/prod/ - production general

>If you were born 10 or 20 years earlier, none of you would be dealing with this shit, buying a shitton of gear, tape etc, and dealing with tape would be too much work for you

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i have zero clue about production but is it possible to make a guitar not sound like shit using only software and a soundcard?
i tried using guitar rig(my go to program i use for playing) but it sound like shit when recorded through reaper.
is it simply because i know jackshit about actual production or is there more to it?

forgot to mention that i do have monitors

Are you using an interface? impedance issues can make recorded guitar sound fuzzy and muddy.

im using a scarlett 2i2.it felt down pretty hard on the floor at one point and i don't know if its because of this or not but i can hear strong electrical sounds regardless of the volume on it, whenever the fridge turns on and off or the ac or things like that.
i don't remember it affecting my guitar sound though.

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yeah sounds like it's broken but it could be a grounding issue and it may also cause noise but not affect the actual signal
does it have a mic/guitar button like this?

Attached: Screenshot_41.jpg (1365x614, 150K)

mic your guitar playing through the scarlett with a mic in front of the amp. see how it sounds.

tfw only a rack mounted interface will do

yeah most probably a grounding issue because sometimes i can unironically feel the current through the guitar strings.
and yeah i always put it on inst.
i got no mic or an amp

i think my problem is mostly mixing so i just should learn to do it.honestly just wanted to hear people opinions on simulated amps and such

post your raw DI guitar and i'll run it through my ampsim for a test.


about to go to work but il be up for it later if you will tell me whats a DI and could bother with it

DI stands for direct input
it's the raw recorded sound of the guitar

heading out now

cop or not?
is it nice?
i think i am buying that tomorrow

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feedback?clyp from my house track I made the last hours

will give back if asked

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How do I make it interesting and not sound like shit?

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Fuck if only, I'd have been alive when people were selling off their old analog synth for dirt cheap so they could get a new digital sampler. I'd have saved up enough money and gear to transition by now.

do you use synth loops?

No? Why?

sounded like a loop

it`s not shit, just need better mastering
for the "more interesting" part as you mentioned you need some fiils every 2-4 bars like reverse cymbals,rides,hats etc. some whitenoise riser and whitenoise exhaust
reverse some fractions of your synth and put reverb on it, this gives atmosphere maybe play a bit with stereo enhancing

i meant you not myself with

what sample rate are you recording at?

Ah, thanks man, I'll see what I can do. You've really been helpful

Yes to the sample rate check. Recording at a sample rate too high for the computer to properly handle will cause noise like you're describing.
Also, make sure your drivers are the correct ones for the unit. Focusrite's Scarlett series are on their third generation of units and I have a buddy who hated his because he accidentally downloaded the 1st generation drivers for his 2nd generation unit.

>stereo enhancing xD

This is npc advice, that shits not even icing on the cake, it’s fucking sprinkles

A Chinese restaurant once served me BEEF with fucking icing and sprinkles. I guess they weren’t used to serving Americans in China and thought we would like it.
It was actually good too. Sometimes people need to hear that cheap stuff in their music because it’s familiar and motivates them

First Time I actually do something. This of course Is just a draft (I've done everything today) because It feels too short and I've not mixed everything properly

Se è vero che è la tua prima creazione, niente male.
Semplice certo, ma non c'è nulla di particolarmente "errato" nella composizione, e l'atmosfera che crea è abbastanza buona.

Quanto tempo è che fai musica?

diciamo che ho iniziato a scribacchiare qualche cosa verso fine agosto di quest'anno. Con i synth sono ai primissimi approcci (non ho nemmeno una tastiera midi) così come con la Daw.
Non sono nemmeno ferrato nella teoria ma sono convinto che facendo e rifacendo imparerò quello che mi serve anche da solo.E tu invece, mi fai sentire qualcosa di tuo ?

You're trolling, right?

my (perfectly fine) 2i2 is noisey af, which they are known for.
I would not overlook that he probably just sucks ass at setting his tone. It's not like guitar rig is top of the line either. Doesn't seem like a troll to me

yeah needs a lot of proper mix/master cant tell a lot about this idea not of my production genre, like the background sounds, i would change the speech i dont like hows he babling but none the less everything sounds cool (besides the mix)

anyone willing to give it a listen and let me know what you all think?


Bass sounds like farts.

Davvero non male per aver iniziato così poco tempo fa.
Si sente che hai un buon orecchio, che alla fine è la cosa più importante. Il resto lo puoi imparare col tempo.

In caso ti potesse essere utile, un paio di settimane fa ho scritto questo post per aiutare un altro user alle prime armi:

>E tu invece, mi fai sentire qualcosa di tuo?
Non finisco una canzone da 4 anni lol, e le ultime che ho fatto sono assolutamente imbarazzanti.

Se però ci tieni proprio, questa è l'ultima (canzone di buon compleanno per un mio amico, di cui ho censurato il nome):

Questa è un'altra fatta un anno prima:

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i'm pretty surprised how much of this conversation is understandable from knowing spanish 4 anni
damn bro, i always thought it was like half that. are you actually consistently trying to write though?
the 2015 one actually sounds.... like you can definitely hear a wacked mental state in that. (That would translate to a good song I mean)

have you tried writing less traditional music? Forgoing traditional melody and harmony etc

Yeah if I was born 10-20 years earlier I'd be in a band and not a solo artist because I wouldn't know how to deal/pay for all that dumb shit. Also a band could actually get some work and money unlike today

>i'm pretty surprised how much of this conversation is understandable from knowing spanish

lol yeah. Not even close to fluent, took it in highschool/college.

Good habits are the hardest thing to create but the most beneficial man. Just a little a day goes a long way (:

Serious about the tat? I literally lol'd.
Never pegged you as a pop guy

>lol yeah. Not even close to fluent
As long as it's enough to find and order from those genuine Mexican taquerias, you're good.

What did you study?

>Good habits are the hardest thing to create but the most beneficial man.
Very true.

>Just a little a day goes a long way (:
Also very true.
I've incorporated this principle into my productivity thing and it's helped a ton.
Even though from the start of the summer it hasn't been going too well due to some things that brought my mental state to an all time low.
Hopefully I'll be able to get back on my feet soon, but for now I guess I'm too mentally ill to do anything meaningful.
>I am become Demarcus, destroyer of self

>Serious about the tat? I literally lol'd.
>Never pegged you as a pop guy
Nah I was joking lol thank god.

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Grew up on that shit
Regrettably, I studied psychology, and minored in film, which was pretty fun actually- I had to take a whole class on Fellini :^)

Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling that way man. Maybe you can make more meme sounds in the mean time (:

Pop can be fun tho :(

I'm convinced we need schools of composition where people can spend long hours composing and improvising music in order to produce the sort of musicians that could make tolerable music. There's just so many ways to fuck up a composition in terms of notes alone, let alone mixing, instrumentation etc.

Like a conservatory?

I just sat down and booted up Dorico with the intent to transcribe that little RPG-ish song Jules or Jiles or Julies posted a day or two ago as a way to learn the program and -- fuck -- this program is pissing me off. Nothing is intuitive. Is this what it means to be a boomer?

>Regrettably, I studied psychology
That's super cool. Do you plan on working in the field, or it was/is just an interest you had/have?
How much have you cringed at my popsci posts fom 9 to 10?

>and minored in film
That's cool.
I've always wondered, is knowledge of psychology helpful in creating art (in this case film or music)?
I would assume you could potentially exploit the human mind's quirks to get a more powerful effect on your audience, kinda like they do in marketing.

How much do the principles of filmmaking translate to music making?
Are there parallels you can draw between the two disciplines to find things that are equivalent, then try to apply what people do in one, on the other?
I some times use this "trick" to get new ideas for music production, and I think that being knowledgeable in two or more fields can be very helpful in being unique and innovative in at least one of them.

>Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling that way man. Maybe you can make more meme sounds in the mean time (:
Yeah, definitely better than blogposting like I always end up doing (for which I apologize) lol.

>Pop can be fun tho :(
I remember hearing a fun song once.
I had to spend the following 12 hours cleansing myself of it by listening to a 24/7 Techno stream on YT.
It was excruciating but necessary.

As far as I know all notation software is frustrating.
I think it's because emulating the myriad of options you can have with paper is difficult without some serious UI/UX wizardry.


does this have potential to be something more?

Everything has potential if you're willing to work enough on it.

But yeah, I like some elements of it (the lead synths is pretty cool, definitely keep it). I think you can turn it into something nice.

I hate the full-bar-long notes in the intro chords though. Too monotonous for me.

sorry im forgot to give feedback so here goes

those metallic synths sound cool (are they sampled?), but i'd boost the 808 snares a lot more and use a better bass.

you should add some melodic and percussive elements to this, maybe a 909 hi hats or two, some dubby vocal cuts as well. right now it doesn't feel like its going anywhere, it does sound like a couple loops from a sample pack strung together like some other people said.

sounds like everything is very compressed and dense, the blinky synth that comes in at 0:23 is way too loud and dry, and that sound at 0:35 made me deaf and does not fit the song at all. i'd suggest learning to synthesize your own uplifts and fx so you can tweak it to fit the song.

darn, i sampled the chords from a hiroshi yoshimura track so it's going to be hard to change that :/ i'll try to rewrite the chords but it'll be hard to recreate his sound design and ambiance

>darn, i sampled the chords from a hiroshi yoshimura track so it's going to be hard to change that :/ i'll try to rewrite the chords but it'll be hard to recreate his sound design and ambiance
You can just cut them slightly shorter/longer and/or rearrange them so the rhythm they play isn't steady like it is now.
No need to rewrite anything.

do you guys have any recomendations of drum machines or good synths for making percussion?

whats the budget? if you've never used one i'd say just use a software drum synth and get yourself familiar with how they work before spending cash on hardware.

Thanks user. I wanted to crank out the transcription and then write a couple short variations to share with him here but it looks like I'll be messing with the software the rest of the day and won't get to write my own variations until next weekend ;_;
I am first transcribing to paper though to save me some sanity.

Is there a reason why the piano roll isn't a better choice here?

I've lived and breathed notation for over two decades to the point where I instantly see tons of patterns and associations that I wouldn't be able to see on a piano roll.

And what about composing it on paper then once it's finished port it to piano roll for computer playback?

Handwriting is a bitch and I'm thinking that computer software will allow for instant and easy editing once I learn how to use it.
I also prefer to directly play things than to just think about them and write it down; my fingers know even more than my brain.

I see...
In that case, good luck on finding a program that isn't frustrating.
Would recording the notes on a midi keyboard into a notation program, then editing them with the mouse be a better workflow than inputting them by mouse from the start?
I've never personally used notaion software so I don't know if the cleanup process is worse than the creation of a new score.

You might like these two videos:

>Would recording the notes on a midi keyboard into a notation program, then editing them with the mouse be a better workflow than inputting them by mouse from the start?
I am going to experiment with this for sure. I think it might depend on how varied the rhythms are and how well the quantization works.
I've seen those two videos and they're great; really funny.

Well, regrettably because what little interest I had in it was completely lost a year in- I never had any intention of using the degree, I was an idiot and just went to college because of social pressure etc lol :(

I’ve agreed with most of what you say, I can’t recall anything that stuck out as blatantly wrong.
I can’t say for sure if studying psych was beneficial for music, (leaning towards a no), the only concrete benefit I’ve observed is more easily reasoning with and understanding other people.

I didn’t study *making* films just like.... stories and the shit that goes into making them etc. I listen to a lot more soundtrack stuff now but I don’t draw any parallels to it, surely other people are different though

Fun is cancer
What kind of techno tho

any particular software?



immediately grates on the ears, but then slowly becomes more comfortable. namely, the harsh noisy samples are what annoys the ears. you need to sort of ease the listener into them. you can't just go from listening to nothing to listening to these samples without being annoyed.


the bass notes are a bit too loud, also in my opinion the harmony notes (or whatever you call them, those notes that do the descending three note backing pattern in the background) are a bit too loud for a background track

Aside from that, this progression is very simple and will become boring and generic unless you make something of the piece. Do not just repeat the same three note progression over and over again in different variations, it is NOT interesting or KINO, because millions of other artists have already done it. No one has even used that progression since the 70s because it got so overdone in the rock era. There's nothing explicitly wrong with that progression, but if the song consists of nothing but that progression, it will be extremely ordinary and no reason to listen to it again.

>Well, regrettably because what little interest I had in it was completely lost a year in- I never had any intention of using the degree, I was an idiot and just went to college because of social pressure etc lol :(
Sorry to hear that
Does it improve your CV for the career you want to pursue, or open more doors for alternative career paths?
At the very least it makes you look more respectable in front of your GF's father lol.

>the only concrete benefit I’ve observed is more easily reasoning with and understanding other people.
Yeah, I've definitely noticed that about your personality.

>I didn’t study *making* films just like.... stories and the shit that goes into making them etc.
Well, storytelling is a big part of music too. Are you sure you can't use those principles in your songs?

>Fun is cancer
No truer words were ever spoken

>What kind of techno tho
The kind that doesn't interest me.


Decided to just improvise using my computer keyboard to avoid getting caught in the trap of repeating a four bar chord progression.

>gf's father

Idk about the films man.... it opened me up to foley and being exposed to art I would never have taken an interest in otherwise.... it's not really film exclusive, but everyone can benefit from exposing themselves to new art and carrying what inspiration they find into music

MAN what kind of music *do* you like???


>it's not really film exclusive, but everyone can benefit from exposing themselves to new art and carrying what inspiration they find into music
Makes a lot of sense.

>MAN what kind of music *do* you like???
I used to mostly listen to EDM (the "bass music" side, not really the "festival" type like Spinnin records and whatnot) and some IDM, with the odd song or album in other genres, but now I don't really listen to anything or consume any type of media.
I'm just a full on Doomer at this point.

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If you're interested in designing your own drum sounds with synthesis and sample manipulation, Serum and Sonic Academy Kick 2 are absolutely great for that.

You can replace Serum with other "powerhouse" synths like Massive and whatnot, but Serum has a handy noise section that can be used as a sampler, so I think it's the best.
Also the LFOs set to envelope mode are great for finetuning.

not vidya and anime all day erry day

maybe this doesn't help you but when i'm in *that* mood, brainfog and can't do shit but still want to, I make/listento ambient music.... coming up with melodies and shit requires the part of you that shuts down when you're depressed and it's difficult to actually get the "feel" of the music that's obvious to functioning people...
like I know we joked about Demarcus's music non-stop and how his melodies made no sense etc but I totally get where that was coming from....
er that's kind of what I was hinting at with forgoing traditional composition earlier, but I see ambient as something of a middle ground that's easy to get your feet wet with

I make all my drums with massive :^)

I'm looking into picking up the hobby of making music again, though it's been like 5 years. Where should I start? How can I make stuff in a pirated Frootloops without getting caught?

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Anybody else find that your music is way better high?


Yes, but it's kinda in-between style sounding. The first part is straight deadmaus EDM intro, the second part makes it sound like it wants to be lofi hiphop or like chillstep or something.
My opinion is to go for one of the second options, drop some degradation effects on all the clean sounding things, and just groove with it for up to 6-7 minutes depending on how good you are at writing more sections.

That's why you always edit sober.

Interesting, I didn't know that.
You're right, making music while being down is indeed harder, but that's not really what prevents me from working.
It's the fact that 99% of the time I can't enjoy anything, and I constantly have bad thoughts that give me anxiety, sadness, and anger, so I spend my days trying to distract myself from them because otherwise I can't even think, let alone work or do something that requires effort.
Usually I can distract myself with productive things, but this never lasts more than a few days before something angers or demoralizes me back into not being able to control myself, so I spend a few days trying to go back to a manageable state, then the cycle repeats.
When I'm not "over the treshold" I can still compose and make music, study, etc. even if I don't really enjoy it.

The only thing I can say I enjoy doing lately is making Max patches (but even that feels like a chore most of the time), which desu makes me wish I had picked up programming instead of music production.

But I'm definitely keeping this in mind for those times when music isn't really coming out, thank you very much.

Is it really that bad?

(not him)
"write drunk edit sober" has been a saying for a long ass time-
idea being to lower your inhibitions and not judge your ideas as they come out, then judge and think more critically later on.... "carve away" the shit so to speak

no problem man, I hope you find something that works better for you

>no problem man, I hope you find something that works better for you
Thank you.


Hows this mix?

u don't

How do I delete a tiny slice in the middle of a sample in ableton? I tried selecting it and clicking crop sample but it didn't do anything.

Attached: Am I stupid.jpg (413x427, 43K)

Press delete you dunce

PRO Tip: read the manual!!!
Ctrl e to isolate/split a midi clip or audio
Ctrl u? Or j to consolidate... idk its muscle memory lol

Saves a loooot of time

>Ctrl e to isolate
I almost thought you were switching to Italian there.

> delete

You mean I'm supposed to delete it in arrangement view and there's no way to do it in the sample editor view?

Unfortunately yes.
You can merge the two parts by dragging the sample on the right to the left until the two touch, and adjust the transition between the two with the fades.



How do I get started on synth music without quitting Reaper?

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Can you rephrase the question?

how do i get started on synths/electronic music
i would like to do that within reaper instead of getting ableton or fl or some shit
so far ive only recorded and mixed music, and played with a few drum and piano vsts

Get synth VSTs? Does Reaper not sequence MIDI?

yes it does but has no built in vstis

which ones do i get

do i need to study "fm synthesis" like i read thrown around here

So I did an analytical listening of my EP and I took notes while listening, and I have a lot of things I could fix to make it better, but my fear is that if I complete the list and make the changes, people will call my music "overproduced", is such a description of music even useful?

It depends on the sounds you want.
...the list goes on

I know a lot of people are poor, but if you have the money or are capable of pirating, why not have FL Studio for demoing and writing, Ableton for laying digital instruments and tracking, Reaper for recording, and Pro Tools for mixing and mastering?

i dont know what i want

>but my fear is that if I complete the list and make the changes, people will call my music "overproduced"
what the fuck are you talking about? produce it the way that YOU find necessary, that's all that matters.

>why not have FL Studio for demoing and writing, Ableton for laying digital instruments and tracking, Reaper for recording, and Pro Tools for mixing and mastering

because working between daws is often times a nightmare. It's a lot nicer to just have everything in one place so you can quickly tune the mix to your needs.

lmao no, not unless you want to be an ambient god.
Just use presets and tweak them slightly, there are literally thousands to use made by nerds so you don't have to.

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What kind of music? Just GP stuff get a cracked Serum or Massive.


hey can yall give feedback im trying to move more to like trap shit and want to know what you guys think

pic very much related

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This needs any amount of anything happening in the stereo field my man

what BPM did you make this at

The drums and vocals are so quite its taking away form a lot of the energy the song would have otherwise. Also scoop some mid highs from the guitars

What kind of tomfoolery do I have to do in offerta to a like Machine Girl ?


why lol

yes that's a thing.
if you're asking this question at all there's a very good chance that you're only improving your songs, not "overproducing."

>still recommending synth1

.... what the fuck?
a lot of people bounce and mix with protools
I don't personally but there are definitely reasons to mix out of ableton especially lol

What is the best way to learn keyboard for the purpose of producing? I have not much interest in learning how to actually play songs and read music but I want to be able to more efficiently create melodies and chord progressions. Is that possible without learning to read music? I've just been learning the major and minor scales and practicing playing within each scale.

Because I want to kill myself.

How do musicians actually write/ create music? Does it usually just start with them jamming on their instruments until they hear something that sounds good then just build off of that?

depends what kind of music. A lot of hip hop producers will start with drum programming to get a groove and then make something form that. A lot of folk and rock comes from the instrument of choice tho yeah usually its just like a small idea that you could probably loop for like 10 mins without getting bored and then you loop a section and build it up to be as good as possible

>starting with drums for hip hop
I don’t know of a single producer who does that. If it’s sample-based then that’s what decides the drums. Otherwise it’s a bassline or melody that is the meat and potatoes of the track
At most, you would have a filler drum pattern looping as a type of metronome
If you watch your favorite musicians then you’d get a way better answer. Even the shitty ‘producer makes 10 beats per minute’ videos give some insight. But watch out if they start with “I’ve been thinking of this melody” and use that as a base. It’s the producer equivalent of freestyling with memorized lyrics

I was thinking like trap producers mainly

wtf is a stereo field pham

I will think of a catchy melody, but then I will create a good rhythm with drums laid down first, then a bass line so that I can work out the style, then I will harmonics, playing chords with either a big wall instrument like an organ or synth or orchestra, then I slap my melody on top of it.
Lyrics, if any, just take the meter of the song and translate that to something coherent and cohesive.

Its pretty much what our ears perceive as being more wide. What it literally is is the delay between each speaker in our headphones that our brain interprets as the sound existing in a 3d space. Look up haas effect and find a plugin in whatever DAW you're using to create stereo width. Side note, usually when reverb is applied it also puts a sound in the stereo field. This is why reverb makes a sound bigger and more like its in a 3D space.

>tfw only listen to my tribal nigger beats once in a blue moon
>resultantly never keep them up to date
>current playlist is probably one week in summer 2018's beatport top 100
wat do frens

do I really have to make a new playlist every time I want to listen to some jungle music

Does anyone else's music fulfill a perfect niche for them in terms of listening that no other genre can? I still listen to other music, but sometimes when I can't find the right stuff I just listen to my own songs because they're tailored to my tastes specifically.

Where can I find omnisphere libraries? I'm not sure why I'm having such a hard time finding one opposed to kontakt libraries...

I need as many string machine VSTs and Wow and Flutter emulations as possible
I will stack all of them on top of each other
and I will get very good robot orchestra that speaks to souls

i got a old vintage korg

how come when i move the volume sliders it makes crackles?

would something like contact cleaner help it? its kinda dusty

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Well duh
My specific idm wankery is more tolerable than other peoples’ :^)
And forcing some sound design autism in hip hop stuff

Imo most people are deluded af about how unique they actually are (myself included obviously) like I know there’s no way some other guys have the exact same influences as I do lol
... and sadly we will never meet :(

what specifically do you do differently from other people?

yeah, disasemble as far as you can and shoot compressed air in the crackling pots and sliders, then some contact spray while keeping them moving

First time posting please be gentle hehe

The vocal section is a fuck around and not intended to stay.

incredible start but there was no need to transition into dance music so quickly. there was no buildup to those bass drums to give them the emphasis they deserve. additionally, everything besides the bass drums is too quiet.

ok thanks. only started this saturday night so it needs a lot of work. appreciate the feedback though

how am i supposed to play tunings like 31 and 106 edo if a piano roll has only 127 notes ?

>there are definitely reasons to mix out of ableton especially
Could you please elaborate?

Is it necessary to learn how to read music? I just want to be able to go up to a keyboard and start playing chords and melodies in the same scale.

I wouldn't say completely necessary, but it's so much easier than without learning it.


It's all over the board, as with most creative endeavours. Sometimes they noodle around til something strikes them, sometimes they think of things as they get in their cars to go to work, one guy I watched said shit just came to him as he was listening to birds.
I guess the general idea is to maintain a receptive creative mindset, so that if something strikes you as interesting it's easy for it to take root and develop.

This is why working in the box is inferior to real world instruments.

>I am become Demarcus, destroyer of self

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You never know when your best song yet might come to you lads (:

Slow day

this might sound dumb but how do I get accurate 2000s electronic music sound/vibe?

akai samplers

everyone does it differently, i just write down a basic plan of a tune and build it from that.

i love these threads but i have no more questions to ask or things to post so....how was your weekends?

Any recommended DAW to get started?
I have a midi controller and just want to start doing simple stuff with it

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get an Access Virus B

Worked most of it, messed around with compressors and distortions on drum loops a bit before spending the rest of my free time drinking and playing vidya.

Higher frequencies attenuate faster, meaning that if I'm too far from the source to hear anything, while getting closer I'm going to hear the lower frequencies first, then increasingly higher ones, until I'm close enough to hear the full spectrum.

If the above is correct, then why can I hear some amount of bass when I'm close to small speakers (like in phones, headphones, bluetooth speakers, etc.) but as soon as I'm not super close anymore all I hear is the highs.
Shouldn't it be the opposite?

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>Shouldn't it be the opposite?
yes? maybe you're moving to a zone where the bass cancels out

I noticed this yesterday when some kids walked near my house while listening to trap on a phone speaker and I could hear nothing but the hi hats.
Then I realized that in earbuds too, when I take them out and raise the volume enough to hear something, all I hear are the high frequencies.
In fact, to even hear the bass in earbuds you have to keep them well inserted in your ears, and as soon as they're not correctly seated anymore, the bass is the first that becomes inaudible.

nevermind I missed the small speaker part completely, that's normal they can't reproduce the bass properly to begin with so the few lows that comes out get easily dispersed

What do you mean "properly"?
Because it's not really unbalanced compared to the rest of the frequencies that are being reproduced.
I can have a super loud sub and some quiet hi hats in my earbuds, and if I take them off and increase the volume, I'll only be able to hear the hats despite the sub being much louder.

sound is basically the movement of the air, to reproduce bass frequencies you need to move a lot of air and a small speaker can't do that
I don't know how headphones works exactly but I assume there's something related to the ear sensitivity changing when they're closer to the sound source

>I don't know how headphones works exactly but I assume there's something related to the ear sensitivity changing when they're closer to the sound source
That would make sense but it doesn't explain how small speakers in general are like this. Not just headphones.

>sound is basically the movement of the air, to reproduce bass frequencies you need to move a lot of air and a small speaker can't do that
But it's still moving enough air to let me hear the sub much more loudly than the highs when I'm close, so why does the sub disappear when I walk away but not the hi hats, which are moving less air than the sub does?

kek imagine being a brainless /sc/ shill

never again /prod/bros... never again

anyway check out my latest work:


minute long improvisation in ableton using massive with a reverb added on the computer keyboard

I've watched so many music production & sound design channels where they all use - and sometimes explicitly recommend - Serum as their main go-to synth plugin.
Serum looks fantastic, but does anyone know how the competing plugins (Pigments, Phase Plant etc) stack up?
Pros & cons of each?

The other ones aren't made by this guy.

Attached: Steve Duda.jpg (191x264, 17K)

honestly? I don't know and I should do some researches about it but I think it's mostly exploiting our hearing system quirks and flaws

>those trips
>that absolute unit
I'm sold.

Eh, it's possible, but I don't think that if I had recorded those trap-blasting kids with any microphone I'd have recorded more bass than highs, if any bass at all.

>why does the sub disappear when I walk away but not the hi hats

Your ears are less sensitive to low frequencies than highs, and that sensitivity to lows decreases further as the sound source gets quieter, ie: when it is further away.

Look at the red equal-loudness curves in image related - as the overall level drops you need more and more low frequency content to be present in order for you to hear the bass at equal loudness.

Attached: 6JUxQ.png (669x600, 104K)

I recommend downloading them all and playing around with them to see which set of pros and cons you like more.

IMO Serum's biggest pro is the wavetable editor, which is the best way to make wavetables even for other synths.
It also has a bunch of very useful things like a noise oscillator that can load samples, a shitton of filters of all kinds (some of them are very weird), etc.

I haven't tried Pigments, but IIRC it has some neat wavetable modulation capabilities (like Serum's middle knob on the osc section) and its effects can be put on busses or something.

Haven't tried Phase Plant either but its strongest point is the great variety of oscillator/generator types and the intermodulation between them.
It also has a really good FX section with busses like Pigments, and cool modulations.

Massive is similar to Serum but has some advantages like the routing section or some better modulation of modulators, a feedback section, a "modulation osc" section, and other small things like that.
Serum is generally considered to be an upgrade to Massive, but a lot of people still use it (including me) for some things.

So had I recorded those trap-blasting kids with a proper microphone I'd have recorded more bass than highs?

I don't think so this is something that happens in our ears and brain, a microphone has a different sensitivity and calibration

solid advice, thanks a bunch. I'm seriously leaning towards giving Serum a shot first. It comes across as very outwardly intuitive whilst packing a lot of features & compatibilities that could come in handy.

What I mean is, if I only hear the highs on those small speakers because of the ear's curve, a reasonably flat microphone should be able to record the bass too (since it doesn't have the same problem we have), right?

So in the above scenario, when those kids wanked at about 50m (164 feet) from my window, I'd have only heard the hi hats while the microphone would've picked up the entire spectrum of the song?
Doesn't seem right to me but I haven't done any test so I'm not sure.

Serum is the best all around at the moment, but Phase Plant is an absolute beast.
I'd say uf you're pirating or have money to burn, keep both but use Serum as your main (you'll have a much easier life since most sound design tutorials are for it, and it's what most people know and use), and PP for experimenting with sound design and whatnot (which you should also do in Serum).

>a reasonably flat microphone

...would have a flat frequency response at a nominal db of sound pressure which is the one you'll see on the manufacturer's data sheet, at lower levels a mic's sensitivity becomes more important and mic manufacturers are a lot more cagey about those numbers, because they will change how the mic reacts to different frequencies.

You also have the matter of how low frequencies dissipate in all directions, while higher frequencies being more directional will "beam" in a sense.

All factors, all have their effects, but equal-loudness perception in our ears is the main one.

>building up to drop
>want to have one measure of silence for tension
>this fucks up literally the entire arrangement from then on since every part of the song is one measure off from the grid of the song
is there any more graceful way to handle this

Ok but what would happen if I recorded those kids (where all I could hear were the hi hats)?
What would a hypothetically perfectly flat microphone have recorded? The full spectrum (like you'd hear with the speaker to your ear) or just the highs (like what I heard with my ears)?

You don't add something as drasic as a whole measure of silence AFTER you've made the whole arrangement.
You arrange by having it in mind from the start.

But if you really have to, you could do something like this:
or this:
No timestamp. Listen to them in full as payment for my precious help.

I don't really mean composition wise, I mean, it literally shifts everything over in my DAW so things like snap-to-grid no longer work, and everything laid out looks wonky as fuck

Ah sorry I can't read.
I don't know other DAWs but you can insert an extra measure (or whatever you want) in Ableton's arrangement view.

I'll point you at the article I took the equal-loudness graphic from, as that will explain how low frequencies *can* travel better over distance than highs due to lower absorption coefficient at lower frequency for the same air pressure and temperature, and would give your perfect mic a good chance of picking up the bass:


But keep in mind that this mic doesn't exist and that the sensitivity of even a really good mic at 50 metres will be far different story to the same mic at 1 metre (inverse-square says that sound intensity will be 1/49^2 = 1/2401 of the close sound at 50 metres)

looks like we'll just have to wait for someone to implement that feature in DAWs, along with the all important "when you place or move a note on the piano roll it plays" that used to be in ableton for the first track of the song

Loaded Ableton up.
All you need to do is right-click on the scrub area (where the mouse cursor becomes a speaker) and select "insert time signature change", then type "4:4", then a bar later you do the exact same thing.
Pic related is how it should look.

Attached: 2019-09-24 01_28_59-Untitled_ - Ableton Live 9 Suite.png (628x161, 5K)

50m vs 1m is 50 times the distance, so inverse-square will be 1/50^2 not 1/49^2, apolologies.

I may be misunderstanding, but the responses that mention the loudness contour of our ears don't explain this But pic related seems to have an actual explanation, but I have no idea how to interpret it, so I'm just going to take it as "because physics".
Thanks for the link.

Attached: acoustics - Do low frequency sounds really carry longer distances_ - Physics Sta.png (697x490, 53K)

liquid drum and bass
what do you do when nothing at all stands out in your mix and it all sounds eh

it's not about mixing, it's about composition

this sounds boring because that genre's been done to death

the standard drum and bass loop is intensely familiar to the ear of anyone, even myself who never got into DnB

there's nothing interesting about another DnB track which is why the genre fell by the wayside

the key is to take these influences and move past them

to be fair, the same could be said about literally any genre

you choose what element should stand out and mix accordingly
the kick and snare in this case are buried in the back of the mix wich is a terrible thing for this genre

You're probably hearing the intentionally boosted mids of the bass and inferring the lows. The hats are high frequency allowing them to be heard further.

>You're probably hearing the intentionally boosted mids of the bass and inferring the lows.
Nope. Tried with pure sines.

>The hats are high frequency allowing them to be heard further.
I don't understand what this means.

>pure sines
Found your problem.

What books/videos should I consume when it comes to sampling, hip hop, rnb, classical, anything like this.

Why would that be?

Besides, I tried with pure sines, subby songs, bassy songs, and all kinds of synth sounds.
Always the same.
Try it yourself.

does the 2i2 do 32bit 192khz

no, 24bit 192kHz

Attached: t-thanks prod.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

That's the only thing? I'll read it, thank you.

We've gotten another one boys

... why can't i remember this scene ;__;

Man real talk Naruto inspired me to NEVER GIVE UP.... on music

Attached: 1554003149458.png (660x659, 75K)

Making background music. does this work for that

Naruto's mom holds the fox because she has a ton of chakra or something.
The day Naruto is born the seal that holds the fox weakens so Tobi (masked guy) takes advantage of the situation by extracting the fox from her and controlling it to destroy the village.
To release the fox you have to beat Tobi but he's super strong and can make himself intangible and suck things into his eye or something.
Naruto's father Minato (blonde guy) fights Tobi by realizing that that he has to make himself tangible if he wants to attack, so he uses his teleporting technique to teleport to the kunai that he threw through Tobi's head right at the moment he turns tangible, so that he can hit him with the rasengan from behind, and take the fox from under his control.

thanks. I was confused on the timeline for a minute, I was thinking Tobi was a lot yonger and that was actually.... that one guy


everything was shit today, but tomorrow is another chance! :)

good stuff but not entrancing enough, i paused it to hear what someone was saying IRL, if it was true kino i would not have paused it

also around a minute in you need to break out of the loop pattern WHICH you did a great job of disguising compared to most of the plebs in this thread, however just cuz you disguised it doesn't mean it wasn't there. you need to make it more dynamic

>everything was shit today, but tomorrow is another chance! :)
Every day can be the day to make an award-winning masterpiece if you stop wasting time with midi shit and learn to sample disco and funk records.

Nah, all the good samples have been used already.

In the case of your in ear pods, they are reliant on the incased space of your ear to create bass. The fact of the matter is that the small speakers in your earbuds arent capable of creating that much bass to begin with.

The same thing with headphones. They are usually dependent on being closed around your ears to reprodce bass, the second you open them up a little, alot of the bass disappears.
Open back headphones tend not to be really heavy on the bass side just for this very reason.

Put your phone on speaker, blast some music and place it in various objects like cups, vases, empty cardboard boxes etc and you'll soon notice that it boost certain midrange frequencies from your phone (phone speaker tend not to play any bass frequencies or anything below 500 hz anyway.)

The same thing with a speaker. A regular floorstanding speaker may sound big and powerfull in a room, but the second you place it out doors with no surfaces to bounce sound off, it will sound weak and thin in comparison. A reason why they need heavy duty PA line array systems in the 20-60 000 watt range on open air festivals and most of it is subwoofers.

It's just a matter of acoustics.

Attached: wqwqwqwwq.jpg (512x584, 29K)

What now?
Do we have to find another line of work?
Is there a career that pays me for watching chinese cartoons?

Yeah shit sucks bro, all that sells now is trap beats for sportscasting breaks and EDM for car commercials.
I don't think you can get paid for that, unless you have a really high social credit score.

I said bass just to exemplify my point.
Replace it with lower frequencies (lower relative to the highs that you hear) and it's the same thing.
Why does everything lower than a certain (pretty high) point disappear when listening to a phone speaker at a certain distance?

because phone speakers accentuate the human voice range which is 1-8 khz.
Which is where alot of the meat of hi hats usually recides.

Yeah I think we both know what the logical conclusion is.

Attached: yes.png (796x444, 140K)

But it's not just phone speakers. It's all kinds of small speakers.

And even if it was, it's not accentuated so much to practically mute everything else (including the vocals in the song, which I could hear a bit when they got closer).

>when you can hear bass coming from a phone speaker 164 feet away

[spoiler]yes this counts as meme fo the day go fuck yourself[/spoiler]

Attached: When you can hear bass coming from a phone speaker 164 feet away.webm (640x480, 2.76M)


>But it's not just phone speakers. It's all kinds of small speakers.
yeah but you specified "super close" so I would categorize that as anything below an arms length.

I've never observed any of this myself. Usually it's the bass that is the last thing that I hear when a car with a oversized sub in the booth drives by, just due to the simple fact that the bass is played 40 db louder than anything else.

Certain microphones works off proximity effect like the shure sm7b. Which means the closer you are to the mic, the more low end it will pick up. That's because soundwaves bounce back and forth between the source and the microphone and resonates.

Perhaps that is what you are experiencing with hearing bass with small speakers when you're close but only high end when you're getting further away.

You're asking for a simple answer to a multifaceted problem.

>I've never observed any of this myself. Usually it's the bass that is the last thing that I hear when a car with a oversized sub in the booth drives by, just due to the simple fact that the bass is played 40 db louder than anything else.
>Certain microphones works off proximity effect like the shure sm7b. Which means the closer you are to the mic, the more low end it will pick up. That's because soundwaves bounce back and forth between the source and the microphone and resonates.
>Perhaps that is what you are experiencing with hearing bass with small speakers when you're close but only high end when you're getting further away.
Maybe I shouldn't have said "super close", but the gist is that the closer it is the lower the frequencies that I can hear, and as I get farther away the lowest perceivable frequency goes up like a cutoff knob on a HPF.
It has nothing to do with resonating frequencies bouncing back and forth because it's the outdoors we're talking about here, and I can still hear bass even when I'm a few meters away, while at >50m I can't even hear the vocals anymore.

>You're asking for a simple answer to a multifaceted problem.
There's always a simplified explanation for everything.
I don't expect an in depth answer that I could write a thesis with. I just want a surface-level understanding of what's going on, which should be very easy to formulate if you know the actual answer.

Hey dudes, are there any good videos out there that cover learning more about outboard audio equipment? At the moment, my setup is basically an interface, a mic, a midi controller, and a set of monitors, but I wanna at least have a grasp of understanding how to set up, and utilize gear, like compressors, and outboard synths.

Send audio to compressor, record back in
Send midi to synth, record back in.
Not hard

Well I've honestly like, never done that. I work pretty exclusively in software, so I just was wondering.

In case anyone wants to keep the discussion going, I gotta go now.
I'll respond to everything when I come back tomorrow.

So Kontakt is the main library now for most stuff? Wasn't it omnisphere couple a year ago?

Or are they not even the same thing?

First time mixing a song, I have no fucking idea what I'm doing with the EQs. Don't have studio monitors to listen to it either. Someone tell me if anything's wrong.


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-23 at 10.55.57 PM.png (1041x708, 552K)

For background music I think it's good but might start a bit too slow. Sound design is neat, tho and mixing is too. I think the loops sstay for too long, but overall it's a great wip.

Here's some work in progress. any feedback? clyp.it/0whho41s

How does one produce on FL studio pirated copies without getting caught? I can't afford the full version but I want to use it to make music.

Attached: bruh.jpg (579x329, 55K)

what do you guys think of my friends SoundCloud please listen to all the tracks


Attached: 1qa6kosen3o31.jpg (1080x1058, 139K)

did a (blackish) metal thing, debating whether to play bass on this or not
... I realize that sounds stupid but I tried earlier and it actually sounded worse + it kind of goes against the bm aesthetic from what i've heard lol. also just tired of hearing it


Attached: EEyjGWHWwAEEhLs.jpg (305x300, 16K)

buy (or "buy") the Waves bundle and get to know some their emulation plugins - anything that emulates things like an 1176/DBX/SSL/API wont give you that particular "sound" but it'll give you the basic idea of how to use physical gear when it comes to it. there's no real need to rush into buying physical gear when you're just starting out, learn what everything actually does first virtually and what do buy/do next will follow.

videos n stuff are cool in conjunction but like anything hands on experience is better.

i produce n engineer professionally if anyone has any questions :~)

whats the coolest sound i can make on a computer/ableton

Literally every fucking sound imaginable is potentially at your fingertips.

Hold the fucking phone, there's another anonymous mp3 upload site?

Don't use stock sounds or effects and just lie about what DAW you use.

elaborate, stock sounds from fl studio?

but whats your favorite

Hey ableton bros, how do I get a hard hitting booming punchy bass like you hear in most hip hop songs

Mostly like this for example

Abletons stock “hip hop sub bass” option just doesn’t seem to be hitting the spot right even after I’ve toyed around with the knobs and configuration.

Please help, all the best, user

I want to make unquantized drum patterns with a drum machineor sampler, what's a good one I can get for around $300?

or should I just get a controller and use a DAW on my laptop?

im not going to listen to guitars distorted to the point where you cant discern individual notes, dumb animeposter

How do I make a studio?
How much money do I need to fool the local punk acts that I can record higher quality stuff than they can get in their bedrooms?

add the drum bus to any 808... literally thats it


wow dude you rock! i bought it!

combine the bass with the kick and the sub, and saturate or bitcrush the fuck out of the bass

Can anyone give me a hand, my audio has suddenly gone absolutely shit.


This is just a 808, no effects or anything, but its all crackly and quiet. Driver is ASIO 48000. The annoying thing as well is exports cut off the end of the song, so i had to record it in OBS

10-50 mil depending on where you want to build and what size of recording rooms you're looking at

Is there any non-shit DAW for android phones? I wanna make music on the go.

Attached: 1566812993482.jpg (700x439, 159K)


i've listened to darkthrone (duh) but not this album... or I didn't listen through....

What makes it funnier is I started that song because I was listening to Lil Ugly Mane's third side of tape for the 100th time and just really fucked with the metal songs that day.
I'd be pretty upset if i invested more into that song lmao

observe here, the vernacular of the rap/metal enthusiast

he is a chimp

if you scroll back far enough you'll see more than hip-hop and metal friendo (rap is a style of vocal, not a genre)

it's almost 6 am and i don't feel like typing :[

This is my first beat. I know this is horrendous but I would like advices to be better. What is it that I don't get?


literally research music theory before you make another beat. this reminds me of 2000's flash porn games

>literally research music theory
Already on my list of things to do. I bought pic related and I read Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Attached: 51OyIY6-S-L.jpg (404x500, 58K)

>not 1-5

well what do those chapters cover? if you made it in ableton send me the .als and ill show you how you can make it sound cool


Let my uneducated ass know what has been added here that's original from the sample? I guess drums of course, but anything else?

How did he make the sample sound different to the original?

>well what do those chapters cover?
The basics. What is pitch, tone etc..., notes, the major scale, rhythm, tempo, score editing

>if you made it in ableton send me the .als and ill show you how you can make it sound cool
I made it with Bitwig 3, which seems to be very similar to Ableton. Do you have Bitwig 3?

I read 7 too, forgot.

>I read 7 too, forgot.
I was just being a dick for the luls friendo

i can tell you how to make your tracks better than this though and you're not gunna like it
it really is as simple as this
- use better sounds -

your beep de boop - use a better beep de boop
your bass drum - use a better drum or an 808 or a sine wave or literally any sounds that has a sub
your snare - use a better snare
are you using a snare as your hats..? use better hats lol

nigga just download a drum sample pack there are so many to choose from and arrange with them

why does an orchestra have violins violas cellos double bass etc? because they are GREAT sounds, they are great for they intended purpose and they are generally pleasant to listen too

you dont have to build every thing from scratch, just make it your own

the way to being better, is to understand that you must use *good* sounds.

>The basics. What is pitch, tone etc..., notes, the major scale, rhythm, tempo, score editing
so use it. you didnt seem to follow any basic (things listed above).
no can do. The filetype is propietary unlike abletons. export it as a midi for me then

while your not wrong, your wrong. better sounds wont make him sound better. It will just act as a mask. if the 16 bit masters could do it, so can he

Alright. I will try to find better sounds. Thanks


Here is the midi

>while your not wrong, your wrong. better sounds wont make him sound better. It will just act as a mask. if the 16 bit masters could do it, so can he
no, i am not wrong at all and that is exactly how he will improve his sound
>16 bit masters
if he wants to make 16 bit music or 8 bit music there is still a objective quality of sounds to choose to use
>inb4 objectivity in music eksdee
of course there is objectivity in art

if he wants to make beep de boops then he can use better beep de boops, he can distort and place them properly in an arrangement.
its not a mask, its a palette and if you have a shit palette then you will have shit results.

Not him but...
>no, i am not wrong at all and that is exactly how he will improve his sound
The requirements for a song to sound good are two:
>good sound
>good composition
You're acting like good composition doesn't matter at all, and that to make something that sounds good you just have to have good sounds, even if the melodies are bad, which is preposterous.

>place them properly in an arrangement.
>just make it your own

>acting like good composition doesn't matter at all

pick one

and music doesnt even have to have a melody at all, it doesnt have to have any of the features of classical composition
there is music based entirely on rhythm and while you could say that the drums are """""notated""""" they certainly arnt to the extent a melody describes

You cherrypicked yourself to remove the context of your own argument to make it mean something else.
You were talking about using good sounds, so when you said "place them properly in an arrangement" and "just make it your own" it can only mean use the right sounds at the right place and change them a bit.
Nothing in that context can lead me to believe you were talking about composition, ESPECIALLY when you also argued against wich made your position pretty clear.

>what is a synecdoche?
Maximum autism.