
Listening to nigger jungle beats while playing Quake edition

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where the fuck is the pastebin you nigger

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rule 3

Any advice on how to mix this better?


mixing is hard

idk dude opening sections really repetitive and boring loud bass notes, didn't listen to much after that

not really

just do it until it sounds right

What's a good entry level amp for miking? I know nothing about amps and guitars except there's a difference between bass and guitar amps.
Its gonna be for people who actually play, not me.


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is there a genre for edm that has kinda standard song form? with build ups, drops etc.
but also with piano and maybe even vocals?
most edm is too noisy for me. just weird sounds over 4/4 kick drums.
i can't describe it. so much edm is just very experimental and the recent trends are weirds headache-causing leads.
i just want decent well-structured edm with chords, melodies, but also nice bass, nice builds and drops.
no pitched vocal shots or noisy trap-inspired leads.
sorry for repeating myself i just can't even find what i'm looking for.
avici or clean bandit might be examples, but they are too pop. i want real edm, just not that weird noisy modern edm. it can be compressed and loud, but it shouldn't be annoying.

i also like this

what the fuck is wrong with you?
stop making the threads so shit, you ruin it for everybody else

New to production? Check it: pastebin.com/p2QUqMzj

Post what you're looking for in feedback. GIVE feedback to get feedback.

Post WIP's on Clyp.it

DON'T link to Soundclouds, Bandcamp, or YouTube etc- there are dedicated threads for posting them and anything resembling self promotion will result in bad feedback.


try to reword your request in more aesthetic terminology so I know what you want

Imagine asmr with those ears

I currently mix with good headphones and a decent speaker system, both pretty bassy, but certain segments of my songs sound shit or even inaudible on my phone, so I was thinking of streaming my desktop to my phone so I could hear what that sounds like while producing as well.

I want EDM that isn't:
>loud noisy trap influenced
>pretentious hipster shit with normie music videos
>random noises over techno beat
>lush pop mix good for radio
>pretentious house music with hip hop like samples
>not glued to 0db over-compressed loud shit
>headache causing
I want EDM like this:
>fat clean sounds (pianos, pads, strings whatever)
>good song form (intro, buildups, drops, dance parts, bridges)
>strong melodies
>conveys emotions
>can be listened multiple times without getting annoying

If that's not enough info, I give up.

not a terrible idea since the phone test is always crucial but how would you do that?

you don't want edm you want pop and house shit dude lol
boring af

get monitors sam

ok it sounds like what you want is avicii, swedish house mafia (youtube.com/watch?v=1y6smkh6c-0), alesso (youtube.com/watch?v=EGYaxYaxD_M)

just gonna post some more 2000s progressive in case you like it





probably just twitch stream

>boring af
not for me. i'm not 12 anymore. i don't need all that loud and weird shit to entertain me.
i want something that actually has some order and maturity in it.
seems like music is only made for children and manchildren nowadays.

found another song that has what i'm looking for
just very annoying vocal chops, as always. not sure why modern producer are so obsessed with weird sounds.

>I need less to entertain me
>i'm mature now
jesus shut the fuck up

i'm dumbfounded that people who are supposedly so interested in music and actually went out of their way to become "MuSiCiaNs" can still be so ignorant and express their shitty opinions so poorly

The current trends towards timbre and experimentation doesn't interest you, you want more traditional dance music: that's fine, nobody gives a fuck. Only "manchildren" think their taste in fucking edm speaks to their "MatUritYYy"

Something like Future bass (like Flume) maybe?
Or some of the newer Avicii that's more like pop?

you will understand when you grow up. useless to explain it to you.

What you are describing is not how that music is made. The idea of electronic dance music is made with step sequencers, not linear sequencers/traditional notation. Anyone that gets this wrong is guaranteed making laughable EDM.

>The idea of electronic dance music is made with step sequencers, not linear sequencers/traditional notation
Did you get to keep your clothes when you time travelled from the 80s or you went in naked like Terminator?
Was it embarrassing finding yourself in 2019 with no clothes and no knowledge of anything that's happened in the meantime?

lol didn’t intend to trigger you like that, but clearly you didn’t read the manual

I'm not triggered. I think your opinion is laughable and wanted to let you know in a humourous way because I'm such a jester.

>but clearly you didn’t read the manual
Not sure which manual you're talking about, but it has no bearing on what's good musc or what's "good EDM".

What's "laughable EDM" anyway? Please define it for me.
Is it EDM music that doesn't fit certain rules or tropes so it's not genuine according to EDM purists?

I'm a minimalist that has a gaymer laptop with akai mpk mini, just got some software and not sure if external dac is worth it, if it is what is the best compact one that is under 100?

I want to get best quality sound possible but on a dime and all fitting inside my backpack. I use m50x headphones btw.

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does that mean 9.8ms in and 8.5 out

i just did a test and 15ms latency is pretty audible, now i want to get less latency, but i reduce the buffer i start to get sporadic noises

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Didn't even read your post but regarding your pic.

Attached: Does Flume even eat ass.webm (592x1280, 1.1M)

I wouldn't give up elf ears for the ability to mix trap beats but I'm not black either.

That image is a joke.
His operation didn't affect his hearing at all, or even his ability to use headphones.


what's the most kino version of this chord progression you can make

can you help me?

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Hmm, maybe an organ playing it with a fucklode of reverb and like half or so the speed.

Too much "pew pew", too long,

hmm good start but midway through the first breakdown it gets irritating (it was kino at first but it didn't develop into anything), then you move out of the first breakdown into a weird transition, after that it's just kinda generic repetitions. mostly inoffensive, a little irritating to the ear with how clicky it is and how slidey the notes are, but also little reason to listen to it again. overall pretty good stuff just try to keep being creative after the first opening bit. definitely struck me as very creative for the first 40 seconds or so.

Lower buffer sizes use more CPU until you get to the stage where you get drop-outs, upgrade your CPU or get more agressive in optimizing your system so that there are less processes running at the same time as your audio programs.

Get a better audio interface, there is a site that keeps a database of many interfaces latency. RME, MOTU, and UA are some of the best.

Also core audio > asio

i have a 2200g, should be enough no?
my system is pretty dry and nothing starts with windows, i usually only have the Chrome and the daw open

Run a dpc latency test to see if there are any drivers interrupting your audio driver:


Wireless networking drivers maybe? They have a habit of butting in when not wanted, especially if you have a browser window open.

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if you use newer windows like 8-10 this is supposedly not accurate I usually use latencymon

There you go - fuck my idea right in the ear, go with cos you'll need a newer tool to use on anything newer than Win 7

While we're at it though - it would be good to see what your CPU usage is sitting at when you get the drop-outs, a loaded plugin list at the time of the drop-out would help too.

house music.
this thread is retarded.

is this enough information
filled amplitube with a bunch of effects and two amps to see if it started making noises, but this time it didnt.
cpu sits at 11% while recording

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incredibly muddy. work on removing low end you don't need / maybe reducing modulation amount for those bass notes so they aren't using frequencies all over the place

Is that with the buffer reduced to the point where it starts dropping out? Remember that's where we're wanting to trace the fault?

All I can see there is that the latency tool agrees with you when you say everything seems to be working fine - you need to see what happens when you get the drop outs, so you need to get it to drop out.

does latencymon serve to show me when the dropouts happen, instead of relying on my distracted ear?

What you're looking for is either (or both) spikes in DPC (showing that another driver has interrupted your audio stream at low buffer settings) an/or a CPU activity spike, but you'd need to correlate them with an audible drop-out so that you can draw any conclusions.

These things are fucky though and they troll you sometimes by disappearing when you're trying to troubleshoot them, so just keep using your stuff as normal and if you start getting drop-outs then run the latency tool and check your CPU activity in Task Manager.

ok thanks
where does it show DPC tho

That's what the latencymon program is measuring - DPC latency. The easiest way to visualize DPC is to think of it as a task list - your audio driver needs to be able to process its stuff exactly on time, but other drivers are also waiting to have their stuff processed and so some tasks get delayed, or deferred - DPC stands for Deferred Procedure Call.

If another driver interrupts your audio driver, the audio driver's DPC latency will spike, because the other driver has sort of jumped the queue and pushed your audio driver's task down the list.

with 5.17ms input latency and 2.5ms out, the sound cracks all the time when i stack amplitube with effects.
but with 4.5ms out latency (driver's safe mode) i only get a crack here and there. i guess this setting is ok?

pic is what latencymon looks like when it's crackin all the time (2.5ms output latency). it looks the same as the safe 4.5ms

Attached: Screenshot_37.jpg (1005x577, 95K)

Just to be clear - this is not audio latency we're talking about here, it's to do with kernel mode driver scheduling.

>with 5.17ms input latency and 2.5ms out, the sound cracks all the time when i stack amplitube with effects.

What's your CPU doing (spiking to 100% maybe?) when this happens?

no the cpu doesnt spike at all, the chart looks the same as 4.5ms

Does your DAW have a performance meter? Just in case you're Sammy and use Reaper:


my first screenshot shows a nice Reaper window and a couple portuguese words

Which one's the most chad DAW, and why is it Ardour?


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Aw, sweety...

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cubase of course

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I guess if you're into sticking Steinberg's dongle in your holes...

rate my song


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It all depends on whether R2R are ready for it or not.

how Do i mix my bass line with my drums on house tracks?

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We can’t tell what you’re doing wrong without hearing it

I feel instant dread whenever I open ableton. I wish I could be happy and have fun god fucking damn it. I've been sulking over the fact that I'm producing on a shit tier laptop with shit tier audio gear and I think this is what is really demotivating me.

>inb4 stop complaining faggot


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Have you tried opening a different DAW?

What's a DAW?

yeah I was on FL, not too fond of the interface. I kinda like Ableton, it's just that my laptop freezes whenever I load up a MIDI instrument.


Just have fun making the music, it's not worth it if it upsets you

Making music is something I do to have fun and relax

You're right, the problem is that I don't have fun doing anything.

yea it is cucked to need dongle but i like cubase the most

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Not implying that you shouldn't. Just never used and I'm curious about its pros.

these threads explain why modern pop/electronic is in the toilet

your mom's a hoe

How good would you say I am?
