Okay so I know I’m exhausting but how do I cope with this?

Okay so I know I’m exhausting but how do I cope with this?

I’m extremely jealous of my boyfriend’s celebrity crush on Charli XCX. He worships her. His phone is just full of photos of her. There is a 5ft tall poster of her half naked on the wall next to our tv (which I don’t really mind, I like girls too I see she’s attractive I get it but I feel so insecure)

We see her next week in concert and I’m super excited but I feel like he’s just going to become even more obsessed with her after seeing her/possibly meeting her and I’ll just never be good enough for him. I look nothing like her and I feel like if he likes her, he could
Never like me as much.

I have celebrity crushes too, but I don’t get off to them all the time, etc

How do I get over myself and be happy for
Him getting to see his lifelong crush instead of just being jealous?

Attached: charlixcx-770x433.jpg (770x433, 68K)

He’s actually gay

Girl, we can't help you. We're literally just as insecure and miserable as you are.

this but straight

Cucking your gf is BASED

He sounds pretty based.

just slather some grease on your face and get your hair dyed he'll probably be into it


Listen to her album and you will start loving her as well :3

your bf is gay nigga
>We see her next week in concert
no straight man would ever go to a female pop star's concert for his own enjoyment, no matter how fucking hot she is. he's gay.

Bruh fuck all that. just work on yourself. make ur own goals. make ur own money. You both chose to share PARTS of your life, you dont need to hop into his sexual shit. Just trust he's with you bc he wants to while you do your thing, help him with some things in his life, if he leaves you for Charli XCX its a good story AND you helped someone get to be very happy.

based Charli stealing your man

she's actually not very attractive

OP is charli herself

>yaaassssss queen, you do you

i think these kinds of crushes/obsessions fade over time. if you are willing to wait it out, you will probably see it dissipate.

I don;t get why she keeps her hair like that. She looked so much better with longer hair

Attached: allthatshit.jpg (643x820, 80K)

are you for real? dude she is trying to be a popstar, thats her vain attempt at getting a distinct hairstyle to associated with her brand

actually this but bi

i think it looks pretty stylish desu

Eat less, go to the gym, wear better makeup, and clean up around the house, you sad fat pathetic loser. I’m surprised he hasn’t left you already

Cope that you aren't on miss Charlotte Xerox-Machine's level!

Attached: BUhf3L0l.jpg (640x448, 49K)

Yea Forums is mostly asexual trannies.

Realize that you're insecurity comes from a deeper fear of abandonment and realize he can leave you at any time, regardless of celebrity crushes or normal crushes.
At any given time, "your man", could leave you.
Now think about the fact that he hasn't yet.
Stop worrying about how to improve your life and go live it. Things will get better as you learn to enjoy what's important.

good post have a (you)

But it's terrible. A complete step backwards from her previous work.

maybe just tell him how you feel instead of asking the worthless virgins on this website. a good bf would take the time to listen and understand to things that make you uncomfortable. don't demand anything of him, just let him know how this makes you feel.

the only solution here seems to be seppuku

how can you actually think this? Charli is at least her best full album