Adore>Siamese Dream

Adore>Siamese Dream
Change my mind.

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Flat Tits>Big Tits
Change my mind.

You are a faggot
Change my mind

>kleio lune

I am not a faggot
Change my mind

and Gish is better than both of them, keep it coming

Flat Tiddys + Big Ass (and wide hips) is ungodly


i'd say both albums are about equal

MCIS > Adore > Machina > SD

>When she takes the bra off and her tits drop

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MCIS = SD > Gish > Machina > Adore > the other albums don't count

Also this.

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I'm going to fucking kill you

This + short hair.

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What has happened to this board

People have been asking this since at least 2016

I recently came back to Yea Forums after leaving in 2012 and desu it's much better now. It's pretty much the only art/media board that isn't overrun by gamers and /pol/babs.

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You guys would seriously fuck this ugly bitch?

Yes what are you a fucking fag? Incel?

She has a perfect child rearing body why WOULDN'T you want to fuck her?

Her face is ugly as all fuck what is wrong with you

It really isn't she just needs to lose the virgin horse girl haircut and glasses


i think her haircut and glasses are nice. the geeky look suits her

Very based posts

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kill me with the sause

t. pedo