Thoughts on sporadic rapper and based schizo poster, Azealia Banks?
Thoughts on sporadic rapper and based schizo poster, Azealia Banks?
hot and good
looks like a dude in this pic
either way, her attitude will never be attractive
ugly nigger whore jealous of white women
Her best song:
based troll who angers every demographic
Best tits in the rap game
she's the human epitome of #sorrynotsorry
i don't care how much she "apologizes" for things. she doesn't give a single fuck
Take me back to 2013 bros
she looks like she _____ _____ ____
She cute.
pretty sure she's just dumb and bipolar
the song she worked on with ariel pink was cute
she's retarded but a very good troll
has she shown them?
I fucking love her, incredibly based
wanna smell her feet and eat her booty
I just want to go back to when she was a fresh-faced, hopeful 21-year-old. Virtually all of her music was made from ages 20 to 22, in 2011-2013. She completed her album during that time, but it was shelved for a year before its release in 2014. Why was she so prolific for those two years? And seemingly normal in the beginning? Here she was a bright, promising young star: I'm starting to think she actually suffers from schizophrenia now, and must've developed it soon after clip above.
she practises witchcraft, and was doing so before it recently became cool again
all the time she never fucking puts them away
hes wrong anyway theyre fake
as someone who doesn't find black women particularly attractive she's pretty much the only black woman I'd fuck
that's pretty cool
I do have Anna Wintour on my main playlist rotation. She's okay.
one of the greatest rappers of all time
if she doesnt kill herself or elon musk she'll probably put out an objective 10/10 album before 2030
if she does then in 100 years she'll be worshipped
i hate her more than i can describe with words and i'm usually a very optimistic person
she is unironically the human incarnation of satan
Love her
i wanna get