

It's the new trend to fuck up your song by deliberately leaving out the chorus.

What is the Marquee Moon of kpop?

more famous by what metrics? oh you mean the millions of fake accounts that inflate their numbers? lmao

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dunno if 5 ot 6AM for me

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This whole face and body combo should be illegal in the industry
How could her groupmates even compete?

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no, but the first thing i listen to at work will be your new album

kias are the most reliable cars the past 3 years or something

you can't just say their fans are fake because you don't like them

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2 of those songs have a vocal chorus

Thoughts on this? I want to impregnate the slut in the pink dress

for any other group i would but twice is too ugly for me to care about anymore

You ever get the feeling kpg doesn't know what stuff like drop means but just say it because they heard it somewhere else

I'd do it for Mina.

>t. muhammad salim


Attached: g5bw4e7eiyn31.png (1253x1254, 2.88M)
what the hell there's like 200 people there for rosie only

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What's Rocket Punch's ceiling? (hard mode: don't mention J*pan)

Attached: EFDYjciUwAAhHIi.jpg (1439x1101, 199K)

I'm not saying their success isn't there, just saying it's very much circumstantial and can't actually attribute any of their achievements to them, they just filled the 2ne1 vacuum with faces men could jack off to

Attached: cl.png (1440x2560, 2.74M)

I'm not saying she's not hot right now, but you can tell she's aging pretty quickly and isn't going to look as good pretty soon. Kind of crazy how she looks kind of old despite only being 18.

or for instance complaining about instrumental choruses for songs that don't have them

real nice, I have a feeling she's going to get even fatter

ok-tier, bit generic

Attached: hwasa2.jpg (720x1280, 167K)

It's happening

i love twice

any sane person does

most of their fans are women so try again
and their achievements have their names on it so of course it's theirs
if you think 2ne1 would be at the same level of blackpink you are just silly

Attached: 1539191738780.jpg (2536x4096, 1.37M)

>ip location: septic tank


Attached: 1569207552647.jpg (1223x1177, 538K)

I could jack off to CL perfectly well ya simp

>Thoughts on this?
MAMAMOO is based af. One of the very few 3rd gen groups who can actually sing + they have good humor too. My favorite is Solar, but this is absolutely one of their weakest songs.

Attached: solar feet tub.jpg (1200x800, 172K)

was just watching this the other day they're so good

Attached: No, I don't think I will.png (1010x566, 1.08M)

If Somi's dad has some serious case of yellow fever.
Would it surprise you if he lurked on kpg and is actually jerking off to her daughter's videos as we speak?

What did Luda mean

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Im a man and i can confim that i can jack off to this.

keep these qt's, remove everyone else

Attached: 1569209000776.jpg (453x889, 66K)

nobody freakin asked so don't do that

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I know what you mean. White genetics. I personally preferred her looks in the Sixteen era. But she'll continue to look like a porn actress for the next 7 years, besides most kpop groups burn out by that time anyway.

Attached: somi ass lift.webm (640x458, 162K)

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they seem like they can last a while but it will be interesting if izones all go back to their companies

6 beautiful women and one uggo

which one is it?

tomorrow's the day

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she has no offspring so shes already going mental

a sacrifice

Attached: [루다] 생일 전야제.mp4_snapshot_07.37.292.jpg (1280x720, 352K)

I would absolutely rape Jennie. Just think about how easy it would be to overpower her. After the initial struggle when her energy is used up and her body gives in, I'd loosen my grip and kiss her tenderly on her cheek and whisper in her ear to just let it happen.

Alright this gif showed me what the appeal of somi is and i get it now. Still i just can't agree she just looks too white for my asian loving ass.

word. i have hope

Attached: 1569042470836.jpg (1380x2048, 407K)

>somipedos are still posting the same webms

just let it go

>can't actually attribute any of their achievements to them
as opposed to all the other kpop girls that write their own lyrics and compose their own songs? you're full of shit man

you are seriously mentally ill and she's a dancer she lots of energy

Attached: 1556846245930.jpg (640x631, 40K)



not even trolling but they look literally like the same person with different hair colors

oh yeah jisoo and jennie wrote stay

Attached: 1552645100700.jpg (2048x1636, 331K)

...forgot to mention: The only reason why they're not more popular is because they were clearly casted for their voices, not their looks. Except Solar they're all ugly af.

Attached: solar feet pigtails.jpg (1024x768, 80K)

It's ok user, I don't take it personally

that guy probably weighs as much as two jennies, she would be done for

Rosie :)

Attached: BLACKPINK-Rose-behind-the-scenes-Dazed-Korea-Magazine-4.jpg (1080x1280, 246K)

I can't

Attached: JZyPYc.jpg (300x405, 47K)

I Am The Best has probably sold more copies than the entirety of bp's discography lmao, I didn't intend to bring this up again but yeah, for every bp fan there's probably 100 inflated views/streams

Attached: 2NE1_1.png (1500x1002, 2.43M)

2 beautiful women and 5 uggos

why is yeji so funny here

Attached: Atrctxq.jpg (1364x2048, 543K)

i can't keep up with this much shit AHHHHHHHH

>2 beautiful women
jiu and yoohyeon

Based Purple Beck stealing Twice's thunder

I love her so much with all of my heart...
>be me
>read it as "feet special"
What have you done to me guys??

she is our shart queen

>somi "fans" only ever post pics from when she was underage
really makes you think

stop thinking about it


well it didn't

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Attached: 1531779193321.jpg (2731x4096, 1.25M)

she's sharting here

shes been immortalized in all her glory, might as well enjoy

Jihyo mogging

fuck off tranny

It's pretty clear he visited her naked at night. Perhaps even deflowered her.

Attached: somi ass grab climbing.webm (1280x720, 2.21M)

jiu and gahyeon*

>Show female friend Olivia Hye's Egoist
>explain how she was trained for all of about a week before debuting in a solo act
>friend says she's beautiful and talented
>mention she is only 16
>"what the fuck you pedophile"

Attached: 565ece989a96ae5286b0f034ea801155.jpg (564x846, 66K)

Twice is too bubble gum but still true to the kpop roots.

Blackpink is basically just current western top 40 music. if the vocals were 100% english nobody would care because girl groups died out in america 20 years ago. Being korean is their gimmick.

Red Velvet is the perfect kpop group. They are innovative, sophisticated and have tons of variety. Their music is a tasteful blend of current korean pop and 90s pop so it will never sound dated, unlike BP which already is with their obnoxious bass and horns.

Attached: 1535433356063.jpg (1365x2048, 341K)

BLACKPINK is now the FIRST act in HISTORY to receive a certification for all of Gaon's categories (album, streaming and download).

They are also the first girl group ever to have a song (DDU-DU DDU-DU) certified Platinum by Goan, for selling 2.5 million downloads!

they are legendary and that's that

Attached: 1554546388717.jpg (960x960, 90K)

not me

Attached: somibday.webm (1920x1080, 1.72M)

Looks like she's saving some nuts inside her mouth for later if you know what i mean.

she became 'herself' in all the westernized glory so it was easy to drop her

Is your friend a roastie

:\ :( :| :D

Somi left the cult so I had to unstan

Kill This Love is the most successful album from any YG artist ever so you're wrong about that

100% certified hambeast roastie

Attached: DC_MUSE-1175660080139657217-20190922_023620-img3.jpg (2730x4096, 1.31M)

This is gimmick infringement.

our slampig

i think red velvet are the weakest of the 3, they don't seem like singers or idols to me
they are just girls in a group

rosie is the chipmunk not jennie

go AWAY we love all of them

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it literally did lmao

Attached: tumblr_okdqdczRwU1rin6c9o1_502.jpg (1000x1500, 836K)

>she just looks too white for my asian loving ass
But that's the appeal user. We all here have incurable yellow fever to a point where it became the norm. And this is where Somi comes in. She's just the right amount of 'exotic', the 'forbidden fruit' that we all swore to abandon long ago. It's that devilish lust that pulls you back in with her ridiculously exaggerated sexyness.

Attached: Somi tits.webm (954x960, 2.51M)


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you are not living in the same timeline

Attached: 1551914907031.jpg (457x459, 36K)

>Their music is a tasteful blend of current korean pop and 90s pop so it will never sound dated
explain this

this. musically RV has the most well rounded discography. they are in a comfortable position where they don’t have the pressure to be number 1 at everything and constantly promoting. with SM resources they are free to do what they want and be experimental with their music.

>they don't seem like singers
yeah probably because they don't sing for a living... oh wait they do so they are literally singers actually you autistic retard


You had me until...
>red velvet the perfect group
Lmao zimzalapoop, rookie, really bad boy say otherwise, being ayylmao and "quirky" doesn't make you instanly innovative or experimental, their music is lacking a lot for all the hype they have.

>Red Velvet is the perfect kpop group
>no good title tracks since Bad Boy
>carried by Wendy and slug
>worst stage presence of all top ggs
>Yeri and Irene contribute absolutely nothing

now this is what i call an underrated album. at least for today

you don't get it
it's like they are just girls pretending to be singers not actually singers

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get the kpg detectives on the case

post sales numbers or rot with your baseless stan claims

Attached: 43915147_2401058156788828_8474241830398121658_n.jpg (1080x1350, 126K)

don’t engage that retard

i already know the truth

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Attached: EFE9SKkVUAEciTh.jpg (1280x1920, 359K)

At least they are experimenting, I respect that shit

permission to cum to jisoos fat thighs sir

Damn, 90s look so shady and dark

>Someone talked so much shit to Yujin that she got shocked and embarrassed and couldn't reply
Alright time to hunt some fag.

Ted Velvet and Jim Jalabim are busy looking for the girls from Cherry Bullet.

Any good kpop porn deepfakes bros?

yeonhee's thighs
my ----

4 trash songs in a row = "experimenting"?

right... LMAO

Attached: G7253.jpg (1060x1600, 269K)

what? where?

God damn she's so hot in that MV. And remember: She's a normal pervert, not a crazy pervert!

Attached: solar sweaty shirt.webm (718x1280, 2.43M)

Play this in sync and the beat fits that ass slam so much

umpah umpah is good, the other two are weak. You are just focusing on their worst song, ignoring that Russian Roulette, Ice Cream Cake, Dumb Dumb, Bad Boy, and Peek-a-boo exist. Each of those songs are better than any of their competitions songs.

denied and never ask again or think about it you maggot

Attached: 1556124816420.jpg (1152x2048, 191K)

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>Ice Cream Cake
Don't try and sneak it in there.

>read it as "feet special"
I always read it that way.

>kpop porn deepfakes
not really

Attached: HANDONGFireBird-1070771650382127104-20181206_150710-img4.jpg (1473x982, 106K)

I know, i give him a 6 for the effort tho.

i think stay is better than all of those combined and it's blackpink's weakest song

Attached: 1554398465052.jpg (1242x1212, 74K)

kfapping has completely got me off porn of any kind, mental isn't it

Imagine not liking RBB

finally someone posted an actual YG gg

I didn't say the songs were good
But I respect the fact that they are trying weird concepts or whatever the fuck that is

based brown shirt man

>it's blackpink's weakest song
What the fuck. Hope Not is the worst by the way.

hey is it ok if i save this pic of jisoo's face and cum to it? cheers, mate

Sorry I'm forgetting the fact that kpop is not about the music, but the idols
Why the fuck did we fall on k*kl0's bait?

kpg is full of really pleb boys

>umpah umpah is good
No, it's not.

we want a seulgi thread

is that normal at fan signs?


Don't tell me you dipshits actually liked RBB

you're honestly retarded if you think that BP aren't insanely successful in korea because they have tons of useless SEA fans. just take a look at any gaon chart. PWF, AIIYL, DDDD and KTL were some of the biggest hits in korea selling 2,5+ mil each

we want a dong thread


migrate to the yves thread clowns

>hour old thread
lol fuck off

ok maybe stay is a little better but it depends what mood you are in

die you idiot

Attached: 1558594770067.jpg (1080x1065, 109K)

then where's the new one wise guy

What did you jerk off to recently?


those songs aren't weird, they're just incredibly bad and there's no excuse for that

off the top of my head
>2015/16 dahye fancams
>recent yeri selfies where her makeups good
>taeyeon and seolhyun as always