Has he ever missed the mark this badly before?

Has he ever missed the mark this badly before?

Never seen a dislike ratio this high on one of this vids before

Maybe if you all go and dislike hell learn to stop giving absolute trash like charli a 9/10 then a masterpiece like this 5/10 in order to get more views

Attached: Screenshot_20190922-215741.png (1440x2560, 1.21M)

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I would say MBDTF getting 6/10 is closer to accurate than house of sugar getting 5/10

the funny thing is this is one of the instances where he was actually right (at least score-wise)

I don't disagree with the score at all
just saying that it has a significantly higher dislike ratio
have yet to listen to the new Alex G but I did enjoy Rocket quite a bit more than Fantano did, so I have my hopes up

I still don't really get the outcry for this one. He didn't even really tear it apart in the review, people just look at the score and dislike.


Probably his worst review desu

The new charli is great tho

I dont doubt that youre attracted to her but by no metric is the album even close to a 9/10

It's almost like review scores come down to opinion or something.


I do not doubt that youre an incel who cant help but blurr the lines between liking how slutty she is and the quality of her music but there is literally, no metric where that album is a 9/10

>kanye's cucks

He's a meme

he's a cumbrain
>women goooood AAAAaaaAAaaAAHHH IMMM GONNAAA

You didn't prove my point wrong in any way. Bet you're the kind of faggot who looks at the score, dislikes and leaves.

Real talk why did anyone ever take this guy seriously?
On one hand these threads expose how much of a hack he is but on the other hand I dont want to see this faggot ever again and Yea Forums should forget about him

Why does anyone take any "music critic" seriously? If anything, they're just punching bags to make fun of on here.

The Raven That Refused to Sing

Botted views

Melon is not a reviewer, he is an eceleb. He feeds on the attention that people give him and sometimes its necessary to generate outrage to get that attention. Anyone who takes him seriously is a faggot.

Fantano lost all relevancy when he deleted thatistheplan over one Fader article. He's fucking BORING now. Enough already

You do realize that when you like something, if you don't have any objective arguments to why it is good then that's just a personal guilty pleasure for you. Fantano is not a critic, because he doesn't have any objective opinions. His ratings are all a product of the emotions he felt at the time, so all of his ratings are inconsistent and they don't mean anything. I still don't get why people around here still follow him. He clearly doesn't have a niche, and when reviewing he's all over the place, making no sense most of the time.

>if you don't have any objective arguments to why it is good then that's just a personal guilty pleasure

This is such a stupid way to see the aesthetic experience. It's not the critic that gives art meaning. It's the private relationship between you as audience and the work of art to be the center of the aesthetic.
Art is not even meant to explained, even if there's an inherent evident meaning put there by the author, it rest solely on the audience to live and "create" in a certain way a personal experience.
Artisti apprecciation it's not a test between you and other fellow enlightened aesthetes to be discussed on the merits of your explanation of said piece of art.

Critics are just expertise and as such it is only relevant when it is socially recognized as relevant and it can safely disregarded anyway when it comes to art

He's a YouTuber. He has to get the video out while the topic is still hot, even if it means being inconsistent in the process. That's probably why he gives stuff like Billie Eilish and Ariana Grande such high ratings because they're easy to rate. You either like them or you don't, but he gets views regardless so what do a bunch of assholes on Yea Forums know, right?

>giving a fuck about a man child e-celeb
holy that is sad

Fantano is the best music reviewer on this planet he'll decide what's good, the album missed its mark.

He also rated Rocket a 4. I have NO respect at all for this fag. He shills for any generic rapper though.

He doesn’t give a fuck what he’s has to say to get views, he just wants the views
If you are looking for intelligence stop looking on youtube

you can keep everything after runaway

I listened to this for about 20 minutes because polarizing things often turn out to be good. His opinion about this is correct. It is very sonically interesting but both the songwriting and overall composition barely exist. This happens. He is a talented producer and is probably at his best serving other peoples songs.

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holy shit are you actually retarded

I recall him giving Narkopop by Gas a 2/10 because he doesn't understand ambient music

The only reviewer who has a systematic way of rating is Scaruffi

Who cares what this YouTuber LARPing as critic has to say anyway?
Cringefests like James Charles have orders of magnitude more subscriber than this glorified vlogger