>haha these lyrics are great! lovin my man peggy!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking Fantano threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this bald fat faggot on this board I don’t give a shit about what good album he rated poorly or what bad album he rated highly he’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why fantano be dumb bald man not rate album how I rate album” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about him just stop fucking posting him he’s not a musician and his videos aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it he’s a moron you’re the moron for posting him whether you like him or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if theneedledrop were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized he was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting him stop posting about how you like and support him and stop posting about how you dislike or hate him just stop making threads about this shit

that would unironically be some based as fuck lyrics though. stop being such a sensitive bitch, whitey

If you get butthurt over the lyrics you're exactly who he's trying to trigger lmao

cool so i can i make rap songs about punching black people? hope you dont get triggered! you'd be falling right into my trap :)

is right, your logic is kinda retarded


oooof biig yikes are suggesting that peggy's voiced frustrations with white people are merely to troll and dont come from a genuine place of being disadvantaged in society?? not a good look..... yiiiiiiikes......

>cool so i can i make rap songs about punching black people?
Yes you can. The logic of still getting butthurt because they're trying to trigger you still applies.

"reeee whitey" ironically is still reeeee whitey

Why would I get triggered I'm not black lol

Ah, the ol' Kafkatrap

>Racism is ok when black people do it

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oh okay glad you dont employ a double standard here. im gonna make an album about how i fucking hate black isrealites, militant black panthers, and black gang members, but if any normal black people get offended by that well they just fell into my trap and they must be bad people who would support those groups anyway :)

peggy is clearly a pussy who has this disdain for whites but defaults to rapping about questionable titles for various white groups without every explicitly just saying he wants to hurt white people (aryans, rednecks, etc). its faggot peek-a-boo for self hating whites like fantano to gawk over

But they want to be just as successful and popular. Seething mayos don't realize normies don't give a fuck about double standards like always-online losers

I agree blacks are snowflakes, for if whites did the same shit, many blacks and every liberal white would be up in arms

>normies dont give a fuck about double standards

the inverse of jpegmafia's lyrics would be canceled fucking instantly you moron

>they just fell into my trap
There is no trap because you've already established that the groups your targeting are non-normal blacks. If they get offended then they just didn't research. And I have no idea who the fag in OP is so I have no idea what he does.

punching up vs punching down. not defending it, it's shitty but it'll blow over like every trend. but you should learn to fight if feggy has you feeling threatened.

Yeah that's why I said normies don't give a fuck about double standards

So angry you can't even read lmao

i get the punching up vs punching down dynamic, It just makes me cringe when I see so many white people attending a concert of a guy who clearly has disdain for them. its pathetic. Also lmao im not scared of a charcoal skeleton who is obsessed with sounding like death grips

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So you meant they dont give a fuck in the sense they'd call it out? that doesnt sound like not giving a fuck. maybe you should word things better

anthony hates white people more than deafgifs

all memes aside fantano is actually the perfect example of a self hating white. thank god his channel isnt more political, id probably cringe my teeth out

black wife

awesome. you can tell with his fashion lately that he's starting to have a more outward display of how he truly feels inside, but of course he can't change his skin color so it's nice of you to do it for him.


I'm saying ""waycism"" against whites nobody really gives a fuck about. The inverse would get Canceled™ but that's just the way it is

I don't even like the fucks music it's too try hard production wise. The lyrics I don't give a fuck about because I'm largely apolitical and I know anyways he's talking about "bad whites" i.e racists, cops, conservatives etc.

I'm none of that so it doesn't even phase me

I don't think anyone on Yea Forums is made were just annoyed that someone as untalented as the pegster is getting so much attention and praise. Also the lyrics are really bad, not really angering, just cringeworthy.

jpegmafia is a faggot. enjoy's all the fruits and luxeries of white culture and society while constantly saying he wants to punch white people. you can only imagine the strain that dissonance must have on a person's brain

Are you saying that peggy is gonna come out as a tranny soon?

i can mostly agree but it starts to look a little suspect when you're constantly calling out different white groups

i think id stop bitching full stop right now if someone can show me a lyrics in which peggy is critical of some black group or black behavior or the black community in general

just one thing, and ill think, oh okay he just had problems with very specific things of specific groups, not just blind hatred of whites

No he's talking about all whites you retarded faggot. His primordial ape brain fumes at the fact only ones that listen to him are white people.

>has white mayority as fans
>collabs with white bourgeoise artists (not saying they are bad)
>his most adamant fans and supporters are high middle-upper class or middle-upper blacks
>copies Death Grips music aesthetics
>delivers a new album that bases it's lyrics on nowadays combativeness, but doesn't deliver musically
>has 4.0 score on RYM, solidifying the album as something the music bourgeoise that reviews RYM likes

It's like you try to make your life your art only for the complete opossite fans to appreciate it.
I dislike the music in his new album, I don't like, I believe Freddie Gibbs and Madlib new album or IGOR are better as a Rap records, and his lyrics are just riding the wave of references about our culture, which will get stale in 2 years or so. Nothing revealing or enlightening. I don't hate the guy, but I feel he is massively overrated since he is the hero of politicized college kids.

lmao what does this even mean 'enjoys white culture and society' u fucken loser

I wouldn't know I really only listened during veteran and found that kind of underwhelming. This one was as I said too try hard across the board so it only gets one listen from me.

I just always think of that Louis CK bit when he's saying something like there's literally nothing minorities can call you that can ruin your day because being white is just so obviously better even if you don't subscribe to "privilege" stuff

get rekt cracker

I don't think so but if you want to take it so personally okay stay upset that's your prerogative

Without white people consuming his product he'd be a tranny hooker selling his bootyhole.

you probably wouldn't be a virgin if a white man hadn't invented the internet. i never thought sexual frustration would become so aggressive rampant.

white genocide is real and it's good

>u fucken loser
why do all chapofags try to use the internet to undo high school

His frustration at blacks refusing to listen to his shitty music brings me only joy.

what does that mean even in this context

if you keep at it i'll have to call your mom and she's going to cancel your internet

A reminder

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White people are cucked beyond belief, god damn

Very very true

Even disregarding the quality of the albums in this image, whoever made it is braindead.


you need to die

>implying many people actually listen to this retard shit

aging 2000s wiggers are a joke
hiphopheads are a bad joke
the overwhelming majority of huwhite humericans don't listen to fucking Cpl. Jpeg "Peggy" Mafia or anything in that wheelhouse
current gen wiggers stick to radio rap they don't bother with this shit

all good albums

sometimes I forget that there are actual SJW's who come on Yea Forums.

>Atrocity Exhibition (with earl on track 4)

Lol, stay triggered snowflake

Based (as heck)

Lay of the vegan smoothies Tony you look like a fucking gummy bear


seems like a pretty arbitrary grouping 2bh


>he wouldnt get triggered by the opposite

oof unironically not a good look

So if I wrote a song about punching Jews would it. E ok since punching up



whoa, it's almost as if white people and black people don't exist on an equal plane of power dynamics, making white-on-black violence and black-on-white violence not exactly equivalent or something... whoa.

I don't know what incels find so hard to understand about this

nobody on the left says this. racism CANNOT be practiced by black bodies or other POC. open a fucking book.

Based as fuck

Cringe identity politics.


fuck you, idiot

Absolute bullshit and the fact that many people believe this is shocking and just straight up ignorant to the world we live in.

no, it's called historical context.
black violence toward whites is either rage (not always justified, but not racism), or anti-oppression (which is justified).
take a sociology class or something, it's basic stuff

2/10 made me reply

Give it a rest user

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>sociology class

Yes why don’t I just cut a hole around my head, lift out my brain and throw it at a wall. Derr maybe it’ll fit back in if I jam it hard enough with my sociology textbooks

You’re a dumb fuck and you’ve been brainwashed.

I'm amazed bait this garbage actually works. Yea Forums is profoundly retarded.

Jews and asian were both discriminated against in white countries, Jews for over 2000 years. Yet both these groups earn *more* on average than whites. The liberal line with these groups is that their superior culture is responsible, but it's worth noting that if you arrange the races by income and by iq, the order is the same.

If youu take socioeconomic status as a proxy for privilege, then controlling for IQ eliminates the vast majority of the income gap between blacks and whites. Because IQ has a heritability of like, .5 in the US, I take that to mean that blacks are less well off in the US because they are not as smart.

>black bodies
what? like dead people or


cant believe i was baited into this autism.

/r/politics fag

If you are white and ur triggered by his lyrics then you are a pussy bitch. That being said,

>fanbase consists entirely of white people
>writes mean lyrics about white people

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Jpeg mafia is such a little annoying talentless butthurt about being a nigger nigger. He is a terrible rapper who ruins every song hes featured on and he gets mad when he is compared (for some reason) to actually talented people. And he hates white people which is ironic because that is his entire fanbase

ok i barely know fantano and i haven't listened to the album um OP. is it really like that?!?!

>open a fucking book
That shit literally wasn't even invented by academics, it was invented by activists. It's complete bullshit.
Even if you don't want to call it "racism" it's still prejudice and hatred. Are those things you support, user?

what about a poor white person and a rich black person

thanks JP, absolutely based.

Sometimes I feel like most people who talk about SRS literally haven't listened to it.

black panthers are worshipped by average blacks.
sorry bud.


people like you deserve a bullet in their brain.
fuck politics and fuck people like you.

>double standard
a black guy talking shit about white people is a minority member of a society talking shit about the issues inherent in that society and targeting an anonymous member of the perceived majority, not directly, but as a symbolic representative of said overarching issues.

a white guy talking shit about black people as some kind of response to this is not only missing the point, it further normalizes the rhetoric in society that leads people like jpegmafia to say they want to punch white people in the first place.

this is not a double standard. what you have here is a false equivalence.

you realize this statement effectively is choosing a side on the political spectrum, and only further drags you into politics right?

kill politicians.
you'd only be killing pedos and child molesters anyway.

so you've killed all the politicians and that's great and all, all the 'child molesters and pedos' are dead. now what?

infinite energy, space travel, unification of all humankind, end of world hunger, free knowledge for everyone, etc.

>It's fine when certain people die because they have the wrong skin color tee hee
Actually kill yourself

this shit is lame, only white people listen to it anyway. white teens have corny taste in rap. playboi carti is better than anything this shithead produced or brockhampton or any of those faggot white kid rappers.

no no, before that. how are you going to enact any of these things without any of the politicians who uphold the infrastructure? hell, how is the money to solve any of those things going to be regulated? who's going to ensure that power and water are even provided to your town?

nobody is saying it's fine that white people die. it's fine, however, to verbally express one's frustration with white people in a fucking line of poetry when they've spent the last 500 years taking shit from everybody else.



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shut up faggot nobody owes you shit.

Shit, he 500 years old? That must the world record.
>yoyoyo, i’m the REAL OG

Kek, get rekt, faggot

nobody owes anybody anything. why are you so triggered that a guy is literally just venting his anger through music instead of actual violence. you know, in a productive way?

It's whiny bullshit from a typical chip on the shoulder violent black, dumb white kids pretend his rage is righteous when really he just hates himself and his fan base because his 15 seconds are up and he's an ab soul like forgotten rapper that never quite made it.

he tries way too hard. almost as lame as scxxxxrlord or whoever the fuck.

>whiny bullshit
what is the point of like 90% of music/poetry/art-in-general if not publicly displaying one's emotions in earnest?

the pizza boys similarly came out with "i just wanna play video games" to widespread mockery and ironic listening. artistic displays of juvenile attitudes are always going to be embarrassing. it'll be shit you cringe to in a few years for pretending you liked it. something pajamaboy faggots show their black drug dealer. "wow this is jpeg mafia. he has something to say to white people like me... haha"

SOOOOOOOO fucking embarrassing. ewwwwwww.

I’ll spray my mayo on you, libcuck. And you’ll be a good boy and lick it all up for me on your way back to r*ddit.

Libcucks crave the mayo. They constantly cry out for mayo on their faces. That I can deliver, libcuck, that I can deliver

i don't even like jpegmafia i just think it's funny that you're literally whining about a pretty simple lyric in a song, while also taking it out of its artistic context, and then calling it whiny.

Would you care for a Twix?

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The mayo go
All up on you

Secrets out boys...
I am a libcuck and I crave the mayo of other men!

>*mixes sriracha and mayo to make sriracha mayo*

Imma squirt my mayo on your face. That’s the real mayocide liberals are referring to. Mayocide is bukkake. It’s fag code.

Liberals want other men’s mayo on their face. Gimme, gimme, gimme!

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go get a mental breakdown over a white person saying nigga,loser

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>the left trying to meme

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>guy’s just sitting in his chair and having a split-second reaction to something on TV
>somehow equivalent to marching in the street for hours with signs while screaming at strangers


>conservahicks can't read

The best way to scare a Tory is to read and get rich.

>tfw living in a country where niggers are like 0,01% of population
>tfw absolutely no chance to meet one of these stinky baboons outside of capital

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Cringe black power fantasy is exactly that - pure cringe

It's punching up if you look at the crime rates

this is at least worthy of a quick giggle without any politics being involved whatsoever


how do you type this much but have nothing original to say

You have to admit it is pretty (unintentionally) funny

you mean the crime rates that state that white people were responsible for approximately 70 percent of violent crimes in the US from 2012-15?

>Victimize - To commit a crime against a person or household. Violence, crimes of - Rape, sexual assault, personal robbery or assault. ... See individual crime types for definition of completed crimes.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-23 at 2.38.30 AM.png (1518x692, 179K)

These stats don’t support your claim. They seem primarily concerned with intra- vs inter-racial violence.

We already know interracial violence is more prevalent than interracial violence. But these stats do not say anything about total violence by race overall.

*intraracial violence more prevalent than interracial

>Everybody plays the game of slavery and conquest
>White people win
>hurr whites invented slavery!!

>cites random statistics totally unrelated to his claim
>hurr durr government statistics

Why are liberals so uneducated, bros?

lol shit it's 3am, i just completely misread that chart, but whatever. i concede my wrongness

but also that bjs website does have other more up-to-date and summaries that, while contrary to my 70% ballpark estimate based on prior misread, still support the general idea that 'black people commit more crimes' is false (or at least, violent crimes)

He wasn’t one of them, but sadly, yes there are. The majority of this board are liberal to an annoying level.

>in a thread arguing about the insensitivity of one race towards another
>thinks he's any different from a social justice warrior

It isn’t false. It is true that they commit violent crime at a much higher rate. Your stats say nothing about this, yet again.

Just go away, try-hard faggot. You’re not smart, you’re not knowledgable. You will never amount to anything life. I guarantee it. Remember these words on your death bed.



back it up then.

also, nothing you said about me was anything that i don't tell myself every single waking hour of every day, so who's trying hard now?

its not in a book, its simply wrong you dumb sjw cunt.

>open a book
some people in this thread have but they're opening the wrong books

thats zoomers for you

ah yes, the response of a person who has nothing of value to add to a conversation and presumes that the word cuck is at all insulting when in actuality its very use just conveys a lack of brainpower or any semblance of thought. the 'silly me, the barrel of my gun was curved back towards my own face' of insults

>lefty version of right wing meme is cancerous and boomer-tier
checks out

>ah yes,
>when in actuality its very use just conveys a lack of brainpower

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neck yourself immediately

Because i got nothing to say to you, man. If you self-preservation instincts are so numb from retarded propaganda what else is there to talk? Do you not understand that these people literally threaten you with death? or are you a sheltered suburban kid who has no idea of the real world?

>self-hating cuck
Surprise, surprise

The crime rate thing isn’t even controversial. Liberals just it explain it with “socioeconomic factors.”

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>4.0 score on RYM
It only had that for maybe a day.

>it's your fault that black guy attacked you unprovoked
-the left
>victim-blaming is one of the most evil things you can do
-also the left

lil darkie > jpegmafia

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racism doesnt exist, it was invented to morally disarm whites and disable them from protecting themselves, nothing more but a smear word

based and countersemitism-pilled

Haha based

Based, nerds will get triggered again