Will Zoomers save rock music?
Will Zoomers save rock music?
Alexander Baker
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Zachary Edwards
Kek no
Kayden Allen
If you think rock needs saving or deserves it, you're part of the problem.
Angel Moore
These Zoomers will.
William Rivera
no, they're all conditioned to be fags. millennials are our only hope.
Nathan Martin
0% drugs
0% girls shaking their asses
0% drugs
0% cars
100% actual talent and music
Colton Roberts
not these guys but Greta will
Jackson Nguyen
fuckin biters
Oliver Lewis
as a zoomer I listen to metal because all modern rock is shit
Carson Harris
>0% drugs
15 year olds are hitting nicotine concentrates during class, we're going to have a hilarious drug epidemic when they try to take the vapes away and all those kids turn to weed, booze, and anything else they can get their hands on