Emo/post-hardcore etc

The emo bands I know and like are Rites of Spring, Sunny Day Real Estate, At the Drive in, American Football and The Brave Little Abacus. Also Far and Daddy's Hands idk if those count.
What else should I listen to to not be a cringe tourist?

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check this out

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Loving it thanks

I'm also a tourist might like this mght not youtu.be/W9n6yhmqyF0

good i feel like it's underrated



Oh cool I like bright eyes but didn't know about this

Indian summer
Portraits of Past

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The Trigger Quintet, Karenza, Die Kosmo Gesellschaft, Knotwork, The Roman Invasion Suite, Patterns Make Sunrise, Constantine Sankathi, Flex Lavender, The China White, Sky Falls Down, Five Fingers Half a Hand, Symptom of Isaac, Eliot Rosewater, Ache Hour Credo, The Crimson Curse, Hassan I Sabbah, The Little Rock Nine, Hour of the Star, M Blanket, Still Life, L’invention de Morel, Clikatat Ikatowi, Uranium 9 Volt, The Stella Brass, Hoover, Daddy’s Hands, Bob Tilton, Equation of State, Petit Printemps, Robots Don’t Cry, The Candyland Carcrash, Two Thousand Yard State, Rep Seki, Peu Être, Encyclopedia of American Traitors, Shahrazad, Maxmillian Corby, Hope Springs Eternal, Don Martin Three, The Lasy Forty Seconds, Rachel, St Albans Kids, Elements of Need, Ordination of Aaron, Eldritch Anisette, Robocop Kraus, Jasemine, Universal Order of Armageddon, Evergreen, Christopher Robin, Ten Boy Summer, Angel Hair, February Stars Union, Harriet the Spy, Stillwell, Ivich, Strikeforce Diablo, Piebald, Swing Kids, The Lazarus Plot, Prozac Memory, Only Airplanes Count, Three Studies for a Crucifixion, Embassy, Phleg Camp, Agna Moraine’s Autobiography, Dahlia Seed, June’s Tragic Drive, Boys Life, Jonah, Pony Boy Curtis, Quest for Quintana Roo, Anomie, Stickfigurecarousel, Meadowlark, Cedar of Lebanon, Big Daddy Shotgun, Maggat, Amalgamation, Spy Versus Spy, Mohinder

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Hawthrone Heights r the most emo band in existence

I think you’ll like the band No Knife

Try listening to cap'n jazz, they are among the pioneers of second wave emo.
Also give a listen to Algernon Cadwallader, a revival band which is heavily influenced by cap'n jazz.

Chinese football

dag nasty
i hate myself
indian summer

Indian Summer just released another compilation. It's awesome. Check out woolworm (angry son).

Jawbreaker, Hoover, I Hate Myself, Texas is the Reason, The Promise Ring, Franklin, Embrace, Railhed, Bitch Magnet, Jets to Brazil, and ofc Drive Like Jehu

What's the best day nasty jumping off point? This band stages in faith have an amazing 2 song 7 inch and they say they're dag nasty influenced but theyve always been one of those bands that's just escaped me

OP check out bridge and tunnel- rebuilding year, fellow project- basic axemanship, cattle drums- boy kisser sessions, we versus the shark- ruin everything, lungfish- talking songs for walking, quicksand, unpopular opinion but the new Jerome's dream is their best album. If you want more lmk I'm just not gonna type it out if no one wants it

Handsome is a really good band in this category. It’s got the rhythm guitarist from Helmet but sounds nothing like them. Only put out one album in 97, here are the 2 best songs on it.



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Dag with Shawn is the album that got me into them.

this + Maximillian Colby, Hoover, and Newfound Interest in Connecticut

Emoviolence rules

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dag with shawn > can i say
not a big fan of wig out desu

Yeah the production on wig out is terrible. Shawn has that band Shwiz which I liked a lot.

Sorry “Shwizz”

I always thought it was spelled swizz cuz I've only heard the band name. I'll check out dag with shawn and shwizz, thanks. Check out that stages in faith 7 inch, they're dropping their first full length soon

I’m fucking retarded the band’s name is “Swiz”. This time I’m certain. also he has another band Red Hare is awesome too.

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why do you hate me Yea Forums?

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Oh hey thanks that Stages in Faith shit is dope.

>daddy's hands


Before he started LCD Soundsystem, James Murphy was in three failed bands during the 1990's. This is the post-hardcore one, Speedking.

What are you talking about? This album has been declared music kino since I first discovered this site?

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I like what they did in Happy Go Licky a lot more than Rites of Spring.

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dag nasty, suis la lune, funeral diner, gospel, city of caterpillar, envy, saetia, off minor

dont mind me just the best scramz album coming thru

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Trigger Quintet
>Compilation tracks>"
Roman Invasion Suite
>But only 2 or 3 songs are reeeeally good
Constantine Sankathi
Clikitat Ikatowi
Candyland Car Crash
>just the split with Seraphim
Maximillian Colby
Universal Order of Armageddon
Christopher Robin
Angel Hair
Harriet The Spy
Swing Kids
Prozac Memory
Three Studies for a Crucifixion
>Really amazing powerviolence, but they don't claim it because they released splits with emo-ish bands on emo-ish labels
Boy's Life

>One half decent 7" that I attribute more to Matt Anderson and copious weed smoking
Eldritch Anisette
>I heard this too late for it to have a big impression on me. In fact, my opinion on most of this stuff probably heavily depends on when I heard it.
Phleg Camp
Quest for Quintana Roo
Big Daddy Shotgun

>Not necessarily bad but average or mediocre enough to not want to listen again
Still Life
Bob Tilton
Encyclopedia of American Traitors
Don Martin 3
Elements of Need
Ordination of Aaron
Strikeforce Diablo
>Why would you mention them instead of the first few Ink and Dagger releases?
Crimson Curse
Dahlia Seed

The rest I haven't heard/heard enough of to make an opinion. But I should check them out bc there's def some hits in there.

Here's a good resource if you know what you're looking for

I'll post again with my own recommendations along these lines.

tfw a 7-8 min cover of gravity is the best song my band plays

BLA isnt technically emo but just got back from the discomfort is probably the most honest and pure album ever recorded


Here OP, Marietta - as it were

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My recs:

>William Martyr 17
My fav 90's emocore band
>Republic of Freedom Fighters
>Rockets Red Glare
>Fields Lay Fallow
>Cars Get Crushed
Amazing how few Indian Summer fans know about this
>Fine Day
Really only this song, but it's perfect
another few-hit-wonder band with a bunch of mediocre songs. but the good songs are really good; esp if you like early Soulside
>Polaris (UK)
kinda post-emo/math rock/post-rock
>Crownhate Ruin
Early 7"s are excellent
>The Great Unraveling/The Convocation Of...
Tonie Joy is incredible
>Crash & Britany
7" not the LP
overcooked mathcore/noise rock
and pic related is a great early document of a band that employed a slightly different (not my preferred) style for the rest of their career

>bands everybody should know just to satisfy my OCD
Indian Summer
Portraits of Past
Moss Icon
(Union of) Uranus
>UoU shouldn't be classified as emo, but it is so I'm rolling with it.
Sleepytime Trio
Four Hundred Years
Navio Forge

Next post about newer stuff I'm trying to get into.

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I've recently been trying to get into shit made in the last 20 years or so. I don't really like most of the bands that get spammed here (BLA, Newfound interest, Snowing, etc). I really like this band called Shield Your Eyes but they're more math rock/progressive blues. I kind of like some kidcrash/Wild Guess and the French band Human Hands.
Anybody think of some stuff that I might like?

>Indian Summer
based taste, just picked up the reissue that came out.

not too happy with the mixing (actually more likely just EQing, i doubt the masters still exist) on the new comp but its so cool to see them finally getting their dues

either way Blue Universe is their definitive release (albeit a radio bootleg the quality is phenomenal).

Yeah I definitely heard a difference too, also the booklet that comes with the record is neat too.

give a listen to lync, braid and vitreous humor

im actually really hype to see that book myself. i read an interview with one of the members the other day and its incredible to finally hear the stories behind the band
just like moss icon they developed a fan-canon, you know a mythology due to a lack of concrete info. its great to know they took diy-ethos seriously.

If you like CFD, you might like Eric Richter's post-emo/dream/synthpop band Antarctica
AF4 were great. Cornelius were p good, too
hot take: cypress dust witch>01010100100010101
my fav post cap'n jazz project
any new material of note? some good live? new Daredevil or other good post-IS stuff?
it's strange and a bit frustrating that some of those bands are classified as emo--even for the ones that are good.
Totally agree. Shawn had a chaotic cadence and intensity that was the perfect counterpoint to the band's melodicism
Swiz/Red Hare are kinda fun, but I prefer that silly thing they did with Chris Thomson doing improv vox.
Torches to Rome also did a decent facsimile of this sound
The Hoover reunion EP is underrated
They were also in some nice bands in the years after Hoover like Crownhate Ruin, Radio Flyer, The Sorts (jazz fusion/dub), Abilene, Regulator Watts.
one more unpopular opinion:pic related was the best thing they ever did.
no one sounds quite like Lync. They were so good.

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This. thought it was a bit slow and gay at first but really have come to rate it highly

why dont you like snowing? good taste though. also BLA is great

still dont think its as good as the power of failing (which is white boy from the suburbs born between 1982 and 1994-core but i guess thats why it speaks to me?) but i second this it really did grow on me

a common "syndrome" for emo bands for me post-2000 (maybe even a few years before) is to keep the same chords/chord progressions/rhythms (eg: 'swaying' or 'swirling')/movements (eg: slow breakdown, acapella chants) and """update""" the sound with speed/advanced guitar noodling/overbaked time changes and boost the cuteness/romanticism/sadness in the vocals. I feel like I heard all I needed to hear with this sound around 1997/1998 and don't need to hear it anymore.

has any band gone full psychedelic jam and slowly build tension over the course of 10-15 minutes (or more) the way MI did on this song?
Seems like it would be an amazing style of music, but I can't remember hearing anything like it since.

I'm retarded. Strikeforce Diablo has nothing to do with Ink and Dagger. I was thinking of Mandela Strikeforce. Ink and Dagger were really good tho.

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This feels like a better thread for this than the metal thread.
A friend just turned me onto Circle Takes the Square and I've listened to Decomposition, Vol. 1 about 4 times this weekend. Enter by the Narrow gates is easily my favorite song on the album.
I need more. I need more convoluted lyrics and alternating singing and screaming over a distorted chuggy riffs and arpeggiated interludes,

Hits so hard i almost cry

Midwest Pen Pals would have been the next big thing. The more midwest you go the better emo gets

They were in the scene and are still considered highly influential. But they were a flash in the pan, unstable by design.

They remastered their only album in 2014 but they never released it. Someone leaked it online though and it sounds a lot better. I think some of them had problems with each other but a lot of them stayed together and formed new bands