ITT: Claim your Yea Forums waifu

ITT: Claim your Yea Forums waifu

Attached: molly.jpg (1333x2000, 360K)

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Also to make this more on topic, add your favorite album or song of theirs. My favorite Alvvays album is Antisocialites and my favorite track is Atop a Cake

Album: Ys
Song: Have One On Me

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I claim both Grimeth and Katie Melua

For me, it's Toni. Me on the right btw.

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valerie reyes

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obviously it's gonna be joanna every time

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already been claimed fuckboy



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why is she so hot

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Marissa Paternoster btfos all you plebs.

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Literally who user

Attached: mollywithguitar.jpg (1333x2000, 194K)

What a cutie. Pity her music is so boring and pedestrian.

Attached: katie melua.jpg (2560x2488, 930K)

>you have to be known to be better
Screaming Females. If you like garage rock its a good choice.

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Emma Proulx

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because beauty is a reality, user

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of course it's not with her boner killing voice

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for me it's Charli

Attached: charli.jpg (1280x1927, 362K)

i'd have one on her if you know what i mean

Favorite Album: Speak Now
Favorite Song Overall: Treacherous

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what do you mean

I wish Kim Deal was my mom

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stay away u fucks

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Forever and always

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Would you fuck the other dude from Girlpool if it meant you could mouth them titties?

clairo represent

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is it ok if i cum to this i mean she's like 12 right

she's twenty something, just looks underdeveloped

I’ll give em a listen user

her gaze is a bit off here - you think clairo does coke-o?

looks like fetal alcohol syndrome


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all 5 of them at the same time

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I imagine her arse having old lady skin

Karina Ljone of Blood Command Hnnnnnnnng
Ctrl + Art + Del

Attached: KarinaLjone.jpg (768x960, 44K)

also the song Cult drugs because they kinda go hand in hand and have to be heard back to back.

Attached: Karina Ljone.jpg (683x1024, 83K)

I prefer Kelley myself

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irl rapunzel

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o-oh god I think I'm gonna coom

they was qt's in the 90s

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for me its Suzanne Vega

Attached: suzvega.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

Cmon guys, post some actually good musicians.

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Ian Curtis

long hair makes me randy

in thre 90s for me it was them and the chicks from veruca salt

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Me too user. Me too!

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good choice

some day

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Such an underrated look
Women these days lack the courage to grow their hair this long


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always and forever

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My peepee --> J's vajayjay

she looks greasy and gross

bad sex

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not that bad if you loose the drugs
sexy, but no


Yay I claim Bilinda

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Crystal Gayle, Loretta Lynn's sister.


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finally an attractive girl

here you go

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I want to bury my face into her ponytail

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fuck off with your ugly gook shit

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based busters bro, pinky promise was a great song

haseulie, my bird bride

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gooks are beyond ugly

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for me, it's honda hitomi

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what a woman
post that third picture

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my pleasure

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That's a tranny

meant for


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shut the fuck up

she's a japanese godess not a gook, retard

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No camera pixels or any sort of video codec will allow you see the beauty of Vanessa Kirby IRL as she lives with me and I'm lost in her eyes on any contact.


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Fuck the harp too. Worst instrument

Finally some pretty girls itt


oh NO