/gg/ - Guitar and bass general

Alien Amps Edition

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Old thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


God tier amp/guitar combos

ESP and Mesa/Boogie
Warmoth and Hand-wired fender clone
Ibanez and Diezel

Meh tier:
Fender and Fender
Gibson and Marshall
Gibson and Orange

And you call yourself a boomer? tier
Fender and Marshall
Gibson and Fender

Shit tier:
Condor and Alien

Poorfag hero tier:
Squier and a $50 thinkpad running an amp sim

How do I know when I'm """"good""""?

You'll know it when it comes, son

rate my song

Am I avant garde yet?

you can upload a clip recorded on a squier bullet HH strat and a boss katana and ask /gg/ if your new JCM900 sounds good with your les paul

who here /recording/???
you'll start getting praise and shit
but the first step is knowing that just because you're good it doesn't mean you won't make mistakes, and it doesn't mean you don't gotta keep practicing and learning new stuff
you'll get there user

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>Gibson and Marshall in meh tier
Okay retard

I mostly play metal and can play pretty much any riff thrown at me and am able to solo adequately, did I make it yet?

loud mud. sounds like shit.


sure thing but remember it's about having fun and being fulfilled not getting your dick sucked (if you get your dick sucked though that's pretty cool)

ignore this fag, it's 100% about having your dick sucked.

I'm never satisfied with myself so it's hard to gauge if I'm any good at guitar

yes i have four mics

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"I'm poor" isn't an argument

fender guitars with high gain amps are the god combo though


>durr durr a nice gibson costs $500 more than a nice fender im so rich

>he cant sing the notes he plays

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I never got the gibsons = money thing. They make SOME expensive guitars, as in the custom shop that isn't actually a custom shop, but they also make some really cheap guitars (tribute, faded, studio) and their normally priced stuff like standards ends up on the used market for around $1500. A company like ESP makes some expensive guitars, to keep comparisons between mass market brands. Not one new production axe with their name on the headstock comes near the bargain-bin MSRP of a les paul studio.

Of course, that's all just the name on the headstock. If fender followed Gibson's branding practices, MIMs would still be squier, and a lot of rarities and custom shop guitars would just be branded as normal Fenders. If Gibson followed ESP's branding practices, everything below the Les Paul standard but above the Epiphones would be an Orville.

That's pretty nice too, I just brought up Gibson for bait
There are no self respecting or important musical figures that like anime


there are no self respecting famous people who admit to liking anything too far out of the ordinary because their entire career depends on being easy for absolute normies to relate to

absolute normies
people who never got interested in something their friends weren't doing

>guys i like batman
>im such a nerd XD

kanye west

>inb4 if you admit to liking anime you aren't self respecting

all celebs like old school anime, the good stuff. sorry K-on and 20-minute-ESP-ad-with-a-mobile-game fans.

/gg/ is full of poorfags who think a $1000 guitar is expensive.

i know a guy who works at the fender plant in mexico and he can get me a 1k bass for like 700 bucks and i cant even afford that cause im a third worlder
but hey i own an american jazzmaster

Any other hardtail bridges i should check out. need something with a 2 1/8 string spacing (preferably adjustable) I want something dank for my custom guitar

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How can someone control their pinky so it won't take a plane and fly away from the fretboard?

classical? carefully.

jazz? carefully, if you want to.

rock? have you ever seen a good rock or metal guitarist give a shit?