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You will never get any actual discussion about this album on Yea Forums, try somewhere else.

he has a shitty pop rap flow and what he raps about is stupid. only redeeming quality is the production


not as good as The Money Store, they fell off hard

Cool production, mediocre rapping. 6/10.



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My favorite album this year t b h

>expose yourself
This guy spends too much time on Twitter. When his white hipster fans stop listening to him, nobody will notice. He seems really self-conscious.

>being this anally devastated over an 8/10
$100 says that's going to be the topic of his next song

Definitely a contender for me as well.

You're about as subtle as a brick to the dick, Peggy. Fuck outta here.

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I liked veteran so much that i liked this when in reality only the outros of Post verified, PTSD, Cornballs, and tear gas are tolerable things to listen to.

I thought it was okay, but what did he mean when he said he hated old white niggas? Which old white niggas in particular. IDK dude, he just seems kinda racist.

this might sound like I'm memeing, but I genuinely think this is the Trout Mask Replica of hip-hop.

Taylor Swift is better.

It comes and goes for me, moments I like and many moments that are uninteresting and meandering. Some nice sounds and textures, PRONE! was cool and the intro is pretty good. Could definitely do without the singing. Made me laugh several times

I find it funny how he tries to put on this internet junkie incel persona yet he can't handle a subpar dis (that's not even a real dis desu) without getting butthurt.
he's clearly trying to be that, but fails miserably.

so-so musique concrète collages with snippets of simple melodic ideas here and there. 5/10

ay ay ay i'm jpegmafia and i'm here to say,
i can only talk about perceived prejudices and how much i don't care about the le alt-right/nazi/incel/troll/haters who hate me but i can't stop talking about them. I served time in the millitary but i'd rather project my insecurities onto 'haters'. oh god i'm so insecure and i shill my album on mu. look how counterculture i am, i use Yea Forums but i'm not one of them. buy my album crackas!

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>dark skin manson twitter handle

what a fucking dweeb

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It's okay. Not sure why so many people are talking about it.

I really like that he's helping to make hip hop an even whiter genre by pushing hardcore anti-white identity politics. No one hates white people more than white people do. He should be made an honorary cracker.

Made for white people lol

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I gave it three listens and I still don't give much of a fuck about 90% of the album. I think I'm actually disappointed.

it's fine but not as good as veteran


This is the whitest picture I've ever seen.
It looks like a scene from a college boy comedy movie where the main character is a loser and starts to experience the "cool life" by going to parties where everybody takes drugs and has a random black guy in overalls performing for them like it's a Super Sweet Sixteen.

I like

damn mac miller has a blacker following this really is some modern day mandingo fights type shit. anyway i liked it 7/10
>say what you said on twitter right now


Is he calling himself the black Charles or Marilyn? Either way he's a fucking faggot that makes garbage music.



your reddit reply is really proving his point

I like the production but to be very honest, I have trouble understanding the theme of the album

Almost want to like it but so many choices all over it are so fucking extra, and it's like he recorded the whole thing at some lame-ass LA get-together. Too much random unnecessary shit all over it, and the tryhard tough shit has gotta go. This dude is so affected by internet nerds that it's becoming his gimmick. Nice production littered with terrible choices.
>damn mac miller has a blacker following
WILD how true this is. This dude's entire situation is so bizarre that it's funny.

Peggy likes writing about the internet but unfortunately he has an extreme inferiority complex and gets butthurt very easily so all of his songs are just him seething over kids trolling him.

Great album, only major complain is that he tries a bit too hard with his "I dont give a fuck" persona and it comes across as edgy. It's hard to take an album that constantly references internet culture and then denounces those who are into internet culture seriously.

Care to explain how?


Jpeg's fanbase is mostly pasty white teens/early 20s who watch fantano and larp as black on reddit
The same kids listening to death grips are bumping him no matter how much he complains

creepy looking nigger, i bet his music is not close to hendrix at all

good production, clever song titles and lyrics, funny creative guy but needs to tone down the fuck whitey stuff

This is modern life, so called "civilized whites" being amazed by some screaming ghetto nigger piece of fucking shit. Just look at that dirty awful fucking bum. I hope he gets shot before end of the year.

Those getting offended by the politics: Congratulations, you've been triggered.

yes, we hate niggers hahahaa

Lol looks like tame impala crowd

sounds like someone is playing clipping. and hopsin at the same time

Didn't Fantano blow him up though? Goofy ass

Is this the newest blacked scene?

Miles Davis didn't like whitey either, but no one will deny his talent. Get over that shit.

peggy is not miles davis jfc

oh my fuck, i hate hopsin with a passion

He's equivalent for the hip hop era. Major Innovation


not a goofy ass but ungrateful nigger piece of fucking shit

you can't be serious

Oh I am
Listen to the record shit is avant garde

>still believing blacks need the approval of tha wh!t3 man

Loving every laugh, conservahick. I'm not even Peggy

>blows up because of fantano's positive review
>has a nice interview with fantano
>gets another good score from fantano
>goes on twitter and types this
pretty based using fantano as nothing but a mere stepping stone if you ask me.

Miles Davis didn't ruin his music with identity politics. He played instrumental music. Peggy is far too vain and obnoxious to do that though.

Didn't fantano pull the same shit on sam hyde?

>I'm not even Peggy
Well yeah, you're not black. Who are you putting on a show for?

No? They were friends

Not anymore though, fantano talked shit about him on twitter

yeah he turned on him like a snake.

I want the approval of your wife. I hear she's huge with the blacks

I like:)

hates white people and im not a cuck

Same bro

Bitch ears didn't feel uncomfortable once while listening. It's like comparing schlangheim to trout mask not even in the same league. Experimental shit doesn't always have to be compared to that album. Noise shit doesn't always have to be compared to death grips. Let art speak for itself.

Album's good but there's actually nothing special with it.

trash for nig loving zoomers

Stop hating people for skin color.

>calling trash albums trash is racist
go back to plebbit and please, never ever come back

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Don't even try to reason with a dumb poltard lmao waste of time

>Calling someone nigger lover isn't racist
Actually autistic

It's actually kind of justified in this case. Jpegmafia is a guy who hates white people so much he just vowed a day ago on twitter that he's going to use MORE racial slurs in his songs because he wants there to be less white people listening to hip hop. The guy wholeheartedly promotes racism, and the left cheers him on for it, so how can you expect it to not create more racism?

No he doesn't.

Yeah, yeah... We all know you think black people can't be racist so it's fine for them to act like racists. He's a racist. And you're an idiot if you think otherwise.

He's not though. White people oppress black people to this day. It's an act of defense against white supremacists.

Imagine thinking there's a white supremacy problem when a black man can make a very good living spouting blatantly anti-white identity politics while any band associated with white nationalism gets shut down hard by normalfags.

He's a racist. And you're an idiot.

White supremacists are terrorists, JPEGMafia just writes raps

>any band associated with white nationalism gets shut down hard by normalfags.

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Oh god, you want to get into the fucking gun violence debate. I don't carry those statistics around, but I'm sure someone else can supply that shit.

why does he look like a cross between mc ride and joe budden here lmao.
Go back to the soundcloud shill threads with this shit peggy.

>any band associated with white nationalism gets shut down hard by normalfags.

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They got their fame in the fucking 1970s. We both know they couldn't get famous today with that image.

Lemmy actually claimed to be an anarchist. And again, that's someone who gained his fame in the 1970s/80s.

>70s boomer rock who used shit for shock value
>more people associated confederate flag with dukes of hazard at the time
Not real examples

are those white chads Fantano fans?

This meme rap music is going to age like milk

Absolute trash

jpegmafia is the whitest rapper of all time, he makes vanilla ice look like bobby shmurda

no they're having too much fun and theres girls

No idea who that is but he looks like a cunt.

he's trying (and failing) to reconcile his love of things that could be attributed to a "white identity", while still trying to have integrity as a black guy. he knows white liberals are fucking liars, but still wants a career. at the very least, his mental illness shows that race music still exists, but instead of owning his personality he just lashes out at liberal whitey that supports his music

>62 posters
>100+ responses

Imao thought y'all didn't give af about this guy

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This will forever haunt him

Lol it's real

hahaha i love jpegmafia and i was at this festival (and i didn’t wear a basketball jersey and khaki shorts). it was just my friends and i waiting for him with a few people in the crowd who knew him. my friends didn’t know who he was and i told them that it’s gonna be a crazy show because he’s going to jump in the crowd and have great energy. as soon as he jumped in the crowd a bunch of white ass kids in those khaki shorts joined and started filming like it was the craziest thing they’ve ever seen. i’m standing next to the camera man in the picture so i’m not in it but it was a crazy ass show. my friends loved it too, i would see peggy a week later in philly and that show was awesome too!